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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1963, p. 25

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oe, Spe a | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 24,1963 25 U.K. Hot sae ee JPR ected U.K. Fireworks | \ Wont Knoc! | SURATNO Over Spies Fizzles Out | \ | | Saal a ar | y KUALA LUMPUR, Malayajnot be : « ec (AP)--'I hate you ruddy Amer |Changi, nor will British war-|although Malayan is the official LONDON (CP) -- The pre-; Their existence, he said, was fcans," the Briton who was|ships quit Singapore Aug. 31.|language. _ | dicted fireworks over security| "widely known" before but their sounding off said with a smile.|Britain plans to protect Malay-) Monkeys hang by their tails|qisclosures by the Spies for|exact locations and other de- 'ov "I really do." lsia until it is able to protect|from the trees and elephants| Peace fizzled out in the House! tails were not known publicly. | e Ova. oF "why?" itself. and tigers haunt the jungles to! of Commons Tuesday as Prime TRY TO TIGHTEN } "Because you won't ruddy/TROUBLES EXPECTED _ the north, but in Kuala Lumpur! Minister Macmillan insisted , well tell that chap Sukarno tol So while a new nation is being|you might think you were in|that much too much ado was FR go pe ind ge nage | leave the formation of Malaysia\born in this land of Rudyard|Melbourne or San Francisco,/heing made over the whole| i 'oug! j ipli ' j i istri lity barrier was "serious and ; ruddy well alone." Kipling, the birth won't be with-jespecially in the new districts.| thing. | be . Some Britons in this capitaljout the usual pains. {BOOM UNDER WAY | Bight questions by Labar| Saree © bg gy a & of the country that is to be born| In addition to hoping to soothe) Handsome new houses made) members were before the prime); ; as Malaysia Aug. 31 are so hot|Sukarno, Kennedy and his pol-jof stone are rising from hill-| minister as the House met for perigee security peda at | under their collars they barely|icy makers have to keep a handjsides that up to a few monthsithe first time since the Easter he we agg bras gy neh | can get their brandy down after|on President crane age 7 ----_ rubber De i. ladjournmyent, all dealing with . o how the orma' g '| s dinner. They want President)gal of the ilippines whose roud new owners don't even) tne revelations of a let | Out i 4 . Kennedy to tell off President|constituents claim North Bor-|blush when they ask up to seven) qistributed during Aha erred Labor spokesmen, referring to a os F ANCY PEAS ¢ : | ' i . other recent spy Cases, suUg-) Sukarno for saying Malaysia is|neo. : years; rent in advance. ban-the-bomb march giving de. | nothing more than a continua-| "Anyone who can't speak) The big boom began here as/taijs of regional headquarters | sested the whole security setup/ ; ee tion of colonialism. Malayan in one year shouldn't/soon as the plan for the forma-| sot up as government seats in war? cent sa thik ence ee cai ¢ Actually, Kennedy has. stated|be given a licence to work orjtion of Malaysia started devel-| ace of war. _ armas 68) d ae at : ee NIBLET CORN the U.S. position--that the gath-)own a shop,"' an excited patriot] oping. Land sharks moved in) There was nowing iappnart: een ta de preg ne ge | ering of Malaya, Singapore,| declared. jand bought up everything that) ous or sinister" about the deep|an individual who turns Arai | : ( Brunei under one flag is a good|table leaped into the argument.) But a capital has to have its rei FOG eon F * BEA S 4 ; idea. "How about the 3,000,000 Chi-/embassies, its offices for Skene hertye | hea veal peat '>. AN Y | But apparently Kennedy, who) nese in the new land of 10,000,-,major companies of the world,| OD World War *€- Macmillan added, were err oy " -] q would like to get along with Su-/000?" an educated man fromjand with the working men go j War, available to many of the 4, ite oe ¢ karno too, feels that once is}Peking asked. their wives and children. people taking part in the NATO ae 4 { . f FISH STICKS national squabble. pwere too old to learn Malayan,|from Australia. The Straits| everyone kept abreast of the|There could only be "absolute| : o ' What Sukarno means by col-\but perhaps their children|Times, largest newspaper in|markets in Singapore or Lon-|security in a police state and "BAKE AN APPLE PIE" ¢ ; onialism is that the RAF will/would. Anyway, the constitution|Malaysia, moved from Singa-'don. we don't want that. : MORTON PIES E. D. Smiths : 20-02. Pie Filler TIN 29° Monarch TTT i a te North Borneo, Sarawak and| Immediately everyone at the|was loose. shelters, Mactaiiian said. 'Thelen enough to enter into this inter-| It was finally agreed they Frozen food is being imported|pore a year ago to make sure exercise Fallex last September H tq, 18-OZ. Pie Crust Mix '"x¢. 33° EFFECTIVE MIXED OATMEAL APR. 24, 25,26,27 RICE Pablum Cereal } ma. 43. GRADE "A" PRE-DRESSED FRYING OR ROASTING MARMALADE CHICKEN "29. & @ GARDEN & LAWN SUPPLIES @ VACATION & TRAVEL ITEMS @ ALL YOUR HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Gold, Silver, Scotch, , ) Le eter BABY BLANKETS. 30 x 40". 79° LADIES' GUM SOLED TV SLIPPER- 2), To 3 Lb. Average pa Blue and Pink. No Where Else . . ETTES. All sizes. Grey only. 1 11 WO WE os ee a a ews . Tier cena Cote 26" x 267 TLANNELECTE QIATERS. | LADIEN OVERSIEG SLACKS ORANGE OR AppLE eo ie 8) ened ee BOYS' SMART COTTON SPORT] LARGE SELECTION OF LADIES' ALLEN'S DRINK 2 v= 5 7 Legs or C Breasts LB. . e es e SHIRTS. Sizes 6 to 16. SUMMER TOPS AND SHORTS. Q'7¢ Thie Wook, enth ....5+5000+- 99° Ranging from, up ..........-. 97 LUNCHEON BOYS' CASUAL PANTS. By Fleetwood | GIRLS' 2-PC. JAMAICA SETS. Sizes of Canada. Regular 3.98. 4 2 68 7-14. Compore 3.89. ? 99 KAM At Oshawa Discount House ... &s No Where Else ...........- " ROYAL GUEST RINDLESS--SLICED 12-07, Cc ; 1 LB. C TIN LATEST STYLE MEN'S sU M M ER mite Heavy Large Reversible SCATTER SIDE BACON PKG. 55 HEINZ eves SOLVED OUR BIGGEST PROBLEM mea Compare 95. i 9 88 Clearing Now, each ........ 3.00 FRESHLY GROUND P INED OR JUNIOR THE NEED FOR THREE "CARS" Jon me | WABASsO 42" piLtow stirs. com Hl] MINCED BEEF 39: BAB PENMAN'S COTTON KNIT MEN'S} Pare 1.90 pair. 1.21 en aE OI meer asim COPS. ¢| Only at O. D. House, pair .... Es , Tike ¢ Is you's tog so make the Somty sor do te vor ct Compare 790, No Where Bice . . SINGLE BED CHENILLE SPREADS. Aylmer Catsup 2 Sns' 37° , IGA SUNNY MORN TEA BAGS =a» Qc With, one ravi one sea... | Best quality, pink LiWwheewa MEN'S BAN-LON SOCKS. By "Tricot | Prveduy fone," 4.99 Down poyment ond terms are reck bottom .. . 100 Star". Reg. 1.50 pair. 6 rales on ¢ gallon... practically np maintenance cost 1 Only at ©. D. House, pal ..... MEN'S, LADIES', GIRLS', BOY'S BATH- Spic and Span ** °** 'Ss, 33¢ ING SUITS. New in all the new styles WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT DOWN PAYMENT AND MEN'S WORK AND PLAY JACKETS. 1 and colors, All sizes and oversize in QUANTITIES TERMS ARE ROCK BOTTOM All sizes and a variety of colors. 5 32 men's. We have o RENTAL PLAN too! Call the Oshowa Dis- From, each................. 8 count House ond reserve a "Vespa" for a weekends' : LADIES' LOVELY GOWNS. Pink and fun .. . or by the day or week. All models ore two MEN'S SMARTLY STYLED LAMINAT- | blue on white sur:mer cotton with lace passenger, Ontario licensed end insured vehicles. ED DRESS SPORTS COAT. 34 to 42. -- yy bottom. Small, Medium and A TOUCH OF SPRING Red, black and blue. arge. Compare 3.98. - "728-031 i -- Super Value This Week ...... 9.99] NoWhere'te 2.44 b, DIRECT FROM CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRIES REVERE 8 TRANSISTOR RADIO. Complete | 1.89 BUFFERIN. 100 Tablets. 44 HAND LANTERN. For camping or home.. with eight accessories. This Week s Including screw-on Battery. This Week Only ..... ery P| Wile WME os ok cet eae e VICK'S VAPORUB, R 64e. ' INGRAHAM ALARM CLOCK. 30 hour [This Week ........ "-- gee 44' SCORE. The clear hair creom for. . 55° movement. Compare 4,25. 1 men, 79¢ size. This week ........ PINT ie Wi ese ck ¥ rg Nal 2.99} mosquito HEAD Nevs. 54 % KODAK STARFLASH CAMERA OUTFITS. a dk ss spa gel gt RG eM BOXES Compare 16.50. ELECTRIC CURL-A-WAVE. 3 Roller sizes] pry_LCREEM SWEEPSTAKES. No Where Else.............. . a" oo wo 9.95. Win one of 15 -- 1963 Mareury Comets Convertibles ONE ONLY ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE. J ww" | pursles." This Week's Feature. AOS With 4 zoom powers from 15 to 19 99 SPECIAL OFFER! 69c Woodbury Shampoo. | 79. size -- Week's daguaing 48° KRAFT CRACKER BARREL CALRORNIA NG ear we TENDER LARGE 25° 60. Complete with tripod ...... . 59c Woodbury Creme Rinse. OV Mee occnt AAC die et Mild Cheese be i 49 Y STALKS AM-FM PORTABLE 9- TRANSISTOR | ':28 Retail Value, This week both for sh sin ws 4 wes PRODUCE OF MEXICO NO. 1 GRADE RADIOS. With leather case and batteries. "RAPID GRASS" e erecta Aveneves with a control or you "own @ Presto HOSPITALITY s CANTALOUPES , cee Ph ae 29° Only ot 7 Miracle Grass Seed Mix. Grows green in 5 days. eons on this, . "*" Compare 49.95 10 00 Cherry Pie EACH 45¢ Gdccs Glee Vince 2... E Compare ¥ 00 NO GMOE oN ieee ks s PRODUCE OF U.S.A. --NO. 1 a sien aa 23° ; CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS. ; SUMMER ICE CHESTS. By General Steel SODAS OF. SATIS i. € LB. aa Ul 74° Discount House ......... 2 Ibs. 3.44 y WESTON"S CRACKERS Ks. 35 GREEN BEANS _ Wares. Approx inside dimensions. 9.99 "ACUMEN" CORDLESS MAN'S RAZOR. 500" CELLO-TAPE. Reguler 25c. 18° 20" x15" x 12", This Week Only See Be eae a = = aes ae " |e ew fe oe Fe oe ee Fe Fe oe he Ue , pi _ » [This Week with dispenser... WAVE MASTER LAWN SPRINKLERS. Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes with for ehergion., the Seaor taail tae ote ed Petaage an ROD Covers creas 6 x 8 ft. to 35 x 45 ft. a, Niblets Green Giant 4 14-02. and receives o ful charge evernite. AND REEL FISHING COMBINATIONS ' me ecial Price Spinning reel or spin-cast reel. Fibergles hollew rods No Where Else... Soe ener ile They Las 14.44 [icant of COMPLETE SELECTION OF TENTS. ty Peanut Buller 'Sax' Se |, OC! an n. Now in stoc it j SPECIAL, from our Record Bar 88° Me is 171 the greatest decouiits. ---- EXT RA Toothpaste ies = 12" Sealed Long Plays ne iene eG OVERSTOCKED! It's our loss! SHETLAND Child's Play WHEELBARROWS. Normal- Receive $4.00 in Bonus Tapes with GOLDEN RICH WOODBURY SHAMPOO. | 2-BRUSH FLOOR POLISHERS. ly. 5.75 . 2.88 cnocotires on surrenscoven pecial 1.25 Value. 6 | Way-Below Cost... 14 $8 At Oshawa Discount House ...... Mae @ total of . A 6-02. ' This Week ....... 66 LADY TORCAN HAIR DRYERS. 4 @@| CLIFFCHAR. GRILLING CHARCOAL. For Van Kirk Chipits 'xc os a ORYERS, ' DOROTHY REED NON-STICKY HAIR | This Week _.. 10.88 | your B2r-8-Cue. 29° $3 00 aie aay Ct ea tis. This: Week, S-lbs. ... ek TOR Tes --_ ee ELECTRIC CAN OPENERS. By Roto-Broil. | GIRLS' OR BOYS' "HAPPY JACK" SPRING " IGA Ice Cream sant . 1.25 BAN ROLL-ON DEODORANT. 4 9e Thin Week Oa Re ALT | COATS: 3-6 Compare 9.95. Seiiks Frosen 15 bis' Whee fies * QGP | 24.95. This Week Only... ef E} Special This Week ......... a IN Bonus Tapes Raspberries" "'5XG a ec A 127, 620 and 120 COLOR PICTURE FILMS. | We hove a variety of LITTLE GIRLS' toos "> ' Ome 157. MODESS DELUXE 55¢. 39¢ |ompare to 1.60. Q7*| DRESSES. 2 & 9 47 | 9 Q7 Tomatoes CELLO ot nwo... ievbsses ey No Where Else, roll. .......... AS ee rena : and &= , enema Cooked Ham --_ 3 7 , x ; TREELOEOLE LLL? nf : FOR ONLY 2 FOLDER ia cs MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA a ($75.00 IN IGA TAPES) | , LANSDOWNE IGA LANSDOWNE Shopping Centre ee COLLEGE HILL IGA CUBERT STREET, OSHAWA | BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA 1038 KING ST. W. at Gerrard Rd. 728-0311 SOUTH END IGA srock st. soutn, wuitsy HOPE IGA STORE PORT PERRY BECKSTEAD IGA courtict, onTario DYL'S IGA 166 ADELAIDE ST., OSHAWA a

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