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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1963, p. 9

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GP cast sag anaes napa TE aS eG EE TMA CU UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES WESTMOUNT UCW The regular general meeting of the Westmount UCW was held recently the president, Mrs. Kenneth Markle wel- comed the members and turned the meeting over to Unit 2. The program theme -- The Gifts of Haster, by Mrs. Gra- ham Bruce of the Dominion Council of UCW was carried out by Miss Helen Doughty, Miss Meg Graig, Mrs, D. A. Pringle and Mrs. C. E. Reeman. Mrs. Ralph Burrows. Mrs. F. Ward sang a duet "Ali In The April ", Mrs. Charles Slater received the offering. The pian- ist for the evening was Mrs. Carl Morgan. After the devotional period the president, Mrs. Kenneth | CALVARY BWF | | The Calvary Business Women's Fellowship held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. John Badour recently. The meeting was arranged by Mrs, George Hurren. Miss Nora Moen opened the meeting with prayer. A poem was read by Mrs. Keith Murray. The theme for the evening was a devotional message on prayer, by Mrs. Russell Lunney of Brooklin, The speaker stres- sed the need for the Christian to have a quiet time with God, which is vital to keep contact with Him. Mrs, Jack McLaugh- lin thanked the speaker. 3 President, Mrs. Walter Zim- merman closed the meeting in prayer. Refreshments were served by comed ino the auxiliary, Mrs. James Pearson and Mrs, Kurt Junginger. Mr. Rowland Arnold, Akela of "A" Pack is confined to the Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Frank Gravelle expressed the regret of the group. It was decided that the next meeting would be held in the form of a pot luck supper at)> the hall on May 21 at 6.30 p.m. This will be the final meeting! | until September, .. UAW AUXILIARY NO, 27 y The regular meeting of the! Ladies' Auxiliary met recently| ) at the UAW Hall, with the pre-| | sident, Sister Ethel Thomson, presiding. Sister Alice Reardon gave a report from the Oshawa and PLAN MAY WEDDING 16th SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX The 16th Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxiliary met recent- ly in Knox Presbyterian Church for its regular monthly meet- ing: The president, Mrs. Larry Ostrom welcomed the mem- bers, The minutes were read by Mrs. Kenneth Code, and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Ralph Coburn. Final plans were made for a 'Family Din- ner" to be held for the Cubs and their families. Refreshments were served by Mrs. J. R. Kerr. The next meet- spring flowers and showed slides on different kinds of tulip bulbs, followed by a question and answer period, Mrs, James Hughes thanked Mr. Rundle and presented him with a token) of the society's appreciation. Final plans were made for the Little Card Party which is to be held on Monday, April 28 in St, Philip's Hall, Mrs, Leo- nard Fleurry and Mrs. Ben Young are the co-conveners, A bake sale was planned for Saturday, May 11 at Lake Vista ing will be May 13, at 2 p.m. ST. PHILIP'S ALTAR SOC: | Mr. A. W. Rudie was the guest speaker at the April meeting of St. Philip's Altar Society held recently. 1 A. E. Johnson 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 723-2721 14% KING ©, Mr. Rundle gave a talk on FOeR Tee ST TULL Tee en THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 24,1963 @ Plaza at 2 p.m. The conveners|will be held on Monday . D. J. Skinne: Mrs,|May 6, The June rr gl eee ann: take he form a 8 pou a hs ueik le weiiies bo followed by election on eeteses eo? ee WISE ° . BUY! | « eee, ooo? oe assisted by Mrs.| District Labor Council. Sister Margaret McNeil gave the trea- emen surer's report. Sister Thomson, eae of preg i reporting for the sick and social Stefania Hoszowska of Toron- committee, reported a card had| 4, > Mr, Gilbert William pe: sent to Brother Denis) payior The marriage is to pee on flowers to Mrs.| take piace Saturday, May 11, i ' | at 5.00 p.m. in Christ Mem- Nominations for the elections! orial Church, The bride-to-be Markle, conducted the business) the hostess, meeting. The secretary, Mrs. A ; Perey Neal, read the minutes), The CBWF are having a pot and Mrs. Gordon Brown gave| luck Fe eg Pad church at os lyre gies ee aaa "Phe next regular meeting will plorers Group financially by a a by ee po donation. Mrs. A. E. Fursey am Messen', py gave the literature report. Miss |ipen Ty ade orclan. --T Margaret Pellow, teacher at) ; : | of officers for the coming year) is the daughter of Mrs, Janine OCCI and former Explorer} 18ST SCOUT MOTHERS AUX. | take place on the next meeting) Hoszowska, Johannesburg, Leader of King Street United) 'The members of the First) night, May 7. ig 3 sins Chureh, is to be the speaker at\Qshawa Scout Group Ladies| HARMONY UCW | KING STREET UCW the meeting on Tuesay, May! Auxiliary acted as cubs during , 2 The April meeting of King 21, at 8 p.m. a portion of their regular meet-| The United Church women of|Street UCW was held in the Mrs. Kenneth Markle report- ing held on Wednesday evening,|Harmony United Church held/Centennial Hall recently with ed the catering is to be done by! April 17, at the Scout Hall, Gib- their monthly meeting Wednes-/Mrs, Douglas Redpath, presid- the groups May 11, at a bowling) bons street. Mrs. Richard Doyle, | day evening, in the church au-ling. : | banquet for the church bowling|a@ member and a former Akela/ditorium with sixteen present. | Mrs. Norman Wirsching read league; May 14, a banquet for of "A" Pack Cubs gave the| Unit 3 was in charge of the|the minutes, correspondence by the 14th Girl Guide Company; | mothers instructions in knots.|devotional service, led by Mrs,|Mrs. H. Wilton and Mrs. Her- weddings on July 20 and 27, and This was followed by a knot|Howard Hoskin, -assisted by|bert Porter gave the financial for the Graduation Ball at OCCI Telay race between two com-|Mrs. J. D, MeMillan, Mrs,|report. Mrs. Douglas Redpath! The Alice Jackson unit -(1)) on May 10. peting sixes. Mrs, Gordon Var-|George Gilroy and Mrs, T. B, reported on activities; (1)|with Mrs. Murton Walters, lead- Mrs. Harry Bennett reviewed num's lady cubs winning over) Danniels. |mother and daughter banquet/er, served refreshments. | the program to be held by the| hose os by Mrs. Frank Bl A one minute silence was ob-/May et red hinge bea The next meeting is to be Canadian Consumer Association velle. The winners each being served for a member, Mrs. Mel-|iN& ah ea _ rip to lagara|held May 9 at 2 p.m. on Apel hat 8 pam. at St|foraaes win candy mokers vile Morgan, "whose husband]? jt Mr" (a) che preside Gregory's Auditorium. Final details were discussed eligi Hoski , |asked members to save labels Unit 3 under the leadership/for the annual Father and Son| gon, * congucted hy presi-/from Canada Packers products, of Mrs: E, A. Small will be in! banquet to be held on Saturday,| .i54 the business) aiso to save green stamps. | charge of the May meeting. April 20, at Westmount United | rns" with assistance from! The executive meeting is May| | Church, rs. Douglas Greentree, and|9 at 2 p.m. 11TH SCOUT MOTHERS | It was announced that a paper| 'Teasurer, Mrs. Fred Farmer. | 'The devotion was arranged by The monthly meeting of the/ drive will also be held this Sat-/ Members were asked to bring/The Friendship Group unit (6) Now Available! ! BOYS' SCHOOL CARDIGANS ---- for --- 0.C.V.I. -- CENTRAL McLAUGHLIN and DONEVAN Get Yours Now and Save Money at... DUNN'S South Africa and the late Dr. | Stefan Hoszowski, Mr. Tay- | or, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- | liam Tayor, Oshawa, is a | graduate in television arts from Ryerson Institute of | Technology, 'Toronto, The | couple will make their home in Toronto. Ireland Studio tnayed by Mrs. Douglas Lander, Mrs. Wilbur Russell and The) Reverend Wesley Herbert The Christ, \ Mrs. James Belt sang two} solos, with Miss Hazel Rundle at the piano, | Hymn 80 was sung with Mrs. Fred Ayers as pianist. as ALL VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet MARGARINE IN THE THRIFTY 3 Ib. PACK! Convenient way to save! Three pounds individually wrapped -- 9 Let's Have a Party} Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, } Silver Candelabra, Silver Tea Service, Punch Bowls. COFFEE URNS 1ith Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held recently at the Community Hall, Thornton's urday, April 20. It is hoped for a goodly turn out of paper as the work of renovating the Scout recipes to the next meeting for|with Mrs, Harold Bell, leader. the purpose of compiling a cook/The subject was the resurrec- book to be sold at the next ba-/tion of our Lord. 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup_ Sizes. | Sargeant's Rentals 36 KING ST. E.---- 2 Locations --- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE unused portions stay fresh, "Downtown Oshawe" road north, with the president, : Mrs. Harry Sliter, -presiding. Representatives from the group committee, the scout leaders, and the senior scouts were also present. The dish dryer project is now well under way, with five mem- bers making 50 bags for the boys to take to summer camp. The next meeting will be held May 27. Mr, Stanley Richardson, ex- ecutive commissioner, who was the jal guest speaker, was int: ced by Mrs. Everett Coedy. He gave a talk on the nay of cr a pointing out the threefold idea of the movement, Cubs, Scouts, and Rovers, with Rovering being the final phase of the program. A question and answer period followed. Mrs. Cyril Campbell thanked Mr. Richardson. Phone 725-3338 =~ --_---------- BIG "BUYS" FOR SPRING HOME - DECORATING! Check the Specials in Zeller's value-packed Furniture 4 E L. % 3 R : <3 RETAILERS Hall is expected to be com- pleted within the next month. The weekly Friday night euchres will be discontinued at the end of April for the season. It is hoped that next September with the hall and the heating] system completed these euchres| will again be resumed. | Two new 'members were wel- ORDER CANVAS zaar. | A scene from the garden of A rummage sale has been|Gethsemane was enacted. The planned for the morning of May|narrators were -- Mrs, Harold 15 at the church. Bell, Mrs. Jack Tane and Mrs.| A special Sunday evening ser-|Herbert Wilton. vice will be held May 12. p Women of the Bible were por- FURS ; TRADITIONAL QUALITY and Home Furnishings Event! Every one designed to becutifuy your home . . . et outstanding savings! "Charge-It"! No down payment. : TO THRIFTY READY-MADE DRAPES AT LOW SALE PRICES 19.38 28.88 38.88 REQUIRE NO LINING! Exclusive, self-lined drapes bar sun in Summer, drafts in Winter! Water-repel- lent, too! A new drapery concept in sdlid colors or spear rayon acetate! 2W x 63"; 2W x ie x safe "ZELCO" DRAPERY TRACKS 10% OFF REGULAR PRICES! "l-beam"' type in white enamel or cadium finish. Complete with brackets, runners, Reg. 1.00 to $8'. 2.48 2.79. Special CANADIANS NOW! We Alse Rent Cheirs, Tables, ete. CLEVE FOX Ready to hang! Outstanding features! Lew Zeller Prices! A Decorator Touch | at a Special Price! Adjus rable NO DOWN PAYMENT -- 1.25 PER WEEK "TELCO" PLASTIC SHADES REG, 1.99. Zeller's own brand - washable plastic shades; won't crack or peel. Mounted on roller; 36" x 70" long. White. KITCHEN PRINTS! Cut to size free of charge. PRICED FOR VALUE! Washable cotton sailcloth in a wide choice of gay designs! Moke your own kitchen curtains, drapes and save! 36" wide. Yord 7: 1.58 ® SATISFACTION GUARANTEED @ 3 CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS JUST SAY CHARGE - IT! 3-PC. SET "FORMICA" TOP LIVING ROOM TABLES! Decorator CUSHIONS JUMBO SIZE PAY 1,12 LESS AT ZELLER'S, Plump foam-filled cushions in solid-color corduroy or attractive drapery prints! Approx. 22" square; huge color choice! Reg. 2.99 |1.87 prime quality at an exceptional price! MINK STOLES Exquisitely fashioned stoles of the finest quality EMBA and Canada MAJESTIC Minks, in all shades from pure. white to jet-block, WILD MINK STOLES...... $295 NATURAL EMBA AUTUMN HAZE MINK STOLES $495 (bulbs not included) NATURAL EMBA SAPPHIRE MINK STOLES ...scaes SPECIAL Finest quality let-out MINK STOLES Modern design -- center pole in two toned metal. Smart bullet shaped shades in brown and white tones have indivi- dual wooden -- switches. Adjusted to fit 8' ceiling. Non-skid nylon ends. Special Price .... much below usual price MARTEN'S FURS Oshawa's Only REFRIGERATED FUR STORAGE Right on the Premises! Low-Priced For This Event! RICH-LOOKING! USEFUL! LONG-LESTING! Coffee table, 18' x 36"; step end tables, 16' x 24" each. Featured in handsome wood-grain finish with practical "Formica" tops. Special, 3-pe. set Meroe 22.88 | NO DOWN PAYMENT -- 1.25 PER WEEK STEERS I WALKER's ) | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE L. 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: © DOWNTOWN - 21 SIMCOE S. 723-2294 ©@ SHOPPING CENTRE -- 723-2209 728-4626 a 75 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-7921 (Opposite Hotel Genosha)

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