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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1963, p. 5

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Myrtl UCW st OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Ape 18,1968 § WHITBY And DISTRICT |pii'pive Sosmiaihcic) mamemeret, es yd containing the word) viet police chief has been sen- 2 QUESTIONS ~ For April 20 |x. tenced to eight years hard labor dan dl te ee ee for shootin gat.a Russian when MYRTLE -- The United) Church Women will hold al eeatiee -- got he e,e ) hd "nen 1 gasbord" in the church,) 4 poem "Friends" was read ( 111zens Com i i Littees Saturday, April 20, starting atiny the president and the meet- ; 4 p.m, ing closed with the reciting of ; : Plans for the event were dis-\the Lord's Prayer. d e f e cussed at a meeting held at the) 'The next meeting will be! 'Fight Liquor Vote 2:3 .sissss g me 'convener Mr ° Deen man Couperthwaite, May 1, One-Stop ing, reports that the menu wi ' The federal election is only, calling public meetings and both| munities. Keep doliars and busl-linclude roast beef, baked ham, DECORATING over a week, and already, Whit-/have started advertising, includ-|ness in Whitby, roast turkey, scalloped pota- by's electorate is again being|ing direct mail advertising. Qn the other hand, however,jtoes and a variety of salads iS summoned to the polls--and the, The Vote No group has evenithe Vote No group has given|and casserole dishes to tempt] INFECTIONS electioneering is now in high|gone so far as to include blank/four reasons it feels the plebis-\the appetite of any connois-\y. 0. 4. tavourite tamily ae ere scrpelen colliding i Load The hip period hea ior wove. The town's electorate is being|V is, cam! * These reasons include: worship period wa s| quich ee 7 summoned to the polls April 22/funds with which to fight the) 1 An increased hazard to our|given by Mrs, Elmer Cooke and Ros triatne, OS An bag te Io to decide whether or not addi-| plebiscite. _. \chiidred due to a greater num-|Mrs, Robert Howard read. the|{i«. CEST ste , tional liquor outlets will be per-| The Vote Yes group has point-|her of drinking drivers. scripture. The mission study! . Pty gi] © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points mitted to establish business|ed out the advantages of having) 7 An increasing number of|was about Hong Kong. Buy Mecca ay here. _ {liquor outlets in town, but has) animes of violence from murder! Mrs. Nottingham read thej/n tn ortube \@ DODD & SOUTER Voters will be net oe hog Wg ron Rg blanks!tg nape due to ean imcreased|minute card entitled 'Is oan " . Decor Gentes two questions in s : jnumber of persons drinking | : ing plebiscite, are you in favor| The Vote Yes group hes stated!ayay from the restraints of| | HUGE NSKA DIES 167 Gyan ths 6; Sonny of the sale of liquor ie a li- the voter marks his|home, | PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Ad:| foaune Phone 668-5862 cenced premises and are you in|ballot yes or no, is a personal! 3 An increase in our townjvancel age and iprivilege, it does not wish to yay, patumenia avon te sme et Dae Pl ee ; y| pared due to the need for sihave taken the Bie of ® pysnen . f m hatte | j ree H consumption with meals in Ke its yong oom what the larger police force to cope with) believed to be one of the | t Town of Whitb ced dining lounges? g i b ity, w Ancordinig 9 the Ontario positively, moderation should| "ae |in captivity. Colossus, 28% feet) r s | 4, The opening of Dining|long and weighing 300 pounds, | ' \Liquor. Contrdl Board's require-|dictate the people's behavior. | Lounges where children of all died Sunday at the Highland) SALE OF LO PO OUP PRESENTS OPERETTA ments, affirmative votes must| Whitby as a progressive town\ages may watch adults indulg-/Park Zoo. The snake was|| The Town of Whitby offers for sale by tender the sited a od per oe majority oder bye' herve ghrteegarel ener being further| thought to be about 30 years old. | following lots: ing the choir's second variety Joan Godley; Major General, |those who cast ballots before) 'lit "Ves? vote| cummed themselves. cmos nn 1, Lot No. 122, Plan 778, fron f 66' Soy anaes ae "feom msc. program recetly, The ¢ eee ek A, ae etal toean tins the Wolels Mincacacee Nae ig Agee Ran Dunlop St., W., south side. vaca atvelin . . "0 " and "South Paci- | lished. 7 ; ' nce » will re- Gilbert and Sullivan's opera -- King gga NY fic" were avo on the pro- . Already, citizens' committees | Whitby would have the right to) a safer and more pleasant Rentals & Service 2, Lot N. 191, Plan 173, frontage of 50' on Third "Pirates of Pengance" dur- Frederic C Hastings: Ruth, gram. have stanted their machinery|offer more complete services| place to reise our families, The Roto Till Roll } Concession, south side. ee aaPl hieaall ae working, Both the vole yes and|and compete on an equal basis iquor interests want a "Yes"| Roto Tillers, Rollers Tenders will close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 19th, 1963. | : eae |vote no committees have been|with other surrounding com-'vote and are fighting hard to| Power Mowers, fc pened gc ® the undertones td envelopes BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | Spring Hats | set || Loon of spreader with purchase pes Seton Wii Tet naceubnliy be- accepted. na | BS | | eon Leader WHITBY | of Grass Seed pie a | (Mrs.) Joyce Burns, Vote Reaction --_--_To Be Shown» Surg : BOWLING NEWS | .sterturams comer, ire Still To Come _--At Dunbarton Of Peron Force "ving svs acs 3 | | Wednesday night cenminameee singer minis- An AP Newsfeature jory over whet they call the pro-| Points -- B and R Transport By FORBES RHUDE jernment advertising accounts. \ter Dr. W. A. McKay, con-| By FRANK N. MANITZAS jducts of the Peron Brrr Andrews No, 1, 0; Legion- Canadian Press Business Editor The : week's indicators 1M\qicted the United Church regu: | BUENOS AIRES (AP). oe oe polit veto ay, rews gy: Aes : tion to the eles!" d: lar morning service of worship,|Throughout Argentina on walls | rests Techs oe and draining --, Bosna No. 4. 2. Melod Business eating that can|, current bulletin of the Cana-lassisted by Mr. R. Pitcairn,|and billboards, brain 'sur-/)) " ae Geman Tost Oi ue Paes 2, 5, Raney tion is not something tha' be jdian Association of Purchasingjorganist and- choir director. geon's warning says to the the ee ns resourr peugeatns iting 23 eS ee : be roar ig re punchy) agents: "The March survey of\Mrs, J. C. Porter of Bay,armed forces: "Think--you can) bitious social ah Aad : ; Milttons 2, phrases or tidy . jmanufacturing and processing Ridges was guest soloist. well precipitate our people to-/ BURNED CHURCHES | "Tiples ane MN is @ lee Its reaction, rather, will come|industries showed only a slight' Received into membership of ward desperation and revoii." | "Don't let the Peronists re- a7, K. King 800, B a in the weeks and months ahead! improvement over February in the church were Gilbert Tripp, 'The signer of the message isitum to burn the churches," ; Wontent tag z + 1 if as business confidence in theinew orders entered, However, Mrs, Robert Byron, Mr. and Dr. Raul Matera, 47, a former|cried a conservative columnist/Goush 716, D. Grant 706. government, and what the g0V-| production was reported higher|/Mrs, H. G. Robertson, Murray|member of the board of gover-|in a national magazine. | igrebes jean Sen Huntley ernment is doing, rises or falls.| py a significant majority In-\stroud, Glen Cross and Barry|nors of the International College! Many can neither forgive not|s4: 1. 'Tutton 305, D. FR cre If its confidence rises, and if/ventories were unchanged Em-|Cariton. ;: of Surgeons. He is a Romanjforget the sacking and burning|999' 959k , hag 4 the international economic sit-|ployment showed a marked im-| The flowers in the church,Catholic, married and the/of churches throughout Argen-|prich 998 ie Be Ring soi. 208, uation is reasonably favorable,|provement for the Brush 298, 259, B. tgs me aa, second | wy ory of Ron:|father of six sons. \tima after an abortive June 16, then a period of decision-mak-/ month in a row, and prices were bi ye tore Sag Reena Joyce. Bu' mos important today in|1955, attempt to oust Peron. rhea Bill 288, R ing may be expected in which/reasonably stable." Mrs. McKay conducted the Argentina is that Dr. Matera|The Peronists were blamed but/chiias 268, 266, E. Sheppardeon many projects hitherto on the; 4 compilation by J. R. Tim-jmeeting of the Messengers dur-|commands the Justicialista-Per-|Dr. Matera says "it was notiog7 4. Fillier 257, J. Fawcett doubtful list presumably will|mins and Company shows di-\ing the service. She was assist-|onista - Peronista Movement. our doing." |254, P. Belmonte 252, J. Mother- get a go-ahead sign. vidend payments by Canadian\ed by Cheryl Lynde. Mrs. Wilda' With the, blessing of the move-| "That is past. Jt cannot be | sit 250, PHONE Some observers, in fact, feeljcompanies in the first four|White conducted the Junior ment's founder, ex-dictator and|changed, Since 1055, we too) Winners of the final section-- = ==== (@) L | V bt 4 that a period of confidence is|months of the year 11.6 per cent |Congregaticn. twice-elected president Juan Do-|have suffered. We have been : all that is needed to set off ajahead of these in the corres-| The evening unit of the mingo Peron, Dr. Matera is the| jailed. Our rights have been de-| new round of capital expendi-| ponding period of 1962. April| UCW met at the church on Mon-|acknowledged No. 1 spokesman] nied. Are they still to blame| | ture to meet expected demandidividends were 13.5 per centiday evening. of Argentina's largest talking,|/him (Peron) for everything? | F R E E i : : : A -o0 1 1 of the later 1960s, ahead of April last year. The New-to-You Clothing voting, striking -- and ye 7% years, what can they| === Legion No. 4 with 18 points, iow?" ae can, cere Set, Sa o " ' | ¢ juore e-free a NO.UNANIMOUS REACTION NEW BOOK OUT Bale which the afternoon unit|Gighingy months, the neurosur-| Argentina's financial and eco-\j winter" if "vou purchase "White Soar tobe. unanimous Meek ee, Stee items of hel cas, geon has manoeuvred carefullyjnomic condition today is at its) Rose union: Wey on" 'e gm > for|week, the Bank of Montreal an-| "The general meeting of the\to seek recognition of the move-|worst level. DIAL 725-1212 pooch rcacllyg ho no ll oe on. Faeroe of a new|UCW will be on Thursday, eve-ment by Argentina's military-| Dr. Matera emphasizes te bs i age let entitled "Ex-ining, April 18, at the Sunda ided government \the "third position" doctrine of] sions that may help the econ-|nort Markets in Brief-a Guide|Sctyol | guided go position School rooms at 8 p.m. Spring! Critics admit Dr. Matera has|Peron must be pecian an sagnaeieayy | pad as a whole ae likely to}for Canadian Exporters." Hat Fashions will be shown andsycceeded in holding back the|Peron liked to describe his doc-) PORT WHITBY The publication is designed, the 'Messengers' will have alyiolent forces that maintain a/trine as a third position between) To the extent that business) the bank states, to promote in-\display of their work. {foothold in what was the only| communism and capitalism. | TEX ACO YOUR CALENDAR reaction to the election can bejcreased Canadian exports and PERSONALS political party in Argentina for! FABOR FAVORS PERON rom Western gummed up, it seemed to bejto offer advice to businessmen a decade. | : Pete Hubers, Prop. -- of -- Carli pl It com. Mt and Mrs. Fred West- \ | The Argentine working class, pretty lock, 'president of the|ments en potential markets fori@ate and. Evelyn visited these NO CHANCE \ [6,000,000 strong, maintains thet} = FREE PICK-UP Weekly Events! Canadian Manufacturers Asso-\Canadian goods in 68 countries.|22t'Y Westgates on the week-| However, his friends jain his|Peron's rule was not all go & DELIVERY ciation. The booklet was prepared by : critics in saying Dr. Matera) 'We are against the far right) He said manufacturers hoped|the bank in conjunction with the| name" on *Sungay iter visiting Camnot succeed at this time onjand against the far left," said home 'on Sunday after visiting|he major objective--to gain au-\Dr. Matera. Justicialismo| General Repairs This Programme Presented By The Local ble government with a\department of trade and com-| i : his major ob) por i i is| Ti cag majority, but minority|merce. "hae se Panegpks visiteg|'ority for the Peronists' active) means social justice and in this, Dunlop Tires rome! j | participation in the June 23 na-|we believe." : ; * Fi f ; T fowpern og eyed seems ba her granddaugter, Miss Donna| participation in ihe taveniing io tables bie! 668-3471 Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! Sheedy, of Fairport Beach | ater i -\odds. Ni lawed, given and if minority parties Thinks Seaway 7", bg A 9 OCC8- pect 'aaa "ee thy Gnas' Satan. Haeewet- | 100 VICTORIA W. (et Breck) CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! ut national interest ahead of jsion of Donna's 16th birthday.| illboa (roses usticiali not en considerations, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris|, 1" his billboardtype "'spenjor J cig Ponce be used i ttiter"" ed forces, Dr.|in campaign literature or dis-| As the week progressed, bus-| To Lose Money =: family of Spruce Hill Ce bee alagdle-ge co vrcnorip: slaved Seis. MERCURY iness opinion appeared to gain| age to Long Branch on Satur- sion of the party must be lifted! Dr. Matera estimates that in| Ww, a TOWN THIS WEEK'S AUTO BODY WASHINGTON (AP) -- J. eds and added: open elections, his party confidence that the essentials) for stable government exist. .socann, administrator of = CANDLELIGHT SERVICE "You are solving nothing and|would draw 40 per cent of the) FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. COLLISION-CUSTOM The business community was|st, Lawrence Seaway, estimates! St. Andrew's Church choir,|will make everything worse. 1/10,000,000 registered volers. | ¢ 8) 9 ant itance BODY WORK also relieved to see little in the|the seaway will jose money(directed by Mrs. McClement,|can tell you that you aie lead-) My greatest fear is that we) SPORTS EVENTS election results to upset the con-|again this season. organist and choir director,|ing the country toward (civil)|will not be able to talk any) Service MODERN EQUIPMENT fidence of foreign investors, McCann, in a copyrighted in.\presented their annual candle-| war." : |more," he said in an 'Tepuiate| : SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Stock market prices advanced|terview in U.S, News and World light service recently, : Dr. Matera edmitted thet og ently to negotiate You don't have te MONDAY COURTESY & SERVICE during the week, but this was| Report, said the reason is that Soloists were Mrs. V. Free-|letter possibly could mean wie ens che a solution to} play a sport to be Bowling -- Monday Night Mixed League'at County interpreted more as being in ac-|tonnage, while increasing each|man, Mrs. J. Brisbois, Mrs. .W|imprisonment. At the » a m ejthe political crisis. Our complete @ good sport Bow 324 ASH ST, cord with New York action than|Year, has not lived up to ad- Boyes, and Mr. D. Fanthom. |time, he says he will end edie" would prevent any) w Ss an election result--although| Vance predictions. He predicted| There was also a quartette|short political career if nego-| solution, i] 110 Dundas St. &., Whitby PH. 668-8522 ony teewt. deemed whsotiling 27,500,000 to 28,000,000 tons this|mMade up of Mrs. J. Brisbin,|tiations cannot take place -- haeaeiaataasciaaees oe 668-3410 TUESDAY 24-HR. ROAD SERVICE to the Canadian economy pre.|Yea" 8 compared to the ori.|Mrs. oe ee Bev. War-lopen the election road to the Roller Skating -- eumably would have had anjfre! estimate of 41.000,000 for/"ine "minister, Rev. F.. Con-|" Gecamonta P : | Starting tonight, and continuing through the adverse effect on Canadian|@> season--the fifth for the). oid eel _ Organization of a new Peron-| *t te know" Whitb C ity A ill ¥ se eonian key, was chairman. The read-\ist party called Union Popular; Ways GOOD SPORTS summer months, Whitby Community Arena wi WHITE S B * mark ate McCann also said the rela-\¢ts of the six lessons werejwas in the background of Ar-| | be open to the general public for roller skating. BOND PRICES ADVANCE tively high 3.5 per cent interest| members of St. Timothy's| gentina's Peary navy revolt Support home town sports, 9 Py ing | , Hardwood floors have replaced the ice surface Bond prices also advanced,|rate charged on the $130,000,000|Church, Ajax. They were Mr./aimed at crushing any govern- HOME TOWN SPORTS and skates may be rented at the Arena. Skating 616 Brock: St. N. ' |borrowed from the U.S. Treas-|A. K. Ferguson, Miss Sheena) t gesture of any kind of the) posse A : . with a corresponding decrease) i ae Support the local suppliers of time is from 8 to 10:30 p.m. in current money rates, and this\UTY to pay for the U.S. part of|Ferguson, Miss P. A. Ingram, | Peronists. Ippo PP Pp Whitby 668-8241 was interpreted as a sign of|tté seaway has contributed to| Mrs. D. Walpole, Mr. G. Smythe} The government had not con-| FUELS and confidence. or Slits deficit land, 'Tom Foster. ering "ted, legality of Union Popu-| | BUILDING suPPLiEs | WEDNESDAY i ank-orfering | ha ii | i t 'aausle pine ate ared nay its own way. and that, a(service of the: Women's Mission:|wouid be 'alowed to t cag Sani | 2A He. nae Bervion age Senior Li Club i ing it ite tia akatiaa, heart " jjeareful look at the financing|@Y Society was held in the|in the elections by avoiding use ' Ope acer emcee we Cee Se roe Licensed Mechanic faster in one segments the ad.(might help. A sizable cut in the Church on April 4. The meeting of Peronista labels. | | SAWDONS season lacrosse practices at Whitby Communi Snow Ploughing A in one lenge 8 ad: 'interest tate would e liminate|Was conducted by the president (Whitby) LIMITED Arena. The Brooklin club is a member of the O vavertining writers, & change 1(the losses, he said. It now is|Mrs. Harry Boyes. BAN POSSIBLE -- 244 BROCK ST. $ Senior League and competes against teams from FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY | advertising writers, a change iN\set up to pay for itself over a| 4 devotional on Easter was) But reorganization 'of Presi-| BY Port Credit, St, Catharines and Brampton, Prac- government can be expected t0/59.vear period at the 35-per.(presented by Mrs, 'Walter|dent Jose Maria Guido's cab-| DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT. tice thie eS oe : OPEN 7:30 A.M. -- 10 P.M. ring a large switching of gov-| cent interest rate. Willis. : linet after revolt made it! 'STOPPING A CAR'S ENGINE BE- er McCann also said he expected|_ A duet was rendered by Mrs. look as though Union Popular} FORE {T WARMS UP | é; 1S A MAJO CHINESE LEAVE INDIA a big increase in defence cargo|Elizabeth Boyes and Mrs. San- might be outlawed along with' CAUSE OF ENGINE REPAIR. te ST AFFORD THURSDAY FOR THE BEST GENERAL REPAIRS 3 (Reuters)-- after a study by defence|dta Bonk. The offering was\the Peronist party itself. 2-minute drives to the store Bowling -- Whitby Men's League, Thursday Sec- 'Two ships chartered by the Red|secretary McNamara. He said|dedicated by Mrs. James Mur- "If they do that," assented Dr.| that cause the trouble, because government left Mi howed \doch tera, 'there will 'car can't really get dion Hon, Gouety eet IN NEWS fa-|it s! t : M ie ll be no elec-/ really get wa dras today with ' 908 Eilisisivecr of wronrenr" ences sald Mrs. Brisbin introduced the tions." up. Unb ne ined gasoline, trapped in FRIDAY While It is News a jspeaker, Rev, John H 1-C nd f soxrwnd runs into | nationals being repatriated ™ > saved by so ominal use ur i le " we ph rot lg cg a bg pee : , | Brothers Lid. No games scheduled, HAVE jof the work that is being done|hand over the hard line | : in the down town mission,|; 'sition 'endl overhaul | SATURDAY BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 and 8:20 Evangel Hall. -- _ -- ~ benef by nuring your Monuments Roller skating, 8 to 10 p.m. Whitby Arena. - OSHAWA TIMES ' 1 i with § oe OS inction WHITBY Lost Complete Show 8:20 From the bloody revolution of; car with State Farm Gibhidn Saas | SUNDAY DELIVERED Love in a land of treachery and temptation! | jinto exile, the movement was Bowling -- Legion Sunday Niters, five-pin playoff Moke Cis Bender some tee a orenaet . 668-3552 Whithy | "action, County Bow 668-3703 many say still does -- orders CALCUTTA (Reuters) -- ee luxurious exile home in 7: 9 | ' : day there had been "an unusual, The movement helped Presi GEORGE'S HOOKER & SONS LTD. George Hi. Harding eee eee Fe Cnet! | crocien apd Xt Seneed tis aeber FINA SERVICE No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin Construction Co. Ltd. Sikkim-Chinese border. last: March 29, after the Peron- Authorized Fine Ce Decler 1961 CHEVROLET BELAIR 2-door with aute- $ Crown Prince Palden Thon-|ist-backed candidates won sur- ee matic transmission, Immeculete condition... 1995 4= : Se aa General Contractors . dup Namgyal, who married| prising midterm national elec- une-ups, License echanic American 'Hope Cooke last|tion victories--nine of 22 gov- KARL GERHARDT Tires and Batteries General Motors Dealer For And Builders crs op swe? (0 the Indlan|gresaooal seas." Whitby = Phone 668: -- CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE 411 Fairview Drive, Whithy ; ; . -- Phone 668-3762! 668-3566 COLOR : capital of New Delhi. - The military maintains | 5 -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION He said he would discuss the Peronistas want to return Ar. yy ave remap PICK-UP & DELIVERY CHEVROLET TRUCKS situation with Indian govern-|gentina "to the era of the dic- C Vv TRENCHING AND COMPLETE "ALL AT SEA" ment officials atorship."" CNDN, HLAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT 668-4232 CORVAIR SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Sterring ALEC GUINNESS His tiny Himalayan kingdom, Present military and. civilian Fy er Ragen noon rllnny \leadece have: taste a' hus a}| EEE || 922 BROCK st. N. WHITBY BROOKLIN 655-4811

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