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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1963, p. 13

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F ; ' Mon tagna rds 3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 18, 1963 +P _RAT BEES Former Star Athlete ini stanley Cringes At First Race eats PS 8 = Promoting Big Swim Junior Trail " mile. Teereerei, garry fillies. 'Purse $2100. Mw str Fin Jockey | Owner By STUART LAKE , 66 " comes TT te aio | waurms com -- st wa orl ein OTTAWA, (cae in u harge Desk Beate ia weet 2-14 3-no Remillard--R Papa year- -old Prince Edward Island- mer, And he was active in track) )ARr Penguing 64 Setuirday hac lage A ; fh Al Pitzone Gong pros sta ler has taken on the chore of and field, for two years holding| urda oo Curta: " 6 62% Prueitt--Mrs K Nicnolds Alpromoting a sporting event the world championship in the|™ght to win their best-of-five By BILL MacDOUGALL Douglas was tabbed by many|but of course that's pa FY f 1 junior hockey hi 7.4 D'tach--Donelly, Benedetto home. 56-pound shot put. interprovuncia mn Canatlian Press Staff Writer jas a certain replacement. The|agement too. If I let Th AR Deso--Turt, Valley, Fm icine Be tie oaecpes of Today he still has the gigan-\Seties against the Mamitimes! alian Stanley. is pushingjenergy Stanley has exhibited|will be the end. As f ot Sh meat bs tan Charlottetown, once active in a tic frame and despite his years|champions in three straight) 415 considered old age for allate in the season and in the|mnors, if I'm too old for 4 lit 11-% Nedesu---Donatedla Fim variety of sports, has long been and a foot injury suffered sey-/8ames. : hockey player and doesn't like|playoffs has the gloom-mongers|league, I'm too old for Forest Rover .... 119 6 12 ey ee taken with the idea of a nine- eral years ago, he is amazingly| Ottawa won the first BaMe|1, be reminded of it. eating their words. iminors too." Maser oh f 2. by Helioscope -- Quix Sone. 'Frainér J J Mooney 5r. mile marathon swim across active, of the ae in 6-0 and the second) 'phe way he's been playing] Imlach doesn't find anything) He's "biding my time' jn Start good, won ridden out 1 27,272 Double Poo! 86.348 | Northumberland Strait between "™* His versatility wasn't limited|@ame 9-6 in overtime. with lately, it would be easy to for-|ynuysual about the way Stanley|deciding what to do when his 7-QUICKLY ~~, 8.00 3.20 2.90/P.E.1. and New Brunswick. to athletics. During the gold) Monties had little trouble \get it. helped the Leafs keep Cana-|hockey career th tint & A Second Race L-SODID STONE, +": 3.00 2.50/ And now with the date of the Weems rush days he was drawn to the|the Charlottetown club Satur-\" "ay off that 'old' stuff," the|/diens. off balance in Toronto's|He's interested ey eg hing 7a "open to the world" event ten- Klondike where he says he be-|day night. They built up @ 3-0iporonto Maple Leaf defencemanvictory in the best-of-sevenjlost out for the . Sanaa Oe furlongs, Three zoer cite Clatee Str Fin Jockey OWBAr tatively set for Aug. 3, he de- came a personal friend of Rob-jlead in the first two peniods!said to a reporter as Leafs|semi-final, Conservative no mina tion dn Wi 6129 24 26 12 Turcoiie G s Be cided a jaunt across Canada was ; mum ert W. Service. He still likes tojand sewed up the victory in the! were awaiting the start of their) «p91 just playing the way he| Timmins riding in the Gare Bown ug 8 3 Lue ie Ae Gi" Harrisoo--J M Seoobs needed to stir up some interest talk about the late poet's writ-|third with three more goals. {Stanley Cup final against De-|\oan play," he said, |federal election--but has gi Flam"co Dancer 111 8 4 6nk Snk 3-nk 41% Fite'ns--Rocamora, Jones |in jt, : ings almost as much as the Defenceman Mike Fitzpatmick|troj{ Red Wings. They had elim- Th niabl Stanley shrugged)" Serious thought" to en' 104 9 3 4nk 4h $4 S24 Simpson --Hivley, Crvicken | ON a stopover in Winnipeg P prize ring, |fired two goals for Monties.|inated Montreal Canadiens four! 4/ e ey le : ey ig be ing politics on a full-time bas iis $7 71 6% 6a 73% Pong--Bon Haven Fm with his wife, Pendergast said , NO SNAP ' 'Gordon Hamilton, Jim Chiar-/games to one, and when they|0v' TNesot es oe ace vali the future. aie, ; 110 1 5 5-1é ® .&1'4 McComb--L Ehrlick had found considerable enthusi- ' "But this swim promotion,elli, Jean-Paul Groulx and Rod|beat Detroit 4-2 in the first game} skating and checking like a) Asked what his political Bourbon Fiighi 16, 7 6 is, h2is OB ° Conentinn Pederson vere? asm in sports circles. Most con- ' now is my chief preoccupation,"|Zaine scored one apiece, lof the finals last Tuesday Stan-|YoUNg man. | Winner b c 3, Distillate -- Wide aed Trainer G M Huntley tat See A | | "After a while, you get to form would be if he en' 3 ider a natural opportunit he said. "I've waited a long) In Quebec City, Lionel) Ssists, . rt good fab Rare Reward. Won driving \sidered it u ppd: y ley contributed two a k h the oth \politics and whether :he'd work Pool sii? ae __|for promoting competitive swim- time to see this, and I wouldn' |Fleury, vice:president of the} "I get tired of reading that| eat tae Nai t 1s) bie Sito bolster amateur athletics, the ~ DAILY DOUBLES and 7 paid $78.80 |ming and tourists interest at the like to see it slip away now|Canadian Amateur Hockey As-\'old' stuff," said Stanley, who|® Thee Rg ch ot Soe llanky, sharp - featured Stanley . [NEVER MEGA entry) 7.70 470 2.80 | ;|same time. 4 wines giving it my_best. socieman, saad Otewe wel Diy itumed 3 oy MATER 4. ition of how playoff ho ne f-|Said: Third Race 9-APACHE DANCER 13.00 £30 It was only grudgingly that ; It's only a $1,000 event, but/ihe Quebec junior hockey cham-| Any thoughts of retiring are|, © Ls y' Y ony aa meds Ca 6-EMPIRE MISS..." 280 Big Jim could be prevailed Tt think it's drawing interest/pions in a best-of-seven inter-\so far from his mind he hasn't/fects him and other players:| "Leave: the statements @ tetings, Tweyeareld maiden filley Corn ee scckey Owner upon to talk about. his own days from widely scattered aquatic|provincial series starting within/eyen decided what he might do|_ 'Hockey is a big business, and| Kelly." y. i , cate ; ; have to come up with some-| For the time being, Stanley Never M 12 5 1 b% 134 Teotte-Addison Hall Sta Alas an athelte. : circles." : ____jtwo weeks. lwhen Leafs either retire his No.|¥OU | Apache Dancer'. 119 10 nk 2-00 Foie N tat Valley Fm |, 4 one-ttme amateur boxer, : The swim is to begin at Cape| In the Quebec playoffs, Rose-\26 or put it in storage. wo ag He tee ie owe ea seca only with playing la + 1a" Leavy JC, JH M'Kianon Bihe recalled serving as sparring . Tormentine, N.B., and finish at/mount Bombers of the Montreal] "I don't give a darn about festa than thera? ane @ Ate) "p <4 vot bya ash: tela png RS Nedeau--Armstrong Bros. |partner for Sam Langford be- Borden, P.E.I., with swimmers|Metropolitan League begin alages when they: play like that," |" a) ti ff reti t/tough to do two jobs, hock Prilyn D'fach--J C MacKinnon B}tore the "Tar Baby" from Nova ' contending with a two-knot tide.|best-of-five series against Vic-|said Leaf manager-coach Punch ¢ SuSEOn Or: Seurenien B ' ay 1 7 ' 8 Coceka Binder i 1 8 Remilerd Jay Em sta A |Scotia began fading into obscur- Records indicate the swim has |toniaville Bruins Wednesday.|Imlach, 'at egg Rael roduce, iol: business too. I'll take my 91 -4 9%no Simpson--Ed'ston, Kei'z" | ity and blindness. 3 been completed only twice be-'The Quebec final could last play 8 Dp 210 its Inia Kenney 'Reed SAM WAS GREATEST : fore, and on both occasions by| until Thursday, April 25, STILL SKATES FAST lig 12 12 1 Wolski--V Martin Jr "He was what many called <= women -- Evelyn Henri of Fieury said the series be- ae el nage curing on Winner ch f 2, Jet's Date--Patit san Seat uta | hiie, one OF = Lig gg batons oy ret -- peck =f tween Ottawa and the Quebec "pst weg ar' Pvapd Tes cacen J (i /icitian \for-pound fighters in boxing, eters of Summerside, | chamni ill not b m of H , Start good, won ridden out Pool 55,872 | . champions wii e pan o P,.E.1., and Sydney, N.S. the Memorial Cup playoffs, but|°°5 of his career but it doesn't "GARDENS WIN... 10.40 4.70 330 | | Pendergast eget Bags y ~ : "Th i tural,' show the way he's been skating IBEN* Y jample was the close decision he e event is a natura Fourth Race eSUFTY SADIE 4H 220 lOst to Jack Johnson in 1906 ; says Pendergast, "The water is imply an interprovincial play-)jixe 21-year-old and breaking up oppositicn plays with the best 6 fartongs. Three-vear-olds, Canadian foaled, Claiming all $2500, rere $1800. when Langford was outweighed ' ss not too rough fo scare away the is of them. In the semi - final f In Memorial Cup play, he t PPSt % % Str Fin Jockey Owne j a i 1 33 33 A sta by almost 50 pounds." ee 9 . = amateurs, nor is it such a snap ' Gans i . in b-Ye 5- $2 Paid Simowon, arden Civ . | But though Pendergast tried BIG JIM" PENDERGAST as to be ignored by establish Ser, alae ' cit 9 "or against Montreal he scored one Nicsare Drift'... 118 TaN th aa. ten Botner gl -- it wasn't his favorite ed_distance. swimmers. | meet 'the winner ae sartes be-lfors one had two essiats te sank agg i 7 6 71 TM S1% S7% Polts--W J Farr eerie e fifth among Leaf point-getters. " oa |tween Niagara Falls Flyers of hil ly in the Canadian Flag .. 116 3 1 6-4 6-4 Despirito--Gardiner | tered Common Market as the|the ¢ For a while early re eae 4 e Nad e OHA Junior A League and po eeseael Met tis 1 ye hg Mag Tetebew Rader Im | SPORT FROM BRITAIN name but later changed it to|Neil McNeil Mamroons 7 the Sami ne Nie eet of Bs Winner b g 3, Windficld Garden Star, Trainer J Higgins {conform with the music- -hall| Tononto Metro League immins, int., natives 8 Start good, won driving Pool 63,761 |song they were all: singing be-|-- : igiving out and rookie Kent Fifth Race peeres. ia) Fancy Names Reign In tore, Soo est Writ Wants ea SHORGAS Safety underfoot starts at the Cat's Paw sign! 5% farlongs. i year- --s and ap.Claiming all $2500, Parse $1200 t PP \ | In recent years, one 'of the| p i 1304 yioGonb- ~w A Gark | B iti h Turf P dd k best names has been Ambassa- "Bybank, former couch at my HEATING & - 24 Lanower i peaaers | Tl 1S. a oc S oe. s Lapse, by Diplomat out of | pai) League, has signed'a three- | APPLIANCES 1% LeBlano--The Pheasant Sta | Playful Nun, year contract as head coach of ' 66% Wolski-di EM' Pollock | By ALAN HARVEY , Kelly, one of the top two-year-| Manowhile the manet talked-|New York Titans, the Journal- Industrial and 7.28 , M Bod'chuk : -year- x Fe ets Neat | LONDON (CP) -- When itlolds in his day, has his first! Sao er ohow Suit, ee. | Commercial Winner b f 4, Vibrator -- aces. Trainer J Calhoun jcomes to horses, names take a! crop of juveniles coming to the! Giles Loder The established, reliable Ges r F 5 sil Pool 68,983 This Ballymoss tart good, won easily ws free and fancy range in Britain.) ,a¢es this year, and inevitably|colt is regarded as a bright 2. MUFFLERS Deoler in your area. | ARROLL COUNTY 2.90 2.50 230! With the 1963 flat-racing sea-|one of them is called Emerald| hope for the 1963 classics. INSTALLED Sixth Race ERR none 370 *yo\son under way a new crop of| Isle. | "So much so that trainer Noell] See Ind wt" 31 CELINA ST. @ fariongs, trisrols snd spo} allowances. Purse $2700. | two-year-olds comes to the turf} Also inevitably, there is one|Murless wound up his greeting] ( aeyrat gt eeeweeresrenseseeesessesserag, eeesereecresescssssecassesesses® Good Vibration HY 10 Paulpolly 114 Fight Bare peFhaH enue TeepPareu-- Ges ER Te * 5 . . 3 sa Str Fin Jockey Owner ue a 3 Hw 1 $32 14% Despite L Vietor rag Poangy: | -- Fon "Never | '2a8ed Anybody Here. Mrs. Rex| cards with the message: Bentine : oe ae ees meses | | BS en Cohen, owner of a colt by Kei "All the best for 1963, and 1) 110 4 4 Snk 54 3-nk 3-4 MeComb--Hellk Sta Bo > |] 67 KING E, PHONE 723-7822 iG LR eEAEe ae me mote Fn |Die Dancing and Bouncing in jout of Chaffer, originally regis-'hope we Follow Suit." 16366 6 S-nk 5-1% Gubbins--Mrs L W Ruby | Bavaria. CERIN A sniaseinaaiiaimaetene 114 5 2 2% 32% 6 6- Rem'lard---J L Levesque 7 Winner » g 6 Rougn'n Tamble -- Doris V. Trainer L Cavalaris Jr. | -- names that catch the | geeut tee mreas, we pig mereras cee ome | DON'T MISS IT!! SEE T 's OSHAWA TIMES ; ag |two-year-old races include Mid-| Seventh | a TSAGSILLA vent)". 330 2 | |night in Munich, Cradle of al as omorrow $ 6% furlongs, &year-olds and up, claim ing all $4500, Pereg g000e, |Deep, Come Blow Your Horn} Wt PP St ¥ % Str Fin Jocke: Owner ie isd Wind. 108 i. 1m 'and Count Down Basie. Sag: 118 2-2% 12% Rob'son--J J Mead i H H H PE int Et aS Bee 6 tae, British owners can indulge a Or LOMpiele Listing OF Aricies n v r Dew Valley F'm S369 1 414 Uyima J W Smallwood | taste of free-wheeling christen-| 72M 62% 53% Har'eoo--Jeniey 6 Sta jing because they are allowed to| 2 3 5 9 7 i Sh 33 4h 6-1% Hale--F D Gibson 2 6 i . s 62 4a bee jexceed the 14 letters and spaces to eg i |peranttted tt: Nertie Ameria. -- for the - Positive non- cats PA\ Winner bm 8 Windfields -- Sunny one Trainer J J Mead, Some sportsmen like to relate Ww whedeadalll Gtatt good, won handily. 'the they ch t | ] . . fants oe --saeesets| MONSTER RADIO | {.'irimhe nue ¢ fertonss, 4year-olds and up. Cana cto ntos claiming all $2500. am 2 ce he on bay vont by Sin Sing) | eee just like Mother Nature s! WtPPSt 4% %_ Str Fin _ Jockey Owner ;Sing out of Donna called Ca-| Cathy Yates 110 7 1 1% 1% 114 1-4 Fitzs'ns--Valley F'm Sta | ruso, and a filly by Sica Boy out! tte--F WwW Our Johnie ..... 118 33 3 ian Potte--F W Russel lof Freedom registered as Tom-| At the sign of the Cat's Paw cat, ask your quality shoe repairer \ for exclusive non-slip, twin grip rubber heels by Cat's Paw... | apa $7 Oo Sapa none ye cavevres eel the only heel which duplicates nature's own tor longer Warferd y b 6M --H C Burton ! Clocker Tom -nk 2 Fak Tooue 4 t " avesque |whose names show a touch of, wear, cushiony comfort, surefooted walking. For all the family's Mac's Trophy 15 be ; & Gubbins--E Short 3 shoes, insist on Cat's Paw-- symbol of expert shoe repairing. las gol dk b m 5 Rustom Sirdat--Havit. Trainer G M Cartes, = | imagination are Sarong, by Tro: tart good, won driving Pool 73,912. Total pool 510,714. Attend. Pique out of Prude; Alcohol, by| ima By the makers of CAT-TEX SOLES, CAT'S PAW SOLES and CAT'S PAW 8 pen 11,031. Total attendance 6 days: 50,861 Alcide out of Temptress, and ADIPRENE "TIPPS" for spike heels. Look for them on new shoes, tool honcw ll aeandltaneatulastentded \Geisha, by Shantung out of) |Honey Bun. | sccaneenasonnappeonacssnsheneiennecenyapey ett cs |HITS REFEREE, CHARGED) ioe . Fa aerate es CATS We Outside the Rosebery stable, soft, resilient RUBBER -- . . (CP) -- A Kamioops hockey! | Yiother catchy names are Bun a gested oot tg Mop aeh Pi CoNg B uesda A vil 16th WELLAND (CP) -- Wellana °2USing bodily harm to a ref-| Eat, and Pass Word, by We if ' Merchants took'a one - game(¢"e* by slashing him with a Don't Know out of Setback. F st-of-seven On-|hockey stick March 16, Rona} &@ oy Seu rh Roi rene i eg ver Station CKLB cspbiate A fnial Sannay with « "lets, was remanded to April 17.| '|dent here in the semi-finals of! 6-5 overtime victory over Brad-\Referee Douglas Anderson of|the British Columbia junior! ford Expressmen in the series Richmond, BC. -» was treated for/hockey championship opener. r A goal by Jimmy achieten| ee eT a apy ' 4 mre a i BG ot tr eg ' cas eae NEM i oT, his third of the day, decided} © j ; } } the game after 19 minutes of overtime. Bobby Desson scored scored two others: for Welland and Johnny Groulx the other. Bradford scorers were Bill Forhanm, with two, Bob Hassard, George Davis and Lloyd Boyer. Second game of the series is in Bradford Wednesday night. * Aa ra "e Peacseee ace ° . . ° ° : & Heve Your Suit Styled ond Tailored by SAM ROTISH 7 KING ST. EAST From A Large Selection of Fine British Woollens INOW -- YOU PAY LES: With RENT-A-CAR SERVICE 14 ALBERT STREET 725-6553 | -- ia oo ee i Bae Cah, 'ale 330 pen pay | Now, for the first time, two ales have been blended to give you a smoother, more 6:00 P.M. -- 8:00 A.M. 0for24nouns} Mellow flavour than it's possible to brew in a single ale. INCLUDES GAS AND r] e "egg allgiraengiines 0 KEELE O'Keefe Extra Old Stock Ale flavour is the result of blending anal. Saude wicker cele two specially brewed ales--one full-bodied, well-aged and mel- pin A pcdiathlgeapln EXTR A low--the other light and smooth. The flavour you get is a km ase Blns smoother, more mellow flavour thancan be brewed in a single ale.

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