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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1963, p. 8

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¥ geesineias ee neelse tee Leadership Training Programs peng NN LANDERS §ooocy iil iiiit ' Unite Presbyterial UC Women| "Middle-Aged Lover Mrs. L. F. Richardson, Pres-|the work of the citizenship de- slippers. Th byterial UCW. president, pre-|partment in these words, "Make Make Poor Husbands . not for me. YA sided over two very profitable|our women aware of, informed mit I was such a fool, leadership training workshops|about and involved in the needs : wrecked my life, broken a held recently for Oshawa Pres-|and issues in the community, ; Dene Auk taallore: Wisin ave woman's heart, lost the byterial United Church Women.|the nation and the world. i you going to get smart and|i"é up of his sex drive for the "jof my children' and have , The northern section met at) Miss Milicent Luke, Presby- give people some practical,|death rattle. He then must p the title of--Jackass of the Blackstock on April 1, and thelterial chairman of committee on) down-to-earth ddvice they can|Prove to himself (and to the : Century. southern ae i at Ebene-|stewardship ang recruiting, in live with? ee has on ieee - ; Dear Jackass: I can, add zer on Ap , the programs ig on her conference, vi 50 $ nothing to your letter. You've being almost identical. said, "Stewardship is the con- Pigg Bi B edger mp tierng Pe chasing a' with a chick Be mf ind op en eae said it all. "Workers for God" was the|secration of all that we have they ane nuts to get married|vOU"s enough to be his daugh-/vereq.5 new world, Some-| And now--just a word of ad- theme, with the Bible reference |and dad won of His culdeek until they are 40. And then, py thing must have snapped in|vice: Millions of people have from second Timothy, "Study to] net 0 Gttewardship, as it is they ought to marry a woman| These restless neurotics wholmy head because one day I de-\looked for a solution at the show yourself to God as one baer sagt? 4 . Ay who is at least 10 years younger want to automatically shoot|/cided to ask my wife for a di-|bottom of a bottle. No one ever approve Workman ho tah ferile ground om With Gh years younger er ena as ak eu em vrce pT ould mary this 27. found oe tere no need to be astiamed, earold. handling the word of truth"|toitmteer "and for. full = time hooked when Twas 22, By thelttemselves. Read the next le-|""Rverybody was shocked. My| FISH 18 POPULAR Sans tet iealorshig, de-|ciarch. service" time I was 32 knew I had\ po.) que genders: Pleasel tren tala me 1 was crazy-| ish is the most popular {r0- pres! leaders! - . : rs: ase|Our a m : velopment committee, used as tr nisl J es Gents, A MAY BRIDE peptone | Vise scene forgive the looks of this letter.|wife, All she said was, "If this roe ays o = wpe ge | ANNOUNCE WEDDING PLANS by Be aa ee a were vd be "ihe Reverend| Miss Barbara Jean Cook, \other 10 years until the rd ee wl igg ke: gy Ben Ba a want you should/fish' makes up $2 per cent of the above passage, and Mrs. §,|Philip Romeril at Blackstock, = a: aah _ -- mere --- Then I dumped the! ynew you don't care for drink| I had to dive. iy Wife pikaty the frozen food, 4 Miss Mary Carolyn Buss, Wyckham, Toronto, have cho- |G, Saywell, conference leader-|and, by the Reverend J. P,| William the' heen of Mt iy. ing, but when I tell you why I/--¢hat's the law out here--but heir ship development chairman,|Romeril at Ebenezer, Cour- become *| One year later I married a littl di f daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Wal- een May 25 as t wedding |ship iP test tended by vice.| George Fredrick Stewart, son |aou who is 18 jor (a? tle loaded you won't be|I was sure it was worth it. of Me, a Mey, Wal GS 'Teceremmny tas lou er aeroon wasp ares were etended by oe] Cotge Pete, Sra all wo iif are my unl cg hard on me Uy ew wie and"? tok «> BABYLAND » ter W. Buss, Oshawa, * place at 2.00 pin, im King |vice upon the phrase, "rightly|president Mrs, I. | Munday) & 00 Ae ono, May 11, | cost me $60,000 to make the) 1 was married for 28 years Rupert Barry Wyckham, son Street United Church, Osh- |handling the word of truth".|at Blackstock. and by _ vice- * if io take ri * Iswitch but it was worth every to a fine woman. She helped B ARG AINS pe Each worshi lod was in-|president Mrs. J. L, Pegg at| The ceremony is to take place | iny, , : of Mr. and Mrs, Rupert W. awa. Ireland Studio ip P! 144 penny bui r, at 3.00 p.m. in St. Paul's _jme build a business from the R i spiring, and did much to pr&|Ebenezer, Mrs. J, Scott, Pres- If you are honest Ann Land 5 ugs and Just tn Tine tor Soins pare minds and hearts for the|byterial literature secretary, did sipagapilr Leng? el raphy |¢S, you will admit in your col- gg A és bd cag how) Ad. Upkoleter program that followed. A very|a thriving businss throughout 8 0 eraphy jumn that all first wives should ai rey *0 Tun photstery effective addition to the morn-|the days in books and pamphlets i be shot when they reach the : cleaned ing worship was a solo, '"'Openjon UCW work. ST. GEORGE'S AFT. WA lage of 40--Second Time SECRETARIAL ie th fi \ Mine Eyes"," sung by Mrs. NEED FOR CLOTHING The Afternoon Branch of St.|Around, ; e sate way. Harold McLaughlin at Black- George's WA met for its devo-| Dear Second Time Around: stock and by Mrs. Lloyd Down] During the afternoon, Mrs.| tional and business meeting. The|Every few days I get a letter at Ebenezer, Douglas Oke, gps tenes SUP*| president, Mrs. Charles Gibbs|from some middle - aged lo- Mrs. Neil Malcolm and Mrs,|Ply and pangs heey stance S€C-| wrasided. thario who mistakes the slow- 'flower fresh" cleaning Allan Down, respective presi-\etaty, spoke about, gy Crepe The scripture was read by NO scald, disstarlaking§ dents of Blackstock and Ebene-|©¢ many questions on, the many correspon-D) VACUUM CLEANERS THE zer UCW, expressed a warm|needs for new and good used Spring Filled ; NO ruinous scrubbing! CRIB MATTRESSES welcome 'to those assembled, |Clothing. Mrs. J. L. Pegg taught P AND POLISHERS CANADIAN SCHOOL Colors. come alive! a hymn, "Workman of God, O ° REPAIRED--REBUILT OF BUSINESS for FREE estimate a ee ee FOUR SESSIONS Lose Not Heart", jor FREE j yf During the morning, four si-| Mrs, H. T, Fallaise, presby-\Port by Mrs. George Puckett. bye ogo defo WILSON'S A " a multaneous conferences were|terial program planning chair- The Thankoffering prayer by|} WARNER WILLIAMS UNEQUALLED BURACLEAN RUG ANS 20 CHURCH STREET aa ee eee eta held, with each leader bringing]man, in her afternoon talk,|™/*s. Samuel Wotton. SERVICE CENTRE i UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS a short report to the re-assm-|yrged all to, (1) plan programs| A. rummage sale will be held/f 17-B BOND E.--125-3531 728 7081 bled audience at the close. with the interests of members|April 25 at one o'clock. Vice-presidents and unit lea-|in mind; (2) make use of good ders met with Presbyterial vice-|speakers, films and filmstrips, presidents, Mrs. H. M. Kyte,/and available literature; (3) and Mrs, I. Munday, respective-| prepare programs well, talk up sjly. Some suggestions were, (1)/or advertise what' is being of- The vice-president is 'in training' /fered, and afterward, evaluate. for presidency, and should also/Mrs, Fallaise also gave much ibe a chairman of some com-|helpful information as she an- mittee; (2) unit leadership ought|swered the many questions that to lead to vice-presidency; (3)|had been placed in the question] keep study programs in units/box. : short and interesting. Mes, W. C. Ives, chairman of A demonstration mission study & e & acne |! King Size cigarette smokers Presbyterial committee on co- § operation in Christian education fot eases tf Ge cone oe, OSHAWA 728-8518 and missionary education, with " 5 FiMrs. C, Haddon, chairman of a. i ge os the same committee in confer- : caesar hr pues at Hhenser (ME, HH, Breckenridge 'oho : brought these points, (1) keep! munist China", Mrs. J. L. Pegg in touch with new babies and) on «Relief and Rehabilitation in their mothers by visiting and by|the Far East Areas", and Mrs. a yearly picnic for mothers; (2) H. A. Mellow on "What is the be ready, in co-operation with " 7 athe Church Doing in These Areas?"'. DA I ) Y BC ) Yy the local Christian education ; 5 committee, to buy the necessary|, Mts. Richardson expressed her This bright little fellow is grandson of Mrs. George Cle- |study packets for the Messen-|'hanks to all who had helped John Kurt Clements, son of ments, Bala, and Mr. and |gers, Explorers, Tyro, CGIT, po nen chow: po bing aged Mr. Robert Clements and Fits. Victor Peacock, Oshaw® (cle. and support leaders ofl dership days were closed. with these groups in every way - - Mrs, Clements, MD, Centre time of this picture. sible; (3) choose women one a fitting unison prayer. street, Whitby. He is the --treland Studio |are intensely, interested to plan J mission: programs, but incor- HOUSEHOLD HINT Y f porate new women into the| Avoid wringing out corduroy. / UNITS GROUPS Bowmanville planning. Just take it from the rinse {] i : tnanspor- water and hang where it can ' AUXILIARIES __ tation convener SOCIAL ACTION drip dry. : Mrs. H. A. Turner, Bowman- ville, with Mrs, M. E. Leask LEGION AUX. NO, 43 {Bt balan tAiar' Moy 1h ead en [assisting at Ebenezer, led a con- Royall outing to Niagara Falis Joe ference on "Citizenship and 12 . Social Action", including a film- . strip, "How Free Are You?", rs ¥ ° ' ae i i A letter from Korea was read,/which provoked much discus- People who prefer a King Size cigarette have been asking, "Why can't we buy King Size sion. Mrs. Turner summed up i ' TR?" ; ve thei . du MAURIER is now available in tet Ri Ste a | priory ase omsi ses GARPET COMPANY : du MAURIER?" Today, they have their answer. du book your | ty" booths on April 23. The ba- ; 12 SUMMER HOLIDAY 2) zaar will be May 7, Books of ers, wish- rae BROADLOOM Four Seasons Travel TILE Fully recognized by all airlines, 2 'steamships, etc. 728-6201, King Size as well as regular. You get the same high-grade aged Virginia tobacco that makes regular size du MAURIER Canada's most popular filter cigarette. You get held next Tuesday, April 16, with -- _ the same exclusive ""Millecel" super filter which is known by millions of Canadians Mrs. Robert Williams as con- to be the most effective filter yet developed for truly milder smoking pleasure. Now, at last, smokers who prefer a King Size cigarette can make the change to the Cigarette of Good Taste. Pick up du MAURIER King Size in the familiar red and silver pack fe | . --and enjoy full King Size at just a penny more a pack. or $3 IP | foot comfort : More than ever, the trend today is to du MAURIER See a freshly styled line | . for Spring. Tastefully tailored with the proven concept in comfort. < and INSTALLATION We will provide and install a BULLOCH Natural Gas Forced Air Furnace, complete with 10-year guarantee, to your home's existing forced air system for only 95.00. IF YOU ARE NOT NOW USING : WHY NEW du MAURIER KING SIZ NATURALGASANDWILLRENT | COST A PENNY A. PACK MORE A NATURAL GAS WATER HEATER Today, du MAURIER iis. Canada's most popular F § { filter cigarette. We believe there are two reasons or 715 ; a | for this: the finest high-grad irgini : igh-grade aged Virginia tobac- s Only Month ' co and the exclusive "Millecel" super filter to i give you truly milder smoking pleasure. du ood Hemnatenog : NO INSTALLATION CHARGE ecace eeaee hed scare LET SHORGAS PAY FOR IT! . Vv cellent cigarette has been changed. 7 PHONE 728-9441 HOW! ) ou ME hu ig AY, du MAURIER Ask For Full Details : W FOR @ RIGHT PRICES @ PROPER FIT : See Our Modern A PRODUCT OF PETER. JACKSON TOBACCO LIMITED Goods Satisfoctory or Your Money B Showroom With Refunded All The Letest | Makers of Fine Cigarettes "Downtown Oshawa" |i Corner of SERVING OSHAWA & tlt | 18 SIMCOE ST. S. 725-1833 Celina & Athol Sts. AREA OVER 25 YEARS "s FO RS RAR

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