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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1963, p. 11

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MRS. WILLIAM BOISSOIN, left, was elected and installed | president of St. Gregory's Catholic Women's League at the annual meeting recently. St. Gregory's CWL Reports A Year Of Splendid Effort bers for their support and co-|sing one of life's greatest joys. operation during her tenure in| -MICHIGANDER office, and especially the execu- tive for their unfailing assist-| thing heart-warming and lovely ance in all undertakings. Climaxing an active and suc- cessful year was the presenta- tion at the 42nd annual meet- ing of the St. Gregory the Great Council of the CWL, of a Cheque for $1500, to the Right Reverend Paul Dwyer, to be used toward furnishing two rooms in St. Joseph's High School. The president, Mrs. Ray Scott, presided at the meeting, held recently in the parish auditorium. Reports were presented by the treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Leveque; the recording secre- tary, Mrs. Anthony Cebulski; the corresponding secretary and convener of Radio, and Films, Mrs. E. C. Egerer, and the following conveners: Membership, Mrs. B. C. Mc- Allister; Spiritual, Mrs. Wil- liam Boisson; Citizenship and Immigration, Mrs. C. C. Murty; Education, Mrs. A. C. Love; Welfare, Mrs. M. Hanley; Social Action, Mrs. James Conner; Girl Guides and Brownies, Mrs. R. S. Jones; Banquets, Mrs. Frank Cope- land; Social, Mrs. H. J. Du- quette and Mrs. Andrew Moffat; Program, Mrs. J. R. Mangan; Press, Miss K. Connolly; and by Mrs. Leo Menard, president of the Church Extension group. are as follows: Director, the Right Rev. Paul Dwyer; presi- imals should re-read dent, Mrs. tv ge gay or Ist ng aan ee vice - president, Mrs. Anthony) «yy, ; Cebulski; 2nd vice - president, When I was a ctikd 1 spoke Mrs. Frank Copeland; 3rd vice- president, treasurer, Mrs. E, C. Egerer; recording secretary, Mrs. Kelly De Gray; tary, Councillors: Mrs. A. Beaupre, Tv|Miss K. Connolly, Miss T. Coyne, Mrs. R. De Long, Mrs. Mrs. Ralph Jones, Mrs. B. C. Me- Allister, Mrs. C, C, Murty, Mrs.| Leo Menard. | W.|soin, expressed her appreciation of the confidence placed in her by the members electing her to the office of president, and ask-| ed the close co-operation and support of every member, the installation of the new offi- cers by Monsignor Dwyer, after which coffee was served by. Mrs, 20 CHURCH STREET Mowat and her committee. LARGEST MEMBERSHIP With a membership of 285, the langest of any Council in the Toronto Archdiocese, St. | Gregory's has actively partici-- ited in the work of the Catho- Women's League of Canada at every level -- national, muni- cipal, and parochial. It is rep- resented on the various civic boards in Oshawa, and has shared in the work of practi- cally every local organization, Particularly that of the Red Cross Blood Donors Clinic and at Hillsdale Manor. New Cana-| dians were visited and assisted| where necessary, and arrange- ments made for them to attend classes in English. Two companies of Girl Guides and two Brownie Packs afte sponsored by the Council and a gratifying growth in num- bers and achievements was re- ported. In realm of welfare and health, a number of needy fami- lies were visited and clothing, bedding, groceries, etc., dis- in the amount of $437.70, while 13 children were completely outfitted when mak- ing their First Holy Commu- nion. Visits were made to the hospital and to the '"'shut-ins" at home, and the sick and be- reaved remembered with cards. The excellent financial re- port was made possible largely by the work of the banquet committee and to them a special vote of thanks was tendered, while the work of the Social Committee in convening and serving Communion breakfasts, and teas, contributed much to the social side of the League's activities. HIGHLIGHTS Highlights of the year were the largely attended Day of Recollection, the presentation of a color portrait of Monsig- nor Dwyer, on the fortieth anni- versary of his ordination to the priesthood; the presentation of two scholarships of $50 each to the boy and girl from St. Greg- ory's School obtaining highest marks in Grade 12. and pro- ceeding to Senior Matricula- tion. On the national level, contri- butions on a per capita basis were made to the national and diocesan councils of the CWL, and: delegates were sent to the provincial and diocesan conven- tions, while two students each from St. Gregory's School and St. Joseph's School participated in the Archdiocesan Public Speaking Contest sponsored by the CWL. Mrs. Les Menard's Church Ex- tension Group made up and several boxes of cloth- ing and toys, to be sent to the out! missions of the Cana- dian west at Christmas, while a number of gift boxes for mis- slonary priests in the more iso- lated areas were sent at the same time. MONSIGNOR'S THANKS In presenting the Past Presi- dent's pin to Mrs. Scott, retiring president, Monsignor Dwyer ex-| > pressed his warm appreciation of the capable 'eadersnip she had provided during her two years in office, and thanked her and the League members for their devotion to the work of the league and their outstanding contribution to the work of the parish. He thanked them par- ticularly for their generous con- tribution of $1,500 toward St. Joseph's High School. | Mra. Scott thanked the mem-| LPP OST CSS Seo ee ee Ss ANN LANDERS Funerals For Pets Console Children seven wonderful children. And| do they are wonderful because of of her family. more and her iisads are work- worn. But to me she is the most That's love--EL PASO For three years I lived in the Cee ere ee eww ewer es last meal he ever bought me. beautiful woman in the world. From then on he fell in love I wouldn't trade her for Benus.| (111, my cooking and has been Dear An Landers: I seejas a child, I felt as a child, I\pear El Paso: You bet it is.|* steady boarder ever since. "former admirer" was shocked] thought as a child. Now that I) How blessed you are to have when she read you thought it|have become a man I have put|these wonderful feelings Six months ago I decided the 'And arrangement was too conve- was all right for a child to have|away the things of a child." I} she is blessed, too--to be 90 ap- ient for him so I moved across a funeral for a pet cat or dog.| add, humbly, "Amen." preciated and loved. ; Well, I have another shock for) Dear Ann Landers: Most| Dear Ann Landers: There her. people write to you about their|comes a time in a woman's life Here, in our beautiful city of| troubles. I want to write to you|when she passes from being a Grand Rapids, we have a pet|about my blessings. "maiden" to an old maid. I cemetery. This pet cemetery| It's a woman. And I amjthink I've reached the cross- has some lovely headstones and|deeply in love. If you think I'm expensive monumets which/a teen-ager let me assure you have been erected by loving|/I am not. I have loved this people in memory of their pets,|;woman for 41 years. The road One can always tell where the|has been a rocky one, We've fresh graves are because of the|had as much trouble or more wreaths and bouquets of flow- than many of our friends. I've ers. The people who bury their| Sone broke. There has been ill- pets here are not crazy. They ness--and tragedy--but never are normal individuals who en-|once did I doubt that I was a joyed théir pets and want to| lucky man because I had this VTOvwwvwvwvwvvwvs VACUUM CLEANERS AND POLISHERS REPAIRED--REBUILT Vacuum Hoss for Sale! WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND E--125-3531 Mrs. Boissoin succeeds Mrs. Raymond Scott, right, who has completed a highly suc- cessful two - year term of of- fice. SECRETARIAL THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS "UNEQUALLED" 728-7081 give them a nice final resting place. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't know the wonderful world of animals. They are mis. Dear Mich: There is some- about a youngster's funeral for his pet. But pet funerals belong Officers for the coming year) tp child's world, Adults who erect headstones Paul to the Corinthians: Mrs. H. Lefaive; BABYLAND BARGAINS Just in Time for Spring Weekend Specials coresponding sece- Mrs. Bruce LaForce; lon now... save $ 4.90 @ OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. @ ~-- New 1963 LLOYD STROLLERS with canopy Lerge Full Panel CRIBS baby canniacts... 1988 PLAY PENS ! . R. Gay, Mrs, M, W. Hanléy, JETS Clifford Harper, Mrs. Make your selection now, Reg. 7.99 .... FLATS You'll love these new styles, Reg, 5.99 & The president-elect, Mrs. Bois- 5.99 HI CHAIRS EID MATTRESSES. hae 6.88 Lowest Prices In Town WILSON'S FURNITURE The meeting concluded with FASHION SHOES 79 SIMCOR ST. N. 728-2491 A lovely assortment of popular "FLATS" and stylish "JETS" being featured at special low prices for this weekend. Make your select- - jewel by my eide, We havelroads. Please tell me what to)town. Now he comes over for, dinner three nights a week and ot becomes oy if my wag ' dogs, It was quite|line is busy because he doesn't| word?--TYPSY Her hair isn't golden any ealic: ts ra me a to] want me talking to anyone else. dinner. That was the first and| He says nothing abou: Natural Gas wer 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 24,1963 4] He is 37. .| Dear Gypsy: it mar-| "good-bye" ------ FORCED AIR FURNACE - sy o +o "gheck."" Hip if seannely not aee rearing tarueht ter nines Eikamoatia ws meitiea tare rent me, been , with| to " " He is insan am "saving myself rested strength and the guiding light! Sr" charming' We first met|OUs and N N \ ' N N \ Installed completely to existing forced air duct work if you rent an automatic Natural Gas Water Heater for 1.75 per month and are not presently using Natural Gas. NOTHING DOWN 55c Per Week -- Starting Sept., 1963 LIMITED TIME OFFER! SUMMER Hil. Heating and Appliance Co. Ltd. 492 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 728-1352 WIN YOUR CHOICE OF A WESTINGHOUSE MAJOR APPLIANCE! YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM THESE WESTINGHOUSE Prizes! GRAND PRIZE-your choice of a Westinghouse MANY OTHER DOOR PRIZES range, refrigerator, laundromat, dryer, dishwasher, television set Tobe won each day... Including 15 bags of groceries worth $15 or stereo-fidelity phonograph. radio to $20 each... cakes, ples, salads etc. produced dusing the cooking schoo!--all donated by Loblaws. ALSO! Every lady In attendance receives one And you have @ chance to bid for the 60-watt Westinghouse new-shape Eye Westinghouse refrigerator and two Saving bulb. ranges used for stage demonstrations. FEATURE DAILY DOOR PRIZE PRIZES FOR THE WEEK INCLUDE A, WESTINGHOUSE PORTABLE MIXER, STEAM IRON, FRY PAN, ELECTRIC KETTLE, PERCOLATOR AND RADIO. CLASSES CONDUCTED BY MRS. ELSIE CLAY ROGERS INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN HOME ECONOMIST Mrs. Rogers is a former head dietician at the New England Medical Centre, editor of 8 Important food publica tions, and manager of afamous Miami Beach resort Inn, She has studied foods all over the world...now she is here to conduct the Loblaws Free Cooking School, @ RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS e MONARCH TEA-BISK MAGIC BAKING POWDER GLIDE LIQUID SPRAY STARCH SCHNEIDER'S CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS McCORMICK'S GRAHAM WAFERS and MINIATURE MARSHMALLOWS HEINZ CONDENSED SOUPS -- all varieties WESTINGHOUSE EYE SAVING LAMPS FLEISCHMANN'S ACTIVE DRY YEAST MONARCH MARGARINE BEEHIVE FANCY TABLE SYRUP HEINZ COUNTRY GOOD SOUP MIXES OGILVIE ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR PLANTER'S COOKING and SALAD OIL DAINTY RICE BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES E, D. SMITH'S PIE FILLING LUCKY WHIP DESSERT TOPPING MIX FACELLE 333 TISSUES BETTY CROCKER NOODLES ROMANOFF --- NOODLES ALMONDINE --= MACARONI and CHEDDAR NABISCO 100% BRAN HAWES PASTE WAX -- Non Yellowing MILKO SKIM MILK POWDER BORDEN'S CREAM CHEESE ROBIN HOOD MAPLE FLAVOURED OATS FRENCH SPAGHETTI SAUCE MIX CLARK'S STEWS and MEAT BALL in GRAVY CLARK'S BEANS and MEAT PATE OAKLEAF MANDARIN ORANGES BOOTH FROZEN FISH WESTINGHOUSE PRODUCTS AND PRIZES COURTESY OF CHERNEY BROTHERS 80 KING ST. E. OSHAWA, ONTARIO SESSIONS DAILY FROM 1:30 P.M. UNION AUTOMOBILE WORKERS HALL 44 BOND ST. EAST OSHAWA, ONTARIO APRIL 29, 30, MAY I,.2, 3

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