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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Apr 1963, p. 4

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@ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 22, 1963 SEEKS CLUES IN BOMBING Det.Sgt. Leo Plouffe, the Montreal police department's bomb expert, examines a puddle of blood through a magnifying glass, Sunday, looking for fragments of a bomb that exploded at the rear of a Canadian Army re- TORONTO -- Amendments to two provincial acts introduced in the Ontario lature today by Agriculture Minister Wm. A. Stewart will allow the manufac- ture of yellow colored margar- ine. 'These are amendments to the Oleomargarine 4, 4 penalty dustry acts w' pro distinct color ranges for both butter and margarine. Mr, Stewart said each product will now have its own section of the yellow color range. The official Lovibond Tinto- meter scale will be used to measure the color. "Margarine may be factory colored up to 1.6 degrees as presently allowed but in addition all yellow color 10.5 degrees and above will be reserved for mar- garine," the Minister said. "In turn, butter will be re- stricted to its traditional yellow color range between 1,6 and 10.5 degrees on the Lovibond scale." The amendment to the Oleo- margarine Act also provides that manufacturers show clear- ly on the package the kinds and percentages of edible oils used. Mr. Stewart pointed out that the general term, "refined ed- ible oil" was no longer satisfac- Margarine Color Change Proposed because of the rapid increase in the use of edible oils other than vegetable in the manufacture of margarine. "For example," he said, "in the early 1950's 94 per cent of all oils used in margarine were vegetable oils. Latest figures for the first nine months of last year show vegetable oils were used in making only 63 per cent of the margarine and I'm told less is being used all the time without any indication on the package." USE FISH OILS Vegetable oils are being re- placed by cheaper fish oils and Mr. Stewart quoted figures for Toronto in April of 11.83 cents a pound for soybean oil, delivered, as compared with 8.68 cents for fish oil and 8.25 cents for edible tallow, While soybean oil in the past accounted for about half of the vegetable oils used in the manu- facture of margarine most of it was imported as were all the other vegetable oils such as cocoanut, cottonsead, palm and so on, Ontario grown soybeans con- tribute less than ten per cent to the available soybean oil supply tory identification for consumers for domestic use, he said. 'Bie cruiting office and killed an elderly night watchman. --(CP Wirephoto) By THE CANADIAN PRESS Fires and traffic accidents claimed at least 27 lives in Can- Trustees Error In PORT HOPE -- The tax rate struck in most Durham County municipalities will be reduced by one to two mills, it was learned today. The cause: an oversight in the budget of the Durham County District High School Board that will reduce the budget by $50,- 000. The board expected a farm assistance grant of $10,000. It will actually receive a grant of $62,000. A revised budget was drawn up and adopted at a meeting in Bowmanville. ; The $52,000 increase in re- ceipts will be split, with $50,000 being returned to the municipal- ities and $2,000 guing into a con- tingency fund. 1.5-MILL CUT This will mean a reduction in the levy on Port Hope of $16,000 or about 1.5 mills. The town learned of the change only a Victoria County Again Refuses Uncover Budget few days before the tax bills were to be sent out. Bowmanville and some other municipalities had already' sent out some of their tax bills. ton, Clark, Hope, Orono, New- castle, Newtonville and Mill- brook, The levy on Port Hope will be reduced from $195,000 to $179,000. But it is still $28,000 higher than last year's. The high school's total budget of $1,221,000 is now cut down to $1,205,000, or $202,000 more than last year. Municipal representatives at the meeting included Port Hope Reeve R. C. Everson, and Hope Township Reeve George Finnie, for United Counties Council, and Coun, A. C. Crowhurst from Port Hope. Plays 60 Mins. Scores 6 Goals In Trenton Win 'Also affected will be Darling-| @ counting for all deaths for the 54-hour period. Nine children died in two Orono Driver Fined $200 In Peterboro PETERBOROUGH -- Ernest Raye West, 30, of Orono, was fined $20 and costs Friday after pleading guilty to having liquor in a place other than a resi- lence. He pleaded not guilty to im- paired driving and the case was dismissed after evidence heard. OPP Const. Stewart Brooks told the court he stopped West driving on Highway 28 near Lakefield after seeing his car "weaving". The constable had been previously notified of a "weaving" driver by another motorist. West showed no signs of hav- ing been drinking, court was told. In court, West said that he had been to a banquet where he had dinner and two pints of beer before and two pints after the meal. Police said some beer in a case was found in the car. Paris Police Raid On 'Vice Nights' PARIS (Reuters)--Police sur- rounded a country chateau about 30 miles from here and fires in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick. At Welland, five children of a family of 13 died when fire de- stroyed their two-storey home. Four children burned to death as their parents and two other hildren from their Metlakatla Indian village home near Prince Rupert, B.C. Ontario also had the heaviest traffic toll with eight of the to- tal of 16. Quebec had three traf- fic victims, B.C. two and New Brunswick, Manitoba and Al- berta one each. Three Atlantic provinces, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, re- mained fatality free. The Canadian Press survey starts at 6 p.m, Friday and ends at midnight Sunday night, local times. It does not include natural deaths, industrial acci- dents or known murders or sui- aides. Ontartio dead: FRIDAY Sylvia Shepard, 24, a Toronto school teacher, when her small car hit the rear of a transport truck on Highway 5 near Oak- ville. SATURDAY Mrs. Shirley Nicholson, 23, when a car in which she was BRAMPTON, Ont. (CP) -- George Ferguson scored six goals to lead Trenton to a 9-5 EMO Setup LINDSAY -- Victoria County Council's advisory committee voted this week to take no fur- ther action in the organization of an emergency, measures or- ganization in the county. The committee recommenda- tion will be presented at the June session in council At its March session council discussed at length the estab- lishment of an EMO, At that time it was evident that the chances of such a group being formed were slim. It was the opinion of many councillors that lack of direc- tion at government level was responsible for the apathy at county level. Lindsay Reeve Lloyd Found win over Peterborough and the grand championship of the 10- day novice hockey tournament that ended Saturday. Ferguson, who played the en- tire game for Trenton, scored 34 goals and added seven as- sists as Trenton went unde. feated in nine games in the tournament Trenton had won the B class championship by whippin Pointe Claire, Que., 6-1, and Peterborough won class A hon- ors with a 5-2 victory over Win- nipeg. Milton won 4 + 2 over St. Mary's to win the C class title, and Exeter nipped Thornhill 3-2 for the D class championship. In the grand championship playoffs, Trenton easily quali- fied for the final with a 8-1 win jover Exeter. rounded up more than 100 young|tiding was in collision with a 27 Canadians Die During Weekend in a two-car collision in Scar- borough. Mrs. Phyllis Dedrick, 56, of .|Simeoe in a three-car collision on the Queen Elizabeth High. way near St. Catharines. Genald, 2, Robert, 4, Ronald, 6, Cathie, 7, and Michael, 8, children of Mr. and Mrs. John Smagata, when fire destroyed their home at Welland Edwin Aubrey Sandercock, 42, of Orono, Ont., when his car missed a curve and knocked down a hydro pole near New- castle. Tour Started By De Gaulle PARIS (Reuters) -- President de Gaulle left Paris by special train today for a week-long tour of eastern France. Massive pre- cautions were taken to protect him against any assassination attempt. of the provinces since he took Office five years ago--and his first since his narrow escape last August in a Secret Army Organization machine-gun am- bush outside Paris. Officials r ible for de edible tallow or lard, he said.|7 a1, aaa ab Blue Book Tea Held By Bowmanville (ruildettes By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE--The Guild. ettes of St. John's Anglican Church held a Blue Book tea in the Parish Hall recently, Mrs, Harold Lake, president, welcomed the guests. Mrs. Ken Lucas presided over the Blue Book and each guest received a miniature Blue Book after signing the guest book. Mrs. Robert Horvigold design- ed the Blue Book and the mark- er. Mrs. E, Blake and Mrs. H. Edmondson made the individual books. 4 Mrs. Wm. Stacey and Mrs. D. McIntosh, ; The Home table was convened by Mrs, Mark Mar- chant, and Mrs. Norman Han- nan. Mrs, E, Black and Mrs, W. C. Lofgren arranged the sandwich. es and cookies. Mrs, Len Lucas and Mrs. James Biggs were in charge of decorating the hall. The colors were blue, white and silver. The tea table was centred witn a vowl of white and blue carnations, complemented with blue tapers in silver candle- sticks, Pouring tea were Mrs. How- ard Gibson, Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Mrs. V, H. Storey and Mrs. Harry Sutton. Mrs. 0. J, Presson presided over the recordings which pro. vided music for the afternoon, she was assisted by Miss Isla Anderson and Miss Janice Purdy. Tea assistants were: Mrs. Jack Haves, Mrs. Ivan Woolsey, Mis. Robert Evans, Mrs. D. Mackintosh, Mrs. George Mor- ris, Mrs. O. J. Presson, Mrs. E.Blake, Mrs. Terry Masters, Mrs, James Biggs, Mrs, Bruce Milne, Mrs. John Living, Mrs, Jack Mantle, Mrs. Walter Hall, Mrs. Alex Anonichuk, Mrs. Wal- ter Goode, Mrs. Clarence Hall, Mrs. Anton Delonge, Mrs. W. E. Archer, Mrs. E, Wessels, Mrs. Art Etcher, Mrs. J. Meachin, 'Mrs. George Sparrow, Mrs. Roy Anger, Mrs. Robert Geddes, Mrs. E. Anderson, Miss Suzanne Presson and Miss Joan Myers. The tea conveners were Mrs. Bruce Milne, Mrs. Victor Snider and the president, Mrs. Harold e, Apron booth conveners were Driver Dies When Auto Hit Pole NEWCASTLE (Staff) -- A42. year-old Orono man, Edwin Aubrey Sandercock was killed early Sunday when his car mis- sed a curve and sheared off a hydro pole, three miles north of here. Sandercock was alone in the car and driving north on old Highway 35 when it hit the pole, police stated. The accident occurred at the Third Concession of Clarke and Highway 35 at 2.45 a.m. It is the president's 18th tour] ing Test Balloon Up 14 Hours CHICAGO, Calif. (AP) -- A| giant U.S. Air Force test balloon! was brought down over Lara-| mie, Wyo., Sunday after 14 hours flight when instrument contact failed partially. Arthur Korn, director of the Cambridge laboratory here, said there was "approximately a 10- per-cent failure in the instru- mentation' while the 4,850,000- cubic-feet balloon was directly over Laramie at 119,000 feet altitude, Korn did not say which instruments failed. "Rather than chance losing the instrument packet, I de- cided to terminate the flight over the flat land around Lara- mie," Korn said. "There would have been no point in continu- The balloon had been sched- uled to carry its, 800-pound in- strument pack from Chicago to Lynchburg, Va. in 30 hours. THERE IS STILL TIME We'd like to call Gaull's security were taking no chances on the current tour. A pilot locomotive and tender carrying explosives experts pre- ceded the train in which he left Paris for Sedan. Extra precau- tions have been taken in areas de Gaulle will visit near the Belgian border. HOUSEHOLD HINT Old-fashioned flatirons make people Sunday after reports that er in downtown To- "vice nights' were he . nl areas Dan Rapp, 28, of Wellesley, A married couple, organizers|dtiver of a milk tank truck, and of a club at the chateau, were|Allan Brown of Stratiord, a held for questioning. |CNR fireman, in a level-cross- Police said they were inves-|ing collision at the village of tigating allegations that "love | Baden. initiation" sessions were held. Alister Emerson, 22, of Panry Most of the young people|Sound when his car rolled over rounded up at dawn were|on Highway 69 near his home- French. and foreign students) town. from Paris, They were released after police checked their iden- tities. : James Nickeas, 54, of Toronto SUNDAY } with a design. THE BEST BAR B Q CHICKEN ané@ STEAKBURGERS in town are ot PARK RD. S. AND 401 Carmichael's Bar-B-Q For Fast Take Out Service PHONE 725-0907 for the EASTER TERM at the Oshawa Business College will be accepted up to Friday, May 3, 1963, ACT NOW! GET FREE CATALOGUE Choose your Career Course and Launch yourself out on on in- teresting future. Eight courses from which to choose 'omplete up-to-date equipment Fully Qualified Instructors Job Placement for Graduates Individual Instruction to your attention A truly happy modern invention. It saves you worry, Running and hurry: It's Bell's convenient KITCHEN EXTENSIONI colorful book-ends when painted! Over 25 years td Community ice rv Save countless | DIAL 725-3375 ~~ FOR FREE LITERATURE NO OBLIGATION REMARKABLE ENGAGEMENT OF THE ONG Sf? Oshawa Little Theatre Presenting its Renowned Company of Superlative Players CHARLTON HESTON COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A JERRY BRESLER PRODUCTION MIMiEUX ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NUYEN as ME! CHEN pos DARREN agp ncn ppm EEA LIE LE ALEL LA LAL EA AL LNELALE 500 Workers Vote Against Goodyear Deal TORONTO (CP)--About 1,200 striking union members voted unanimously Sunday to reject a new contract offered by Guod- year Tire and Rubber Com- pany, Vincent Donohue, public- Toronto workers rejected an offer of a two-cent-an-hour wage inerease this year and four cents next year in a two-year contract, The average wage at ity director of Local 232 of the! the plant is $2.38 an hour. United Rubber Workers of America (CLC), announced. SEEK BETTER CROPS The men, left their jobs at Predominently a g ri cultural plant|South Korea has established giant fertilizer plants to get er crop yields. LANA TURNER JOHN GAVIN Fannie Hurst's "IMITATION OF LIFE" in COLOR ADDED! JANE WYMAN ROCK HUDSON --in-- "MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION" in COLOR BILTMORE? NOTICE--TO TEENAGERS OSHAWA YOUTH COUNCIL (Sponsored by -- Oshawa Recreation Department. The Oshawa Youth Council will offer the following activities to the _ 2 ~ City of Oshawa: ; e Clu Girl's Good Grooming Class Boy's Good Grooming Class Learn to Dance Classes both beginners and Advanced @ Home Serv Class AFFILIATED ACTIVITIES Teensville --- Dancing, Fridays at 8 p.m, at the Recreation Centre, 100 Gibbs St. ser eget, Club -- Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at O.C.V.1., Simeoe Radio Park Teen Club -- Saturdays at 8 p.m. et Radio Park, Grenfell St. Harman Park Teen Club -- Fridays at 8:30 p.m. at Harman Park, Wolfe St. ine M1, For further Information on classes or ony others you may be terested in Call the Oshawa Rec tment at 725-1 reation De; REGISTER NOW!!! CALL 725-1111 Please Call After 7:00 P.M. NOW S "GRAN TYRONE POWER -- KIM NOVACK "The EDDIE DUCHIN STORY" -- ALSO -- FRANK SINATRA -- RITA HAYWORTH "PAL JOEY" BOTH IN COLOR ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON DRIVE OUT * TONIGHT * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00--SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 STARTS TOMORROW! FV oytTay THIS IS HOME SWEET HOME TO THE MOST [yOnOnIGvINNE SHOCK-PROOF WOMEN YOU'LL EVER MEET SHIRLEY KNIGHT & BARBARA NICHOLS IN "HOUSE OF WOMEN" PLUS AN ADDED SHOCKER .,. TONITE ONLY--'CAN CAN"--"PURPLE HILLS" color ADULTS 75c--CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE in the Grand Dramatic Spectacle DIRTY WORK a CROSSROADS; =" or Tempted, Tried and True by Bill Johnson =a DIRECTED BY THAT ILLUSTRIOUS GENTLEMAN, HARRY CHAPMAN McLaughlin Library Theatre April 24, 25, 26 and 27 8:30 P.M. Sharp g Produced by Special Arrangement with Samuel French Crowded Houses! Enthusiastic Applause! Great Houses! pointed out that the county is| sha one of the few remaining in the| Peterborough qualified by province which lacks such an|°4sing Milton 4-3. organization, | For four years the council has| CHARLES WINS GOLF discussed the establishment of} HOUSTO N(AP)--Lefty Bob an EMO group. Two years ago|Charles of New Zealand shot a it was decided to advertise for| final-round 69 Sunday for a 72- a co-ordinator. Two applicants | hole record 268--12 under par-- were interviewed by the com-|to beat off tremendous surges mittee, but at its regular ses-/by Fred Hawkins and amateur sion council rejected the hiring|Homero Blancas and collect of the co-ordinator. $10,000 top money in the $50,000 Inspector C. E. Parmetter of|Houston Golf Classic. George Toronto, emergency measures|Knudson of Toronto had final liason officer, said on a recentjrounds of 71 and 69 for a 285 visit here that it was "an en-|total that gave him $110 in prize igma"' that there is no survival|money. Al Balding of Toronto organization in Victoria County| won only $36.66 for his 286. His or Lindsay. last two rounds were 71 and 74. Lact TWORAYS! | EVERYTHING ...for a daring man, a devoted woman, a handful of 'heroes and a thousand AG magnificent stallions! oa the sister The wildest riot of fun that The number of tickets for sale will be limited to the gee i BA ids altho Collins THE MAN FROMTHE | Box Office at Henderson's Book Store CCU ! ¢ CLUB CaaWLIAVS wR Tan SALAS en SLOANE! STEVENS "sre se cso wm Sr" MB A PENSAR PROUT PLAZA Te dining Phone 723-2843 : FEATURE TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:25 - 7:25 - 9:30 Saturday, April 20, 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Monday, Tuesday, April 22, 23 - 4:30 P.M. to 7 P.M. On Nights of Play -- at Library 7 P.M. ONS GENERAL ADMISSION 1.25 of? 'easruan COLOR Ane WicMAHON / ELIZABETH ALLEN Serer by MARGUERITE ROBERTS + anton sty PETER OL 8 STOOGES COMEDY EXTRA CARTOON FEATURE TODAY SCENIC yy 1:50 ~ 4:25 - 6:55 - 9:25

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