peters Were eer Do 2 = South African Whites |iige crc. iccsy yum» mm | power from a democratically} WASHINGTON (AP) rset elected Parliament." ington Senators traded Steve © e Dr. Jan Steytler, leader of/Hamilton, a left-handed relief e in Oo Pe ul the opposition Progressivelpitcher, to New York Yankees party, charged recently that|Sunday for Jim Coates, a t the Verwoerd government can|right-hander who has the oe DAR ES SALAAM, Tangan-|new plants for manufacture ofjhazar Vorster. He is regarded ot gy en aged? -- lifetime winning percentage yika (AP)--South Africa has a/small arms and ammunition. It}as the No. 2 man next to Ver: ead +e a basis orce,. Heithe Yankees' staff. ' \is buying abroad the warships|woerd, swinging the cudgels at said the government planned it Hamilton won three and lost heritage of fear, hatred and) that way and if it deemed ito! . guilty conscience. Hatred is the|#%4 Planes it cannot manufac-jalleged saboteurs and subver-| necessary would impose a com-|°ight for the Senators last yeaf. ure. sives, black and white. : H Pati irene a ae Now 10,000 trained men are| Vorster, 47, was interned as pote Ccteterehip, He hag made three ret a is id 4 fee|.|teady to smash any internalja Nazi sympathizer during the pearances this season, eee af st a nine ae whites(revolt or to repel any "african|Second World War, For years| POPE DUSCUSSES DEATH (against the Yankees, and hail who rule the country, \nationalist - Communist inva-|he held off joining the National) VATICAN CITY (AP)--Popejlost one game to geome | : } ion," the reason the govern-|Party because he considered its| John XXIII said Sunday that 4 These are the impressions .of eles ri ini A Sali ay 'hal Coates, who has been with this Associated Press corre-| ment aha er Saber tienes Pits tack wae death "comes for al! of us, even| Yankees since 1959, won 7 it; who has just left|"™e Stine: . ter of justice in August, 1961,|the Pobe now speaking -- and|Sames and lost 15 for a .712 South Africa after a three-year| ARE MILITANT | For the last year Vorster hasi|perhaps even soon." The leadar| Percentage. He has not pitched assignment there. The militant determinationbeen on the attack againstiof the Roman Catholic Chae ee eens ey oe: 5 | ? 1 + Anti-government sabotage isjof Verwoerd's Afrikaner na-jwhat he calls 'the white in- 4 increasing. Police drives|tionalists is repeatedly ex- citer who lurks behind the| Went on to 'say, however, thet) against Pogo, the Negro under- egal bluntness: Fo holt black saboteur." . he was looking forward to visit-| ground terrorist organization,|vast and enormously rich South) The ministry is pushing ef-jing Rome churches during the| bring headlines. jAfrica as a last redoubt ofjforts to seal off the three|coming year as he had during EASED IN . IN Prime Minister Hendrik Ver-\ "Christianity and Western civ-ineighboring British protector-jthe pre-Easter Lenten period.| tur mating the GHINAROID tear Peet it woerd's government has qua-jilization against a reversal to/ates. of Basutoland, Swaziland|Pope John, 81, appeared in eX.) belp heal and shrink sore, swollen tissuem drupled military-police spend-|Primitiveness and chaos. !and Bechuanaland, 'cellent health, The weariness he) walk, tlds ar work, Get CHIVAROED ing in recent years, expanded| Backing up Verwoerd is his, Vorster's reply to charges of|showed during the busy days of) {ointment Or suppositories) ab druge! those two forces and openeditough minister of justice, Balt-\repressive laws and actions is:\holy week was gone. } See ence See tak tomorrow. WHITTON VISITS MOSCOW Viadimir Promyslaov, left, ada, Charlotte Whitton, far port in the Russian capital, and Kiev. é mayor of Moscow, greets the right, on her arrival Sunday She is in Russia on a 12-day --(CP Wirephoto by radio lady mayor of Ottawa, Can- night at Sheremetyevo Air- visit to Moscow, Leningrad from London) | Washington Post Says Toronto West | Wins Juvenile Dief Threatened JFK Ymca Toumey, , KITCHENER (CP) -- Toronto WASHINGTON (CP) -- The|presidential adviser Walt Ros-jtouched on the Canadian nu-;/West End won its second Washington Post says Prime|tow, urging Kennedy to "'push'|Clear controversy and the Co-|straight Otario YMCA juvenile Minister Diefenbaker let lo0se/r4, Canadian entry into the Or-|mbia River power treaty. | basketball championship Satur- with an angry harangue against Te *,.¢,.. | High sources have said that}day with a 58-32 victory over President Kennedy last year|@anization of American States, i, fact there was sw mention| Brockville A in the tournament after Kennedy had a private|greater Canadian support for|o¢ the Columbia River or nu-/finals. 1 talk with Liberal Party Leader|the Alliance for Progress pro-iclear arms or any threats .of| Brockville A dropped a 35-22 Lester B, Pearson. gram to help Latin American) reprisals. decision to Kitchener-Waterloo The Post says in a front-page|Countries, more Canadian for-| O, april 6, The Post reported) in the semi-finals, but Kitche- story that the outburst came/|@ign.aid and more vigilance in), 4 dispatch from Montreal| net - Waterloo was disqualified when Livingston Merchant, for-(Control of the Communists in)iiat the working paper con-|for using ineligible players. A mer U.S. ambassador to Can-|*\S!4. tained a marginal note scrib-|Tule states that all players in ada, called on the Prime Min-| The: Post says Merchant re-|pied in Kennedy's handwritung.|inter-YMCA competition must ister for a farewell chat after|ported the incident to Washing-|The Montreal Star, which was|De Y members for one month, Merchant decided to retire|ton, along with the Prime Min-|the first to report on the mar-| 42d some home team players from the diplomatic service. ister's. threat to make the work-| ginal note, quoted it as stating: hadn't been members for the The newspaper, a strong sup-|N& Paper public, and was in-\What do we do with the (de-| Prescribed time. porter of the Kennedy adminis-|StTucted to tell him that he,|ieted) on this point?" Toronto took a 61-36 win over tration, says that instead of a|Merchant, could not report the) mpne post said it learned the| Belleville in the semi-finals. pleasant exchange, Merchant|conversation to Kennedy. If be/deieted letters were 'S.0.B."--| _ In first-round: action, Toronto was met with an outburst be-|did, this would mean the end|ivaicating a derogatory refer-| defeated Brockville B 59-15. cause a few weeks earlier Ken-|of further Kennedy-Diefenbaker| i.e to the Canadian leader, | Belleville turned back Windsor nedy had chatted privately with negotiations, Immediately after the Post 33-29, Kitchener-Waterioo beat Pearson when Pearson attended|. The newspaper says thatistory appeared, it is understood| Woodstock 19-13 and Brockville a White House dinner for Nobel|when Merchant visited thelthe White House got in touch|4 downed Stratford 32-17, Prize winners. Prime Minister a second time,| with the Post editors and denied} _Windsor won the consolation Not only did Diefenbaker ex-|the latter was more composed! that any such reference to the| Championship with a 31-26 win press his fury but he made a/and stated the working paper|Prime Minister had been made.| Over Stratford in the final. Ken threat, The Post says, He told|would not be used in the elec-| 'The Post now says the presi-|McQuire led the winers with Merchant he had an offensive|tion campaign. Ident is certain the '"S.0.B."|11 points, followed by Marty document the president had| Dispatches during the heat of|does not appear on the working) Snelling with 10. Mike Bannan used during his May, 1961, Ot-|the election campaign claimed/paper. He thinks he may have| scored 12 for Stratford and Jim tawa conference. lthe working paper contained|wmitten "OAS" but no one in| Arthurs added 10. : This was the much-reported|economic and other threats|Washington appears to be cer-|,!n the consolation semi-finals, i X d that it|tain about that point, | Windsor turned back Brockville working paper, prepared bylagainst Canada and that | te = ___|B 36-22 while Sratford beat CANADIAN CENTENNIAL eee oe ee ee | In another workshop, repre-| EARN $200 A YEAR Py sentatives of 'women's institutes! 'The Spanish island of Fer- Grass-Roots Ald pres tien 2038 ant rest eat Mr aa buildings by community groups.|its per capita income of $200 a In this conection, residents|year is the second highest in bed ; of Kingston, Ont., said that) Africa after South Africa. t d As Ke }every township in that area is| Te 1C e Vy | planning parks built around his-| torical structures. MONTREAL (CP) -- Johnjup to $100,000,000 to assist local| Floyd Chalmers, president of ACADIAN Fisher, chief planner of Can-|centennial projects approved by| Maclean - Hunter Publications, | CLEANERS ada's centennial celebrations injthe provincial governments | said corporations generally are| 1967, says "grass-roots partic-| The federal assistance would be| not doing enough to assist cul-| Odourless Cleaning ipation and enthusiasm" are|one-third of the total costs. | tural activities such as theatri-| Shirt Specialist the keys toa successful and}. Mr. Fisher stressed one|°2! operatic and musical! anire Qpecialists happy centennial for Canadians.| thing: '"What's a birthday with- groups. @ Pick-up end Delivery ' ' A He said corporations might Service Mr. Fisher, commissioner of! out some fun? also do more to assist the de.\f @ Drive in Service the national centennial admin-| The delegates, working in| velopment of bilingualism, both|| ®@ Seme Dey Service stan sak ey ae cl) certo, tcuee| wit "hes eaeaare real] Vous on re s s , | ideas on what could be done to) and in such bili insttu-| celebrate the centenary of Con-! celebrate, but no real plans or| tons of eae preoe big' 3 PHONE 728-5141 federation must .interest more| estimate of the costs involved] Universities 'of Ottawa and of 299 BLOOR W people at the local level t0| were mentioned. Sudbury. - participate in their projects. Eric Beecroft of Ottawa, rep-| ce : AE a Projects need not be costly,| resenting the Canadian Federa-| he said, during a workshop! tion of Mayors and Municipal- study at the annual meeting of] ities, suggested that the federal CITY OF OSHAWA the Canadian Centenary Coun-| government should double its fi- cil, a voluntary grouping Of|nancial assistance for local non - government organizations} projects. PARKS DEPARTMENT planning centennial celebra-| 6 provincial governments, tions. he said, should provide spaces) "A lot of projects will not|for the public's recreation and_ cost much, except for elbow-/ cultural facilities. NOTICE grease and a lot of local en-| Mayor John Pratt of Dorval, 4 -- he a as some) a suburb of Montreal, suggested elegates discussed various SUg-|that other municipalities adopt gestions on ways and means to/ his city's idea ta establish ' ELM TREE SPRAYING observe the centennial. municipal centenmal corpora- : Mr. Fisher said time is get-/ton to raise its own money for] In order to contro! the spread of Dutch Elm Disease, tig short for planning, but he| centennial projects. Such cor-| property owners within the boundaries of The City expects a "'break through" soon) porations, he said, must be di- of Oshawa, who may wish their Elm Trees sprayed within the national centennial| vorced from politics. for the cost of time and material, are requested to administration as more people) Mrs. Saul Hayes of Montreal,] contact The Parks Department, at the following are hired and various projects|a representative of the Jewish are approved for federal-finan-|community, said ethnic groups| telephone numbers 723-9298 or 723-9422. cial assistance must be alert to the possibility | losi . : . The government had pledged|that they will be "pushed/ Closing date for this service will be May 15, 1963. | News Travels Fast-This Way! Vote Leaves Atom! yr auto costs ° : This is a Canadian Press (CP) teleprinter. From it, The daily newspaper's editors select, edit and Issue Undecided | Have you ever stopped to think how much || and 300 machines like it in 100 Canadian daily _ present the news in a simple, understandable of your income is taken each f ito- : : OTTAWA (CP)--Mr. Justice|chairman of the board of direc: ni vented Cas ae ptr Boe ge newspaper offices, comes news from around the _ fashion. You get the good and the bad, a daily T. T. Thorson, president of theltors of the Canad: Cc i 'spate , dal fe 4 sa an © : ° os . Canadian Campaign for Nuclear} ors 0" the Canadian Campaign} 5 rance and fines take a big bite out of your world--from Hong Kong, Katanga, Cape Town, __ picture of life as it is. In Canada there is no censor- Disarmament, sald, Sunday i Whe COND datemont sala ch weome. Cape Canaveral. News from across Canada clatters ship or government control of news. Contrast this the issue of 'nuclear' arms for forts will ibe continued ie ee You can save on all these items by proper over these machines too. with the situation in more than 70% of the coun- 7 presen ment hax nof0f international disarmament, | seededae of your car, how to drive it and CP news from everywhere complements the local _ tries of the world where governments. impose heth t the Liberal gov- iatri ; , ; clear mandate to accept nuclear totaal Scndincd Woche oxi ven pee het Gor to is ewe and district stories gathered by each paper's _ controls on news to serve their own ends. weapo' , sra'é:|for Canada. ' ranneien : ro! ete . <a wt laiued alles a Woeketl a kincwiaitign by etlanding the Osawa Traffic reporters, correspondents and special writers. Freedom of the press is freedom of the individual-- meeting of the directors of the Also announced at the end of ; 7 ff ; ; ' é mane Ce ee the tworday meeting was @ pian Clinic. Insist that all people who drive your Together they provide most of the news content your right to speak. It is a right whose protection Mr, Justice Thorson, presi-/'@ set up a national infomation ji : at id Ss 8 aces Just ice, Thereon, a Niece ti Olan to roving OT OF truck attend... of your newspaper. Twenty-five years ago you is in the public interest. Ottawa, said the Liberal gov-| members of Parliament with in- : couldn't get so much news so fast b d to "take|formation on international dis- Th 0 h T ffi Cli . < ° pede me sactalee ing te armament, e S$ awa ra TH nic } reduce international tensions) The meeting decided at thei] Court Room Oshawa Police Bidg and move closer to world dis-/same time to send a '"'peace} e armament," caravan" -- a motorbus with 7:30 P.M Published by Oshawe Times, « member of the Cenadian Dally Newspaper Publishers Association M. J. Coldwell, former leader sleeping accommodation--on a of the CCF party, said the elec- trans-Canada tour to promote r . tion campaign succeeded in disarmament at small towns, e ? making nuclear arms a topic ofjfarm centres and holiday re-| ' , AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS THE BEST GU TEE OF FREEDOM national debate. Mr. Coldwell ial sorts | ARAN REED | PRNBG Re biti nets: wer tt hae Se te |