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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Mar 1963, p. 7

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Night of Cards Boosts CPT Fund The Oshawa Committee of the 'Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis Fund held a Night of Cards in the Masonic Temple recently, Mr, lowan Perrin, chairman, of the ways and means com- mittee and convener of the Night of Cards introduced Mr,, Wil- liam Payne, chairman of the CP and T Committee, who wel- Mr, Perrin was assisted by Mr. Gabriel! 7 La Victor, co-chairman of the) | Ways and Means committee. After refreshments convened by Mrs. Orville MaGee, were served the attractively wrapped prizes were drawn. The winners) were Mrs, Florence Johnston, Mr. John Hodgson, Mrs, G, E Holbrook, Mr,. James Hedge, Mr, Joseph Schmid, Mr, Gordon Hanna, Mrs. Gordon Hanna, Mr, Mervin 'Carns, Mrs, Ray Greentree, Mr, Ray Greentree, Mr. William Halloway, Mr, G. B, Freeman, Mrs. Audrey Hodg- son, Mrs. George Fallon, Mrs. Ella Luckhurst, Mr, Carson The engagement is an- nounced today and the wed- ding is to take place July 27 of Miss Marilyn Tripp and Mr, Lorne Disney, The bride-to-be Mrs, W. J. Tripp of Whitby and her fiance is the son of Mr, and Mrs, C, F, Disney of Brooklin. The ceremony will be held in St. Mark's United Heard, Mrs, Audrey Gregg. The winners for the euchre Hiwere, Ladies: High Mrs, Jeanne Thompson, second Mrs, Sheila De Hari, Low -- Miss Madge Durno; Gentleman, high, Mr, Mack Hill; secona, Mr. Linton Farrow; low, Mrs. Frank James, Mr, L, G, Brown was the winner of the door prize. American Girl Soon To Be Wed E REGISTER To Maharajkumar. is the daughter of Mr, and Church, Whitby. 7 see (cme Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 18,1963 7 To UP & B Auxiliary Dr. Fekete Speaks The March meeting of the Uk- rainian Professional and Busi- ness Ladies' Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs, Z, T. Salmers. Mrs, Erast Huculak presided, and the minutes and treasurer's report were adopted as read, Discussion centered around ways and means of raising funds, and it was decided to hold a raffle at the Business- men's dance, Tentative plans were made for the members to go to To ronto in'May. to see the "Spring Thaw", and it was suggested to invite the husbands, Mrs, Wil- liam Boyko kindly vounteered to finalize the details for this outing, The annual June event will be a pot luck supper and including husbands. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs, Joseph Oinyk. ' The guest speaker, Dr, Zol- tan Fekete, was introduced by Mrs Erast. Huculak, His talk was on skin diseases, how to jcare for the skin from baby- hood, through adolescence to adulthood, As a special point of interest, he showed colored slides of the most common skin diseases: dermatitis, impetigo, ringworm, warts, acne and skin cancers, He explained how to avoid contracting them, and also the various treatments, A live- ly question-and-answer period followed in which all members participated. Mrs, Peter Zakar- |ow thanked the speaker, THE STARS SAY LENTEN FEATURE Cranberry, Orange and Ginger Sauce Perfect Partner For Halibut Steak Halibut is one of our best! with salt, pepper and lemon} known and most popular fish,|juice, Broil two inches from Undoubtedly one reason for its|source of heat, three to five |widespread favor is its unusual-/ minutes, Turn, brush again with By ESTRELLITA SIGNING TH Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence champ, Enniskillen, and Mr. Mrs. Clarence Penfound Given GANGTOK, Sikkim (Reut-| ers)--The joyful chanting of Frederick Carnochan are seen signing the register after their recent marriage in St, Greg- ory's Roman Catholic Church, The bride is the former Lorie mw Rose Beauchamp, daughter of Predict a Woman Carnochan is the son of Mrs, Grant Carnochan, Burketon, and the late Mr, Carnochan. --Aldsworth Studio Will Steer The U.K. Conservative Party By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- With a British general election certain to be held some time between Oc- tober, 1963 and October, 1964, the Conservative party is almost certain to have a woman as its national chairman for the first time for six years, and for the first time ever during a general election campaign, | The woman is expected to take over the reins as chairman of the National Union of Con- servatives and Unionist Associa- tions during the key months N.Z. Girl Displays: Shearing Ability | |year-old Gyalsay 'leading to the next general elec- tion is Mrs. Peggy Shepherd, the mother of four children. Slim and elegant, Mrs, Shep- herd is at present the chairman of the important Conservative Women's National Advisory Committee, and she is the sen- presidents of the party, This means that, if tradition and precedent are followed, she will be automatically elected as chairman for the next year, and will preside at the annual Na- tional Party Conference at Blackpool in October, This will be the last party conference be- fore it has to go into a general election campaign. The last woman to be the national chairman of the Con- servative party was Mrs, Walter Eliot, now a life peeress, PUKEKOHE, N.Z, (CP)--An- stronghold has/Baroness Elliot of Harewood, other masculine fallen, A farmer's daughter, 19-| year-old Pamela Herlihy, has) been making eyes pop this year) as a member of a sheep-shear-| ing gang. A small, quiet - spoken bru- nette, Miss Herlihy took up|Wye, Herefordshire. She is alover the Himalayan border will! and the who presided at the party con- ference in 1957, | Mrs. Shepherd, with three sons and a daughter, is a direc- tor of her husband's engineering ior of the three national vice-| shaven Buddhist monks soon will echo over the turquoise- |blue roofs of Gangtok when a |dark-eyed raven-haired Ameri- can girl becomes the Crown Iprincess of this tiny Hima- layan state. Close friends of the bride] and bride groom from the United States and Europe will crowd the palace temple March 20 to watch the wedding of 39- Palden_Thon- dup . Namgyal, Maharajkumar of Sikkim, 'to 23-year-old Hope Cooke of New York. The Crown prince's father, the 68-year-old Maharajah, in long gold-brocaded robes, will give 'the couple his blessing. Outside, on the green lawns of the hilltop palace, red-robed monks in cockaded hats will sound out the low ceremonial notes on six-foot-long horns that will tell the crowds in the town below they have a new Crown princess. IN THE MIDDLE One of the most beautiful spots in the world, a country of snow peaks and lush valleys, rich in flowers and exotic birds, | this little princely state, which) Hope Cooke and her bridegroom | will one day rule, lies sand-| wiched between India and China. As an Indian protectorate, | Sikkim, relies on aid from In- dian forces if the Chinese should ever invade, } firm, Their home is at Ross-on- But the war clouds that hang) shearing about a year ago and|former president and chairman|not mar the wedding, although| this year has held her own in| of the West Midlands Area they have curtailed some of the) what has hitherto been consid-|Women's Advisory Committee,| expenditure. Two days of feast-| ered an exclusively male occu- pation. She has been taking her place with the shearing gang and handling big flocks of sheep while working for a full nine-| hour day. Lately, she has even been competing with success in sheep - shearing competitions, which require both skill and) speed. She placed second in her class in one contest and third at another agricultural show, against all-male competition. 'Miss Herlihy now has ac- quired sufficient stamina to be able to put through more than 160 sheep in a nine-hour day. Women often work as shed hands, removing and sorting fleeces, especially in Maori shearing gangs, but oldtimers cannot recall a woman working &s an actual shearer in a New Zealand gang. : "There's no knowing where it will end,"' said one veteran in shocked tones after watching the new invasion of masculine preserves, Miss Herlihy's only 'comment! on her occupation is: 'It was) sauce. something different." and she has been national chair-| man of the Conservative Women since July, 1960, | With all this record behind) her, it is not likely that the) jresponsibility of being the party ing with masked dances and traditional archery tournaments will follow the marriage cere- mony, The Sikkimese postponed the wedding from last year because jin the Zephyr United eT chairman in an election year|it was considered an inauspi-} will hold any terror for Mrs.| cious 'black year" according to} Shepherd. ithe Sikkim calendar, but this SALMON AND RICE Ring'a change in lunchépn or supper service with salmon in parsley rce ring. Break up two] cups of canmed pink salmon into} chunks, Fold nto a mixture of} half a cup milk blended with a} ten-ounce can of cream of cel- ery soup, Simmer until hot. Meanwhile, saute a quarter cup of minced onion in a quarter ofl then blend in a quarter of a cup) of minced parsley and salt and pepper to taste. Fold the vege-| table mixture inio three cups of} hot cooked rice, Pack the rice} mixture inton a greased six-cup} ring mold; unmold after a few) minutes onto serving platter and) fill centre with salmon in celery) Makes four or. five} | "lyear their astrologers. see good) © . od |Sikkim's royal house has. mar- auguries for the couple. MET IN INDIA A niece of a former American ambassador in Iran, Miss Cooke met the maharajkumar four years ago in Darjeeling, north- ern India, when she was study- ing Asia. history and Bud- dhism. He was a widower with three a cup of butter°or margarine,|children, two of them at school/Cooke will take her marriage in Darjeeling. She was a stu-) § St. Lawrence CRUISE | Departure. Aug. 3rd., includes St, Pierre Miquelon . . . Limited dspace left. - FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL PHONE: 728-6201 t SINGLE VISION $11.95 $17.95 PRICE INCLUDES FRAMES, LENSES AND CASE @ FOR MEN e@ FOR No Appointment + Needed U.S. Trade-Merk R Over 3,000,000 Satisfied C © FOR CHILDREN 17 Bond Street East 2nd Floor : Branches In Many Principal Cities of Canada and United States--Founded 1904 WOMEN BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER AND SAVE! * Your choice, 65 styles, shopes and colors * No middieman's profit! & All glasses complete with lenses individually ground to your exact needs, including white, tint, or sun-glass green. &® Repairs reasonably priced. WE FILL AL SAME LOW PR OPTOMETRISTS L PSI, OCULISTS AND PRESCRIPTIONS AT ICES. Hours: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Daily Wed. 'til 12:00 Noon Opticians ustomers Phone: 728-1 261 Life Membership Courtice UCW mony and Mrs, Adams present- ed Mrs. Penfound with an at- tractive pin denoting to all that she is now a life member in the United Church Women, This is the first time that such a high honor had been bestowed upon a member in the Courtice United Church. Mrs. Russell DeCoe, Mrs, Cecil Sim- mons, Mrs, Robert Cook were in charge of the devotional per- iod and chose for study 'The Lord is my Shepherd', A time- ly subject for such an occasion, Two members of the choir jsang a duet Mrs, Eldon Es- | |sery, Mrs, William Wade, "Lis- |\tening at the Heart's Door', SOCIAL NOTICES they were accompanied at the | }piano by the choir leader Mr. ENGAGEMENT \A, C, Campbell and to com- Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Whitby announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Marilyn, to Mr, Lorne Disney, son of Mr. and Mrs, C, F, Disney of Brooklin, Ontario, The wedding will take place on Sat- urday, July 27, 1963 in St, Mark's United Church, Whitby, ENGAGEMENT | Mrs. Clarence Penfound was [Presented with a life member- |ship in the Courtice U.C.W, at their regular meeting this month, Mrs, Penfound has been a faithful worker for a number of years at Courtice and has held a number of executive po- |sitions in the various groups connected with the Courtice Church. Mrs. Harry Herron and Mrs, Cecil Adams both co- jworkers with Mrs. Penfound jtook leading parts in the pre- sentation of this high honor, | Mrs, Herron read the cere- Tripp of Warburton read a poem from the UCW book 'and their work continueth". the program, presided over by the president, Mrs, Lloyd Cour- tice, the following announce- ments were made, Leadership Day at Ebenezer Church, April 4, Registration at 9.30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs, Howard L, Ses sg Ae ee er ;. .. \ed Church, March 29, 7.30 p.m. Harrigy Zephyr, Ontario, wish Spring Tea and sale of work to announce the engagement of|at Courtice Church, April 10. their daughter, Joan Anne, to} Watch for further notice in your Barry Ronald Denyer, son of wert ond bi eats we ete | A bakeless bake sale will be Mrs. Arthur Denyer, WhitbY, | held by all units during March late Mr. Denyer, The| and April. marriage is to take place On| A gocial hour was enjoyed Saturday, April 20, at 2.30 p.m./with Mrs, Penfound and friends Church, |from Whitby, Oshawa and Bow- ----------|manville. Refreshments were {served by Mrs, Charles Ar- dent at Sarah Lawrence Col-|,, M Eric lage near New York, with @ cher and Mrs, Eric Dunham, \special interest in oriental art) with candelabra and a taste- nd Tibetan manuscripts. fully decorated cake inscribed The romance was approved|Congratulations Dorothy". by both families, although it is} Mrs, Penfound cut the cake and thanked the members for the high honor they had bestow- jed upon her and for an even- ing well spent, The next meeting will be held March 28, at 8 o'clock. the first time a member | ried a Westerner. Miss Cooke will be married in a dress styled on that of the original inhabitants of Sikkim, whose simplicity will contrast with the colorful striped aprons) and Tibetan jewelry of Sikkim- ese noblewomen, Buddhist priests will perform the main ceremony, but Miss A. E. Johnson 0.0, OPTOMETRIST 723-2721 vows as an Episcopalian (An- 14% KING EB. glican) and not as a Buddhist. | plete the evening, Mrs. W. E./ 1964 During the business part of| The tea table was centered) FOR TOMORROW | Another stimulating day! In job and business matters, both old and new enterprises are slated for gain and, where per- sonal affairs are concerned, the stars favor social activities and romance, A good period, too, for deal- ing 'with superiors and elders. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birth- day, your horoscope indicates a definite uptrend in financial matters during the coming year, There may be brief pe- riods at the end of next month and dur'ng late August when the budget suffers but, if you tackle your problems realistically, you can straighten them out satis- factorily, Opportunities to in- crease earnings should come within the period of September- December, 1963, and other fin- ancial gains are indicated dur- ing the first three months of Personal relationships will be} governed by generous influ- ences for most of the. 12 months ahead and, through such rela- tionships, you should experience great happiness. Look for a chance' to travel during the latter half of July and or early August and, if single, new ro- mance and possibly marriage during May or June. Home and health matters will jbe under generally good influ- ly white color and firm texture. Good cooks have Jearned that broiling is not only one of the best ways to preserve these ap- pealing qualities and bring out the delicate flavor of halibut, it's also one of the fastest and least fussy ways of fixing it! Broiled Halibut Steaks hold a particular appeal for the senses of sight and taste when comple- mented by the vivid color and tangy flavor of Cranberry Sauce Supreme. When .cooked with orange juice and flavor-sparked with ginger, the brilliant berries are a taste sensation, an excel- lent foil for fish, Plan on one halibut steak per person, unless they are very large, If possible, buy steaks at least one inch thick. If frozen, let thaw on refrigerator shelf tested with g fork. Total time --allow about ten mnutes per Combine and bring to the boil, juice, % cup water, % teaspoon and % cup slivered crystalliezd about five minutes; add 2 cups washed cranberries and cook until cranberries start to nop. This is a much thinner cran- melted butter; sprinkie with salt, pepper, lemon juice. Broil] three to five minutes Jonger, or until fish flakes easily when) will depend on thickness of fish inch thickness, Cramberry Sauce Supreme --| 1 cup sugar, % cup orange grated orange or lemon rind ginger (or about % to % tea- spoon powdered ginger). Boil berry sauce than the traditional type. Makes about 3 cups. just until they can be easily sep-| arated, -Place fish on preheated| broiler pan, Brush with melted] butter or margarine, Sprinkle EASY SHRIMP SAUCE An easy shrimp sauce for) halibut steaks can be made with frozen cream of shrimp soup Simply thaw the can of soup, heat. amd spoon over baked, broiled or poached halibut. Don't reconstitute the soup un- less you want to "stretch" it -- then add half a cup of light cream, or for an extra special touch, cream plus a little dry/"sm |] Removes warts, moles and |] superfluous hair. Electrolysis Over 183 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshewe et the Genoshe Hotel March 18, 19, 20, PHONE 723-4641 fer appointment on these detes MON. ;. FRI. 9.30 P.M. An's -- FREE HONEST CAL KING ST. £. et VARCOE'S RD. PHONE 728-9191 Oshewa's Biggest Discounters APPLIANCES & FURNITURE jences for most of the year | ahead, | | A child born on this day will) be extremely affectionate and) {unusually .sympathetic toward/ jthose in distress. HOUSEHOLD HINT | To keep embroidery thread from tangling, wind it on plas- tic curlers; then snap them shut. sherry. REPAIRED ! ! Any Make or Model @ Reasonable @ Prompt Service WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND &, 725-3531 Celebrating 3rd Anniversary | 20° The Mayfair Salon (OSHAWA) DURING MONTH OF MARCH OFF ON ALL COLD WAVES LIMITED UP TO ENTER MONTHLY pe THE FUTURE BELONGS TO /THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR jr! YOUNG PEOPLE -- As your school year dr: to a close it's time to plan for the future, BUSINESS TR ING opens the doors to a rich rewarding future, THE Oshawa Business College is prepared to put its 26 years of experience, its modern; up-to-date equipment; its Placement facilities and all the skill of its fully qualified staff into preparing YOU for a POSITION IN BUSINESS ! Choose one of these Eight Career-Designed Courses: e@ STENOGRAPHIC e CLERK TYPIST @ JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT @ JUNIOR SECRETARIAL @ SENIOR ACCOUNTANT @ PRIVATE SECRETARIAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION © SPECIAL GRADE NINE Individual instruction -- Open all year Job Placement Service for Graduates FREE LITERATURE NEW EASTER TERM STARTING TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1963 or start any Monday ,.. ACT NOW M. C, BARNETT, SUPERVISING PRINCIPAL 10 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe Diel 725-3375 THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE IS NOT AFFILIATED IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER WITH ANY OTHER LOCAL BUSINESS SCHOOL. -- ee ee 7 | Send FREE literature without obligation to: NAME ... ADDRESS 728-0662 27 CELINAST. 728-0662 GLECOFF SUPERMARKET Specials for Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday MARCH 18, 19, 20 DELMAR, PURE VEGETABLE MARGARINE BURNS PURE LARD CHOICE BLADE ROASTS 5-LB. 1.00 w. 19° 59° CHICKEN BACKS :..27° CHOICE WAX TURNIPS KING SIZE FAB CHOICE RADISHES OR GREEN ONIONS u. 5° 1.18 3 BUNCHES 25° PER BOX $200 IN CASH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE'S FAMILY ALLOWANCE AWARD CON TEST ? @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR FREE ENTRY FORMS @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL @ ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE MADE ON FRIDAY, MARCH 29th AT 7:15 P.M. >. ay Sawer"

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