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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1963, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey; April 27, 1963 MINER'S WIFE COMFORTED Three unidentified people comfort a crying miner's wife whose husband is one of 22 miners trapped by an explo- sion at the Clinchfieid Coal Co's, Compass No 2 mine near Clarksburg, W. Va. Name of the woman is unidentified. (AP Wirephoto) BRITISH BRIEFS Machine Gunner - Memorial Moved LONDON -- The memorial to 15,000 members of the Machine Gun Corps killed in the first world war has a new home. It was removed from Grosvenor Place to make way for the Hyde Park Corner underpass, but has been re-erected on a new site, and has been re- dedicated. NO DRIVER BRECHIN, Scotland -- Rev. William Burns, minister at Bre- chin, left his car hurriedly in Oban and forgot to set the handbrake. The car rolled away, smashed through a pro- menade railing to hang over the sea, For his carelessness, Mr, Burns was fined $12. COLLEGE WANTS STATUE WATFORD -- The new George Stephenson College, named after the railway engin- eer, at Watford, has asked British Railways to present it with the 12 feet high metal statue of Stephenson which used to stand in Euston Station. RESERVE MEN AXED LONDON -- The War Office has cut from its lists 5000 of the men who are the first to be called up in an emergency -- the Class One emergency re- serve. The war office referred to this as an adjustment of the "order of battle'. SCHOOL MEALS STAFF LONDON -- Educational Min- ister Sir Edward Boyle has PUBLIC DEFENSOR | I EDINBURGH, Scotland -- The agreed that local education au- DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Aluminium Ltd., 15 cents (U.S.), June 5, record May 6. Atlantic Sugar Refineries Co. Ltd., five per cent pfd, $1.25, June 14, record May 17. Canadian Fairbanks - Morse Co. Ltd., class A 10 cents, June \1, record May 17. Canadian Ice Machine Co. Ltd., class A 20 cents, July 2, record June 15. Dominion Steel and Coal Cor- |poration Ltd., 10 cents, Aug. 1, \record July 11. Eagle Star Insurance, two shillings, July 1, record May 16; one new for each ten now held, July 1, record May 16. The Granby Mining Co. Ltd., 25 cents (U.S.), June 17, record May 17. The Imperial Flo-Glaze Paints Ltd., common 3744 cents, June 1, record May 16. National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada Lid., com- mon 20 cents pfd. 15 cents, June 1, record May 10. Noranda Mines Lid., 30 cents, June 14, record May 14. Os Hann $10,000 TRAVEL and YOULL NEV FIND BETTE FAMIL ROTECTIO PEDESTRIAN vacant post of public defensor, who gives free advice to any- one appearing in the burgh court, has been filled by the appointment of two solicitors, Walter Sutherland and Ronald Power, who will share the duties. PROTECT LAND CAMBRIDGE -- For the first time in more than a century, $1,500,000 is being spent to strengthen 25 miles along the bank of the River Nene, Cam- bridgeshire. The banks are being raised three feet above the previous highest flood level to protect the rich Fenlands. thorities can hire extra staff to) Price Brothers and Co, Ltd., supervise school dinners, thus relieving the teachers, The extra cost will be met by the govern- ment. $210,000 SEA WALL DOVER, Kent -- A $210,000 scheme to save a village from the sea has been announced by the Dover rural council. A sea wall, almost a mile long, is to be built at Kingsdown, where 100 homes are threatened by the waves. ROMAN FINDS DORCHESTER, Dorset -- Ex- cavations for an extension at the Dorset County Hospital, at Dor- chester, have uncovered a sec- SOVIET VISITORS LONDON -- Four housewives have arrived in Lon- Soviet tion of fourth century mosaic |two per cent on the four per cent redeemable pfd. stock, July 1, record June 1. | Siscoe Mies Lid., 314 cents, | June 6, record May 23. Southam Co. Ltd., 25 cents, June 28, record June 14, | John Wood Company, com- |mon 15 cents, July 1, record | June 14. Canadian Petrofina Lid., pfd., 60 cents participating, May 31, record May 7. Home Oil Co. Lid., class A 12% cents; stock dividend, class A, one class A' share for each 110 class A or B shares held, July 1, record May 31; class A |10¥4 cents, Jan, 1, 1964, record Dec. 2; class B 12% cents spe- class B 12% cents special, Jan. ACCIDENT POLICY that grows up to $15,000" Does this sound too good to be true? Well, the Oshawa Times and the Scottish & York In- surance Company Ltd. will prove that it's true. This insurance was carefully planned for Tires FOR LESS THAN PER WEEK PAYABLE $1.50 YEARLY Roman pavement, the walls of| cial, July 1, record May 31; don from Moscow to stay with|? building and. parts of its heat-| different families in England|!"& System. is and Scotland -- to find out "'just| " : how the British live'. They are) members of the Soviet. Women's ! h f t Committee which has 40 million eme on inues members. ' l t accident i uld buy. mo me _ me Throughout Year Pao eins 350,000 tons of sugar beets still cies tnt hoes on By R. BARCLAY WARREN |save Jesus Christ, and Him cru- It was an interesting evening|cified." (1 Cor, 2:2). Of course, the sugar content was destroyed] t the YM-YWCA, Following my|Paul in his preaching did nol 'during the long severe frosts. |message on "The Meaning of|stop with Jesus on the cross. "A Easter,' a Roman Catholic|dead Christ could do nothing PLANE FOR CHAPLAIN priest spoke on "The History|for any one. An excerpt from IPSWICH -- People living injand Ritual of Easter', followed|the first' sermon of Paul -- of the Suffolk Diocese are raising|/by a Rabbi on 'The Meaning of|which we have record, illus- funds to buy an aeroplane for|the Passover' and a professor|trates, "Though they found no use in Australia. It will be used/ of Hebrew on "The Relationship|cause of death in Him, yet de- by,a "flying chaplain" who will! Between the Passover and Eas-| sired they Pilate that He should Life work on similar lines to the fa-jter', Naturally, the viewpoints/be slain. And when they had Both Hands mous '"'flying doctors." were not all the same, but all/fulfilled all that was written of Both Feet SET WRONG LEG |was done in the spirit of under-|Him, they took Him down from Sight of Both Eyes ants --. 4|Standing and good will. the tree, and laid Him in a se Pairs neces gt en he th For the Christian, the Easter|pulchre.° But God raised Him One hand and one foot 1, 1964, record 'Dec. 2. months before being offered. It provides un- usually extensive coverage and is the finest or toss than S¢ ved See an. taanvideal' sebecré ber aged 1-79. COSTS ONLY $1.50 2 Underwritten By Scottish & York Insurance Company Ltd. SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS FOR FIRST YEAR ; Public Bus, Automobile | Pedestrian, Bieyels, Commereial Automobile Airplane or le Passenger Scheduled Accidents Ferrys $3,000 | $1,000 $1,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 FOR LOSS OF Theos Extrs Benefite feo Car Aocidents $10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Monthly Disability Up te $160. per month First Aid Indemnity plained how a two-year old pa- tient had his left leg set in plaster when his right leg was broken. The doctor who exam- theme continues throughout the|from the dead." Acts 13:28-30 year. It is the very heart of the|This is the pattern of the ser- Gospel. Paul, writing to the Cor-/mons of the others in the New inthians, said, 'I determined not Testament, too. The cross came first in point One hand and sight of one eye One foot and sight of one eye Either hand Either foot 10,000 10,000 3,750 3,750 ined him in the casualty depart- to know any thing among you ment had put "'left leg" in his) } notes | Illegitimate GIVEN FREE PASS WITHAM, Essex -- British Railways have presented a free first-class pass from Witham, Essex, to Liverpool Street, to Captain Henry Evitt, who has held a season ticket for nearly) TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Would not have been empty as 70 years, the longest on record,/ Supreme Court ruled Friday ajthe one at Jerusalem is. apart from two breaks during mother of an illegitimate child) On the other hand, the cross the world wars. SISTERS ESCAPED MORPETH, Northumberland --Two sisters ran from an orchard to get a better view of a@ jet plane circling lower and lower near Morpeth. Seconds later the plane crashed into the trees under which they had been playing. The pilot and his pupil bailed out safely. ACKLAND ON LIST EDMONTON (CP) -- General manager Joe Ryan of Edmon- ton Eskimos said Friday the Western Football Conference club has placed Al Ackland of Winnipeg on its negotiation list. Ackland, a 23-year-old interme- diate player, earlier this week said he was blacklisted by Ca- nadian Football League clubs because of a lawsuit he brought against Winnipeg Blue Bombers last winter. The charge was de- nied by G. Sydney Halter, CFL commissioner, and Bomber of- ficials. 'Child's Mother 'May Be Fined |can be lawfully ordered to re- |pay costs to the Children's Aid 'Society costs for care and cus-|not able to vanquish death tody of her child while it is awaiting adoption. Mr. Justice Wishart F. Spence said a section of the Child Wel- fare Act has the effect of pun- having an illegitimate child. ily court judge to. decide how much reimbursement the mother is to make to the soci- ety for care of her child. He ruled that Judge J. R. H. Kirkpatrick of Waterloo County Family Court did not exceed his ener mother of an illegitimate girl to pay the city $459 in addi- tion to $207 she had already paid for the Waterloo County 'Chil- dren's Aid Society. Judge Kirkpatrick had com- mented he took the action be- cause of the scale of living of the unmarried parents of the child, who owned a hi-fi set, a boat and a trailer. ishing and fining a person for have told how they gradually The section authorizes a fam-|resistable. He had only to ap- jurisdiction in ordering a Kitch.) jof time, Without it there could jhave been no resurrection. If |Jesus had not fulfilled His mis- }sion in giving Himself a sacri |fice for our sins, He could not | have conquered death. He would j|have been as other men, A few jfollowers might still be making |a pilgrimage to His tomb, but i' without the resurrection would |have been in vain. If Jesus were which has come because of sin, then He could not conquer sin for us. He would not really be the Son of God. Men who fought for Napoleon came to believe him to be ir- }pear before his troops on his white charger, and down the line of French bayonets flashed an electric confidence which made _ these soldiers mighty men. But one day Napoleon came to Waterloo. To the enemies of Jesus and even in greater measure to His friends. It seemed that Jesus had met His Waterloo at Calvary, But He rose again the third day. That set the Divine seal upon His |ministry with all its claims, He |was indeed the Son of God. It is this faith in Jesus Christ as. a_ personal living Saviour that thrills the heart of the Sight of either eye 3,750 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 1,000 500 500 500 1,000 |The entire benefits under policy increase by 10% per |year for § years. These Christian every day of the year. Extra Benefits Too! ® POLIO -- Hospital indemnity for Poliomyelitis up to $2,500.00. @ CUMULATIVE POLICY VALUE INCREASE -- At no cost to you, your Scottish & York policy will Increase in value by'10% each year, for the first 5 years. At thel end of 5 years its maximum coverage reaches up to $15,000.00 t Please read all details before completing application eee ss To: SCOTTISH & YORK Insurance Company Ltd. 425 University Avenue, TORONTO, Ontario. Date . The undersigned hereby makes application for the Travel and Pedestrian Insurance Policy with Hospital Indemnity for Poliomyelitis issued by the Scottish & York Insurance Company Ltd. It is understood and agreed that the applicant will subscribe to the Oshawa Times during the life of = Policy when issued and will pay the regular subscription price: NAME Si ociceseesssencne DINU OALO sos sce ADDRESS BENEFICIARY eee eee eee eee ee RELATIONSHIP: TO YOU! 56305 0s casas iio cease | subscribe to The () Start Now () T enclose S$... .scceceeuce ees AROUR! Fee a

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