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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1963, p. 16

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A pice mm meg ota Nei nat eo] = ™%4 3} re) sale 7) Sipe, O -- ee 'e] = =e | 7) at a, ® 3 Hi aa mi Sneath 5 Maclaattiaiamslianifies onagafannegnanestiage®-fq-xulyrectgant-Raranetfaggnnagasfgntys BESS ESS ie eee ag ial oli berer aniet ay ce SesqueblegsquasteRongynsegracharanggel-rerneoSityaesrastan78) niieiere. Apia iioeata Sat Per Het teestitertettes 2 orvbeh te fro ted re rests ft on 0 ets ortee Bet ee st i ed cthea-«- Boutieatcanhddleigtes eaigsix sdevacnazeladpedeaganedserafagadons-nnn-Atgatiang-fga-gi syexeenaastzagegeratangatanngongstatege-vs 3 $e8-fffgg-geonsdafpa-fdeang-aganaegina TonapaeEagoponaze®bagea-agacarfoselggndensoane-Etggannggyega-gn jagelesnalatasgepangSangatatagaggntet-ge-vg my 2. ny ivi i SS a nen HEC RUE UNRATE PE SaShgRRGS GE glegeagegsags jigtgesegseeacanis 3 is *e EE z of.5, a84%, " ai iy. Arete lt ip ii, it i flint gullies ti a hi ie Hades gpl lig: al ket Act saz. zee. senposamiiaces aiace>gaseseenansgeses gage" 3 gi ana®sanssz B slig®Sggieg §* attg ##g 1 +++4 +44 J ingtaspiteg § ing®iggneg spaddcniae r $2.3 # ss s*s ¢ 3. .* $88.9 4 _ # ad Stat ittitet sevstyts 1178 Tigh TSTseTT S371 TINT Tse oUne Tit tTsTtthet se TE ot setts TT qrragesnningaeg-aas-~egnsagss ne i & i . ae oie gl ultthat vaste ett lt littl AT to etl ently = 2 $22 gog # gs tq * #8 apttnEt *494,7 452 £852 fo, %8%o,% * #22 Ht se +85 ++ STlitl+ fel +te 3 ttyt TCL, yi ees af bad T+ +104 +444 +4+ * +P +Fltlet fb TeetleTet lite test SELTinyi = § Résoonggl et ghagtgennitanngoncithtatgioncthie i ai a lg gk ® g<<2f . 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BHibtied, ecpeesd & EE Peet ills tian wanlitish hen! aril; lm 5% 6% 2% 100 1213 874% 72h 24h 74% 63% 8 34% 3 7 55% isin 193 171% 10% % 2 3% 32 % +3 = 4 328 $54 Bu +1% SBLSiO> «186 168 --4 +3 --% +% +3 125 siove 19% 194 + % WN 16% T+ % Re & 2% 81 ™ Me MY 81 6 5% aL A 2% 7 @& 7 $30% elma iat et tg % 15'%4 + % 105% 100! HMO $12% 12% 12% ie 3885 910% 104 10% + % 218 $134 131 2 $47 1380 $10% 10% 10% + % 2300 Si% 6% Cht+% 2 i" 0005 Ol Wh Wh-- % "eo 4 a 100 420 3000 6% 6 30 $8 P Drill Ware A i #53 anal 008 | week, says the Canadian Auto- mobile Chamber of Commerce. bill will Wi May 6th PAY TAXES BY MAIL by cheque or money order (if con- Due Dotes April 29th |; Division Court iu ing First Instolment 502 trucks compared 725-3506 479. Production to date this year is estimated at 217,733 units tenders have|Ontario Natural Gas are ex-|compared with 171,936 in the to weaken as the bank-jpected to be coming to the|corre system has been relatively|market in the near future. T. sponding period last year --made up of 183,303 cars com- pared with 144.743 and 34,470 trucks compared with 27,193. uto ips Producti Dur TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian Production consisted of 12,854 cars compared with 13,542 last Walmsley & Magill OFFICE EQUIP. LTD. CLARENCE L, COX City Tox Collector CIVIC ADMINISTRATION BLDG. motor vehicle production this week is estimated at 15,356 units compared with 16,021 last A D: .|| 9 KING ST. E, OSHAWA 6 mos. ended March 31: 1963, $494,000, 20 cents a share; 1962, $538,000, 22 cents. 30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays AL HOURS 7 TO 9 P.M. arch 1, 1983, 100- Color of Bills rta Municipal Fi- INSTALMENT DATES ONLY FAILURE TO PAY ANY ONE INSTALMENT on or before due $633,727, 57 cents a 1963 TAXES DUE be: nancing Corporation 54%, March 15, 1983, 99-99%. Numbers A 58 to 85A oe City of Oshawa -- First Instalment Polling Division 1 to 57 1963, hare ;1962, $633,266, 57 cents. AVOID STANDING IN LINE by paying before ony due dote OR by depositing sealed envelope containing cheque ond Tox Bill in "City Hall Mail" letter drop at City Hall main entrance any time. Action' in some cases ond by possible "Boliff Seizure" of chattels, subject to additional costs. several Statutory ond Local By-Law provisions such as Collec- Telephones: 725-1153; After 5 p.m. Dial 728-6881 MERCE will accept current taxes within two weeks before ony instalment date providing Tax Bill is presented for receipting AND PROVIDING NO INSTALMENT IS PAST DUE WITHOUT CHARGE, ALSO PAYABLE AT CITY HALL (if preferred), date necessitates the Tox Collector to proceed to collect by ALL OSHAWA CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANKS OF COM- venient) enclosing COMPLETE tox bill--receipted be returned. tion of Rents where property is tenant occupied H. Corby Distillery Ltd, 3 mos. ended Feb. 28: 1963, $152,- United Keno Hill Mines Ltd Royaljte Oil Co, Ltd., 3 mos. ended March 31: 1963, $850,000; 1962, $800,000. Campbell Red Lake Mines Ltd., 3 mos. ended March 31: 1963, 534,107, 13 cents a share NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS 1962 $456,507, 11 cents. 716, 14 cents a share; 1962, 158,- + Office Hours: 8 28: bec Natural Gas and Northern 101% - 102% and Rio Algom *| 013, 14 cents; 6 mos. ended Feb. Hydro 5% 100%; of Canada bonds were slightly hem at to discuss is the Indian Ac' anges 1983, erarCor came out|ing a slight improvement. Que- the 182-dav|firm and in some cases show- , trading at , cent com- and 3.80 com-jagain quiet with prices holding|with 2 leved that the|Mines 534, 1983, 9914 - 100%, purchase U.S. dol-| showed gains of %4 point. Trans- age have passed its peak.) Canada Pipe Lines 5-88 convert- ernment cash|Eaton Acceptance 5%, 1983, at anier 57 last week on} The corporate market was|week and 2 luded: Ontario again this week, 934%4-%. The provincial market lost % the Cr eral complaining about being G@.iel.ce rate moved higher] ible lost 1% points, 117 44-1194. The day aun Oe er toe bill yields moved Canada 4%, 3.66 per gov relatively scarce al- though rates have been adjusted upwards slightly. - term Government it is beli nerally on light volume. | > is at present quite low, day morning. pared with 3. & ody bills, ae Gaspeat bills Sethe yield 3.91. eo bill tended By THE CANADIAN PRESS Treasury charply higher > 3.67 on re to The letter said they are abo- They say they want their problems to reach the ear of EDGEDALE NURSERIES riginals, neither citizens nor im- ! migrants, and therefore it was They made public a letter The long Canada market was very quiet and price ch Indian Chiefs Claim V Dodging Issue BRANTFORD, Ont. (CP) -- The hereditary chiefs of the Six Move Up Higher Again Treasury Bill Yields Nations Indian Confederacy said Friday they are getting a eral Vanier in their attempts to get an audience with him. serves should be controlled by an elected council rather than runaround from Governor-Gen- citzenshin and immigration. useless to discuss their prob- lems with the department. the Queen but claim Bucking- ham Palace has referred t to Mr. Vanier. What they w; 19% which stipulates that re- weaker, but tended to firm at the week end. were steady at Quotations inc! although 3% Fri negligible. point ge they sent *> position a 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, April 27, 1963 en hereditary council of chiefs. averaging Ive 725-4563 - 723-2883 tatives have provided security SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 4 Mutual Company the Sun Life representat 'Yes, as an expert to help plan your estate, the Sun Life representative can work closely . R. WOLFE, District Supervisor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE member for 'your team... with 140 branch offices in North America, Sun Life offers policy contracts that are modern and up-to-date in keeping with the changing times in which we live. to untold numbers of men, women and children in time of need. With $10 billion of life insurance in force representing three. million individual policies and group certificates, and with your lawyer, accountant and trust officer in providing you with the best possible advice. To preserve your assets, your estate will need dollars immediately available to meet death taxes and last illness expenses. Sun Life can provide such dollars. For more than ninety years, Sun Life of Canada's A worth «28 OH Bee oe a ee Oe ee

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