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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Apr 1963, p. 8

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allow kids bo make such choices are merely covering up for the fact that they have lost control. Dear Ann: I am 19. He is 21, Jim is the ANN LANDERS Is She Blowing Smoke In His Eyes? Dear Ann Landers: I am a travelling man who leaves home on. Monday and returns on Friday. This has been my routine for 12 years. My wife knew this when I married her eight years ago land she said it was 0.K. with her--that she would never beef about my being away, Her fa- ther worked on the railroad so she was accustomed to it. She has kept her promise, but now I think maybe I have other problems. Last night I arrived home a few hours earlier than usual. The place was filled with cigar smoke, There was a cigar butt in the ash tray. My wife was Evening Chapter OGH Auxiliary Announces Projects Ei ER : z meeting of the Evening Chapter of the Hospital Auxiliary. The minutes were read by the sec- retary, Mrs. G. H. Jackson. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Henry Bickle, in the ab- sence of Russell Learmouth. Mrs. C. R. Lunn reported on the enthusiastic response to the appeal for Teen-age Candy Sfri- pers. Forty girls have been picked for training. If success- ful other girls will be contacted as required. Mrs. Gordon Curley reported on the sale of tickets for the Membership Dance to be held at the Oshawa Golf Club Fri- day, May 3. Anyone requiring tickets should telephone Mrs. Curley at once. . Tickets were distributed for the "'Get Acquainted Tea" to be held at Adelaide House, May 29, i |from 2.30 4.00 p.m. All mem- vi uy to see a line--written across the bottom of the invitation which read--"Bring your own bottle." Marie is a college freshman --but only 17, The party, she argued, is being given by one of the 'best - rated girls in town,"' Her father is a doctor and her mother is one of the society leaders. They live in a mansion with a three-car gar- age. I toid her I didn't care about their garage and that she was not going to the party. There was no < tered "O.K." and that was the end of it. My husband says maybe I am wrong. He claims perhaps 23. TE8 'ie BABYLAND BARGAINS . Just in Time for Spring just love to be kicked around. bers will be contacted. held in the fall. Mrs. Douglas Clemens report- ed on the fashion show to be washing her hair, When I asked about the smoke in the house and showed her the cigar buit she said, "I've always wanted we should allow our daughter to be exposed to all sides of life, and make. her own choices. What is your opinion?--Lonisi- The more abusive the treat- ment, the better they like it. Tf this girl drops him on his head he will probably fall for cri BABY CARRIAGES... 19.88 to smoke a cigar ... so to night I tried one." What do you think?--Losing by a Nose Dear Nose: Any woman who can think that fast is going to be awfully hard to out-smart. In the absence of other evidence accept her explanation -- keep your eyes open. Dear Ann Landers: Our daughter received a party in- vitation in the mail yesterday. She said, "Isn't that cute?" and handed it to me. I was shocked GETTING MARRIED ? Have color MOVIES Taken of your Wedding Of Leading Toronto: Salons FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE 728-4476 725-6854 ana Purchase Dear Purchase: I'm with you mother, It's bad enough when 17-year-olds go to parties that somehow "turn out' to be drunkex brawls. But to know- ingly allow your teen-ager to and| attend a party to which she has been instructed to 'bring her own bottle' would be stupid. Teen-age drinking is assum- ing da 'ous proportions and it's getting worse. Parents who LADIES No baby sitter, no car fare Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Stylist .., 8.88 Filled this warrnesses..... O08 Lowest Prices In Town WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET Mrs. A, M. Joness, sewing who frosts his thes suay Pm, convener, reported 2 pr. foot warmers and 18 gowns com- pleted. Roll call was taken by :|Mrs, A. P. Robson. New mem- bers introduced were; Mrs. C. ; |A, Cameron, Mrs. Jack Stewart, * jand Mrs. Howard West. '| Mrs, John Hruska will con- '\vene the Bridge to be held in Ht CHAIRS... A. E. Johnson 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 723-2721 14% KING E. September. Mrs, Ralph Dawe is staffing the Gift Cart, anyone interested in working with the cart please contact her, The next meeting has been changed to Tuesday, May 2ist, due to the holiday on the regu- lar meeting day. Mrs. Heney adjourned the meeting day. Coffee was served by the committee. * . i : I eee ed et: Lo be 3 ¢ i a s . EASTERTIDE WEDDINGS OF INTEREST » Pictured on the left ere Mr. Douglas Wright, Oshawa, and and Mrs, Isaac Hugh Tlolland, son of Mrs, John Holland, Irs. Bryce Vickers Mr. Owen is the of Mrs. the f Dorothy Elizabeth 'Tillsonburg, and the late Mr. aoe a bride is the former Frederick ri Gets, polars ea, sinstier of Mr, and Holland. Both couples were married last week in North- Margaret Joan Wright, daugh- and the late Reverend A. E. Mrs. Albert J. Brown, Osh- minster United Church. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen. On the right are Mr. awa, The bridegroom is the UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES EGGS-ACTLY Food experts at Macdonald Miss Muriel Stevens, in Leopoldville, for bandages Avoid Disappointment made from clean linens. Mrs. MES MISSION CIRCLE The Mary Elliott Smith Mis- gion Circle of First Baptist Church held the monthly meet- read by Gregor; correspondence by Mrs. Kenneth Blencowe, in the ab- sence of Mrs. Eric Sorri; and Mrs. George Me- Duchemin volunteered to have her Sunday School class of girls tear the bandages. The ladies are asked to bring aill these arti- cles in at the next meeting. Institute, Guelph, say that add. ing extra eggs to a standard recipe will not improve the cake but make it tough, whereas, re- ducing the number of eggs caill- ed for will make the cake book your SUMMER HOLIDAY soonest Four Seasons Travel Fully recognized by all airlines, " 728-6201. | Dorcas report by Mrs. Robert Clayton. Members were reminded of the bake sale April 20 for the branch of the women's guild. It was suggested by Mrs. Sidney Sharples the president and one other delegate attend the an- nual meeting in Toronto in April. Mrs. F. S, Wotton will open her home for the May meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Robert Clayton and Mrs. Harry Davis. ing in the home of Mrs. Richard Britton. Treasurer, Mrs. Sidney Can- field have her report and Mrs. Howard, secretary, read Peagge ese period by Mrs, 'Harold Parrott and . Richard Britton, each tak- gs Walter ig ogee ie highlights of the Link Visitor; Mrs. Arthur Howard and Mrs. Angus Barton present- ed the slate of officers for the 1. Waller Nickerson; ee SereeNs Cw . *| 'The regular meeting of the Vice - president, Mrs. Robert! United Church Women was read 'Moon; treasurer, Mrs. Sidney|at the home of the president, Canfield; secretary, Mrs. At-|Mrs. Charles Rundle, with 13 Howard; Link and Visitor,| members present. ; The program convener, Mrs. Alex Ferries, conducted the worship period. The theme was "The Story of The Crucifixion." Taking part were Mrs. Ste- Phen Saywell, Mrs. Bickel, Mrs. Arthur Ferguson, Mrs. Carson Heard and Mrs. Ferries. Prayer was given by Mrs. Bickel. In the absence of the record- ing secretary, the minutes were read by Mrs. Percy Taylor. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs, Frank Crawford. Mrs. Rundle thanked those who as- steamships, etc. ° crumbly. vs Mrs. Ronald MacKenzie at- tended the session for Citizen- ship and Social Service, and brought back questions for dis- cussion, on Alcohol and Gamb- ling, to be discussed at a meet- ing. Mrs. Percy Taylor brought a Teport from the Session on Christian Education and respon- sibility in the UCW for help in the Sunday School and Hi-C groups, CGIT and Explorers. Mrs. Saywell attended the sessions on evangelism and re- cruiting and brought back ideas as to the quality of articles sent to those in need, with the quote "If you would not wear an article yourself, then don't send it,"' Refreshments were served by Mrs. John Cook, Mrs, Heard, and Mrs. McKenzie. Social committee for May: Mrs, John Taylor, convener; Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Mrs. aig Bickel and Mrs. John ORDER CANVAS OSHAWA'S ONLY REFRIGERATED FUR STORAGE Constructed RIGHT ON OUR PREMISES! . The hostess served refresh- 'ments and the meeting closed 'with prayer. . WESTMOUNT KIWANETTES Keira war"! ie lwanettes was held at thelsisted at the turke ¥ 'Hotel Genosha in the form of a} The members wore reminded i, to bring in all articles of used » \. A-\clothing, which must be in at the May meeting of the Units, or the UCW. The Supply Tea is on June 5, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Ebenezer, when all arti- cles collected by the Presby- terial will be on display. Cun-| Reports were given by re ata "Te on oct al ip Training School Bbenezer. " " Mrs. David Duchemin, vice- ' : president, attended the sess' ' members were given|for vice-presidents and enti their oven savers and hostess| leaders, and read a letter from 'trays which they are to sell to|Mrs. Tong, requesting articles raise funds of clothing and bedding, A request was read from @ FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY! e@ ALL FURS FULLY INSURED! © Restyling @ Repairing © Hollanderizing! © Qnly 2% of your valuation! | ' MARTEN'S FURS NOW! 75 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-7921 We Also Rent Choirs, Tables, etc. CLEVE FOX oupeaes 412 Simcoe North Oshawa Dont Settle For less Thar ... NATIONAL BRAN DS ois a . 3 a CHAMPAGNE ae / CANADA'S FAVOURITE BY FAR © Mrs, A. M. Moore introduced the speaker for the evening, The Woolcock, See a tan tae it. Mark's Anglican «Church. The Reverend Woolcock "spoke on the resurrection of "Christ and what the Easter NATURAL TREASURE... shapes you--does not add--$2.50 PADDED TREASURE... makes you the size you want to be--$3.00 HIDDEN TREASURE... for the slightly minus figure--$4.00 *. ST. GEORGE'S EVE. WA -, The regular business meet-| dng of St. George's Anglican Church Evening branch WA CARPET Ci YW 282 King W. 728-9581 Drinking Chateau-Gai Champagne is the very essence of life's happiest moments. Produced by the brilliant Méthode Charmat de France, Chateau-Gai Dry Champagne and Pink Champagne are the brightest, most exciting you can buy. Toast your happy times with Chateau-Gai Champagne, nothing else can make them quite so memorable. Complete Glasses ONE LOW PRICE Here at King we are proud to say that we use nothing but National Brand Products, Ma- terials or Equipment. Should you pay more and often times get less value for your money ? The thinking person buys at King for fine quality glasses at LOW, LOW PRICES. Ne Appointment Needed We Believe Them To Be $20.00 ~ $25.00 Values. Our Prices Now Only | SINGLE VISION Complete with Frames, Lenses and Cose. 11.95 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ONE PRICE -- ONE " PRICE ONLY LABORATORY TO You NO MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT ALL GLASSES COM- PLETE WITH LENSES INDIVIDUALLY GROUND TO YOUR EXACT NEEDS, IN- CLUDING WHITE, TINT OR SUNGLASS GREEN Spring weather is no friend to) your furs! Now's the time to protect your coats, jackets or stoles from the moths, heat ond. humidity. Place them in the cool, dry climate of our storoge vaults without delay! - + . Our bonded messenger will pick up your furs right ot your door, free of charge. Oshawa Furriers 51 King St. E., Oshawa 728-8322 fd Get the Petér Pan Look! Available at all leading department, chain and specialty shops, including: BIFOCALS Complete with Frames FUR RE- STYLING REPAIRS---REASON- ABLY PRICED WE FILL ALL PSI, OCU- LISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. : HOURS: MONDAY -- SATURDAY 9 A.M. -5 P.M. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 1 Lenses and Case, e U.S. Trademark Registered OPTICIANS -- OVER 3,000,000 17.95 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA Brenches in Toronto, + LIMITED CANADA'S WINES OF DISTINCTION WALKER'S. London, Kitch y, Pi gh Soult Ste. Marie, Niagera Falls, Orillia and Chatham. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626

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