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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Mar 1963, p. 13

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OE EN AI PONTE LP a a Ot a me igs ' 2 tr Hy Peey p<. fryers itt SO ype en ma TEE cevenpapegeg Sy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 22,1963 13 Lodge Sch ™ ides the proceeds were placed in the Lodge funds, Birthday Party | ANNOUNCEMENT By MRS. M. ANNIS BROUGHAM -- The regular meeting of Joy Rebekah Lodge No, 355 took place in the Town- ship Hall. The meeting opened in. regu- jlar form with Noble Grand Sis- iter Isabel Annis in charge, jassisted by Vice Grand Sister |Shirley Knox, who also reported 'for the visiting committee. Tentative plans were made for the Birthday Party to be held on March 25, The dance committee report- ed a good dance was held and AEN Se FREE BERMUDA HAWAII TRIP OR OUTBOARD MOTOR Dinner Planned By Myrtle UCW By MRS. A. DOWNEY MYRTLE --The Ladies of Myrtle UCW met recently at the home of Mrs, Elmer Cooke. The worship service was given by Mrs. A. C: McCulloch. The president? Mrs. Notting-| ham, anounced the Mission) Study would be on Korea and would be given by Mrs. John Hamer. sided. Mrs, Nottingham read one of, The worship period was taken the Stewardship and Recruiting) by Mrs. M. Beath and Mrs. F cards again at this meeting -- Ballard, 'A Definition of Christian Stew-| "Praise". ardship"'. | Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs, G. Scott, Ten members answered the|Miss M. Terwillegar were on roll call with three visitors as|the program committee and the well. | topic was "Importance of What The Presbytery . Leadership| We Believe'. | Days will be held at Blackstock) The Hi-C group met in the) on April 1 and at Ebenezer,)Lower Church Hall with) April 4. \13 members present. The treasurer, Mrs. Harrison, Miss Carolyn Webber gave gave her report, showing a bal-| the worship, she also took the ance on hand of $286.40. She program. made a motion that the group! A " Ped the usual amount to thel we Mate ne ae shawa Presbytery for "The| ne Village unit of the United, Bursary Fund'. | | It was decided to have thelr afc Wnten ett tne Rome) Smorgasbord on April 20 during! the evening. Ice Carnival Presented By Orono Club By MRS, KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The Orono Figure Skating Club presented their 15th annual carnival "Rhythm on Ice" recently. Close to 500 were in attendance. A total of $160 was cleared from admis- sions for adults and children, . The figure skaters ranged from three years of age to teenagers. and adults, The rhythm in the dance numbers and difficult maneuvres were most enjoyed by the. appre- ciative audience. In all, twenty acts were per- formed in the revue with Orono skaters, guests from Port Hope, local ice stars and the Club Pro. From the Orono Club nine groups performed with the young set again stealing the \show with their antics. on ice, which in most cases were unpre- dictable but entertaining. Group 1, boys, dressed as clowns paraded in a parade of clowns. These skaters were Tommy Moffat, Jimmy Moffat, Delbert DePaepe, Barry West, Ricky Anneart, Charles Wood, John Cornish, Michael Hutton and Douglas Kramer. Group 2, girls, were dressed 'Belief' Topic At Columbus Meeting By MRS. E, LAVIOLETTE COLUMBUS -- The East unit of the United Church Women held its meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Spry with 12 members present. Mrs. J. McKenzie pre- Campaign Promises Outline For Four Political Parties By THE CANADIAN PRESS Campaign eengpneogh 4 politi- cal party leaders an jer ma- " , . jor Sookeamen since writs were|Pesions, financed by employer- jssued Feb. 6 for the April 8|¢mployee contributions and with federal election, some of them only/a omg ore 6 rom repeats from 1962 campaign: /li¢ treasury a . | National care plan, TAXES worked out with provinces and Conservative: Relief in taxjmedical profession, to be burden where it is a drag on|launched as soon as economy the economy. Redistribution of| permits--possibly in four years. corporate surpluses. New real More training and retraining tives for increased production,|for workers, preferably before sales and research. \they are displaced by automa- Early parliamentary session| tion. to deal with appropriations and) social Credit: Range of not new. budget. less than $8 to $10 instead of Liberal: Incentives to encour-| present $6 to $8 for family al- age growth in business and in-|lowances. Old age pension of dustry, creating new jobs. not less than $80 monthly com- Privately - financed national|parfed with present $65 at qual- development corporation to pro-|ifying age of 65 or "maybe ear- vide money pool for major pro- lier" instead of 70. Je jects. New Democratic: Federa ' gocial Credit: Home-owners to, government to pay 60 per cent be allowed to deduct deprecia-| of cost of medicare in any prov- tion of houses for income taxjince. Old age pension increase purposes, Increase in basic in-| to $75. A portable pension come tax exemption to $2,500) scheme. from $1,000 for single persons and to $5,000 from $2,000 for Conservative: Loans to married persons. __\cipalities covering their 50-per-| New Democratic: Increase IN| cent share of urban redevelop-| te basic income tax exemption for) ment projects. The 50-per-cent| livestock nutrition research pro-| married men to $3,000 from $2,-|rederal share to be extended to/gram to cut costs of livestock wa is Hove RA ibe COIN At Bey Oey ee eaelie avila of eceeiog live lices and utilities needed after|reau ) radi - oe a Sci allow-|redevelopment area acquired] stock products. _ iy a T asctod ts vover|and old buidings demolished. Continued freight-rate assis- ances to be extende "8 An{Existing public housing plan to\tance on feed grains. National school children to age 1. '\d|be\ broadened. Loans to muni-|marketing boards where farm- additional contribution to old) \ ies for buying and prepar-|ers want them, coupled with ac- on seetinn By or ete Ont g land for suburban town cen-|tion to expand agricultural ex- system. ° into effects of railway branch- line abandonments, with report to be foundation of. railway pol- icy based on best interests of all groups concerned and designed to maintain essential branch- line services. f Social Credit: No mention so) far | tera. Action to solve problem of "runaway" plants. Free trade with Britain. Complete overhaul of Atlantic Development Board. AGRICULTURE Conservative 'New deal" inj which eastern feed-grain prices would be equalized and stabi- lized, with continuing supplies ensured. Continued and in- creased freight-rate assistance on western feed grains moving east. Continued stability of in- lcome and prices for grain |farmers. Measures to improve lwhole regions of underde- |\veloped, marginal farm- land, New benefits for cheese producers. Liberal: Basic $2 - a - bushel floor price for wheat, basic No. 1 northern at Fort William, Two- price wheat system for domes- tic and export markets, with consumer subsidy so bread prices won't rise. Shift in price supports from butter to skim }milk powder and cheese to help jovercome butter surplus. Free jmilk for school children, Credit jassistance for farmers desiring)! al scl muni-|to switch from dairying to other|istration in OUAWR, r.| operations for which their farms} Social Credit: An inquiry into are better suited. Support for aj biculturalism. New Democratic: Creation of a Confederation council made up of French and English-speak- ing Canadians:to carry out con- \tinuing study of bilingual prob- hag 9 by Liberal: Family allowances to be extended to school children over 16. Contributory old age medical the theme being New Democratic: Creation of} | a national transportation author- ity to integrate all. forms of transport and eliminate dupli- cation of service. Prairie rail- way branch abandonments would take social and economic needs into consideration and not be granted just because of rail- way company bookkeeping, CONFEDERATION | _Conservative: Federal - pro- vincial conference on bicultural. ism and bilingualism. Creation of permanent secretariat to} study causes of conflict. | Liberal: National study to ex-| amine Canada's bicultural part-| nership having much more depth than ordinary royal com- mission inquiry. Creation of bi- lingual schoci for public admin- Wishes te announce that ef- fective March 15th, 1963, |] WHOLESALE AUTO PARTS, | Whitby, is now opereted os @ ] branch of HERB ROBINSON |] AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED, We hope this expansion will be welcomed by our Whitby and District customers. We also sincerely solicit the continued | patronage of wholesale auto | parts accounts. Business hours will be 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. '| Monday through Friday, and 8 A.M. te 12 Noon, Saturday. Mrs. L. Dalby was in the chair, | Courtesies were extended by) 2nd welcomed 11 members: | the president on behalf of the), The worship was given by, members to Mrs. McCulloch for| Mts. S. Murison and Mrs. L. : e edithe Worship Study; to Mrs.|Dalby. They also had charge of as pyjama dolls. This group in-\Hamer for the mission study the program. | cluded Patti Lunn, Wanda Kra-\ang to Mrs. Cooke for inviting) Mrs. S. Murison took the) - mer, Debbie Gordon, Cindy| the group to share her home| Bible study from the book) West, Diane DePaepe, Janice) yith her for the meeting. '\"Word and the Way", chapter,| West, Julie Wood and Ellen The next meeting will be at 'Miracles of the Bible'. | Heard. lthe home of Mrs. A. C. Mc-| .The World Day of Prayer Ser- The. Waltz pirat oly was|Culloch on Wednesday, April 3.\vice was held with Miss Chris- | ro! ree with) . . ¢,(sie Sim 4 i = [kim "West, Kathy Stephens, 7h, "0l calla be answered with sagheph nn nn : : ; iDenise Stephens, Wendy Har-| «y amb" 8 Her theme was "More Than NATIONAL DEFENCE iness, Maureen Shetler, Terry! ' i Conquerors"'. | Conservative: No stockpiling)West, Nita Talsma, Catherine} The committee for the serv- of nuclear warheads on Cana-|Bunting, Judy West, Marilyn|Were Susan Cantrell, Nancylice was Mrs. E. Powell, Mrs. T dian soil, Negotiations with U.S.|Snelders and Karin Cox. 7 : HOUSING ; ' ; tres. Better rural housing. | other provinces in na- : at ae or porta retire-| Liberal: Provision of capital | ment pensions. for low-rental housing. _ Social Credit: Extension of government - guaranteed Na- tional Housing Act mortgages to existing houses. | New Democratic: Several mil- lion new homes for low-income} families. "ECONOMIC Conservative: Five-year de- velopment program to create 1,000,000 new jobs. Massive elec-| tric power developments with| export of power surplus to long- term needs. Increased job train- Choir Presents Moods In Music By MRS. C. H .REESOR PORT PERRY -- One of the highlights of the social season) was the presentation of 'Moods in Music" presented by the Port Perry United Church Choir, of over 30 voices under the super- isi i . Frank ace ga apachceauadas ling to meet effects of automa- 'The church organist Miss|ti"- Legislation to benefit small f ; businesses and creation of a new Gloria ed gy oto! business advisory council. Mrs. J. E. 'wane Sad for the Liberal: A balanced budget} the musical -- ent was and an improved balance of in-} vee te Pest mare Public ternational payments. Creation} 'baw of fund to-lend money at low) pieag borg the large auditorium) interest rates for municipal pub-| ports. Legislation to help co- operatives. Loans and other en- couragement for "efficient de- velopment of agricultural, mar- keting and supply co-ops of all types. Agriculture program to be run by a minister and an associate minister, one oversee- ing eastern agriculture. Social Credit: Two system for) farm products. | New Democratic: Guaranteed farm prices. Fund for crop in- surance. Co - operative develop- ment fund to help farmers own and operate processing and packaging plants for farm prod- ucts. Creation of producer-con- trolled marketing board which, in co-operation with federal gov- ernment, would decide produc- tion requirements and establish guaranteed prices. TRANSPORTATION Conservative: Special fund to pay railway losses on unécono- mic branch lines pending their ily available for Canadian home defence in case of need. Clarifi- cation of role of Canadian forces in Europe to be sought at NATO council ministerial meeting in Ottawa in May, Fast action on pay increases for armed forces. Liberal: Immediate action to fulfil Canada's commitments to arm Canadian forces at home and abroad with nuclear war- heads, and then no change in commitments until after a re- view by a defence policy com- mittee of the Commons and consultations with allies on most appropriate defence role for Janada, Social Credit: Review of Can- ada's defence role by non-par- tisan parliamentary committee and adoption of defensive nu- clear weapons if this were found necessary by the committee and as a result of discussions with |Lowery, Cheryl Cornish, Diane Boyd, Margaret Moffat, Kathy Gustar, Joan Duvall, Janice Caldwell, Sue Aslett, Suzanne Bunting, Kathy Grady and Nan- cy Mercer were noted as cheer- leaders and performed to the tune of '"'Ain't She Sweet'. To the tune of 'Anchors Aweigh' the Group 5 sailors performed their routine. This group consisted of Jacqueline Snelders, Sally Staples, Donald McLaren, Barbara Gustar, Carol Coatham, Richard Bunting, Heather McGill and John Coa- tham, Karen Coatham, Bonnie Bar- low, Judy Bull, Diane Nichol- son, Diane Hazelden, Kathy Middleton and Doreen Hazel- den of Group 6 performed to the music of Winter Wonder- land and were dressed as cow girls. A Majorette number was per- ball and Caroline Johnston, | The Dutch Waltz was per- formed by Group 9 who were Darlene West, Caroline John- ston, Lynda Thompson, Carole Nixon, Elaine Forrester, Mar- garet Taggart, Beverly Tennant! and Cheryl Coatham. A most interesting and de- lightful feature of the revue was | |Forrester, Margaret Middleton ie x | A ' ; *|Flett and Mrs, S. Cosway. Mrs. to make nuclear warheads read-| Group 4, Susan West, Ly nn|Marilyn Tamblyn, Linda Barra-|, Cooper sang two solos. A Baptisme! service was held in the Colum!us Church recent- ly. The following children were baptized: Paula Joanne Corby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- |ward R. Corby of Whitby; Laura Ann Knapp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Knapp of Osh- awa. AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED 303 MARY ST. E., WHITBY, ONT. ALL FAMILY -- MOTOR & BOAT SHOW the appearance of former skat- ers of the club. These were Adele Myles, Doug Lycett, Car- oline Jones, Marjorie Lowery and Marlene Werry. Marjorie Lowery and Mar- lene Werry displayed a Dutch! Waltz number. A threesome by) D. Lycett, Adele Myles and| Caroline Jones was also 'en-| joyed as were other numbers in solos and twosomes. | The Pro, Sylvia Cappler Brereton and her mother, Mrs.| Cappler, were presented with) flowers by little Misses Diane} ACADIAN CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists e Sonora and Delivery @ Same Day Service Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR W. March 21 to 30th Winners must answer skill testing question. FREE ENTRY FORMS AT: | SMITH SPORTS 353 KING ST. W. Phone 723-9311 PHONE 668-5866 72 RICHMOND ST. W., . OSHAWA, ONT., PHONE 725-1113 123 CAVAN ST. PORT HOPE ONT., PHONE TU 5-4528 76 DIVISION ST. TRENTON, ONT., PHONE EX 2-6551 jlie works projects. New federal The program was made up Of/ qepartment of industry to pro. selections from Rogers and Ham) mote Canadian production with merstein's "Oklahoma" andispecial attention to emergency "South Pacific". The soloists for|areas such as Maritimes. Crea- the first portion of the program) tion of a capital fund in connec- were Miss B. Taylor, Kenneth] tion with an Atlantic develop- Hallett, Paul Heayn, Glenn Tay-)ment program. Efforts to lor, James Rider, George Ma- : . | diversify industry. Progressive haffy, David Menzies and/freeing of trade. Co-operation Charles Hastings. with U.S, in mutual trade ex- The second portion of the pro-| pansion. Twelve-mile territorial) gram was a scene taken from waters limit for fisheries. the Gilbert and Sullivan Oper-|~ Social Credit: Creation of a etta "The Pirates of Penzance".| social development bank within) Those taking the leads were|the Bank of Canada to supp y| Mrs. Frank Godley, Mrs. How-| money at one per cent interest) ard Hall, Misses Georgeen Bur-|for social projects such as} nett, Catherine Nelson andj schools and hospitals. Creation) Mary Lou Crawford, George)! department of economic de- Mahaffy, Kenneth Hallett, Da-| velopment to develop natural re.) vid Godley and Charles Hast-! sources, create employment and) - sola seanmee diee tibie wih ; : ural produce. | et Pyeng agg ite Britain Droog He yoary. Special a ba 'heli |$1,000,000,000 Atiantic fund to) mance" by Sibelius. _|develop new roads, canals, har-) At the conclusion, the presi-|hor improvements and possibly) dent of the Choir> Mrs. Frank} 9 causeway in the region. Godley, on behalf of the choir) New Democratic:: Planned -- ---- the musical/ economy. Reduced U.S. control| rector, Mrs. Fram AStiNgs| of industry. Creation of a na-| with a sheaf of Red roses, t0|tional investment board to di-) express their appreciation of} rect investment 'into manufac-| her untiring efforts to make this) yring and a Canadian develop-| production such a wonderful! ment board to channel Canadian} success. 'savigs formed by Group 7 -- Julie|Boyd: and Susan Aslett. Neal, Ellen Millson, Wendy} Mercer, Glenda~Tennant, Pat- ricia Wallace, Linda McLaren, New Democratic: No nuciear|Nancy Barraball, Rhonda Ten- tee of engineering and economicjarms for Canada under anyjnant, Julie Jones, Cathy Coa- experts to review TCA plan tolcircumstances. Supply conven- tham and Marilyn West. centralize aircraft overhaulitional forces to NATO and the; Six members of Group 8 en- work in Montreal. United Nations when they arejacted an Irish jig. They were Liberal: Committee of inquiry| needed. |dressed in green and white and Oshawa's Top Tire Trader 2 -- 750-14 4-ply Dominion 9 Royal Endurance tubeless black 9 PAIR walls and trades, installed .00 Free Snow Tire Removal PAIR Included in Above Prices BUDGET TERMS No Red Tape--We do our own financing DOMINION TIRE 48 Bond West allies. Establishment of a de- partment of national security to co - ordinate Canada's defence program. abandonment, Long-term pro- gram would have abandonments deferred if no satisfactory alter- native form of transportation' exists in an area, New commit- ore 2 -- 750-14 4-ply Dominion Royal Guard tubeless white walls and trades, installed USED TIRES 1.99 up STORES DOMINION LIMITED Hastings and Mrs. J. son were presented with bou-jernments for schools, (Corner of Church) 725-6511 quets of yellow roses. parks, irrigation works, They're blended by Captain Morgan from. the largest stocks of rum in the world, | THE HOTTEST IDEA IN HOME HEATING! Now Esso pays for all the service--you pay for just the oil! wNow Esso pays for annual bumer and furnace conditioning... eNow Esso pays for mid-season check of your heating equipment... *Now Esso pays for emergency "no heat" service anytime... You pay for Just the oil! Now--with Esso Home Heat Service--you get all the services you need, all year 'round, Including Esso quality furnace oil, weather-controfied delivery, budget terms--all for the price of the oil! CALL ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE TODAY! PHONE 723-2679 Esso oll heat Is right with the times with more for you... more services... more values! WHITE LABEL BLACK LABEL GOLD LABEL DE LUXE * Bee CAPTAINTMORGANIRUM DISTILLERS sey aaellaallrae catedibiytiaaoieis. ac, Gianenblula NAVY

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