1M. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 6, 1963 OF ATTEMPTS TO DECEIVE YOU! | have been accused by left-wing political opponents of planning to sabotage unemployment insurance. This is absolutely untrue. When the unemployment insurance fund began to dwindle, the government thought it advisable -- and so did opposition parties -- to institute an independent study of its operations. A Commission was set up and it duly reported. The government is under no obligation to act on any such reports and recom- mendations, but my left-wing opponents have deliberately tried to create the im- pression that the Gill Commission Report has been made government policy. This, too, is absolutely untrue. | have taken no action toimplement the Gill Report. The government has taken no action to implement the Report. They claim that on March 21st | spoke at a meeting in Dunbarton. This, too, is absolutely untrue. I spoke that day at Hillsburg, Ontario and made no mention of the Unemploy- ment Insurance problem. They cite various paragraphs of the Gill Commission Report. | wish to state that these recommendations apply to seasonal workers only, and not to persons em- ployed in the industry which is not a seasonal industry. S.U.B. is a result of collec- tive bargaining between employer and employees and in this area the government will not interfere. I can assure the workers of Oshawa that if | were to propose any changes in the operation of the unemployment insurance fund, it would be to further protect the workers--not penalize them. This | have done in the past, e.g., raised benefits from 30.00 to 36.00. My worker friends in Oshawa and District need only to look at my record to be © assured that all my efforts for years have been for them and not against them. For Information Call These Committee Room Numbers; 728-0021, 728-0162, 728-0124 Muke Starr PUBLISHED BY THE ONTARIO RIDING PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC.