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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Apr 1963, p. 10

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| i go THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 22, 1963 ter their Bentley Mark VI started losing oil. They are shown halted on a roadside in the British Columbia Interior, early Sunday morning. : --(CP Wirephoto) A FORCED STOP! Don and Cross-Canada 4,000-mile rally, Colin McQuirk of Thornhill, had to stop repeatedly during Ontario, a private entry in the the first leg of their trip, af- Muddy Roads Claim 'Two Early 'Victims H tf] Cross-Canada Rally ver and rally officials subse- quently eliminated the control. By BRUCE LEVETT However, the crews remained|MacLennan and Art Dempsey CALGARY (CP)--A full com- i plement of 47 cars lined up to- Gday for the second leg of the # 4,000-mile Cross - Canada Car 4 Rally--but only 45 of them re- 4 mained in contention for over- { all honors. eligible for daily prizes. Calgary to Regina, where th countering further mud cond tions on the second leg. The second leg reaches from cars are due about 8 p.m. to-| night. Some drivers expressed) worry over the possibility of en- was second with three penalty points, followed by the private entry of F. J. Curran and Ron Carney, with four. Two more Falcons were fourth and fifth--those of the Lloyd Howell-Bill Silvera and George Merson - John Wilson e i- This cost the 14 who made the check a 50-point bulge over the rest of the field because miss- ing such a check costs the crew that much in penalty. At control number three a clock was found to be one min- 4 i were the Volvo of Gunnar En- ' } the Volvo and Studebaker teams 4 Out of the race for manufactur- fer's prize as well as well as 3 eliminating the crews from in- ' eee ees ss. ee § gelin of Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 8 ute out and times had to be readjusted later. crews. Falcon, with a loss of only 13 p penalty points, led in manufac-| Still in contention was Belgian 4 Disqualified after spending j hours in the mud of the Dou- glas Lake, B.C., region Sunday SWEEP FOR TORONTO The first five cars in the over; all standings after the first lap) were all Toronto vehicles. In the lead, having lost only one penalty point, was the Tor- onto-sponsored Chevy II of Dick Oyen of Milwaukee and Clar- sag Gibbs of Menominee Falls, is. Last year they won the tim- ing prize for the 4,000-mile route, losing only three points through navigational error. However, a missed control point cost them heavily on that oc- casion. The Falcon Sprint of Paul and Obin Edwards of Fabre- 4 ville, Que., along with the Stu- | debaker Lark of Toronto's Don Haddow and John Bird. ; Both cars made it to Calgary) j long after the control here was| closed. | Their disqualification knocked dividual over-all honors. / v 'No Robbery Wins Wood Memorial NEW YORK (AP)--Greentree Stable's unbeaten Kentucky Derby candidate, No Robbery, took command at the start and, swinging wide entering the home stretch, galloped to a 244- length victory in the $90,800 Wood Memorial Saturday. at Aqueduct. No Robbery stood off a late challenge by Patrice Jacobs' Bonjour and ran the 1% miles in one minute, 49 1-5 seconds. George D. Widener's Crew- man, considered the better half of his two-horse entry, proved a better disappointment as he finished ninth in the field of 10 three-year-olds. is stablemate, Top Gallant, came up from last place and gained third place, 24% lengths behind Bonjour, The first three all are eligible for the $125,000-added Derby at Louisville May 4. The winner paid $3.60, $3 and $2.10. Bonjour retured $5.10 and $2.70 and Top Gallant $2.30 to show. en See een ee In Miami, Russell A. Fire- stone Jr.'s Canadian-bred Jet Traffic stole a long early lead and then just lasted for a nose victory over In The Pocket Sat- urday in the $10,000 Hallandale Purse at Gulfstream Park. Jet Traffic ran the seven fur- longs in one minute, 22 3-5 sec- onds. The odds-on favorite, Jet Traffic paid $3.80, $2.50 and $2.20. In The Pocket paid $2.60 and $2.30. Sum Dum Kid, an en- try with Do Declare, paid $2.50 to show. The first three finishers in the Hallandale are eligible for the Kentucky Derby, Del Carroll, trainer of Jet Traffic, said the colt would be shipped to Ken- tucky next week and probably ; would run in the Derby Trial. "I doubt that he'll run i the Derby," Carroll said, "but that decision will be made by Mr. Firestone." Jet Traffic also is eligible for the Queen's Plate in Toronto this summer. FIVE DIVISIONS GODERICH, Ont. (OP)--On- tario Peewees collected three titles here Saturday night to make it a clean sweep for the province in the five champi Ontario Lads Sweep Pee Wee Tournament brilliant season in which the six cham- three while wining ionship trophi In tourna- ship divisions of the 14th an- nual Young Canada Week hockey tournament. Tournament officials est i- mated more than 12,000 persons paid to see 87 teams from On- tario, Quebec, Manitoba and the state of Michigan compete in the eighi-day knockout contest. Settled Saurday night were the B series title, which Delhi won after five years of trying; the C series crown, taken by Exeter, which has iced an en- try 13 of the 14 years, and the D series champ:onship, cap- tured by Copetown in its third year in the tournament. Exeter, one of the strongest squads to compete in the tour- nament this year, whipped Sea- forth 6-2 for its title. Copetown defeated Ripley 4-2 and Delhi downed Oakridge Acres of Lon- don by the same score. Lindsay won the A_ series laurels Thursday. Toronto's North York Knights won the ment play here, Exeter won six games for a total score of 34 goals, with only four counted against it. Exeter lost its first game in the tournament 13 years ago by a 140 score. Delhi, which went to the fi- nals of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association B_ series before losing to Huntsville, won four games here for the title, giving the team 45 victories and five losses for the season. In a C series semi-final, Ex- eter beat Harriston 4-1. Thi other C semi-final saw Seaforth edge Mitchell 2-1. Delhi beat Hespeler 3-1 and Oakridge downed Tillsonburg 42 in the B series semi-finals. In D series semi-final play, Copetown beat Plattsville 7-1 and Ripley downed Paisley 4-2. In the annual East-West exhi- bition challenge game, Winni- peg ne trounced Goder- ich 8-1. AA series final Friday. VENICE, Fla. (AP)--Early. Wynn is like the guy in the downstairs apartment waiting for the other shoe to drop. That shoe would be an offer of a job from a major league club. The job could lead to Wynn's pitching his 300th win, placing him in an elite circle with the 13 pitchers who have achieved \this coveted goal down through baseball history Meantime, Wynn admittedly is nervous and somewhat im- patient. "I would like to get my game, but it's kind of hard to work hard without a direct incentive. It's a strained middle kind of thing when there's nothing def- inite,"" he said in an interview. turers class, followed by Chrys-jace Olivier Gendebien in a ler and Renault, tied with 77| Volvo. He had lost nine penalty points lost each. points up to today. Trouble at two control points|5¢Udé baker team: of Jobn : |Jones and Lou Lalonde of Tor. caused controversy with theliitg jast year's over-all win- rally only 18 hours old. The cars , p.m, Saturday and the first cars|, Juliette Legare, tall, bronzed reached Calgary early Sunday|@Tiver from Montreal who ran afternoon. jout of gasoline coming into Cal- ""\standings in her Studebaker in at the first route checkpoint/Lark, but still was leading the at Scott Road outside Vancou-ithree women's teams. e e . Tigers Hank Aguirre oan sa g g Head Protection . TORONTO (CP)--All players e from tykes to juveniles: in the Toronto Hockey League and its, affiliated divisions must wear either head guards or helmets in future. ' By JACK HAND /ner's three-run homer enabled| Roland gave up two singles) The ruling was made Satur- Assoctated Press Sports Writer|Los Angeles to best Kansas City|in the first inning and walked|day at the 52nd annual meeting If anyone thinks Hank Aguirre 6-2. nine but struck out seven. Bob/of the THL. About 200 delegates was a flash in the pan last year, A three-run homer by Norm Allison hit a two-run triple and|--representing 1,370 teams and when he led American League|Cash off Bill Monbouquette, ajhis fourth homer. Buzhardt had|more than 30,000 players asso- pitchers, check the latest batch|420-foot drive into the right field no serious problems in his sec-|ciated with the league -- at- of statistics. bleachers, was. the big blow for}0nd game romp in which Mont-|tended the meeting. Aguirre, the new Yankee|Detroit. Bob Tillman homered real-born rookie' Pete Ward led) Goalkeepers were given a killer of Detroit. Tigers has|fOF Boston. the White Sox attack with three| choice between face masks or a started and completed 'three| | singles and four runs batted in./helmet. The league also made games, winning each. His|\ DONOVAN BESTS ROBERTS | Lee won his second for the/Skate guards mandatory in all] earned run average unofficially|, Baltimore racked up bonus| Angels but he needed help in| series. is 1.67, better than his leading|D@by Sam McDowell in the first/the ninth when the A's had two|~ -- "9.21 of last year. jinning while Barber coasted/on with two out. Jack Spring| . "For 10 years I have been|tome with his third victory.|retired pinch hitter Haywood Chuvalo Starts His dreaming of a spring when y}rnen Donovan, making his first) Sullivan to end the game. Wag- * would pol oe tc . Pe start|start in 10 days, cooled off the|ner's homer came in the fourth Comeback Tonight bs oi evel gdh five Start| Birds and snapped their four-joff his old teammate, Ted early,' Aguirre sald recently. [Rome winning streak by beating! Bowsfield of Penticton, B.C. WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)-- "ey 'eel that I have to prove a ee | Saturday, the Red Sox scored|George Chuvalo, former Cana- $ Bouton had some shaky m0-/three in the last of the 15th in-)di a Beene pasar! Fi ; }ments for the Yanks but retired|ning to edge the Tigers 4-3, Chi-\from Toronto, will start his Sant eee tie wie bare ane last nine batters in succes-|cago outslugged Minnesota 10-7,;comeback under a new mana- ple say 'I told you so.'" sion for his first victory. Terry|Baltimore bombed the Indians|ger here tonight. Last year he didn't start a four runs in 1 2-3 innings. Tom|Yanks 7-1 and the Angels|Detroit, will meet Jimmy Wake- game until May 26. He got his Tresh homered for. the Yanks.' rapped Kansas City 7-4. field of Louisville, Ky. chance only because Frank | e FANS SEVEN Aguirre gave up eight hits - and fanned seven, running his with a 5-2 victory Sunday over Boston. Baltimore traded shutouts, cnt ig om Pass a sd By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS|LEAFS tt --., - |blow for Arkansas in the night- pack, Steve Barber blanke e : ; In Saturday's games, Little|cap. Indians with four hits, 7-0 Strange things are happening | ock dumped Toronto 8-3, In-| van retaliated with a four-hitter| Defending champion Jackson-| doubleheader, Columbus taking) sce gene ea ro sel and a 2-0 decision over the Or- ville and runner - up Toronto|the first game 5-1 and losing|SuPerd pitching in ; e rath a ioles. |were supposed to start 1963 as|the nightcap 10-4, and Syracuse|SWeeP Sunday. John Miller gest swept two from Jacksonville,| 7.00" - cago where Minnesota's Jim|reorganized circuit, But the en-/6.1 and 5-4 in 12 innings. [hits in the opener and Ed Ho- Roland, a 20-year-old rookie(feebled Suns and the skidding) baugh spaced seven blows ef- southpaw making his first start, i .| , ; oe ft the Southern and Northern Dj. Richmond at Buffalo were Post-'veteran Ossie Virgil powered a three singles. Then Chicago's| visions, respectively. Hetounon Jenkins John Buzhardt came back with) Little Rock's Arkansas Trav- ey , a four-hitter and an 8-0 victory. Sere ues cae ie Mf hee ast eee was og victim of a ~ two homers each for Syracuse " ~\for-the-books situation as the|tg subdue Jacksonville. Larry = ; | eee eer an tre Ree tention nt the southern division.|_£a/S snapped a two-game los-| Foster restricted Jacksonville to York Yankees to a 7-6 squeaker Toronto pulled out of a two-| victory Sunday. He gave up two) Williams. game tailspin in Sunday's first\home runs to one batter in a) Buffalo belted five home runs game by beating Arkansas 8-1.|single time at bat. while taking two decisions from SPORTS 5-2 in 'he nightcap and grabbed drove one of his deliveries out|two and drove in three runs for the southern lead when Atlan'a/of the park in the second inn-|the Bisons in the second game CAI ENDAR Tackers Gropped a doudle-ing but the umpire rulediafter Joe Christopher's homer 1 and 94. : A time before the pitch. Cartyjopener. Ed Bouchee and Bob TODAY | . Syracuse Chiefs, the Northern promptly treated Jenkins' next|Catton also hit homers for the |Division leaders, handed Jack-| pitch the same way, driving in Bisons. TUESDAY jloss, 9-4, in the lone single i itl the first inning of its one-sided FLOOR HOCKEY |game. Buffalo Bisons beat In-|, eyrnyt babe Aap aia weno | conduest of Columbus in the Forest League Schedule| dianapolis Indians 5-4, in 10 inn-| 08S» his irst IL decision, yield-|+;..¢ same. A three-run homer ag.00 p.m.; Maples vs Cedars, at|Jets shaded Richmond Virgini-| earned, in 4 1-3 inings. Hejsolo clout of Gene Alley gave .30 p.m. and Willows vs Pines,|ans 4-3 for a split of their dou-|struck out three batsmen and|Columbus its runs in the night- at 8.00 p.m.; All games at|bleheader after the Virginians|walked two. A two-run homer|cap. McFarlane also homered Simcoe Hall. by Bobby TROUBLE STARTS EARLY With eight points off was the started from Vancouver at 7)" Only 14 of the 47 cars checked| 82"; Was well down in the myself all over again. I have was slammed for five hits and|8-1, Washington trounced the| 'Chuvalo, now fighting out of Lary's arm was hurting. season's strikeout total to 20 p ' e S e with Cleveland and remained striking out 11 and Dick Dono-|in the International League. |dianapolis and Columbus split | WINGS GET PITCHING It was the same story in Chi-|the two strongest entries in the |blanked the Crackers on four Maple Leafs are cellar clubs of| , Rochester at Atlanta and/fectively in the second game. Shut out the White Sox 7-0 with | = ' | J elers, newcomers to the league, righthander from Chatham,) Don Wert and Ray Oyler hit Jim Bouton came to the res- leaders of the southern division. | in, streak with their first-game| seven hits, one a homer by Bill over Washington. Leon Wag- but the Travelers bounced back 'Toronto catcher Rico Carty|Indianapolis. John Powers hit header to Rochester. Red Wings'caicher Al Kenders had called|in the 10th inning won the No games scheduled. 5 ' ' ck-| jsonville its fifth consecutive Steve Demeter ahead of him. | Richmond scored nine runs in Games -- Poplars vs Oaks, atlings, and 7-4 and Columbus/ing nine hits and five runs, all/py Orlando McFarlane and a won the epener 16-2. Malicmus was the biglin the opener. _ |home run with the bases loaded) a rookie|{g ice the second-game victory. Wynn has been working as a |free agent with the White Sox farm club in Sarasota. He pitches batting practice every day. At 43, Wynn was the oldest active player in major league baseball, but says he still has the old steam to win his 300th and possibly a lot more. HAD BETTER SPRING "I had a better spring this year than I had in the last couple of years," Wynn. said. "T threw better. I pitched pretty | Early Wynn Still Hopes For Chance To Get 300th Win good my last four times. I think I could pitch every fifth day for somebody." That somebody could be any of several clubs Wynn says he has had contact with during the last few weeks. Two clubs are believed to hold major interest in Wynn. They are St. Louis Cardinals and the Houston Colts, "T have talked with them a couple of times," Wynn said, "but we haven't come to any kind of agreement." Working out with the farm clubs isn't taking up all of Wynn's time. His restaurant- bowling alley occupies much of the time not spent in reading and answering a flood of mail. Most of the letters wish Wynn good luck in his hid for No. /300. | He said fans from New York who used to write and cuss me out are now writing and 'they seem to be pulling for me." Wynn was dropped from the White Sox roster this spring after the management decided to go with younger pitchers, He won seven and lost 15 with the Exeter's victory climaxed a y team won 55 games, losing only] * AE OIE NEIL EIDE Gog IE, THESE THREE are heroes in New York today. The big guns of the Mets gather in their Polo Grounds dressing room, Sunday, after beating the vaunted Milwaukee Braves in both ends of a doublehead- er to stretch their victories By JIM BECKER Said Casey Stengel to Mil waukee Braves: "You know that saw him this spring he was hit me your catcher for him? Well forget it." will take some forgetting. Mets four straight for the firs last May 23. to the top spot with a spli Giants the second game 3-2. In other National games, St. Louis Cardinals spli with Philadelphia Phillies, los: Columbus 3 4 429 1 Indianapolis 3 4 429 1 Jackson ville 2 5 .286 2 Sunday's Results Syracuse 9 Jacksonville 4 Richmond 16-3 Columbus 2-4 Rechester 1-9 Atlanta 0-1 Indianapolis 4-4 Buffalo 5-7 Toronto 8-2 Little Rock 1-5 Games Today Indianapolis at Buffalo Richmond at Columbus Rochester at Atlanta Synacuse at Jacksonville White Sox last season and then drew his release to make a deal for himself this season. His 23-year record is 299-242. | BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS Toronto at Little Rock Associated Press Sports Writer ting the ball over the houses back of the palm trees in left field and you wanted to give So the Braves can forget about Jim Hickman, and that Hickman drove in seven runs with a 450-foot double and two homers, one a grand slam, as the Mets won a doubleheader from the Braves Sunday 8-5 and 9-2. The double win gave the time in their history, and lifted , them out of the Naional League|homers have come against the cellar for the first time since|Braves. San Francisco Giants held on centre fielder, against Chicago Cubs. The Cubs,apparently were ] won the opener 4-1 and the|catcher Del Crandall for him. ing 4-3 in 10 innings and winning | 10-5, Los Angeles Dodgers to four-straight against them. The three, taken to the hearts of more than 26,000 fans, are, left-to-right: -- Jim Hick- man, who hit a grand slam homer in the first game and a two-run homer in the sec- ond game; Al Moran, who whipped Houston Colts twice, 11-3 and §-5, and Cincinnati Reds tramipled Pittsburgh Pi- jrates 8-3. RAYMOND IS VICTIM Hickman's grand slam won the first game for the Mets. He hit it in the eighth inning off Claude Raymond of St. Jean, Que., with the Mets trailing 5-4. Ed Kranepool, 18 - year - old rookie first baseman, singled Duke Snider home in the sixth inning of the second game for the go-ahead run off Lew Bur- dette. A hysterical, confetti- throwing crowd of 26,775 whooped it up at the ancient Polo Grounds during the long afternoon. Hickman now has 11 hits, seven for extra bases, and 11 RBI in nine games. He is bat- iting .344, and all three of his trade we were talking about, the one for the feller who: plays in centre field for me, who everytime you t The Braves had coveted the who hit well t)against them in the spring, and Willie Mays and Willie Mc- League) Covey each hit his fourth home t|run for the Giants in the second -|game, and Tom Haller's single drove home the wi.ning run. In home the Cubs' first run and {homered in the fourth. Tony Gonzalez doubled off the) |scoreboard in the 10th inning to |drive in the winning run for the} Phillies in the opener against the Cards. per a GOLF EQUIPMENT jand COUNTRY CLUB 655-4952 offering) tripled in the second game and then went on to score on an error and Duke Snider, whose two-run double tied up the second game, in the sixth inning. --(AP Wirephoto) © Jim Hickman Has Big Day At Plate As Mets Win Pair In the second game, the Cards spotted the Phillies four runs in the first inning and then roared back against Art Mahaf- fey, with Dick Groat driving in four runs. Ron Fairly carried the big bat for the Dodgers against the Colts. He drove in three runs in the opener, hit a two-run homer in the fourth inning of the second and then broke a 5-5 tie in the last of the ninth with a bases loaded single. Bob Miller, who was 1-12 as a Met last season, ran his un-'> scored on streak to 21 2-3 in- nings for the Dodgers in the opener before he was chased in the sixth. However, he got the victory, his first of the sea- son. Cincinnati scored all its runs in the first four innings, with Leo Cardenas and Vada Pinson driving in two each. Jim Ma- loney gave up 12 hits but was tough when it mattered, and got his second win. Saturday, the Mets beat the Braves 3-1, Pittsburgh defeated Cincinnati 4-2, the Cubs blanked the Giants 4-0, the Phillies bumped the Cards 6-2 and Hous- ton outlasted the Dodgers 9-6. the opener Ken Hubbs singled| New & Used--Trede-ins Accepted |) Visit WHITBY GOLF | BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" NEW HOMES & HOME IMPROVEMENTS FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS 725-4704 436 RITSON N. | (Where Pavement Ends) By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League | WL Pct. GBL Baltimore 7 4 636 Chicago 4 .600 New York 4 600 Kansas City 5 545 Detroit 5 545 Boston 545 Los Angeles 455 Cleveland 400 2% Washington 333 3 Minnesota 333 3% Saturday's Results Minnesota 7 Chicago 10 Detroit 3 Boston 4 Cleveland 1 Baltimore 8 New York 1 Washington 7 Los Angeles 7 Kansas City 4 | Sunday's Results Cleveland 0-2 Baltimore 7-0 Minnesota 7-0 Chicago 0-8 New York 7 Wasitington 6 Los Angeles 6 Kansas City 2 Detroit 5 Boston 2 Probable Pitchers Today Detroit (Mossi 2-0) at Kansas City (Bass 0-0) N, Chicago Herbert 1-0) at Cleveland (Bell 0-0) N. Los. Angeles (McBride 1-1) at Washington (Cheney 1-0) N. National League wl pet.GBL 8 4 666 -- 000 1 583 1 538 ie 538 1% % 1 1 San Francisco Pittsburgh St. Louis Milwaukee Los 6 7 7 7 Chicago Philadelphia Cincinnati New York 333 Houston 4 9 308 Saturday's Results Milwaukee 1 New York 3 Cincinnati 2 Pittsburgh 4 Chicago 4 San Francisco 0 St. Louis 2 Philadelphia 6 Houston. 9 Los Angeles 6 Sunday's Results Milwaukee 5-2 New York 8-9 St. Louis 3-10 Philadelphia 4-5 Oniicago 4-2 San Francisco 1-3 Cincinnati 8 Pittsburgh 3 Houston 3-5 Los Angeles 11-6 Probable Pitchers Today | New Yorv (Rowe 0-0) at Phil-| adelphia (Brown 0-1) N. St. Louis (Washburn 2-0) at Houston (Johnson 1-1) N, Milwaukee (Hendley 1-1) at Los Angeles (Drysdale 2-1) N.| Chicago (Hobbie 1-0) at Pitts-) burgh (Francis 0-1) N, Cincinnati (O'Toole 2-1) at Sam Francisco (Sanford 3-0) N. Internatiowal League Northern Division WL Pet. GBL 5 2.74-- | 4 2 667 % 3 2 600 1 | Richmond 3 2 600 1 Toronto 2 5 490 3 Southern Division Arkansas 4 3.571 -- Atlanta 3 3.500 % 6 6 500 6 6 500 4 5 444 48 Syracuse | Rochester | Buffalo te. ve to you. | FRIDAY, APRIL ALL OSHAWA VETERANS Royal Canadian Legion Membership Drive The clubrooms of Branch 43 Royal Canadian Legion will be open to all vet- erans of Oshawa and District for the week of April 22nd. to April 27th, Mem- rs of our Executive will be on hand to welcome you and explain our activities ["---- SPECIAL EVENTS TO ca UE. THURSDAY, APRIL 25th: Mass Initiation of New Members plus our 50-50 draw. 26th: Colored Film of 1962 Grey Cup (Less Fog) -- Refreshments will be served. SATURDAY, APRIL 27th: GALA MEMBERSHIP DANCE SUNDAY, APRIL 28th: Parade to St. Marks Anglican Church to retire our old colors, Fall in at 1:45 P.M. at Rossland Shopping Centre at the corner of R Pea Rd. and St s Road. As You Served in War---So You Should Serve In Peace JOIN THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION NOW

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