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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Mar 1963, p. 9

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-- ST. PATRICK'S DAY, 1963, was also Rt. Rev, P. M. Dwyer's day, as he cele- brated the 40th anniversary of his ordination into the priesthood. Hundreds of St. Gregory's parishioners gath- ered. in.the auditorium Sun- day afternoon to pay tribute to Msgr. Dwyer, their pastor for 14 years. Among the many presentations was the gift of a portrait by the St. Gregory's Catholic Women's League. Mrs. Ray Scott, presi' dent, emphasized that the por- trait must be hung in the new St. Joseph's High School, to remind students of the work done by Msgr..Dwyer in the way of Catholic education. Seen in top photo admiring the portrait are, from left, MANY PRESENTATIONS 40th Anniversary Of _ Ordination Is Marked More than 500 children andjthe CWL, Peter Ruddy, on be-/Miss Betty Ann Yanch as pia- John Annett, nephew of Msgr. Dwyer, Mrs. Annett, Msgr. -- Dwyer, Mrs. J. Clarkson, a sister, and Mr, Clarkson. In lower picture, one-year-old Mary Ellen McKenna _ex- tends congratulations to Msgr. Dwyer...Mary Ellen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland McKenna, 180 Sher- wood street. --Oshawa Times Photos adults of St. Gregory's Parishjhalf of the St. Gregory's Youngjnist; St. Gregory's Girls Choir packed the auditorium Sunday|People's Club, John Burke, forjsang 'Welcome Song", '"Do- afternoon to pay tribute to Rt./St. Gregory's PTA, J. J. Na-|naree"', "Bless This Hail", with Rev. P. M. Dwyer on the 40thideau, on behalf of the French|Miss Norma Rowden, pianist, anniversary of his ordination to|members of tie parish, and by|and 'Danny Boy"; the priesthood. students of St. Gregory's and} St. Joseph's Grade School Members of St. Gregory's and/St. Joseph's schools. children presented choral read- St. Joseph's. parishes presented) Harold Brain described high-jing and an Irish dance; St. a special St. Patrick's Day pro-|lights of Msgr. Dwyer's years in|Gregory's Senior Choir sang a gram for Msgr. Dwyer, followed)the priesthood and made a pre-|Czechoslovakian. Folk Song and by many presentations from|sentation on behalf of St. Greg-|Irish melodies. church-affiliated groups. ory's Parish. Following the program, re- "I would have to be of stone) Master of Ceremonies for the|freshments were served by the if I were not deeply moved,"|St. Patrick's Day program,|CWL and PTA of St. Gregory's responded Msgr. Dwyer, pastor|Robert MacDonald, introduced|and St. Joseph's, and the St. of the Church of St. Gregory|the following numbers: St./Gregory's Young People's Club. the Great for the past 14 years. sal gg and Boys irs, singing '"'Vivat Pastor TO ASSIST EDUCATION Bonus"; St. Gregory's Boys "It does my heart good to ré-|Choir, directed by Brother Leo- ceive your expressions of affec-|nard, singing 'May the Good tion and deep and abiding re-|Lord Bless and Keep You", Mo- spect for the Roman Catholic/ther Macree, and a medley of priesthood," he- said. Msgr.|Nursery Rhymes, done in pan- Dwyer added that he would ac-|tomime by boys of Grades Fe cept the spiritual bouquets pre-|2 and 3; "sented to him, but that the ma-| Sharon Knox, Grade 8 stu- + terial presentations would bejdent at St. Gregory's, congrat- used to "further Catholic edu-|ulated Msgr. Dwyer, and the cation for boys and girls in Osh.|McNeely twins made a presen- awa. tation; Presentations were made by! St. Gregory's Grade 1 girls Mrs. Ray Scott, on: behalf of|presented 'Wasted Crust", with i es ERS bt eI de Met Ria Dog Is Rescued From Frigid Creek An exhausted and frightened| A neighbor, Mrs. David terrier spent more than two|/McColm, heard the animal hours in the frigid water of the| whining and called Mrs, Archi- Oshawa Creek during the week-|bald to the scene. Mrs. Archi- end, before it was rescued by|balkd knelt down in the snow John Haywood, a city dog con-|beside the creek and tried to troller. : coax Jill to swim to safety, but ' By saving the life of the dogishe wouldn't budge. In named "Jill", he gave five-|meantime, Mrs. McColm re- ---- Jack Archibald of 151|ported the incident to the city ott street, "one of the best|dog control, oa. Presents he'd ever| USED NOOSE 'had." | Mr. * Haywood dropped a » Mr. and Mrs, Walter Archi-|seven-foot plank in the water - bald think their six-year-old pet|and edging himself as close as ov, Hag Be -- Fi a puppy, od could, threw a noose over f 0 cree! ing to getithe dog's head and dra 8p digetamngd is about har to shore. A. Aenean. ere he fell in. Jill was given a sedative and ON SAND BAR put to bed after her ordeal. - "Jil" was swept a few hun-| Last year, Jack fell into the Gred yards downstream by the|creek a couple of times, His THE ARCHIBALD CHIL- swift current, and luckily came|mother rescued him once and DREN, Jack, five, and Jean- to rest on a sandbar, with the|he got out himself on another nette, seven, are shown with Water almost up to her neck. |occasion. their six-year-old pet "Jill" \5 Girls Injured In Street Crash Five girls suffered bruises] Damage in five other week- and abrasions to arms and legs/end accidents was estimated at in a two-car collision on Simcoe|more than $1,000, , street north about 12.20 a.m.| A two-car crash at Athol Sunday. street east and Albert street Treated at the Oshawa Gen-|Saturday afternoon resulted in eral Hospital and later released|$200 damage to cars driven by were: Miss Beverly Doran, 15}Andy Van Hemmen, 178 Athol 'Colborne street east; Miss|street east, and Clifford Brem- Beevrly Branton, 234 Courtiner, 288 Courcellette avenue. street; Miss Margaret Wood-|Constable Stanley Hodgson in- ward, Scarborough; Miss Cheryl] vestigated. Morden, 167 Eastdale street;} Cars driven by Douglas S. Miss Marion Louise Cory, 595|Malloy, 477 Lowell avenue, and Stone street. Terry B. Grose, 597 Harvey Drivers of the two cars in-|street, Peterborough, collided on volved were Richard M. Bassett,|Fairleigh avenue early Sunday 687 Masson street, an OCVI stu-jafternoon. Damage was esti- dent, and Edward Philip Bryan,jated at $550 by Constable 259 Court street, tae Sanea Thomas Homes. was injured. The five injure persons were passengers in the TWO-CAR CRASH City Needs Civic Pride Oshawa needs a sense of civic pride and loyalty more than any other ingredient, said G. A. Wandless, Planning Direc. tor of the Oshawa Planning Board, at a meeting Sunday night in St. Phillip's Church basement. He was addressing 50 members of the 308-member Lake Vista Ratepayers' Associ- ation at their regular meeting. "Oshawa has many features which set it above most other Ontario cities. We are going to progress as a city despite the efforts of a minority which choose to belittle the good and accentuate the bad," he said. Mr. Wandless referred to re- cent publicity by press, radio and television of the Oshawa merchants_ cleaning up the streets in front of their proper- ties. "Many industrialists main- tain files on towns and cities which helps them in choosing sites for expansion," said Mr. Wandless. "I believe much good will be accomplished for this city if we started directing some of our efforts in publish. ing those things which are good in' Oshawa." Mr, Wandless showed the ratepayers what civic pride has done to improve and maintain beautiful cities across Canada. He selected Halifax, N.S., Fredericton, N.B., Quebec City, Que., Stratford, Ont., Winnipeg, Man., Edson, Alta., and Van- couver, B.C., as beauty-spots across Canada. He said he looks to organiza- tions such as the Lake Viste Ratepayers' Association for: the nucleus of "this intangible something called civic pride." He added that the trophy award for best kept gardens in the Lake Vista area was a very progressive step taken by the association. To Give Service Of Sacred Song The 36-voice chorale of the London College of Bible and Missions will present a service of sacred song at Calvary Bap- tist Oshawa on Tuesday, March 20, at 8.00 p.m. Warren E. Adams, B, Mus., M, Mus., director of music at the college, leads the choir. Mr. Adams is a graduate of West- minster Choir College, Prince. ton, New Jersey, and received his Master of Music degree from the College of Fine and Applied Arts, Boston University. The fourteenth annual concert will include special hymn ar- rangements sung by the chorale, as well as quartets, duets, solos and instrumentals. Rev. Murray L. Hicks, Field Representative from the College will speak briefly. after she was rescued from the Oshawa Creek. Jack says he will fetch Jill a pail of water when she's thirsty Bryan vehicle. Damage to the cars was estimated at $600 by Constable William Hayes. AT SAME LOCATION Constable Homes investi- gated another two-car crash later Sunday afternoon, on Syl- via street. Drivers of the vehicles involved were Daiel Club Planning Pairs Contests The Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Club will hold its annual tour- nament for men's and women's pairs Tuesday, March 19. The defending women's cham- pions are Mrs, M. Clarke and Mrs. E, Wadsworth who hold the Manning Swartz Trophy. The defending men's pairs are Gordon Adams and W. Cox, who hold. the Dr. Ferrier Trophy. The scores of the games play- ed last week were: Mrs. S. Sheridan and Mrs. E. Culp, 56% points; Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, 54% points; Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art, 53% points; G. Adams and J. Miller, 49% points; Mrs. E. Wadsworth and Mrs. W, Heron, 49 points. Two Students Walk From Woodbridge Two Oshawa Central Collegi- ate students walked 50 miles to Oshawa last Saturday in 15 hours and 15 inutes and a e \third was for out by leg cramps 10 miles ort of his objective. Larry O'Brien, 501 Drew street; Teddy Marchuk, Central Park boulevard north, and Allan Smelka, Etna street, all 17, were given a warm welcome when they completed their walk by dropping into the Get-To- gether Club dance at the O'- Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute. The trio left Oshawa by car at 5 a.m. Saturday and drove to a point 50 miles west of Osh- awa. Leaving the Sunnybank Cabins, east of Woodbridge, the boys followed Highway 7 to Brooklin and thence east to the Oshawa-Port: Perry County Road and south into Oshawa. They left the Woodbridge area at 6.30 a.m. and arrived at the dance in the OCVI at 9.45 p.m. Smelko was forced to drop out after 40 miles due to leg cramps which had bothered him for some miles. Five of their. classmates -- Marshall McConkey, Merle Cole, Charlene Myers, Gloria 4|Golenchyn and Judy Cutler -- accompanied the marathon walkers and gave them en- was trying to get a drink |couragement. The quintet walk- when she fell in. ed the last 15 miles with the --Oshawa Times Photo (boys and kept them going. gated an accident at the same/and Stanley Czerniak, 820 Mary spot on Simcoe street, nearistreet. Damage was estimated Sunset boulevard, 10 minutes} at $295, after the Bassett - Bryan crash.| An accident earlier Sunday on were Timothy William Harris,|Gregor street involved a park- 63 Harmony road south, a DCl\eq car owned by Mike Novak, student, and Percy H. Mc-|184 Simcoe street south, and a Mahon, 207 Clarke street. Dam-|car driven by Laurier Heroux, oy ee Damage was estimated at $300 by Constable D, Smith, Workers At GM Cars driven by Albert Trick, Lot 6, Concession 7, Reach s Holding Vote meulen, 15 MacMillan drive, collided on Kaiser crescent March and April are election|Saturday evening. Constable months for members of Local|C. E. Smith investigated. No work in General Motors. They|able. will elect a committeeman and an alternate for each of 43 zones to the GM bargaining Wom an Hurt Malcolm Smith, president of Local 222, explains that the . Plant is divided into 43 zones with each section electing their n 1 0 nate. ' a e They are elected for a two- year term. Steve Melnichuk is Ride Train chairman of the election com- ee DRO Sheth cemetbounl trom Th ] Oshawa ended early Sunday ree to en when Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dafoe decided they couldn't hang on Autos Found fost: : Oshawa police and ambulance Three cars, which were|were called to the CNR railway stolen late Saturday and early|station and found Mrs, Lois officers of the. Oshawa Police|She was treated at the Oshawa Department shortly after re-|/General Hospital for leg in- ports were received. juries. Kenneth J. Murray, 658 Sini-|' Her husband told police they late model Sunbeam Ailpine| should have at a Party in a stolen at 10.45 rm. Saturday.|Bloor street east hall. He said ue car was fo d 0 minutes/that they ran across the tracks later in the Rosslyn Shopping] at the rear of the hall and as cer on patrol at the Oshawa) the train it started to pull away. Shopping Centre spotted the] 'We both jumped onto ladders vehicle heading north on Ste-|and after travelling about 100 venson's road. feet, I jumped off and pulled Albert street, reported his car/ would not be able to hang on stolen at 11.20 p.m., Saturday.|all the way home," he said. It was discovered in the city parking lot at Church and patrolling officer. A car reported stolen at 2.35 a.m. Sunday by J. Malachow- ski, 238 Kaiser crescent, was Armstrong Funeral Home park- ing lot, at 5.15 a.m., Sunday. Mr. Malachowski said the car was stolen from his driveway. Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district birthdays today: Maureen Sullivan, 218 Cordova road (13 years); and John Zarowny, 24 Rose- Constable Hayes also investi-|Wolosewich, 849 Sylvia -street Drivers of the vehicles involved|simcoe street south near Me- age was estimated at $300. 349. Dovedale drive, Whitby. Township, and Kathleen Ver- 222 United Autoworkers wholestimate of damage was avail- committee. own committeeman and alter- mittee. A ride on ladders of a CNR all the way to their home in Sunday, were recovered _by| Dafoe lying- between the tracks. coe street north, reported his| had "stayed later than they Plaza parking lot after an offi-|they reached the north side of Thomas George Robinson, 53| my wife off because I knew we Bond streets at 1.30 a.m. by a recovered by an officer at the 4 CELEBRATING who are celebrating their hill Blvd. Phone 723-3474. from now on. They believe she She Oshawa Times SECOND SECTION MONDAY, MARCH J8, 1963 PAGE NINE MEMBERS OF THE Union Rod and Gun Club honored the first members of the club at a 25th anniversary banquet and dance in the UAW Hall Saturday night. Among the pioneer members present was 1938 President "Ed" Button, seen at right welcoming the guest speaker, P. W. Swan- son, Lindsay District senior conservation officer. William Talbot, 1963 President of the Union Rod and Gun Club, and chairman for the evening, is seen at centre. Oshawa Times Photo Rod And Gun Pioneers Honored At Banquet Pioneers of the Union Rod} Guests speaker for the even-)our young people and encourag- and Gun Club were honoredjing was P. W. Swanson, seniorjing them to come into manage- guests at the club's 25th birth-|conservation officer with the On-|ment work with the depart- day celebration in the UAW/tario Department of Lands and] ment." Hall Saturday night, : Forests and member of the de-| mr, Swanson, senior conser- Eleven of the original 16/partment since 1946, Mr. Swan-| vation officer in the Lindsay Dis- members from 1938 were pres-|son defined "conservation" as trict, said that people who prac- ent, including Len Von Val-| wise use, without waste, of na-/tice conservation are perform. kenburg, George Gulliver, Rich-|tural resources". ing a service to their country pay ane She beng ey He said that with Ontario's|and an act of good citizenship. : roa Fig oe tsi " population increase, more| Chairman for the evenng Sam Brown, Keith Ven vVai|sportsmen are flocking to the|was William Talbot, president bosbur hid a "Cl | fields and streams, and so addiof the Union Rod and Gun at ente ae Fred Go Sil ";{Strain on the fish and game|Club, who introduced members nite wai ne pce ~~"! population to the point that thelof the 1963 executive: Cecil eA meuner ae" th 0 four ate, demand may exceed the supply|Burtch, vice-president; William snd aie ime orignal club op certain species, Welsh, secretary; Adam Lyson, Sam Edwards and Percy Wil.| "The problem facing the De-|treasurer; Stanley Ward, senior liams. partment of Lands and Forests|trustee, and Clarence Miller, Guests T. D. Thomas MLA,|is to bring people knowledge| trustee. Miss Aleen Hall, NDP candi-jof our work and to tell them| Following dinner, which was . - Mc ing em ie conservation is a subject not|served by the Ladies' Auxiliary UAW, Siacat ak Bh ent 3 only for game wardens, but forjof AUW, Local 222, members , . gratulated the club on its 25th anniver-|everyone. and their wives joined in round. "The answer lies in educating\and square dancing. CAPSULE NEWS Garage And Two Autos | Research Grant Prey To Fire) Taxable Income A garage and two cars were} OTTAWA (CP)--The tax ap- demolished in an early|peal board has ruled that | morning fire Sunday on Non-|§5,900 grant to a University of|phia, The 198-foot ship, which quon road. Toronto English professor en-|lay alongside a pier since she Property loss of W. J. Buttigaged on research work must|was brought here by the Shaw was estimated at $1,100. Cause|be considered as taxable in-|Steamship Company of Halifax of the blaze was not determined.|come if it was used to helplin 1952, will be used as a coms The Oshawa Fire Department|increase his physical assets.|bination museum and restau- responded to the alarm at 9.22|The board offered this opinionjrant in Philadelphia, a.m. and found the garage '"'well|Saturday in dismissing an ap- lit up" on arrival. An official at|Peal by Prof. Herbert McLuhan SQOUTS KILLED the department said one car|°f St. Michael's College against) VERNON, B.C. (CP) --Twe had been parked inside the gar-|2". income tax assessment of|Boy Scouts were killed and 4 age and the other was parked|$1,879.75 for 1959. third injured. Saturday when a mortar shell exploded on land outside but also caught fire. EXPANDS CULTURE Oshawa firefighters extin-| VANCOUVER (CP)--Frenc Sn ---- the Second World guished a trash fire Saturday|Canada during the last 15 year: Mead or Pry! exercises, night beside the Sherwin Wil-|has embarked on a campaign coe og ge 15, and liams Company Limited paintlof cultural expansion and de- the nat "aoe » Members of store, Bond street east, before|velopment in place of its his- hay yey | cong gern troop, damage to buildings resulted. A|toric "battle for survival," Edi-|)7°, % ys is reported to , fire department official said|tor Gerard Pelletier of Mont-|[2V¢ Sttuck the mortar with an there could have been serious|real's La Presse said Saturday -- trouble if the blaze had not been|night. This is the result of self- discovered when it was. confidence, self-assurance and The department responded to/self-criticism which has devel- 10 ambulance calls Saturday|oped among French Canadians and Sunday. with post-war prosperity, he told the Vancouver Institute. FAMILY DIES BYRD'S SHIP MOVED _jbaby was a boy. His broth MORBRIDGE, S.D. (AP)--|. DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP)--|and two sisters remained under All nine members of a family|The Bear, a 90-year-old auxili-|incubation, They were born to were found dead in their home|ary barquentine that took|Mrs. Rosa Rea Guadagni, 35, Saturday of carbon monoxide|United States Admiral Richard|wife of an unemployed laborer poisoning. Byrd to the Antarctic in 1933,|who has three other children, lef here Sunday at the end of a tow-line bound for Philadel- QUAD DIES NAPLES, Italy (AP)--One of the quadruplets born here last week died Saturday in its in- cubator. Doctors said the ine fant's lungs failed. The d SEEN HERE ARE the three Central Collegiate Institute students who Saturday walked from Woodbridge to Oshawa in a little over 15 hours. From walk but Smelko was forced left are Larry O'Brien, Teddy out with leg cramps 10 miles Marchut and Allan Smelko. from home. The two former completed the --Oshawa Times Photo

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