Open IOFC Hockey scones |Nine Bouts [ sports | Society Se Grid Year |--S25-- Remain In CALENDAR | Withdraws | 1c). Sept. 28 tow. 88.03" Tourney (REE css, me| Motion --_| gays Writers Friday's Result tic Championships, at Oshawa WATERLOO, Ont. (CP) --|Hull-Ottawa 0 Sudbury 1 QUEBEC (CP)--Princess Pa-|%- 8. McLaughlin Gollegiate and| LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A mo- By 'THK ASSOCIATED Phases Los Angeles i m Inte . Vocational Institute, 1.00 p.m.|tion calling on the federal gov-| By White Sox one The eight-team Intercollegiate Today's Game tricia's Canadian Light Infan- Complete list of events, includ-|¢tment to repeal a 12-year-old) The 1963 World Series oppo-| On points--a von gied '2 ° who Begs Sudbury at Hull-Ottews try shaped up as the gees ing calisthenics, pommel horse,|section of the Criminal Code/nents will be the New York Yan-|9.8 etc., basis -- i open a Sunday's Game to beat Thursday night, with/naraliel bars, vaulting horse dy ge ve "ng bal live birds)kees and the Los Angeles Dodg-|drew 636 points, to two wow toon, Wetecioltm-Otinrn st Ruavery ony nln lng boat ein tnt bortonta 'bar. in fel dog tials and for cer-lere, according to an Associated Giants and 608 for Lutheran University 'and Loyola American League y HOCKEY Press poll of the Baseball Writ-| 'The Giants beat out Roch mpionships, drawn Friday at the annual . "IUniversity of Montreal, were Cleveland 6 ester 3 championships y er's Association of America.lers in a playoff last ;: ted this year. soc. (Cleveland wins best-othree| Finals are to be run off to-lpoys Pee Wee Hockey League,|comvention for the Ontario Hu-/7he writers picked the Dodgers| with the Reds = Carleton Uni-| qwarter-finals 2-0) night in suburban Valcartier. |Championship Playoffs -- "B" 4 -. ee by .a whisker over San Fran-| The Yankees bic eo poo "os Guelph Eastern League When most novice titles werelSection: Lake Vista vs Con-lroiiowing seiebane ie te wnjcisco Giants, and the Yankees|for 557 for the ee, Unive ity 'and Royai{Greensboro 7 Clinton 3 settled, the 1st Battalion of|naught, at 10.00 a.m. and "A" tiring p Be ra dent. Peter to repeat by a healthy margin|was the third ing 5 Callens 'All rode (Greensboro wins. best-of-seven|Princess Pats led the way with|Section: Sunnyside Park vs! armour of Torento and' society| Ver, Detroit Tigers. aa be metres: with the| final 42) 27 points, followed closely by|Eastview "A" at 11:00 a.m./ceneral manager, T. I wees, A total of 70 of the men who panestion of a 'night 'same Oct. the 2nd battalion with 25. Both games at Oshawa Child- Cn ee , bf Allan Cu cover major league games par- Winnipeg 3 Saskatoon 5 The 1st Battalion Black Watch|ren's Arena. algo of "Toronto, ye gainea| icipated in the annual AP poll Sept. 28--WLU at Carleton,|(Saskatoon leads best-of-seven|ranked third with 24 and the|/cyprING by discussing the matter with| ,P%¢ Dodgers drew 27 first- Ottawa at OAC, Loyola at RMC, western final 2-0) 1st and 2nd Battalions of Que-} Annual Closing "Plumber's|representatives of government place votes in the National McMaster at U of W. : Memorial Cup bec's Royal 22nd Regiment werc/night" at The Oshawa Curling|and the various kennel clubs," precc oadiy ries 7 ed Oct. 5 -- Carleton at OAC,|Brandon 4 Fort William 8 fourth and fifth with 21 and 18!Cjyb, 7.00 p.m. Mr, Hughes said. He urged| Giants. Oddly, 24 writers picked] Roo. the rewards in Econ- RMC at Ottawa, U of W at Loy.| (Brandon leads best - of - seven|Points respectively. SUNDAY more effort to ensure that hunt-|Cincinnati Reds, but the 1961 omy, Comfort and Prest- ola, WLU at McMaster western semi-final 2-0) Novice finals decided in) No games scheduled. ers retrieve wounded birds, but|champions could mot muster] ige when you. lease a new Oct, --RMC at U of W Ottawa and District cluded: MONDAY did not feel that field trials are|€n0ugh support for second place|} '9¢ tien (night). Cornwall 2 Ottawa 5 dee ee -- Pte. Anthony! wo games scheduled. the most effective way of : PONTI AC Oct 12--Carleton at Ottawa,|(Ottawa wins best-of-five final] > oar, elland, Black Watch achieving 'this. do to encourage hunters to train & OAC at McMaster, Loyola at| 3-0) Regiment, defeated Pte. Louis BRAVES TRIM S0U Speaking in support of the|their dogs". to retrieve wounded on, , " ties Gallant, Rogersville, N.B., QUAD . |motion, Dr. T. K. R. Bourns,|birds "is toward.our aim." @ BUICK Oct. 19--McMaster at RMC,|Omaha 3 Seesepain "ie Royal 22nd Regiment. WEST PALM. BEACH, Fia.|zoology professor at the Univer-| The motion was presented by MEN'S STORE LEAGCE Carleton at Loyola, WLU ai|(Minneapolis leads best-of-seven| Middleweight -- Sgmn. Jus-/(AP) --Milwaukee Braves|sity of Western Ontario, con-G. D. Jefferson, president of * ACADI AN ne, 0 Rockets A. Jacks 0, Swans 4.) There is only one more bowling nightlOac Ottawa at U of W. semi-final 3-2) eph Mechefske, Chelmsford,| trimmed their squad to 28 play-|tended that "anything we can/the society's London region. Tacky Six," ' are four teams very close on pins s0d| Oct, 26--U of W at Carleton, Ontario Junior B Ont. Royal Canadian School Ofjers Friday by sending south. a drone me tree tums sl vet shane °1lMcMaster at Ottawa, WLU ai{Detroit 7 St. Marys 9 Signals, defeated Pte. Raymond! paw Jim Constable and out- BROWN'S ee 85 i = iH i iH i BEEF g § i tee . i #g y F H hi i il ti | | ar a a i : FE rs is ai -f E S E fe : & 8 F g : ls y bi a F Pt : i. ; i ai ee if g B a Se 33 H = a5 28 ' 4 = "3 er s : i 8 FFE i y : E 5 A. E ese = MERE. feeb ai ' iL A vF Be i No insurance costs... no maintenance costs . . . one rate covers everything +, + na one or two year | McGuire, Red Rock, Ont., Prin-|fielder Lou Johnson to minor High Singles -- C. Taylor 245, J. Me-| Looking é .|RMC, OAC at Loyola. (St. Marys wins best-of-seven 4 ' , Cutcheon 235, F, Dwyer. 230, B. Jones| ys oe sorted that the 0th team' to| Nov, 2--RMC at Carleton, U| semi-final 4-0) cess Pats. league affiliates and returning 1963 JOHNSON Rite ie Biles een Ratghlot W at OAC, Loyola at e|Kngsion 7 Burlington 3 oronte farm cht in de iner | COMEeR eee ee ; Sy 309, E. Turner 205, E. irst game of best-of-five semi- . 212, J, Stanley 209, E. 'Turner 205, E-/the team with the highest season total Master, Ottawa at WLU. (First game o! 8 OLD COUNTRY LTD. ind J. Brady 202. : national League. D apd Brady 2 (oh Pee name « chancel NOV: S--McMaster at) Carle-| final) "DO-IT-YOURSELF OUTBOAR term, a 191, R, Coulson 734, ton, Loyola at Ottawa, OAC at SOCCER SCORES LA MEET m 705, D. Simpson 680,|Nauonal Grocers $6 and' OMS $8." |RMC, U of W at WLU, AGAINST BIG GLOVES lisgg Mengengre HEADQUARTERS" THE MILLS p BA. Deagemats 600. Be following to how the scoring weet LONDON (AP)--Teddy Walt- NEW Ton BOA Cena: MOTORS 648, H. McLee NEW HOMES & : oti "Gis, "K'lon Tuesday with team standing total ham, secretary of the British} LONDON (Reuters)--Results|ment billed as the World Pocket] Home IMPROVEMENTS NOW ON DISPLAY AUTO LEASE W.iMatinews Stall 62, 4. Mercier ¢24,/Ping, high singles, and tsples, oy! BASKETBALL [Boxing Board of Control, saidjot soccer matches played in|Billiard Championship is sched- FULL LINE OF ph, Villa 604, masters 3, Barbers 1; Con. Heating 4, Monday that in general medical] Britain Friday night: uled for New York April 8-14, BUILDING MATERIALS 353 MITH PH. Wednesday's results --Cads 1, Pon-|Pediars 0; Powell's Drugs 3, Hallidays committees in Europe are ENGLISH LEAGUE featuring round-robin competi- KING PORT q tiacs 3: Buicks 3 GMCs 2: Chevs. 3, 1; Seven-Up 3, Dixon's oon 1s Nation- SCORES against the use of larger boxing Division II tion among the best of the play- 725-4704 Ww. Ph: -- 723-4634 wens "Station 2; V and J 4 OPEN EVENINGS 266 King St. W., Oshawa 2 2, Goch Service 2 4, gloves, Waltham was comment-|Reading 1 Queens PR 1 ers currently active. Entries in- 436 RITSON N. 4Th Sect ,| Bell 'Telephone 0; Vern's 3, Brown's|By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS); . clude George Chenier of Mont- => Baleke tae caste wa tad Lumber 1; Alger Press 3, Oshawa Bak-| > National Association a Fv the New hbo State leg- Division IV pa B (Where Pavement Ends) 97, GMC's 13-55, Pontiacs 10-51, Olds-|°TY }- , Western Division Slative committee's sugges-|York City 1 Torquay 0 mobiles 7-51, Cadillacs 8-46 and Maple|, National Grocers 24 (26,963), Brown's estern tions for making boxing safer Leafs 8-55, op a Mf eal Dixons etl |St. Louis 125 Los Angeles 112/for the competitors and more SCOTTISH LEAGUE GUYS AND DOLLS MIXED Magor|OMS. 16 (25,743), V_and J 16 (25,307),] (Los Angeles leads best-Of-|acceptable to the public. The Division I 7 a ees au ues nee oe etn mh ah |_seven tnt Restor rrr suena algo ot... | NU-WAY | WILSON | ACADIAN | SUDDARDS arias Cat corte emer te we daar cal cighiteae certs anual EXHIBITION | BICYCLE SHOP a Sas and eight-ounce gloves should] weeiag, all four "pointe" froma| ois Want ty Gasset, Con Heating] TORONTO (CP) -- Erland|be made a standard practice.|Leyton Or. 4 Morton 0 Rug (Oshawa) Lid. § ELECTRIC MOTORS CLEANERS thus winning the last sec-/19 (26,837), Cleaners 25 (27, ted ), and PRESSERS-- Acadian Kops of Copenhagen def Bip vollotis, ns " M*)Es5y" tnd Goch Service Station * Sr) Chanarong Ratana . Saeng-Su-|[| Have Your Suit Styled CARPET SALES oo ot MUFFLER C.C.M, and RALEIGH _| 959). RR E S Overhauling--Rewinding to BICYCLES FO, Lactate bo beats On dee Relea ee eee Thailand 11-15, 15-5, 15-5 and Tailored by nen wi SHIRT LAUNDERERS D. rt. ' INSTALLED all types of Electric Motors Pres 26, L. Walking 327, D. Robert-| mriday night in the fourth of a ss, ORA Sales--Service--Parts deetucs wth Wik Datcniee teelk" Bcage> NTO C. Powell o, series of matches the interna. SAM ROTISH ARN RUG CLEANING New and Used Motors sidceoums Keys Made game total was bowl-|277, 272 (129), HL, Detvent 279, 267 cra), tonal badminton stars are 7 KING ST. EAST end FURNITURE Goes with 3670 and the| K. Je! ; playing in Canada. The players/§ prom A Lorge Selection of 3 ~ Houston 174 MARY ST. N. 395 Oshawa Bivd. S. 299 BLOOR ST. W. 497 Simcoe St. S. team bowled the high single with ; move to Ottawa for an exhibi- Fine British Woollens PHONE PHONE PHONE Fellow Ballom saved his bestlz70 and 8, Salmers 93 (78). tion stand tonight, 728-4681 723-4362 728-5141 PHONE 725-3979 See Us for... PATIO AND SIDEWALK SLABS (All Colors) Also Our New HIGHLAND STONE for flower planters Stone of all descriptions for Fireplaces, Mantles Flagstones MARRO it's Later. Than You Think...come to the Cadillac ENJOY OUR MODERN DINING ROOM FACILITIES--(BOWLING BANQUETS) STONE ALL MODERN ROOMS -- SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES 1a Hg UA 4 Oem /// 394 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Ph: 725-3189 HOTEL LIMITED Phone 725-3743 for Reservations MOSIER You Score Every Time SHEET METAL WORK When you use INDUSTRIAL TIMES GESIDENTIAL CLASSIFIED ADS 292 KING ST. W. PHONE 725-2734 SPORT Tel. 723-3492 BROWN'S LTD, rT "DO-IT-YOURSELF You Like It HEADQUARTERS" _ NEW eb & TODAY HOME IMPROVEMENTS GYMNASTICS: -- First annual Central Secondary fi °° It Likes You pueoieh tarenans pee 2 gpa grommet. champlonsnes, Distributor: Ross Shortt calisthenics, pommel horse, vaulting horse, paral- 725-4704 lel bars and horizontal bar events, at R.S. Me- - 156 GIBB STREET 436 RITSON N. Laughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute PH 7 babs ncaleer asl kiead gymnasium, starting at 1:00 p.m. ONE 723-3042 W. BORROWDALE CURLING: -- Annual "Plumber's Night" closing of BOATS Fuel Oil and Hesting Sales. A season, at The Oshawa Curling Club, 7:00 p.m. Grew-Traveler, O.M.C-17 complete line of quolity Heating Equipment. "SUPERTEST" HOT MONDAY MARINE STOR 'cE -quipment. cg BLAST FUEL OIL. Oi! and Ges MA RA nicer Whe pal baad No games scheduled. AND SUPPLY Brooklin, 6a "ravasune fl TUESDAY ops sveninas ts WEEKENDS FLOOR HOCKEY:-- Full program of floor vg | : HOUSTON'S fo scsingcrtop mo" ot Smee Hels STEPHENSON'S SERVICE STATION [| STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS: -- Either Detroit Red GARAGE AND GARAGE Wings at Chicago Black Hawks, in 7th game of Specialists In hag no heg er Te, of this gy cs WHEEL ialists i * oronto Maple Leafs, in the first game of finals -- - Mey _ at Maple Leaf Gardens. ALIGNMENT WEDNESDAY Straightening 67 KING ST. W. No games scheduled. . General Repairs Come on in! | PHONE THURSDAY 15 CHURCH ST. | BASKETBALL:-- General Motors League:--Second fg Phone 725-0522 ae fh x i-final series, total. "The familiar bug won't cost much but Windshield washers, But that's only the beginning. Your Or tethaen ice eae cde oF points: -- ge vs Parts at 7:00 p.m. and Lee Bishop you still get Volkswagen quality andalistof Side-view mirror. Volkswagen dealer. has even more CONSTRUCTION Students vs Personnel, at 8:30 p.m.; Both games RADIATOR REPAIRS features ste ped pd -- . eee choke. pr wie ig Soba no oo a" Specialize in at McLaughlin Collegiate Gymnasium. 'clean peed le a sun visors. now not a gen. Unless esidential Driveways 'cad Used -- Floor mounted gear shift with all speeds An engine that averages 38 mp.g. you already own one. Phone" 528.8101 ge Caied 42 Bond St. W. synchronized. A cooling system that can't boil over. Plus. 1154 Nelson St. : : 725-1633 A built in heater-defroster. Volkswagen service by 350 dealers. "ova | osHawa | REESOR | HOTEL aicuots | PLY. | een | GENOSHA lumber, fuels, Wi Chevrolet, Corvatr, We will install or Repair ff in Sener Cattoge. nents, Tre Oldsmobile _ All T.V. Aerials, Rotors, in take' Seupes dioict, ff Excellent Banquet and SABYAN MOTORS sie mses AzerimentSytema" HporT PERRY IL ip conorrioneD ' 728.6206 361 GIBBONS ST. PHONE COFFEE SHOP 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH TEL: 723-3461 0 Vane Service View Phone: 728-8180 985-7951 Open 24-Hrs, A Day