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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Mar 1963, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 18,1963 17 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Business Trend Seems Upward By FORBES. RHUDE the department of trade and Canadian Press Business Editor|commerce that this year's capi- The business road appears to|tal expenditures by businesses continue along an upward in-|and governments will réach a cline, even though obscuring record $9,088,000,000, up four cloudbanks make it difficult to|/per cent from 1962, see very far ahead, This 1s indicated in the cau- bie en ae tiously optimistic comment. in| ne e MA : y ment last week was that Can- current annual reports and 4/2424. deficit in its dealings wi indi- gs with poroaigl of other economic indi oae counties in ith wa . ' $848,000,000--still a high deficit, ees aT eran found but down $134,000,000 from 1961, comfort in the severe competi- apg A down egy oy 1962, It said: whopping figures as the $1,500,- oS i haw in-(000,000 of 1959, 'The 1962' im- The drive for sales has | .ovement occurred in the last creased aluminum's penetra-)) ir O° the A year, particularly in tion of markets, and much of the fourth quarter. a lasting na- "saad ay cil ' A ed tn Was iP paccoig: Prey i saq)|Cidentally, Halifax draws atten- a age ee Porgy tion to its newly - issued port encouraging features of the directory, a 67 ia page Bag: Canadian trade picture in re-Cotaining a wide variety of cent months has been the in- ty eee pow pny 2 : is one range of exports. It nearly all parts of the world. ue ae . cae oc _ - pee i _| Prince Edward Island looks @ Spring-minded styles in wool, wool-and-mohair oni stinctive group of higher-priced coats in Y cious canada i Bede opetay atthe, psy Rt et ee er ars Or thea hed * '|getting an automobile assembl A ' k di * forest, food and other primary|S© @ Detailing includes contour fronts, swing backs, cardigan Y plant. Renault (Canada) Ltd. let ond full length si © Softly feminine silhouettes lightly spiced with novel Prd nee exports. of| a8 asked the province to sub: sean dee ree pocket, belt and neckline treatments! LAST VOYAGE secondary manufactured goods. aot brief outlining its advant- © White, beige, soft green, yellow, blue, red-and violet. @: Warn 'tents ot: alee, yolldw, nedled'enl bls h Oa Canada's opportunity lies in ex- ! @ Junior Misses' sizes 7 to 15, Misses' 10 to 14, group. « : porting manufactured goods si 1: ; 18% @ Sizes for Junior Misses' 7 to 15; Misses' 10 to 14; The 90-year-old auxiliary Richard Byrd to the Antarc- |}aseq on her natural re- MADE RECORD Women's 26 to 36 and Half sizes 10¥2 to 5 Women's 26 to 36 ond Holf-eizes' 10¥6 to 18% barquantine Bear left Dart- tic in 1933, has been partly | sources." MONTREAL (CP)--The larg- &-00 mouth, N.S. Sunday at the end --_restored. She is destined to ast ac ae ane isk EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244 EATON'S Leading Maker Clears SPRING COATS Personal Shopping Only (Please, no Telephone or Mail Orders) Ordinarily 49.95! Ordinarily 79.95! SF of a towline, bound for Phila- become a combination float- |SPENDING INCREASES i flcharity campaign by a Cana- H 198-foot ship that ing museum and restaurant Bell Telephone Company Of|charity campaigi ry seed es St the after lying neglected in Dart- |Canada expects to make capital dian Jewish community was poetry pare Greely expedition in 1684 and mouth since 182. sto lanr this year totalling #e90,000.,|gathered by the Combined Jew- aba e oer : ' oto ' , " r took United States Admiral ( bab 000 more than in 1962. Sincelish Appeal in Montreal in 1962. mt : A 1946 Bell's capital spending|phe total $3,901,563 was 9.5 per j D al re| Dollar agp ipeeliac more than $3,009); cent more than was raised in ev ue Steel Company of Canada the 1961 campaign, Ltd, says about $67,000,000 will bd be needed to complete capital FEVERISH, SNEEZY, ects approved at the year- - f} Claimed Helpful re steesisie te) mimo tr same amount as was spent in @ach .scccees OOEW ccccsces EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244 OTTAWA (CP)--Louis Ras-|States, and it was appreciably : minsky, governor of the Bank|less than the increase in most Trans - Canada Pipe Limes of Canada, says the devalued| overseas industrial countries." |Ltd. has started a: $57,000,000 dollar '"'in conjunction with the| Elsewhere, his report notes|¢xpansion program on its degree of price stability we|that wages and prices con- across - country natural - gas have been able to maintain"|tinued to rise rapidly in vir- facilities. Canadian Industries When a cold strikes, Insist on-- i i ] has played a helpful role in re-|tually every European country| Ld. will build Peper oe RUCKLEY'S ducing Canada's balance of|in 1962 and "became increas- ony 2 on ic we . payments deficit. ingly a source of concern." |Plant on the Hamilton wate RAEQGSP Poet? SSP ETS CINNAMATED COLD CAPSULES front. . . If we take advantage) Jn Canada, easy supply condi- indivi F The fast results will please you. of our opportunities we can €X-itions "substantially mitigated" alae omg omg Bs bos ge Only 45c -- family size 890. pect to derive additional ben-|any general upward pressur efits from this and other actions| on prices caused by the decline that have been taken affecting) in the exchange value of the our balance of payments," he/dojjar, pegged at 92% cents in ede Bo! annual report, Te-|terms of U.S. funds last May. eased Sunday. te At the same time, Mr. Ras- og gg gy eo yen g > minsky says "'sustained and| Paren' b e ne . vigorous efforts" are needed by|!ower exchange rate on the j d labor] Prices of imports to be at least government, industry an i .|partly absorbed before the to increase the Canadian econ 4 had tinal b x omy's efficiency, flexibility and| 8004s reached final buyers. skills if the momentum of im-| The consumer price index provement is to be kept up. [Tose 1.8 per cent between Jan. Such efforts will be doubly re- warding, he adds. The steps necessary to make Canada com- petitive in world trade were es- sentially the same as those needed to get "satisfactory in- ternal prosperity and growth." Last year, the current ac- cout deficit was reduced to about $850,000,000 from $980,- 000,000 in 1961. This is the amount by which imports of all goods and services exceeded exnorts. While there was a $155,000,000 trade surplus, the) deficit in non - merchandise trade--such as tourism, and in- terest and dividends -- was $1,003,000,000, af Reviewing the domestic price situation, Mr. Rasminsky says "there was a somewhat greater increase in prices in 1962 than in 1961 but in general the in- crease does not seem to have been much more than that uary, 1962, and January, 1963, compared with an increase of 4 per cent the previous year. Food prices went up 3.4 per cent compared with .3 per cent in 1961, and while exchange rate developments were a fac- tor, changing supply conditions for meat and eggs also played a part. Antiseptic Bath For KIDNEY and BLADDER IRRITATIO After 21 twice as many women as men are made miserable by common urinary irritation caused by a germ, Escherichia Coli. To quickly combat the secondary aches, muscular pains and disturbed sleep caused by Kidney and Bladder irritations, nal br dca gg ot septic action, OYSTEX is also pain reliever for Rhepmatic Pains, ache, Backache, and muscular pains, Get TTaT TTS SH aveneaae "SS which occurred in the United Gysrex from drussist, Feel better fast DRUGS AND DRIVING Q. Do dtugs, especially tranquilizers, affect driving ability? A. Various drugs which act on the central nervous system can affect the performance of everyday acts such as driving a car or operating a power tool. This would include tranquilizers, sedatives, energizers, etc. Most tranquilizers do not seriously impair performance. However, the amount of drug taken must also be considered, with larger doses producing more pronounced effects. In ad- dition, little is known about the build-up of such drugs in patients who take medication day after day. Although there have been no known in- stonces of such build-up, a point might be reached where marked effects on driving ability would be TOO TALL Q. | am 14 and have developed about like most girls my age. H , | am yhat taller than my friends and this has me worried. !s there anything | can do to stop growing? A. Doctors have ways of retarding growth in some cases but you are probably over-concerned. After the menarche (onset of menstruation) most girls (about 80 per cent) grow less thor 4 inches in ~ height. Doctors don't know why the other 20 per cent fail to respond to the braking of growth in and you are away from home-- , 2 simiular fashion. In any case, you have much| . more thon en even aac of not growing much return by Long Distance When day is done We package prescriptions in sate , efficient con- the dici: i possi- ble harmful effects of light, air or moisture ! y BELL Long Distance Area Codes speed your call! They're listed in the front pages of your phone book. OPEN EVERY FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. © FREE DELIVERY © EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER SER E OPEN MON

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