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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1963, p. 17

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tS--Apt. & Flets For Rent |26--Rooms For Rent if poll Lag 4 BOUTH -- Clean, furnieh- -- OSHAWA -- Three-room base- felephone, heat, lights. a4 '72e-\ ferred. od. 127--Real Estate For Sale 27-- Real Estate for Sale --Real Estate for Sale t door, Lady pre- Jephone' 728-5606 1376 after 6 aa fone kent enh ceaeae "Gorn noes.) anville a aE, OLIVE AVENUE, 573 -- Newly deco- housek ee ping room, Suitable' for) og A a, Bus jat oe doer. '723-1832. CENTRE STREET, ey Two-room floor, heavy duty wiring, TV out- $50 100 Siy"Adae only Apply 18 ee 5 i } "room apartments with refrig- stove. All g bed-sitting FOOMS+| oom. Stove and sink in kitchen, Apply above. 725-5146. DREW Street, 48, two furnished rooms on 3rd floor, between 6 and 8 evenings. Sink, TV antenna. Apply = Apartment HE -- flable April 1. Apply 68|BRIGHT, clean bedroom, suit quiet oa 6. middle- ar down- age ag Near 'i T 723- town a room apartment, als) i79. single room, ate entrance, parking, | reasonable. ee, tre Street, 'Telephone| 'elephone MODERN three or four-room trig ert --_ bath, adults only. 493 Floyd A PRIVATE SALE 31 ELGIN EAST 13 room brick home with furniture. Good income home, porking area. Low down pay- ment. No agents. Telephone. 723-3807 RAVINE LOTS available for the home of your choice overlooking the city, for more information = Glen Mackinnon ot S. Hyman Real Estate Limited, | 728-6286 NHA APPROVED lot, 8 x 200 ft., Courtice Road North, $2000. 43 Tele: phone 728-3189. $795 FULL down povmeem "one NHA S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 KING STREET WEST 7 86 $1,273 This is the full down pay- ment on a new. five room bungalow in Kingsmere Gor- dens, one N.H.A. mortgage for the balance, call Doug six Hollywood kitchen, fixtures and vanity. Whitby months: old, Neautitully decorated,| colored bathroom): 668-8253, Bullied. LARGE ry STREET Furnished single front room a Indy, $7.00 per week. Nick sparta Private entrance, pri- vate bath, Suit lady or couple. Apply mt Ri 4 North. PARK ROAD SOUTH -- Three-room apfurnished apartment, private bath| = entrance, parking. 725-6106 or| APPLE a le house room, suit two gentlemen, pri-| vate bath and entrance. ont bus, $13. weekly. Telephone 728-38 pad SELF-CONTAINED a painted, two bedroom Soders snared im. MODERN two ai Bus at door. Has trigerator, stove, washer, dryer, patk- 7 shopping centre, hate re Bice teh 725 6769. re-lNoors refrigerator and stove, --, only. Call at 1.5 Verdun Road, Apt. "BELLA VISTA GARDENS" ARGE "ie min: aEE-GOAT Gowicad apartment on main floor, Garage. Close to South ao ee Aplpy 241 Bloor Street utes walk to bus stop, close to General Motors north plant. Gentleman ted. Telephone 725-0393. Ean RE Large room and 27--Real Estate For Sale light bean garage, in ean for two working itis. Telephone 723-1692. ped gaa unfurnished and refrigerator. Avail- apart-|8 MILL STRFET -- Nine-room income home, forced air, oil heating, low taxes. 500, Full ,price. Reasonable .down payment, Telephone 725-7754. ment, able "apr . Enquire days or evenings. Apply Lansdown Shopping Centre, 2. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, Pri-| vate bath, refrigerator and stove. WHITBY $3,600. down buys lovely NEW HOMES For a complete choice of new homes in 4 top subdivisions "DOWNSVIEW PARK" "GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS" "GREENWOOD HEIGHTS" With down payments as low es $595.00. CALL LLOYD METCALF Real 'Estate Limited 40 King Street East, 728-4678 SCHOFIELD-AKER Crescent, Over % acre, $2900. Tele- Shave 723-2658 after 7 p.m: WEST OF CITY -- Large low with built-in garage, trim, factory built kitchen only a few months old, extras, Owner will si reg on older' home, Anxious to sell. Martin, 728- 9714, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. ircular lot on Meadow! NORTH WEST New ranch bungalow present- ly under construction, storms and gl oil heating, mahogany 1 OX haust fon, verity and many other extras, low down pay- ment, call Glen MacKinnon. WHITBY -- Private sale, bungalow, six- room detached brick; dry basement with recreation room and _ workshop, Large landscaped lot, 14° x 20', detach- ed garage, paree driveway. Sacrifice at $12, ea me per cent NHA mortgage $9,563, Call R, Allen, evenings after 6,30, Whitby 668-5623. LAKEFRONT lot on ft. x 385 ft. price ee, Ona Telephone after 5 p.m. Stone Street, 50 $2,000, or near- ro $7,900 Full price for this centrally focated bungalow in good condition, paved drive, new oil furnace, call Bob Steven- aon. POPLAR STREET GENERAL farm, 160 acres, 10 room brick house, three bank barns, imple- ment shed, two streams facing Taunton and Scugog roads at Hampton. Specu- lators don't miss this one. Peter Fed- ema, Realtor, Bowmanville. 623-3644, Three models to se from. Bungalows, Split-levels some with carport on serviced lots, loaded with extras, all N.H. A. financing, call Lorne PRIVATE saie, five-room hed Hartford. bungalow, or trade | smallér home or lot. Telephone 728-4968. '29---Automobiles For Sale 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, fully equi; interior. i finance, T two-door, ipped. Black finsh with reu after 5 32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 1, 1963 P: a 36--Legal P.m,, 723-7386. Selling Your Home A MUST ? List With GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY.OF CANADA Call Now 728-1653 AFTER HOURS BILL COLLINS 668-8716 1960 VOLKSWAGEN with radio, wash- ers, seat covers, dark blue, low mile- age. Like new $950. 1954 gf yt Sg good Telephone 725-1644. 986-4220.) PETERBORO Taaheouay boat condition. Good radio, Best offer accepted./daire aad Pump. offer Telephone 16 ft, FETERBOR? Nobeesny boat 0 fl" papi $1,250, Also 9 cubic ft, refrigerator $90 owner moving. 728-5091. GENERAL ELECTRIC 17" television in good condition aiso Pete I PB gd. cm nme 'ay in cee NOTICE * 1955 MONARCH Lucerne, sedan, light blue, automatic tri nm, power "1 power trakene windshield washers, back up = deluxe sag with rear deck spe: $695, May be seen 171 Bond Hast. wt 18-8781 door hardtop, sportscoupe, ite with beret 50,000 miles, V8, automatic, steering, new brakes, wheel Ries, whitewalls, like new, $1395, Pri- vate owner se! ling. Telephone Perry 985-7483. 29---Automobiles For Sale cylinder, automatic trans good owner. 725-1819, B30 1955 MACK dump truck, condition, Terephone Hampton 3-2075, 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne, brakes, 1959 CHEVROLET sation wagon, six 1987 DODGE Regent sedan, 6 cylinder automatic, green, Original 41,- roa) gee) oe black, 8 aan," oneae cy! 'steering. Dual control radio. Ex- 'leellent shape, After 6 p.m. 726-9147. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN in new car condi- tion, Good warranty. Apply Zoltan and Nick's oo Station, 160 Simcoe South, 0: 1 and 5 p.m., 253 Athol Street East. tehing aiaten fla -- stecring,|Kodak, 8 mm, $20, Tel 1938 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door] 3925. whit red CAMFRAS, 35 mm, Viewfinder sh, $30. Movie camera, phon 723-1058. TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Port | sui Goel OLDGMOBILE two door ward | asta |top, -tone, fully equipped, Between/| 1960 hay nc ged convertible, V6, ¢ gray, automatic trans- mission "hall power, radio, 4 new tires, $2,100, Will accept inde or can be fi- inced, Telephone, 726-5972. 1952 CHEVROLET, blue, good motor, body, tires and upholstery, $125. Tele- phone 726-9656. 1957 PONTIAC Laurentian, white, four door sedan, $500 or best offer. Tele- phone after 4, 728-7835. 1957 FORD Fairlane, two-tone red and white, radio, pate, table tap' aspacs, I 'good condi- atic, tal Pp i tion. $75, Telephone 735-3943, ERNEST MARKS, $, Cy STUDENTS A- war value, approxi mately 630 sheets of tetter size typing paper (uews print) hah 4 $1.00, Ng ii! Dundas Street, West. : WEDDING gown, full length with long sees AF yg organta, Size 1 1962 VAUXHALL Super, 4 Fgh mission, and - washe: Tease. 1950 VOLVO, one owner, condition. $1095 or best offer. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, white, with radio A-1 condition, $550 or best offer. Tele- & ft. gt o rs, 650, Terms joe Telsshene 'lle REED organ, Dominion, $60, Telephone evenings until 8 p.m. 725-7001. PRESIDENT vacuum cleaner, excellent ir ai truck, 2% ton, 14 ft. De ee wi veal truck on with one year guarantee. $60, Telephone 723-416. Ree nncy nnd weeels O00 x 12, siee tour 17 King Stone OSHAWA, Ontario. IN THE MATTER OF OF ONTARIO, 1960 CHAPTER 49, AND AMENDMENTS AND IN THE MATTER OF - bee ee h be THERETO THE CHANGE OF NAME - OF TOMAZ, CIOLEK APPOINTMENT | HEREBY APPOINT Fr NEW HOMES $840 is the full down ag a ment on these new _ built in Grandview Gardens the price of. $12,800, Coll Howard McCabe. $87.00 PER MONTH Includes taxes os well as mortgage payments, two yeor old N.H.A. Resale in excellent condition, call Har- old Segal. TRADE ? Yes, our builders hove given us instructions to take in older homes and pay all cash. coll today for more informo- tion, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED WHITBY -- Just north of Town Hall this 3 bedroom tri-level with carport, is ex- cellent value, offers large kit- chen and separate dining room. Very large living room, all this and more at only $14,900. Call today for in- spection. COUNTRY RANCHER -- Three bedroom brick bunga- tow with attached garage. Very large lot. Only $16,500, with $3,000. down will put you in this almost new ranch bungalow. Excellent terms for the balance, 2¥2 ACRES of vacant lend In desirable location, This land located near south G.M. plant. Call for full particulars ONLY $10,500. Just off Park Road North. Close to all schools and -bus, This six room home in excellent condi- tion includes 4 bedrooms and very large kitchen, Call to- day and inspect. 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW -- with large lot, fenced and landscaped with trees in the back yard, walkout basement. This home in spotless condi- tion and only $12,900, One open mortgage for the bal- ance, HARDWARE STORE ----- in new Shopping Plaza, the only one in this fost growing area, building one year old, excel- lent terms for the right man. WARREN AVENUE--7 room rug brick heme-with double jarage and paved drive, tate sale, call today for full particulars. 8,100 sq. ft. floor space, commercial, close to Four Corners in Whitby. Sound building, oi! hot water heat- ing. To settle estate, sacri- fice at $25,000. Terms. RESTAURANT -- Yeor round money - maker, completely equipped. Seats 70, located in a busy Shopping Plaza in @ thriving community, FOR THE GENTLEMAN FARMER -- 45 acres on the 4th Concession west of Osh- awa, 7 room home built with beautiful credit valley stone. 2 natural fireplaces, Com- pletely enclosed sun room with air conditioning unit. 2 barns with underground hydro ond water 25 apple trees, 3 pears and plum. $13,300 --- THREE BED- ROOMS with garage and poved drive. This fine home carries for only $91. per month. Good value, act to- day and avoid disappoint- ment. For full perticulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S. 28--Real Estate Wanted Schofield-Aker Over A Quarter Century of Reliable Service Have YOU a HOME You Want SOLD We Have Both CASH & Term Buyers tires 760 een like new. Best offer. ui } Soaerring Telephone BICYCLE, $20. to bus. Two adults, Telephone '728-1720, PRIVATE, apartment, heat, hydro and stove included. Apple Hill district, Telephone 725-7091. KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX No Leose Required. Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa 5 ACRES complete "with five room home at 1116 Ceader road. Resirtential rea, Reasonable apply after 5 p.m. or telephone 726-1778. SALE OR RENT with option to buy, 3 bungalow, oil, large 7%3-5207 Howe an 1955 CHEVROLET, ae door, auto- matic, V8 engine, $150 cash, take ove: Payments for balance, After' 4 p.m. telephone 728-8319. 1968 CORVAIR Ag) Beenie red interior, 102 hp., 3-speed ee radio, whitewails, one only 14,000 miles. $1,895 or cr make otter, After 5 p.m. 728-9689, four bedroom. tri - level, large living room and din- ing area with broadloom, natural fireplace, two kit- chens, 2 bathrooms, fin- ished recreation room at- tached garage. Can be used as 3 bedroom home with income apartment. Call owner 668-5640 Ajax 942-2874 before 3.30. 1055 Mpc nam v8, deah radio, $900, T 1961 PONTIAC, four door, 6 cylinder, radio, white with biue interior, low aro perfect condition. Telephone OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF RELIABLE SERVICE ACREAGE EDGE CITY BARGAIN 12 ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL PARK-LIKE LAND on edge of city, large creek running full length. Land partly wooded, also contains Sum- mer Cottage. This property is most desirable for good home or ideal for club house. Priced to Sell at $10,500. $2,500, down, balance one mortgage. PHONE HENRY STINSON FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION. Daytime 723-2265 Evenings 725- 0243. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER INCOME HOME $9,000.00 8 room brick, semi-detached. Situated in good rental area. 3 rooms now rented leaving 5 lovely rooms. for you. Only $900.00 down and $70.00 per month. Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123. $10,600.00 FULL PRICE » 3 bedroom home with oil heat, large living room. Poy- ments only $70.00 per month, with $1,500.00 down. Call Bill Johnston now at 728- 1066 or 728-5123. FULL PRICE $12,400.00 5 year old, six room ranch brick bungalow. Large kit- chen, plus dining room. Al- uminum storms and screens. Landscaped and fenced lot. Just $1,000.00 down pay- ment required. Hurry call Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728- 5123 or 728-5205. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario. OPEN EVERY EVENING two . bedroom basement , four mandard girl's sidewalk, like new, i mufflers. 1n-the- . Electric radiator, 1,500 watt with 728-3720. '725-2065. thermostat control, four aed TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du- Plicators, chequewriters, comptometers, three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service, Hamilton Office 197 Brock South, Whitby. BUY AND SFLL, good used furniture} and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe Street South. 723-3271. CSED furniture, must be sold, Vacating| part of immediately. lot. Rol Peters Realtors, MODERNIZED 4 bedroom brick, 2 bathrooms ofl furnace, garage, smell noreage, excellent location, terms. Joe Crawford 623-3672 Howe and Peters. $12,800 gs bay Be full ag for a new bunga- low to be grandview gardens with $800 Prin "tall Howard Mi at S, D, 7128-6286, = oR Fairlane, four door, light blue, Thunderbird motor, good tires, by BL Apply 212 MeNaughton avenue, 1958 BUICK, very good condition, In- quire 14 Mill Street, upstairs. 1956 DODGE Bette for sale. Reason- able, Telephone 728-5455. 1986 PLYMOUTH, automatic, rebuilt motor and starter, new battery and tires, radio, extras, needs some body work. $250 or best offer. Ajax 942-6552. 1955 CHEVROLET two door, radio, automatic, mechanically A-1, $600 or best offer. Private. Telephone Fred, Whi 668-3126. CAR RADIOS, special, 1963 Chevrolet and Pontiac, push-button custom in the dash, Complete with aerial, oe Forsiaien Tire Store, 48 Bond West. of Whitby, atthe hour of 11 -- Ra the to Sunde! ce iat 1 CIOLEK, residing at 99 Le Salle Avenue 4 the City of Oshawa, to his _ nome to eases si tne Act, R.S.0., Chapter Van Heusen Motors invites you to come in and see a com- plete new line-up of sharp cars, many hardtops from 1955 to 1960, some auto- motic some standard, oll re- conditioned and ready for summer's fun and pleasure. Come and pick the car to sult you while we have such a selection to offer. Drop in today, won't you? Let us talk over a deal to our mutual benefit. VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. Under new management 156 King Street West 725-3557 leCabe Hyman Real Estate Limited $1,000 FULL PRICE LOT 71' x 320 Location Townline CALL BILL MILLAR 725-1186 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST, S. Office Hrs, (9 A.M. to 9 P.M.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought and Sold NASSAU STREET 151 Nassau St., Owner mov- ing from this room. brick bungalow with gorage, owner anxious. Call Mr. Rankine at 725-6544 to inspect ond make an offer. SHOPPING CENTRE New N.H.A.. 6 room brick bungelow, steel beam con- structed, decorated through- out, 1150 sq. * TP000 li space, only ph Full price $13,200. Many features. Call Mr. Ap- pay ot 725-6544 or 723- 3398, Opposite large Shopping Centre near schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedrooms $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-2001 Governor Mansions Apts. 110 PARK RD. N. We believe that Governor Mansions are the most, lux- urlous apartments and offer the most outstanding feo- tures In the City of Oshawa. FOR INFORMATION 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. TELEPHONE Schofield-Aker LIMITED 723-2265 Oshawa's Finest Park Lane Apts. 10 min. from Downtown Attractive two-bedroom suites. Spocious grounds Prestige location Private balconies Elevator service F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat- ees. Kelvinator refrigera' tele- vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543, MAKE your own fresh juice. Save now rn -- Juice Extractors, The Carmie| telephone days or evenings 723-7688, aura or selling furniture or pois. aanee, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 x dt of sh cay cor SPORTS BRIEFS ATLANTA (AP) ov - e attorney-general pera og 8 a state indicate °* Wallace Butts, former Univer." siy of Georgia athletic tor, = important f for|formation to Paul (Bear) Bryant aan + Geo CABIN cruiser, galley, gray marine offer ae Can be fi pao 725-11 tered fig ah LA in good black, $450, Telephone 723-1270. migee" pod Suess eis. "nabaae co) ion, 725-6329, four, vieazenaes Nearest/ Tele- for chldren caring, Ga parched Biggs Byala so beds W. T. LAMSON Real Estote Limited METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST, E. DIAL 728-4678 V.L.A. 4 room home within city limits -- Y% acre of good orden land, of rooms lorge, bright and decorated, nicely finished recreation room, paved drive, total price $11,000. Con be pur- chased under V.L.A. or with $1,000 down -- balance on easy terms. DOWNSVIEW PARK 2 model homes ready for your Inspection. Call 'today. This may chonge your address. WINDSOR AVE. Lovely 5 room bungalow, decor, b 3 room basement opartment, completely landscaped ond fenced, paved drive and gar- oge. The income will practi- cally carry this home for you. Total price $15,700..00 Ap- proximately $5,000 down. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 John Kemp Dick Barriage Joe Maga Lloyd Metcalf Ken Hann Jack Osborne GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. €, WHITBY PHONE 668-5431 WHITBY LOT ONLY $2,500 Corner of Palace and Maple St. in town with sewer and weter. Stort building any- time, BETWEEN WHITBY and OSHAWA 4'BEDROOMS Only $15,900 with 90 foot frontage lot x 177', Fire- place, efficient hot water heating. 2 bathrooms, 4 large rooms a great place for the kiddies. Mother and Dod will appreciate this fine home too. R ible down pay- YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-0921 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality NEW ADDRESS OF WILSON BATTERY SALES AND SERVICE 641 Cromwell Ave. (Corner Park Rd. & Bloor St.) DIAL 723-3512 RENAULT- PEUGEOT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND_ KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORF Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 Wentworth East. 725-1181. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 100 CARS WANTED Buying o New Car? Sell your used Cor to "Ted"* Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 31---Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR _TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 32--Articles for Sale BOATS, MOTORS}! ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler, Ma- son, O.M.C. and Larson Boots. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento and O.M.C, 88 Motors. Open Until 8 p.m. MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 COOK'S TRAILER SALES GLENDALES 13 - pre gts: Parts -- Hitches -- Awni HIGHWAY 2 COURTIC or LANSDOWNE TEXACO Simcoe North (City Limits) OPEN EVENINGS 723-9534 Vacuum Cleaners FILTER QUEEN New & Used Machines Filters 12 for $1.50-- 30 for $3.50 Repairs at low factory rates. Nylon Hose, Old Fittings $9.95 FILTER gen SALES Oshawa) 323 King Street West 728-7552 CUSTOM DRAPERIES Ready-made Drapes Bamboo Expert track installations. Personal in-home Decorator Service RELIABLE Furniture - Interiors 96 KING E. -- 723-7928 DRAPES Modern oe Abstract, Colonial, Provincial FRIGIDAIRE deluxe refrigerator, vi good $75. | SPRING coat, lady's, size 16, bright green. Excellent condition, Worn wan One season, $12. Telephone 726-6153. HAVE ' ; F ue : TON 20 per cent off with free Cook's Office Street East, Oshawa. ONE thousand bales clean straw in barn under cover. Sell all or in past, Located in Oshawa. H, Glecoff 723-3445. RECONDITIONED sewing Singer electric, $19 and up. By your ex- elusive Elna dealer, Oshawa Sewing Centre, Street South, 728-2391, used farni- oe rae have. The Trading Heo Stores, 446 Simcoe Street stsest| South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, Cleve Fox, 412 Simees North. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes./the matter would rest wi brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma- Southeastern Conference chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Ser-jical, not legal, grounds. anytime, COACH SUSPENDED TORONTO (CP) -- 7 bi lock has been suspended in po sane and general Lente thy it was announced "\here Saturday. Ontario Hockey. moter| Association President Lloyd Pollock said the Canadiens' offi- ' clal was also fined €100 snd ene: er to apologize in ty. for a Montreal Ningece Polis ome game when he threw a towel at referee. ping tt = ] is i a Fag PRICE REDUCED Gliddon St., 4 room bungalow with paved drive and carport. Hardwood and tile floors, modern kitchen, oil heat, grounds nicely landscaped, owner, says sell so cali Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544 to inspect and make your offer. WHITBY If you are working in or near Whitby area and have a wife and family, this will be the house you are looking for. This home offers quality, room, and appearance. One of the many extras is a pan- elied rec room, All yours for a low down payment. So call Mr. Ratcliffe to arrange to see and buy this bargain. Dial 725-6544, WHEN CRAFTSMANSHIP IS APPRECIATED IN YOUR NEW HOME JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 723-7122 We are also specialists in home, office and store remodelling for Oshawa and District Schoftield-Aker Over A Quorter Century Of Reliable Service EAST END ----- Now under construction -- 7 room brick home with carport, 18' living room with stippled ceiling -- separate dining room ---- custom designed kitchen features mahogany cupboards, formica countertop, ceramic tile bock splash, ond Amerock Hardware -- 4 bright bed- rooms with large closets -- 4 pc. bath with vanity ond built-in medicine cabinet on 2nd floor -- 2 pc. washroom on main floor. Approx. $3,000 down. Balance 642% N.H.A. Mortgage. Full price $16,600. $12,500 -- VERY DESIRABLE, 5 room brick ranch bungalow located in East i! in one of Oshawo's. nicest developments. 3 bright bed- rooms, good size living room, lorge kitchen with separate eating area. Clean as a pin inside and well landscaped. Monthly payments includ- ing taxes only $78 -- 514% Mortgage, -- Will sell quickly so give us a call now, WHITBY -- ADJACENT TO HENRY ST. HIGH SCHOOL ---- 3 years old -- 6 room clay brick ronch bungalow with attached garage situated on a professionally landscaped lot. L-shaped tiving and dining' room -- Bright kitchen with eating area. 3 bedrooms, master bedroom 13 x 11 -- Ceromic tile bath, with large modern vonity with full length mirror. Basement is divid- ed -- walls ond floor ore painted. A spotlessly clean, well maintained, tastefully decorated home. Will sell quickly. Give us a call now. OFF GARRARD ROAD NORTH -- 7 room brick 2 storey home situated on large treed lot. 22' living room with French doors leading to rear lawn, separate dining room, large modem kitchen, ond 2-pc. washroom complete main floor. Beau- tiful oak staircase takes you to 2nd floor which E sf if "I want to a this state invest: cee solely at inding of the fa Bogs. Eskee cated that final dirpoat 42 32 3 85 ed aan EST Cal's Controlled entrances Garages Paved parking Don Howe Evenings 723-9692 Howe and Peters Realtors 36--Rooms For Rent ed 5 ees, bath, private 'adult home. dasiness » Bear bus. rie ao Ga a tele-| o le mode! Gene: TV, 21" Console, men BOUT ULED SAN JUAN, Puero Rico 'AP). - ctor tale on port-/The 15-rdund title bout between King West, amas, 2 Meagher's, Silightweight champion Carlos Ortiz challenger Doug Vail- See and Hear the New |Iant, called off when Ortiz vas Admiral Stereos |i wt ere AT PARKWAY |nignt un we 'TELEVISION night until Ortiz was stricken - a Saturday with stomach - 918 Simcoe St. N. 723-3043 TELEVISIONS pains. Rebuilt sets, all makes Guor- anteed. One year warranty on picture tube. We also rent ond buy. McKeen's Used Furniture 426 Simcoe S, 725-5181 or 725-6457 What's My Line? Buying ond selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W SPECIAL 1963 SCOTT ALUMINUM BOAT 12 ft. car top model. 7¥2 h.p, Fishing Scott Motors COMPLETE $499 OSHAWA MARINE - AND SERVICE 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 POLICE EXECUTED MOSCOW (AP)--Two Soviet policemen have been sentenced to death for fatally beating a secretary of the Young Commu-' GADILEAG AVENUE -- furalahed bed- ie See ee, Sees We . Parking. Telephone 723-8706. coL80 eran 5 ee on floor, po Anne quiet, adult home, oe oo oe WIN FIRST GAME PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Pe terborough scored an 85-55 vic- tory over North Bay rosy ae urday in the first all-Ontario Bovied ketball finals. It we we 4 Peterborough at the half. Brian Thrower, formerly of Sarnia, was the leading scorer of as game, netting 29 points. TO DEFEND CROWN LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP)-- Canadian welterweight boxing en Peter Schmidt of To- -- will ret his caer e First Rider of Cardston, Alas it was announced Saturday, First Rider, 24, an Indian from the Blood reserve in southern Alberta, is the Western Canada welterweight champion. BUY ROYALS CINCINNATI (AP)--A_syndi cate of minority stockholders ged the malorkty holdings in basketball Cincinnati lt Friday along with work- ing interest in the Cincinnatt Gardens where they play, The | ment. i] CENTRE ST. S., WHITBY gl executive type home friendly fire- Aa attached garage, extra pene o playroom ote close to shopping, sci s, and auc tee down Payment to responsible buy- er. You will appreciate the fine stately homes in this 82 PARK RD. NORTH poe Fagg g 9 4 =. ' residential WHITBY CLASSIFIED WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU .. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in ite home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. along mans stu WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH a LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED x Sa ae PA xxx x Crushed gravel (mulch), pit tun gravel, stone, sand and top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. $, Fuels and Builders' Supplies Whitby, Ontario with terms, After 9 728-5868 725-0201 STEVE MACKO REG AKER 360 King %. W. features 4 large bedrooms, with 4 pc. tiled bath. Oil heated. Reasonable toxes. List price $16,500 For Ful Details Call 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9 -- Sot. 9 to S P.M. Call. HENRY STINSON 725-0243 LES HALL 728-5513 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 Free Porking For Courteous and Efficient Service PHONE 723-2265 9 till 9 After 9 P.M. Les Holi .. 728-5513 Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 Steve Mocko ... 728-5868 egg agg oe mh 3 PL Pd LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ond Flora! Patterns. Custom Made Expertly Installed M and C DRY GOODS 74 CELINA STREET nist League they had arrested. Veteran diplomats expressed belief it is the first such punish-]$0ccer ment of police brutality here. The official youth newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda said)stra the secretary, Yuri Mazur, was picked up by police in Krasno- dar Dec. 30 after a New Year's party while strolling with other' members of the Young Commu- PHONE 723-7827 nist League. LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP)--Bo- soccer chamaplonehlp Bondey i ions! ul defeating Brazil 54 in a game Lf byl ag with a wild demon- . The winning Bolivian were mobbed by a - partisan crowd after their title + clinching victo Many of the players had theif" me ripped off and some: oe

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