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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1963, p. 7

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f TO BE WED IN NORTHMINSTER CHURCH May 17 Is the date set for the marriage of Miss Susan Jane Blanchard, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Howard E, Blanchard and Mr. Murray B. Cluff, only son of Mrs, Bryce R, Ward, Brookiin, and the late Mr. J. Murray Cluff. The marriage is to take place at 8,00 p.m. in Northminster United Church. Carol L. Morgan LAC Robert F. Lick United In Marriage The marriage took place in Westmount United Church Tues- day evening of Carol Louise Morgan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Morgan, Oshawa, and LAC Robert Franklin Lick, son of Mrs, Roy Lick, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Lick. The Reverend Frank Ward performed the ceremony with Mrs, Framk Ward at the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length dress of pastel blue, white accessories, a corsage of pink carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Mar- jory Lick, sister of the bride- groom, wore a street length dress of mint green, beige ac- cessories and a corsage of white and yellow chrysanthemums, The best man was Mr. Grant Buss amd the usher was Mr. Eric Buss, cousins of the bride- groom. A reception was held at the home of /the bride's parents with the mediate family and friends 'present. For travelling the bride wore a beige stroller suit with pink accessonies; The young couple |will make their home in Winni- jpeg, Manitoba, where Mr, Lick lis a member of the RCAF, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Wotten, Grierson street, _ who cele- brated their 40th wedding an- niversary were honored by a surprise party held at the home of their only son, Mr, Roy Wotten and Mrs. Wotten, Switzer drive. Assist- ing was their only daughter, Mrs. Allen Starr (Doreen). Mrs. Wotten is the former Muriel Roughley, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Henry Roughley, and Mr. Wotten is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jethrow Wotten. The couple were married on April eee x HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY 4, 1923, in King Street United Church parsonage, with the Rverend A. M. Irwin offi- ciating. Beside their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wot- ten have one granddaughter, Catherine Starr amd one grandson, Robert Wotten. When the honored couple re- ceived guests from Toronto, Port Perry, Myrtle and Osh- |en of the church will be in| awa, Mrs, Wotten was wear- ing a teal blue crepe dress and a corsage of pink and | white carnations. Mr. and Mrs, Wotten were presented with a bridge set. --Oshawa Times Photo Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 15,1963 7 | Cedardale UCW Members Gather At Easter Service Mrs. C, L. Gunter and Mrs. R, N. Hall arranged an Easter service of the United Church Women at Cedar Dale United Church on Wednesday after- noon. Mrs. Hall gave a reading en- titled 'One Single Event" tell- ing of the crucifixion and resur- rection of Christ. An Easter play entitled 'Ye Shall Re- ceive Power" was presented. Mrs, Gunter was the narrator and those taking part were Mrs A. J. Hill, Mrs, Frank Singer, Mrs, George Thomson and Mrs. Earl Hoy. Mrs. George Power read the scripture lesson. Mrs, Alfred Barassin sang '"'The Old Rug- ged Cross." The president, Mrs. William Henry, presided. One new member was wel- comed. The minutes were read by. Mrs. J. F. Norton, Mrs. Russell Worsley gave the finan-| ie] Banford, a missionary at Final plans were made for | Wednesday, April 24. A bale will ibe sent to the Indian Reserva- |tion at Cross Lake at the May meeting. The group will cater to a mother and daughter banquet at Guide House, Friday, May 19. The women of the church will larrange the Mother's Day |service in May when the wom- charge of the service with a special speaker, and music. A life membership and pin |was presented to Mrs. Gunter \by Mrs. Henry on behalf of the United Church Women. | This presentation was made SEND TOOTHBRUSHES WINNIPEG (CP)--The Mani- toba Junior Red Cross has sent 500 toothbrushes to the Red {dental health in the north is be- jing neglected because of aj shortage of brushes . VETERANS WORK on behalf of Mrs. F. H. West- ney, aunt of Mrs, Gunter, in memory of the late Mrs. W. H. Westney, mother of Mrs. Gun- ter, both having been life mem- bers in the Women's Mission- Cross northern health services| More than 14,000 hospitalized|ary Society in the Presbyterian centre at The Pas, Man. The move was prompted by a health department letter saying | \dian Red Cross. veterans participate in arts and|Church, Mrs. Gunter has been a crafts programs of the Cana-|most active and loyal worker in ithe church, the Bonseuara hospital in India.| SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Howard E, Blanchard, Oshawa, announce the engagément of their only daughter, Susan Jane, to Mr. |Murray B. Cluff, only son of Mrs, Bryce R. Ward, Brooklin, and the late Mr. J. Murray Cluff. The marriage is to take place on Friday, May 17, at 8.00 p.m, in Northminster United Church, Oshawa, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Walter W. Buss, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Mary Carolyn, to Mr. Rupert Barry Wyckham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert W. Wyck- ham, Toronto, The marriage is |to take place on Saturday, May 25, at 2.00 p.m. in King Street United Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Cook | wish to announce the engage- jment of their only daughter, Barbara Jean, to Mr, George Fredrick Stewart, son of Mr. ' Presbyterian Church. ENGAGEMENT spring tea and sale of work,| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fallow wish\a pencil, the firm said. to announce the engag of y --light amplification by stimu- 's|4ated emission of naliation. The Secs ae ar Z 4 Mrs, H. D, Knapp, left, and Mrs. John Poltz, right, will be co-conveners of the annual card party sponsored by the Catholic Women's League of St. Gertrude's Church, at 8.00 VENERS OF CARD PARTY p.m., April 17, in the parish hall, The ticket convener will be Mrs. John Adams with Mrs, James Powers and Miss Eva Bruckner in charge of prizes and decorations, Woodcrest H&S On Artificial Respiration A program on Rescue Breath- ing Artificial Respiration, was held at the April meeting of Woodcrest Home and School As- sociation. Mrs. Edward Henderson, membership chairman, welcom- ed the guests. The meeting opened with the reading of the home and school prayer by Mrs, Cyril Closs, Mrs, D, J. Pugh presided. Mrs. Thomas Broadbent read the secretary's report, Mrs. Charles Hawboldt, treasurer, gave her report. Mrs. Robert Rodgers explain- ed the uses for a tape recorder in the classroom such as the re- cording of speeches, choral read- ings, classroom plays, dictation for exams that have been mis- sed, sound recognition, over- coming speech defects. Mr, A. F. Higgs spoke briefly about the recorder, and ran a tape of a radio play by the pupils of grade 6. Mrs, Roy Mercer spoke on a "School Plate' project, which thas been suggested to raise funds for the tape recorder. Anyone wishing information on these plates please phone Mrs. D. J. Beamish, The slate of officers for 1963- 64, were read by Mrs. Glynn Pearse as follows: Mrs, Roy Mercer president; Mrs. Cyril BEAM SENDS PHOTOS NEW YORK (AP) -- Interna- tional Telephone and Telegraph Corporation said today it has developed a new way to tnans- mit facsimile photographs via beam of light. It said the pro- Sees Film Closs, vice-president; Mrs. Charles Hawhboldt, treasurer; Mrs, Philip Jeyes, recording secretary; Mrs. William Mer- chant, corresponding secretary. Executive: Mrs, R. H. Me- Kelvie, Mrs, Donald Christian, Mrs. William White, Mrs. Jack Rudniski, Mrs, L. W. Ferencz, Mrs, B, A. Malachowski, Mrs. Pugh thanked Mrs, Glynn Pearse for her presenta- tion of the film 'Human Growth'? shown to grade 6 pu- pils and their parents. Mrs. Charles Hawboldt. and Mrs, Philip Jeyes will represent 'the school at the convention held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, April 17 and 18. Mrs. Philip Jeyes introduced Mr, William Smith, chairman of the Canadian Red Cross Society, who introduced Mrs, D, P. Cran- field and Mr, Roy Fleming of the Water Safety Service of the Red Cross. A film showing water rescue and rescue breathing was shown by Mr. Smith. Mrs, D. P. Cranfield spoke on the film and assisted in the de- monstration of mouth to mouth breathing given by Mr. Flem- ing on "Resusy Ann," the life- like dummy of a 14-year-old drowning victim, which was sup- plied by the General Motors. Mrs, William White thanked the speakers. The auditorium was decorated with an "Easter Parade" of hats and two large flowers, made by the pupils of grades 4 and 5. Mrs, D. J, Pugh closed the meeting with the poem 'Isn't It The Truth". cess was developed as part o! the firm's research in "'lasers" photograph transmissions em- ploy a device called a gallium arsenide diode, about the size of |their daughter, Miss Margaret |Peebles Fallow, to Mr. Georg: |Richard Tracy, son of Mr. and |Mrs, Melville Tracy, all of Osh- awa. The wedding is to take) place on Saturday, May 18, at! 3.30 p.m. in Faith Baptist| poem Whitby. | 1 | A. E. Johnson 0.0.) OPTOMETRIST | 723-2721 | 14% KING £. |) ORDER CANVAS NOW! We Also Rent Chairs, Tables, ete, CLEVE FOX | 412 Simcoe North Oshawa ff) i 3 » @ WEDDING PORTRAITS @ WEDDING ALBUMS 21 ATHOL ST. WEST 723-3680 Large Attendance At Buffet Supper ed by over 525 church members|# and their friends.. The hall was (Rewtem)--Three persons were killed and eight hurt when a St. Andrew's Paris in April|@#ant passenger - camrying bal- Buffet Supper was well support-|!oon exploded after landing in balloon transformed with posters of|S@fely after flying from Essen BALLOON KILLS 8 HERBEDE, West Germany field near here Saturday, The had banded Paris, flowers, numerous imiia- tion bird cages with birds and flowers, a striped canopy giving the effect of a side walk cafe, and candles and spotlights re-' placed the normal lighting, | Mrs, Geoffrey Andrews was in} charge of the decorations. Mrs. Donald Storie convened the event which was the first money- raising supper to be held in St. Andrew's in many years. Mrs. Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair, Over 15 Years' xperionce MARIE MURDUFF wit be in Oshawe at the - Genoshe Hotel, April 18, 16, 19 PHONE 723-4641 ter eppeintment on these detes Let's Have a Party Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Silver Condelabra. Silver Tea Service, « Punch Bowls. COFFEE URNS 25, 30, 44, 55, 78 Cup_ Sizes. Sargeant's Rentals Phone 725-3338 F. R. Stephens was in charge of aetna tickets and was assisted at the door by the treasurer, Miss Ma- rion Davenport. Women of the UCW served in the kitchen and dining room and gp assisted by members of the LADIES Ne beby sitter, no cor fare Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Stylist Of Leading Toronto Salons FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 725-6 Y.W.C.A. will interview Junior and senior day camp counselors from April 16 to 19, 2 to 5 pm. Girls 14 ond up who ore interested in volunteer work, the comp will be held for 6 weeks in July et the "Y". For further information call 723-7625, 2 te 3 p.m. Special counselors ore needed for sports, craft, musie, dane- ing, drama and noturelore, 7 via Fly BOAC o Europe for an extra holiday at.no extra fare ~ London .» 80 let yourself £0 gre enly half a holiday Europe--without seeing sights, shops Now, thanks to enjoy London on your Europe. . more in fares. With BOAC's stopover you wish -- before one of the dozens o start to to see London, the Continent's capital of shows, and geantry. BOAG, you can . and pay not a penny privileges you can stay in London as long as fly Fd from London to all of Europe. And with BOAC he Foy ur ho vin service and trip to Enjoy extra- special British courtesy as BOAC whisks you across the Atlantic to London, the place where all Rayos 107 fet or gate jet-prop jet or giant jet-prop Britannia -- from Need or Toronto, See your Travel Agent. a Conade/UK services ta association with TCA, D, yn W) =, Y _ Y Y (Gateway to over 1000 Rights 0 week to more than 60 major European costes. ALL OVER THE WORLD B-OAC TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU . Complete Glasses ONE LOW PRICE Here at King we ore proud to soy that we use nothing but National Brand Products, Mo- terials or Equipment. Should you pay more and often times get less value for your money ? The thinking person buys ot King for fine quality glasses ot LOW, LOW PRICES. Ne Appointment Needed 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ONE PRICE -- ONE PRICEONLY . LABORATORY TO YOu $20.00 - $25.00 Values, Our Prices Now Only e NO MORE PAINT BILLS ¢ LOW COST : London ts waiting to welcome you. BRITISH OVERSEAS SINGLE VISION AIRWAYS CORPORATION --BOAC potia-Royee 207 Jats give 6 fying stadt Complete with Frames, Lenses and Case, 11.95 | Before you repaint, repair or replace, get the facts ebout eluminum siding. Ne other exterior finish offers you so much, and it prectically pays for itself in savings. Phone for complete details today! FREE ESTIMATES @ Aluminum Awnings @ Aluminum Doors & Windows © Aluminum Siding NO MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT ALL GLASSES COM- PLETE WITH LENSES INDIVIDUALLY GROUND TO YOUR EXACT NEEDS, IN- CLUDING WHITE, TINT OR SUNGLASS GREEN OR WARP BIFOCALS Complete with Frames Lenses end Case, 17.95 YOUR DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE . QSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY @ REPAIRS----REASON- ABLY PRICED WE FILL ALL PSI, OCU- LISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. HOURS: U.S. Trademark Registered OPTICIANS -- OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor aus . PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA WEDNESDAY TILL 12 NOON Bronches' in Toronte, Hamilton, London, Kitchener, Sudbury, Peterborough Sault Ste. Marie, Niagera Falls, Orillia end Chethem. 668-3304 "Serving Oshawa & Area Over 11 Years" Les Eveniss Sales Ltd. 15 Prince St. BOOK THROUGH-- MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA 723-9441 725-4632 (Evenings 723-2707)

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