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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1963, p. 16

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16 THEOSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 15, 1963 BIRTHS ANDREJICRA -- 'Tony and Mar- ene (nee Brain) are happy to ve CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued from Page 15) Various Jobs For Satellite MONTREAL (AP)--A United the birth of a daughter, Saturday, April 13, 1963, at Oshawa General Hospital, States state department official says an importanf future use of TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--April 15 Quotations in cents unless marked $, lot, xd----Ex-dividend, xr---Ex- Today's Stock Block Sales 218 High Low a. 810% 10% Bireteiguns « Market ies Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge WetAws © @1 LU UM +% ¥ KaitB 300 6 Va| Zelle: 1 Net mm, Ch'ge 36--Legol SHERIFF'S. SALE One 1956 Volkswagen Coach To be sold by Public Auction WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1963 rights, xw--Eix-warrants, Net change is oe from previous board-lot closing sale, INDUSTRIALS 11 Net Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge 325 $43% 42% 4344 + % 600 250 245 250 +3 rs » ~learth satellites may be to 85| Zenith 200 485 gather "information about mili- tary. preparation" in countries maintaining a high degree of secrecy--obvously referring to the Soviet bloc. 'One of the great problems in today's world," said Leonard C. Meeker, "is the uncertainty gen- erated by the secret develop- ment, testing and deployment of national armament and the lack of information on military preparations within closed soci- eties."" He added: 'If in fact a na- \tion is not preparing surprise attack, observations from space could help us to know this and thereby increase confidence in world security which might oth- erwise be subject to added and | unnecessary doubt." Meeker is deputy legal ad- viser of the state department in Washington. His discussion of ighing 7 lbs., 14 ozs, A sister for Ghristopher, Special thanks to Dr, Miller and fourth floor staff, The sec- aod Mrs. | ond grandchild for Mr, Harold Brain. = ' 3 gf Stock Abitibi BRAY -- Lawrence and Barbara are happy to announce the birth of a son, Christopher Alton, 7 Ibs., 6 ozs, on Thursday, April Li, 1963, at Oshawa General Hospital, a brother for Janna and Jodie, Many thanks to Dr. Morris Stock inex + + s a 250 $17% LIM 17% 470 $5! 50% Ole + 2290 $27% 2714 2714 -~ 220 $1644 16% 16% NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Atlantic Sugar. Refineries Co. Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1962, $2,918,583; 1961, $2,328,804, Bralorne Pioneer Mines Ltd., year ended Dec, 31: 1962, $854,. 460; 1961, $836,252. Burrard Dry Cock' Co, Lid., pop Bhar Dec, 31: 1962, $1,- 052,030; 1961, $796,830. G Canadian Ice Machine Co,| can 'salt Lid., year ended Dec, 31: $60,589; 1961, $12,160. Great Britain and Canada In. sy vestment Corporation, 3 mos.|Con Bake ended March 31: 1963, $104,212, /Con M's 12 cents a share; 1962, $96,197|Con Paper them from the Court House. eight cents. |Corby vt Police' kept the Negroes dis | Greyhound Lines Canada Ltd, | Coronation persed at all times, iyear ended Dec, 31: 1962, $1,-|Crush Int (AP Wirephoto) | 485,011, $1.33 a share; 1961, $1,.| Dist i Ad mecereeeeeees | 246,204,' $1.15. ioe aes ist Seag mn <a "4 | Iroquois Glass Ltd., y @ a r| Do ended Dec. 31: 1962, $402,862; |O Magnes OBITUARIES 11961, net loss $57,650. [Dom Pores | John Labatt Ltd., 3 mos,|Du Pont FRANK LLOYD BEECROFT a a a -- page ed pest 31; 1963, $545,000, 13 cents|"mP bite " rath of Frank Lloyd/Of the Masonic Lodges in Rus-'a share; 1962, $488,000, 11 cents si gage ggg Bayi! and Brockville. He was a/9 mos. ended Jan, 31: 1963, $3,-) | Apa 13, at Fairview Lodge,|Past president of the Oshawa) 450,000, 80 cents a share; 1962,| | Cuban Exile Recalls Bay Of Pigs Fiasco | eric sree ret etcetera at Notice, DEATHS Wednesday, April 17, marks jnames of Frank Jimmie andj the spot wasn't selected before-| itis 96th year, he was a son|Club, and was active in both| year ended Dec. 31: 1962, $211.- BEECROFT, Frank Lloyd | the second anniversary of the |Charles. jhand. : lof the late Alvary and Margaret | Sports when his health permit-!000; 1961, $230,924. GL Paper At Whitby, on Saturday, April 12, 1963. Ray of Pigs Invasion, Here is | From May 1960 to November,| '"The Houston went in first. Beecroft and was born at Saint-/¢d. At 'he time of his death,| Northern Telephone Ltd., year|@ | Power Frank Lloyd Beecroft, beloved husband) 1° oy behind all that is |the anti-Castro Cubans were/It was received by artillery fir Ineld, Ont ' lhe was a director of the Wedge-\ended Dec, 31: 1962, $607,392,|9,%Po",%, 40 Si 'Dr. "Erie, Besorot of Ottawa, ard! known of the operation by |given guerrilla training. In No-|directed from the Bay of Pigs!"\1y Boacroft was educated in\Wood Hunting and Fishing Club./32 cents a share; 1961, $654,708,| Guar sJulian of Whitby; dear brother of Mra.| 4. 01.104 press specialists | vember the training was shifted| airfield. There was & CYOSS-/j, vis Sineet. Collegiate In-|Mr. Cochrane was a very popu-|34 cents. mi hy Resung at the 'W. "Town in military and Latin Ameri- ito straight Second World War|fire which was marvelous... '| stitute, Toronto, He studie! at|#ar man in the community, | Robinson, Little and Co. Ltd., ' Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service \9) oan affairs jinfantry tactics. | The Houston with the com-jii, Conservatory of Music, To-| He is survived by his wife,/year ended Dec. 31: 1962, $158,.- "ys ee a toe {wen Cas By BEM PRICE | After the invasion Lemnitzer| munications gear aboard WaS)run9, specializing in solo bari-\the former Ellen G. Buckley,/496; 1961, $139,113. : tery, Oshawa. Rev, M. Butler offiel-| "and \and Bisenhower said the opera-|damaged and beached. lone and choral singing. jand was predeceased by two! Somerville Industries Ltd.,|ingtis ating. THEODORE A, EDIGER [tion was intended primarily as}, ": - ; When disembarkation! "He was a resident of Whitby|children, He is survived by twojyear ended Dec. 31: 1962, $1,.|{nt Nickel For the watchful Cubania guerrilla reinforcement. | began it was under an aerialltor the past 45 years, During/Sisters, Mrs. Mary York, Otta-|317,018; 1961, $1,141,095. Hospital| toons of Premier Fidel Castro,/Kisenhower said that when he|Dattle between our planes andithe early 1920's he was a mem-|Wa and Mrs. Jessie Merrill,! United Steel Corporation Lid., cv apgiod the sudden appearance of the| left office Jan. 20, 1961, no firm | Fidel's ae \ber of the Whitby Town Council|Monrisburg and one brother,)year ended Dec, 31; 1962, net in}U.§ warship in the Bay of! plan for the employment of the) "Then Sea Furies hit the/and was a member of Whitby|Hubert Cochrane, of Russell. | loss $2,632,024; 1961, net loss Pigs southeast of Havana. was! refugee Cuban force had been| Wooden bridge of the Rio Es-| Public School Board for several| The funeral service will be}$1,566,311. the final tip-off | determined {condido, Our ship blew up and |terms during the late 20's and\held in the Mcintosh - Anderson|~ seats The long - awaited invasion! 'Tnis fact goes to the heart of|*@k in tive minutes. . . . Welearly 30's, [Funeral Chapel, Tuesday, Apr.| |was about to begin. Cuban ra-|ine mission, what the invaders|***™ to the Blagar. Mr, Beecroft was an active|16, at 3.15 p.m. Rev. J. Leng,| FIELD, Clade A, dios began drumming out the! ,... i en 1s" | United e|D Entered into rest at Fairview Li | . ae ed waa Gtr ag + garage EE ala as secretary of the offi-| Church and Rev. G. Telford,|men's basketball tournament) (once pr Claude' A. Field, beloved husband of| 'Place yourself on a work) 3 a cial board of Whitby United|/DD, pastor emaritus of St./here Saturday, defeating New|LobG 1 pr £2S3e.2 geg-Bstetgigengbe-usbbSie.8 Ailesele COLBY-- Don and iva (nee Keating) are bappy to announce the birth of their aon, 6 Ibs. 9 ozs., on Wednesday, April! 10, 1963, at the Oshawa General Hos See A brother for Darrell and "om anks to Dr, Morris. KORNIC Mr, and Mra, Alex Kornic (nee Pat Anderson) wish to an- nounce the arrival of their first baby, a girl'named Dianna Dawn, weighing # lbs., 6 ozs., born on Easter Sunday, 'April 14, 1963, at the Oshawa General Hospital, Froud grandparents are Mr and Mrs, Nick Kornic of Oshawa and} Mr. and Mrs, James Anderson of Courtice. Our epecial thanks to Dr Halam-Andres. S = - % 5 row! % Anthes A org Ss £ ++ C Safe 4 pr ~- C Brew CBAL Aw Cdn Can A Cdn Celan © Cel * pr at 2:00 P.M. at Heard's Taxi and Garage 124 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario. TERMS; CASH Arthur Welsh, Sheriff, es¥dicticseeests! o SysupbswteeSse- BE 8 seeegiece + - se * S = S steel > Collieries C Colli pr C Husky C imp Bk C Ind Gas cl, | | Me 6% 6%--% j % 664: 66% + $9% ae + = MILNE - Ron and Rensiaee (nee Worsythe) are very happy announce 1 = birth of a son, Ronaid Gregory, County of Ontario. | born Tuesday, April 9, 1963, 7 Ibs., 10 'ozs. We wish a specia) thanks to Dr. A. Halam-Andres and to the. nurses CARD OF THANKS | uses of space for many inds eaceful and military 4 staff of Oshawa General Hospi- |kinds of peace! ' tal. lobservation was prepared for POPE -- We wish to express our siM-| delivery at McGill University. re thanks to friends and neighbors) ' y for thelr kind expressions of sympathy| In the near future, he said, ond lovely floral tributes % ene ed satellites should be able to de- loan of a car. To the nurs staff of 3A Oshawa General Hospital, | tect forest fires, measure po- Dr, W. H. Stanley and Dr. Roy Row | tential water supplies, we aati. 'The Rev graph ice fields and record the y th Armstrong ; : egy Eg foo thelr. kind. effi-| location and movement of large| i Sous her rine: a the Hoes oF a Seer Muli leebargs and help control insect} t on ind and father, Ernest Pope, aE e The Pope family, \devasiation, | here at a C Mare CPR e200 + Arjon 6000 A Arcadia 12500 MINES SU 214 2h MOSIER -- Robert and Helen (nee) Dean) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Robert, 8 lbs., on Sat- urday, April 13, 1963, at Oshawa Gener- ei Hospital, Thanks to Dr, J, 0. Anderson and Dr, R. F, Beckett and the staff of fourth floor. +** ESCORTED HOME AFTER REGISTRATION Negroes were made to leave 'Court House Miss. Shown are n na groups of two and two local policemen who kept hree Friday after registration the Negroes from leaving in » Leflore County a large group and escorted | Beecroft 400 "400 ca] 125 (125 «(185 )--(+8 11% U4 lIh+% Ml 1 Mt 1000 ™ 7 A, Woolcock for his kind, $00 300 817% 174 MIA eek Hee 500 145 145 MB $14% 14%. 14% 250 710 525 RIORDAN -- To Dr, and Mrs, Peter) Riordan (Verna Harrison), a daugnter, Maria Jo-Anna, 7 lbs., 15 o"s., on Sun- day, April 14, 1963, at Oshawa General Hos} 'Thanks to Dr. R. K. Miller and staff of 4th floor PROUD parents: The news of your Blessed Event can he announced to your friends and relatives in The Osh awa Times for only $1.50. Just tele phone 723-3492--A courteous Ad-writer will assist you in writing a Birth i€ Cassiar Cent Pat Cent Pore Chester Chimo Con Key jC Bellek +4 | Discov |C Mogul 1100 ~~ C Regcourt 2500 750 | 50 98 200 % 150 $14% M%+h 3580 S$18% 16% 1% + % 7 3426 6420--( 158218 218 216 500 7000 falcon Fanny F Fed Gr pr Ford Cda Fruehauf Gat Spr GMC GS Wares Goodyear 7 25 $101 101 iol -- 69 87314 73% 13% + 255 $10 10 10 50 $130 130 1390 4 300 $19%4 19% 19% -- 44 DNeknan $23%4 239% 23% + %/ EI Sol Eureka O12% 12% Geoo Mine 2% 12% 125 195 125 418 60 6 =6+ M/Giant YK Goldale 25 $i % 6% 6 Granduc 6 120-160 165 +10 100 375 5 Stl 41% 41% + 14) Gut Lead 1000 10 Gunnar 1615 815 $4 13% 13% -- te 4 48 + Har Min 2500 11% 1M Oe an ae aang | OF Lake 400 16 8 I H 200 $27% 27% Mh + 730 036 834 85 soo 17 air 117 10000 21 Ml hs 1s 1h 18 3000 +" 2000 2% «6% ~ | Croinor | Dacring |Deer Horn | Denison 400 $28 MS 612 1000 4 "% COCHRANE, Frederick A. Suddenly at Oshawa General on Sunday, April 14, 1963, A. Cochrane (392 Masson Street), loved husband of Ellen G. Buckley; his 75th year, The late Mr, Cochran resting at McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home, Oshawa. Service in the chapel on Tuesday, April 16, at 3.15 p.ui.| Interment Union Cemetery, Osbawa + +10 +3 37% ST + % 5% 5% $00 73 73 «673 200 175 175 175 «48 600 $16% 16% 164 --~ % 400 245 345 «245 MI? 1% 200 $10% 10 1000 $17% 17 100. $12% 12% | Joliet | Kelly wts Joutel ei apc OI {LOnt Cem WIN TOURNAMENT _ | Maura Sec 5 | ORILLIA (CP) -- Barrie|tevy Church member. He/DD, minister of St. Andrew's)YMCA won the Ontario junior Levy tne 7 K 735 18 a 16% 10% + 4| Lab 1% + % 12% -- % ™% -- "al Mac sag wa] Madtrans BH '| Marchant 4 250 | Martin + ")Melntyre 1% |McKen __ 4|Min. Corp Bee -- ) nuttin 52% | wurer |Nama eal Me) Nealon 160 iNew ne |New Hosce aay * | Newiuna Mylama " 2 ¥*) Normetal -" | Northgate + uN Goldert 29% 123% 52% 15% 2B 25 $52% 1479 $15% 25 $28 375 160 1885 $3544 25 $82% 225 $17% 300 86% 120 $28 3075 39% 160 33 82% 17% 6% * N Rank odge, ee " . Whitby, on Saturday, April 13, 183,alert order in Morse code: Minnie Dillingham, of RR 1, Whitby, Urgent." | Guerrillas would need neither|radiogram from the American)Gnunch for 20 years. Andrew's Church: will con- |Noronto Lakeshore YMCA 53-37.|MB. PR : : t be in the Oshawa Union Ceme-|Skrypnehuk wi j j Met Si BR 1. Wektby, Mr. Field is restiee stiarmed Castro opponents {standup battle with Castro|day we would get air support! She predeceased him in 1945. pce eld rypery pda vcr te) ig yg service in the chapel on Tuesday, April | leach, Dave Wedgeling led New Moore was a failure from the outset.| saw SOMING " ; ' ihe Hab ere mn e | |SAW IT COMING At 2:30 we saw two planes|tumber yard prior to retiring in| The death of Claude A. Field)feated Guelph 35-30 and Brock.|Not itct» At Oshawa General Hospital, on Satur-| tnited States, assert: : Lodge, | Orillia lost both its games ' epg Mbagparapmmsbl |troops in Pinar Del Rio prov-jely afterward the first two} A " : | 7 Mm MS & » 80-) Ont Stee beloved daughter of the late Samuel| ; Beecroft resided in Toronto, em-|Whith 1 3 sd 3 | Pow © Fuerst Home, 'Oshawa, for serviee| miles of the invasion beach with|tace place, though uncertain as| Thomas Field, he was born ment Union floral requirements for ail CENTRE jfets and propeller-driven fight-} lers aboard painted with the blue! stripe of the anti-Castro brig-| ade | While some of these airplanes| | were air-borne during the criti-| cal 'assault phase, none at-| \tacked, Qualified sources in this car-| | 'From that moment we knew|was the first manager of the to precisely where or when. | the war was lost for us and that| mail order department there On April 15 three rocket-tir-| we had been the victims of a! He also worked for a number of ing B26s struck at three Cuban! great betrayal. jyears as a house builder in To- air bases, two just outside Ha-| 'We had 16 planes. It took|ronto, vana and the third at Santiago|them three hours to fly from) Surviving are two sons, Dr de Cuba. Puerto Cabezas. They would|Eric. Beecroft, Ottawa and The planes were to have|fight for about three-quarters of/ Julian, Whitby, as well as six knocked out Castro's air force,jan hour and then fly back for| grandchildren. Also surviving is Feb, 26, Township. OBITUARIES | Mr. Field was a life-long a of Pickering. He mar-| MRS, DOUGLAS N. TAYLOR | ried the former Minnie Dilling-) wys> Douglas N. Taylor, 60 ham, Feb, 5, 1902, in Pickering.| simpson road, Bowmanville, | He was a farmer until he re-|suddenly died at the Bowman:| jtired in 1936, The leceased was|ville Memorial Hospital Satur-; i | 1866, in Pickering! | 9 425 $974 37% 35 87% '97 ™M% 139 $93 (92% 800 8 = Qn Gas QN Gaspr QN Gas w R Nodwell Rothman Royal Bak StL Cem A StL Cp A pr Salada 3 Salada wis Seven Arts 50 38 8 500 877% 77% 23 $18 8616 30 $102 720 $1 % 10% 415 350 350 700 $10% 10% 102 100 450 450 450 102 10% 350 74+ 1% 8 +% Mm +3 8 ™% 18 og | Status. : . . . nk | aire carrier Santiago, tell- 7 : in his 98th year, and dear father of a : air cover nor tanks, trucks nor/ aircraft carrier Santiago, | He married the former Evajduct the service. Interment will/Ton scorer for ike nine |Mass-F George of Parry Sound and Arthu: of} And so the invasion by 1.5001 jeeps. Regular troops for ajing us that at 2:30 p.m. that) armour, Jan. 1, 1901 in Lindsay.| : : rment will)/Top scorer for Barrie was Bob|MEPC McBachnie Funeral Home, 28 King- 3 tery. nscale jolson A gon Road, West. Pickering. Funeral April 17, gy Mat --, \4| Would {trom six P-51 planes (Second) 'The deceased operated the| Arnold and Wayne Clark got 10/Mont Loce 'ac c ndi | x 7 r in yatta ; et em, beers teovesias Comme | oe pti ere | World War. fighters). . . | |Grange Farm and the Whitby| CLAUDE A. FIGLD [Toronto with 14, Banrie de-|Nat Drug tery, Brooklin. ' "| Nat Trust . | Survivors of 'the invasion at-) On April 13, 1961, Castro ©ON-| cross, A minute later two others | 1947 joccurred suddeniv, Satumvlay,! ; i pel i \oross, J : joce ' ia : 58. a gle Neca WHITNEY, Mabel L |tempt, claiming betrayal by the| centrated 45,000 heavily-armed| went towards Cuba. Immediat-| Pyior to living in Whitby, Mr.|Apnil 13, at Fairview \ville 56-40 in earlier. matches, east @ay, April 12, 1963, Mabel L. Whitney,| y ; : : A US. aircraft carrier code| ince It was apparent Castro] | ' "i . jing down 51-24 to New Toronto] Poina 4 , : | . planes returned . . . the others|ployed by the T. Eaton Com- , | i nied P and Mary Whitney. 'The late Miss Whit) named Santiago was within 20/knew an invasion was about tol followed. Soe kee Yanga tee A son of the late Mr, and Mrs./and 55-34 to Brockville, enmane Funeral Home, Oshawa, for servi "s : | Price Br Sen Tuesday, April 16, at 2 p.m, Inte Cemetery, Ushaw LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 | Shawin a + \Washington identify ' 306 April 13. She was in her/shen oi in te ae 343 $16% 16% 200 $27% 27% 220 633% 33% 33% 4872 $204 20 244% 235 $19% 19% 15 100 120 120 100 S19 19% 19% 375 $65 64% 65 1190 $144 14 14 200 $14 144 4171 $26 25th 28 600 $1494 14% 14% Mier? Ie SMe 25 $194 13% 13% 250 410 410 410 295 $57 «5757s + 4 /Un Buffad 140 $13% 13% 13% + te|/West Mines 150 S13% 13% 134 + M/W Beaver 800 $18 «1818 | Wiltsey 330 819% 19% 19% | 300 $21% 21% 31% -- %4! iconsisting of U.S.-made T-33 jet| supplies. Then they would comeja sister. Mrs. Laura G, Hamil- chide {rier as the Boxer. | trainers, British Sea Furies and|back, It was most gruelling. T\ton a 49th year. peed |GUNFIRE UNUSED |B-26 bombers, had a friend, Joaquin Varela,| The body is at the W. C.| Surviving are his wife and| Mrs. Taylor, nee Dorothy steel 'Cen | 'There was ample, though un-| They failed. There was no fol.|who went 46 hours without sleep |Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby.|two sons, Arthur of Pickering| Frances he wei Mr. ole 28 Cotten . IN MEMORIAM lused, gunfire support available|lowup air strike April 16--and| "On April 19 when the Cuban |The funeral service will be held|and George of Parry Sound as of | cd "pe 4 and vocal Tambiya. pr mong the U.S. warships within(no news either pilots were played out, four|Tuesday, April 16, at 2 p.m. in|/well as two gnandchildren and/*rances hittle, and was born}nor pom RLAIR -- In loving memory of wolaght "ot * the landing beach.| Diplomats and correspondents| Americans stepped in to relieve the chapel conducted by Rev.|four great-grandchildren pes priest Pag Magy gee a Trin B dear husband, Alexander Blair, WhO/Phese ships--a cruiser, at least|from the Iron Curtain countries| some of them. The Americans|M. Butler of St. Mark's United} The body is at McEachnie| roronte iy Deielns N Pasian Tr Can PL La gr Nags By al gic morn|one frigate and several destroy-| reported April 19 that Cuba had/in two B-26s were the ones trom | Church, Whitby, Interment will| Funeral Home, Pickening. Fu|The couple make their home in Fig 'The sorrow the day would bring, | ers--had escorted the invaders') been attacked by planes and| Alabama who were shot down be in. Mount Lawn Cemetery,|neral service will be held Tues- Burketon and moved to Bow.| Vic. ¢ t eagle at peogr arto shock severe) convoy from Nicaragua to Cuba. | troop-carrying ships |They were killed." |Oshawa. day, April 16 at 2-p.m. in the) manville in 1951 lane tae Sometimes it's hard to understand Until the landing craft act-| Laie that same day, Havana) As for the paratroopers, there ARTHUR BICKERSTAFF chapel, Interment will be in| wis. Taylor was an adherent} Weoast vt Ge te eee ea ae ually started ashore there had|radio said Castro had reported|were 185 of them, Darias said.) | @ tiigg Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. of the St. Paul's United Church, | Westee! Revond cur Power to see, "lbenno final selection of a|an invasion attempt and wasjand they captured the Bay of| ive deash of Arthur Bicker-|o | 1.) vice swonp|Bowmanville, | Weston A God gave me the strength to fight tt) Heachhead area--and no recon-|now mopping up survivors. This} Pigs airstrip, but couldn't holder , 27 Park road, Pickering nm seNNCe BE MAne Surviving are, besides her Put what it meant to lose you, dear,|Naissance either. was followed by the announce.) it because of strafing from Sl Cara occunred Friday, April] An accountant a¢ Bayly Engi-nusband: one daughter, Diane No one will ever know '| Neither the invaders' mission! ment that two Americans and/tro's aircraft. aavsst shee whee tan neering Co. in Ajax for the past/and one son, Donald, both liv-| Sadly missed by wife, Clara nor immediate objectives had|seven Cubans had been executed! rennepy SAYS NO oe gaa ing 'ill for a on -- arog Ni magpivet oe at home. Whar : 3 } ' | REN? SATS ' y r road, Ajax, died! ao seit ; sal ear dad Atexi dst biatr, wee - rt ea gerined Be a napes Tat er avai radio an-|__ Were the Cuban invaders ever) \ son of the late John andlin the Ajax - Pickering General "ke hee ee ana UC ee , 4 ivi os te nounced the invasion atanie promised air cover? Attorney-/Biiabeth Bickerstaff, he was|Hospital Saturday, April 13. Hel chapel at'2 p.m. today, followed] ine wath the sos rene! lage aang sear = a had been crushed Meanwhile |General Robert F ge fom se 17, 1881 in St. Helen's,|had been in hospital the past] py interment in the "Hampton | o'clock Euchre, Wednesday 8.15. High vel : ; apa a ; + ee 'l brother to the president, said|Lancashire, England, seven weeks bie using Ng ; ; Avni We liv y's garden Dad, 1 ' iv , ; . | ; .| Woh happy dare we've Keown. The attempt cost the lives of) a Grass ou for bane Ae Ps a magazine interview this} The deceased was a resident} Mr, Hewitt moved to Aja Frgpencoe reg m7 oa jaune Since you've gone first and we remain|$1 of the invaders, not includ-) Suspected of harboring the ; | rani } ice was Rev, Harold Turner, | Admission Ste. Dns ing wed have yoo On. 'can fivers. who) slightest anti-Castro sentiments,|Ye2r that at.no time had the|of Pickering Village for the past) from Toronto 12 years ago. He|minister of the St TRL A RL Waik sowy down tie path of daatn_ | 0S tour ae er ne a tana alae. 200 O00 ents,|United States ever promised|five years. Prior to that time,|was born in Toronto in 1919 anl|Chureh, Bowmanville. NIGHT OF CARDS" We vant ie taney see dae ne rset Lag as Py Praga cating of|rounded up sh |military air support. jhe lived in Toronto coming|was the son of the late Leslie : legion Hall That we may walk the same, 180. resuied in 4 nda | ; | The key weed Reggae from nen. aie see and Mrs. Maude Hewitt. He was| MISS MABEL L. WHITNEY onan ST, OSHAWA For some day, dear dad, down that) 9". Bre ante |CRUSHES UPRISING jthat is, uniformed pilots in U.S.) He was a glass polisher with|a graduate of Riverdale High) The death of Miss Mabel L. J BE a SEEN, | It cost $45,000,000 to execute,| "sn. nocsible sympathy upris-| marked planes. ithe Pilkington Glass Company | School. lwhitney, 24 Colborme _ street APRIL 16 at 8 P.M. ye-Ever remembered by the family the chairman of the joint chiefs ing was thus crushed at the out-| Dr. Enrique Llaca, one of|until he retired in 1948, In 1946 he married the formerjeast, occurred at the Oshawa! Tickets at door 50 cents PARKER -- In loving a ae of staff, Gen. Lymap Lemnitzer,) (7 a ™ '|those captured and later re-| Mr. Bickerstaff married the}Vera Kilsby in Toronto, Mr General Hospital, Saturday,| 00d prizes and refreshments Gear husband aod father." Ernent|!S reported to have-told a Sen-|" "wii. nag happened? lleased, said, 'we were told| former Alice Falla, Sept. 27,|Hewitt was assistant scout-| April 13. She had been in failing Auspices of Ladies' Auxiliary Parker, who passed away April 15, 1953.| ate committee. On April 10-11 the brigade had|\there would be air cover, Not|1913 in. Toronto, master for the fourth Ajax{health for the past two years, | Cenedian Legion Branch 43 troop, a member of the Ajax! Born in Markham, she was a KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES jalso @ member of Pickering |day, 18% United Church, 7+ Silvmaq Siscoe |Starratt + Wi Steep R + \4/Sullivan Sunburst 8% | Teck-H Trin Chib U_ Asbestos +h 500, 360 2600' 77 1700 445 1500 19 1000 17 -- Gales to 11 &.m,.; 691,000, COMING EVENTS BINGO BPastview Park Tuesday two Weston A Weston B RUMMAGE sale Wednesday, April 7th at 1.30 p.m. at St, Peter's corner Cedar and Thomas Paul's Free Admission Free BINGO DNIPRO HALL 681 Edith Street (off Bloor £.) TONIGHT -- 7:30 P.M, 20 Games at $10 Jackpot 51 -- $160, $20 CON. PRIZE SHARE-THE-WEALTH bgelbeeg igoh of memaries It cost oe $53,000,000 sailed from Puerto Cabezas on(officially. But it might as welll He was a member of St. ; Filled with loving thoughts of you, .|t0 pay the fines of the inv asion| Great Corn Island, Nicaragua, |have been official. We all knew| George s Anglican Church,|Community Choir and St./daughter of the late Samuel and Rad cet ae, tener Pat are, [Survivors' and release them). 'tiny port to which they hadithe United States had a hand!Pickering. Paul's United Church. |Mary Whitney. Miss Whitney de t 2 oe from Cuban prisons _.|been ferried from Guatemala. {in the matter, We were trans-| A veteran of the First World| He is survived by his wife|lived for most of her life in J reslian ew wuch it cost It has cost $75,000,000 to date Dagoberto Darias, 49, once|ported to the training area in| War, he served in France with|and mother, two sons, Steven|Oshawa, and for many years Jackpot Nos, 50-52 S--<Lovingly 'remembered "by his loving, SUPPOrt 200,000 Cuban refU-| ..aithy cuban businessman and|U.S: planes. We were trained|the 58th Battalion. |and Bradley, two sisters, Mrs.|she ran a millinery shop here. EARLY BIRD GAMES wife Mary and family, |gees whose Lg enon -- ale coltne expert, was chief of./by Americans, Our weapons} Surviving are his wife andjJ. Willins (Berna) and Mrs. T.| She was a member of Simcoe KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE closed to them because the in- ficer of the Rio Esconido, one|and planes were American |two daughters, Mrs, G. D. Hep. REDMAN -- In loving memory of my efear hosband, Harold Edward Redman April 15, 1959. » Until we are together forever .~-Always lowed and cherished by ewife, Joyce RIMAR MEMORIALS Complete Monument and Inscription Service ©152 SIMCOE SOUTH : Phone 723-1002 ~ MEMORIALS Marble and Granite Canadien Makes and Imports Designing and Carving to suit your specifications Cemetery Lettering and Repairs Installation and Delivery Open evenings unti! 9 p.m. OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY 1435 KING STREET EAST RR. 4 at Highwoy 2 PHONE 728-3111 ' his |vasion failed. REPUTATION DROPS It cost the Central Intelli- 'gence Agency, which master. jminded the operation, a good deal of its reputation for com- petence. And it tarnished the jimage of the United States. The invasion scheme appar- jently began germinating some- jtime early in 1960. | A year later anti-Castro refu- }gees were training in Guate- jmala, During January 1961, un- | marked planes began carrying ;Volunteers from Clewiston and | Opa-Locka, Fla., to Guatemala. And it was in January that \four members of the Alabama National Guard, all former B-26 jbombers pilots of the Second World War, were recruited. In all, apparently, about 21 pilats were hired to train Cu- bans. Governor Orval Faubus of |Arkansas said most came out of: his state's Air National Guard | TRAIN INFANTRY | The infantry was being tion of a man identified by the | refugees as a Filipino who went by the name of Col. Valicio There were U.S too; men known by the cover jof the ships in the invasion|What else could our conclusion force. In an interview in Mi-|be?" jami, Darias said The "We left Puerto Cabezas on| landed Se paiarger which April 12. Five Liberty - }is approac y land via a sin. transport vessels, the min Gen gle road, flanked on both sides \condido, Atlantico, Caribe, Hous.) by impassable marshes and 'ton and Lake Charles. The Lake| mangrove swamps. There was |Charles was the 'Operation 40°) only one way to attack and that i(code name for the command) was straight ahead into Castro's )Ship) ship, It remained behind) 45.000 men. jand was to land later for mop-|. By the morning of the 19h, 'up operations. | the men were given up the hope- | "Aboard the transports were | less fight, They were out of am- | two small boats, the Blagar with; munition and Castro's planes }14 machine-guns and the Bar.| dominated the air. bara J. with nine. These were! Of the 16 planes in anti-Castro {small converted coasters. joperation, eight were shot down "Seven landing craft were) and the remainder arrived back | present for the invasion -- three/in Nicaragua full of holes. )LCU's (landing craft, utility)! Llaca reported that the in- land four LCVPs (landing craft,|vaders managed only to pro- vehicle-personnel). Also 30 out.| gress from the beachhead to a board motor communication|Toad junction designated as \launches, six aboard each (Lib-| 'central Australia." This was erty) ship, Also five tanks, | 10 to 12 miles inland. That was that, It was a total ESCORT LANDING CRAFT | disaster. "The landing craft with the} -- ss 24 -- tanks aboard were escorted to| WANT MORE PHONES @ point near the Cuban coast was the evening of April 16. By the time the small land. ing beach was decided upon jficuity keeping up with demand for telephones. Norway officers, the enemy had time to getihas 21.33 telephones per 1,900) jready for us. I don't know why |popuiation. ditch (Elsie), Pickering Village and Mrs. M. A, Green, (Ruth), | Ottawa, as weil as seven grand. | children | The funeral service was held jin the William Ey Sherrin Fun- eral Home, Pickering, at 1 a.m today. Interment was in Pine Hills Cemetery, Toronto, FREDERICK A. COCHRANE The death of Frederick A. Cochrane, 392 Masson sireet, occurred at the Oshawa Genera! Hospital, Sunday, Apr. 14, in his 75th year. While he had been én poor health for the past five months, Mr. Cochrane died sud- denly. He was born at Russell, and married the former Ellen G Buckley there in 1910: Mr, and Mrs. Cochrane celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary about three years ago. A resident of Oshawa for the jpast 43 years, Mr. Cochrane jcame from Brockville, where he jimad_ resided for six years. He }wWas chief inspector at General | f Norway's state telecommuni-|/Motors for many years, until/smith avenue. j trained under the over-all direc.|by an American-type ship. That/cations administration has dif-jthe time of his retirement in| the|1931. Since then, he had been|the Greenwood Gospel Chapel employed as a salesman for the 'Dixon Coal Company Mr. Cochrane was an. adher- em of St. Anirew's United Painter (Elaine) of Toronto; |Street United Church and the and four brothers, Murray, Mau-|United Church Women's group nice and Arthur ail of To-!For more than 25 years she} invading troops were Toronto and a son, Arthur, of|ronto and Jack of Petetborough.|served as < treasurer of _ the| }_ Mr. Hewitt is at the William|Women's Auxiliary of the Osh-! |E. Sherrin Funeral Home, Pick-| awa General Hospital, and, in) jening, and will be removed o appreciation of her service, she) \St, Paul's United Church at 11/Was appointed a life member of| jam. Tueslay, April 16, Rev,|the organization. Miss Whitney, Rex Norman, pastor of St,|was the last of her family. i Paul's United Church, wil! con-| The funeral service will be) duct the service in the church at/held in the McIntosh - Anderson! 2 p.m, Interment will be in| Funeral Chapel, Tuesday, April) Mount Pleasant Cemetery,| 16, at 2 p.m, Rev. J. K. Moffat, Toronto, " pop of Simcoe Street Unit- Church will conduct the serv- DR, J. G, PHILLIPS ice. Interment will be in Osh- en eo John Gordon! awa Union Cemetery. illips, 76, Toronto pediatrician! rarheae , died Saturday at the Toronto] wi, RUNERAL OF East General Hospital. Dr. Phil-} WILLIAM F. PEARSON lips, formerly on the staff of the| The memorial service for Wil- Hospital for Sick "Children, had| liam Freerick Pearson beloved} 'been in practice for 50 years. jhusband of the former Willetta} | Bom. in Port Perry, he. at./McGraw, who died Thursday, jtended high school in Forest and] April 11, at the Oshawa Genera! | graduated in medicine from Mc-| Hospital, in his 60th year, was jet Univrsity in 1913. For twojheld at the Armstrong Funeral} jyears he practiced in Norwich}Chapel, Saturday, April 13, at) jbefore setting up his practice in}2 p.m. i the Beach area of Toronto, first!) Rev. A. E, Lark, minister of} on Queen street, then Hammer-j Albert Street United Church, conducted the service, Inter- jment was in Oshawa Union) Cemetery. | He leaves his wife, the former; Pallbesrers. were Bill Beavis. | Louise Morrison; two daughiers,, Gordon McGraw, Jack Meagher,! Mrs, J. Wilsa. and Helen Phil-!Howard Essery, Russell Harvey! jhips, and two grandchildren, {and Dennis Wray, Dr. Phillips was a member of 109 COLBORNE ST. W, } } i \ (No Children Under 16 Years) BINGO St. Gertrude's Auditorium TO - NIGHT AT 8 P.M. 690 KING ST. AT FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $130-56 Nos. Consolation Reg. Jackpot 59 Nos. $ $20 Consolation Good Prizes WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 52-57 TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th CLUB BAYVIEW Early Bird Games Jackpots -- 54 - 50 Special Games Watch Wednesday Paper . 100 Annual Spring Ball RCALA 420 (Oshawa) Wing KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Bernard Tierney's. Orchestra Friday, April 19th, 1963 BUFFET SUPPER For Tickets and R eservations Telephone 725-1643 $7 per couple -- Semi Formal

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