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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1963, p. 4

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STARTS MONDAY She Used Boys As THRILLING ACTION! ie, 2° --_ Judo Killer Runs Amok "Diamond Head" cic FROM THE BLEEDING PAGES OF 5 Hisront's Most AGONIZING mes. AGE OF VIOLENCE THE STORY OF FAITH EVER THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 27, 1963 ? WINS EASILY - ws |Port Perry Woman) toursviniz, xy. (AP) -- A pointed For | proved Friday he is ready for P | HAMILTON (CP) -- Miss H,|next week's Kentucky , Derby TB S } was elected honorary president|other colts for an impressive 4 "a Farm Calendar urvey of the provincial chapter of On-|victory in the $7,500 Stepping You'll F LOLITA MURI ER Vice-Chairman of District for thejof the Empire, at the closing) Never Bend, unimpressive two REPORTE. --The fol-} May 22 - 30 -- Scottish Over-|Durham County Tuberculosis So-|session of the order's annual) weeks ago in winning the fore- é of agricultural € with was released by Department of|delegate, Lena Whyte -- visit|appointment of Disrict Chair-| Honorary vice - presidents) peak form Friday. He covered CHRISTINE KAUFMANN Agriculture office in Bowman-|to Durham County Junior Farm-|men for the survey organization|elected were: Mrs. H. S. Grif-\the seven furlongs in one min- og} The county has been divided) Cecil L. Brown, all of Hamilton|a second off the track record. t erence, Extension By 4 Een nad be ig oes ony Marcas and the fol-iand Mrs. Ryland H. New of) Topay. ano rsonnel Dept. "|lowing Chairmen a "ay os henner. reasrated Col- i Con Mrs. Norman Gould, Port! provincial \Mrs, Morley Keegan, Oakville; | _ mm. -- During this week, the District) chanter to the 63rd national an- Pay "Nae + Fain' Ground, anaes Come, Sone. Chairmen were given full in- cot comin in Victoria. s s ays District Men | . Cain Hoy Stable's Never Bend | | er Durham County prcotinga appeal Jeanne Knapman of Hamilton) when he ran off from three PORT HOPE -- Reid Bu4ese,|tario, Imperial Order Daughters| Stone Purse at Churchill Downs. When You See lowing list events|seas Junior Farmer exchange|ciety Survey, has announced the|meetng Fiday. runner at Keeneland, was in with Star of "TARUS BULBA" ville. er's Homes. program, fin, Mrs. W. K,. Foucar, Mrs.|ute, 22.4 seconds, two-fifths of April 30 - May 2 -- In-service Br ointed-- | Oakville. | president Mrs.imrs, T. W. J. Lane, Cornwall; | ee ee ; W. Kay Lycett, Orono; Hamilt Bars. 2. Ws de ? | » RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY leges, Guelph on subjects of In-| June 3-7 -- Annual Conference uae ne |W. R. Morrison of Hamilton, re-/irs_ Stanley McBride, Peter-) come Tax, Gift Tax, Wills, Part-|pstension Branch Pacuianal, Mrs. A. L. Blanchard, Hampton; jelecteq Thursday, WS D-/horough and Miss Pearl McKin- 7 tis v7 tune ok Feit. |strnctions by & survey Seeaniser Provincial c »mmittee conven- a" 44 \ J Wis RED LIPS TN Na PAUL CARPENTER pT; tj € (j i MELISSA STRIBLING : Q Sa REAR et a | jus nership ents. Ontario Dept, of Agric: at Fed. ge ee nee District|POimted official delegate of the!non, Orillia. | "THE TARTARS" Durham Junior Coaching Night. e y, June 19 -- Par-|/from the Ontario Department of RESULTS COUNT! DRIVE OUT + TONIGHT * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! TONIGHT e SUNDAY e MONDAY BOX-OFFICE OPENS TONIGHT AT 7:00... SUNDAY AND MONDAY AT 7:30 Saturday, May 4 -- Durham) oni night--sponsored by Dur-|Health method of organ-\e?s elected included: Mrs. E. D. County 4H Homemaking iu®/ham County Junior Farmers tien thelr 'istricts, and were|Gott, Brantford, immigration Ach, Day for project, "What|.n4 purham County Soil and|priefed on the importance of/2"d citizenship; Mrs. H. B. Shall I Wear', Solina Hall. Im: einent Aesoe. P iChurch, Orangeville, Common- Monday, May 6 -- 8.00 p.m.-- wy = hemes dad Dis- ge rg Mego at and X-|Wealth correspondence; Mrs. Durham Safety Council Meet-| trict Shorthorn Club Field Day.|ray survey is part of the Norin-|R- J. Skipper. Sarnia, empire ing, Dept. of Agriculture, 1) rarm of John Rickard, New-|mberland - Durha Tuberculosis|®™ Trt f° 0%. Frank Street, Bowmanville. | castie, and Health Association's regu-| Additional provincial council- Tuesday, May 7 -- 8.00 p.m.--| "Thursday, July 4 -- 4-H Agri-|lar case-finding program andi lors chosen included: Mrs. C. H. Durham County Farmers'! witural Club members trip tolis operated in co-operation with|Carruthers, Owen Sound; Mrs Union, Tyrone Hail. OAC and OVC at Federated|the Ontario Department of|M.\B.. Dymond, Port Perry; ednesday, May 88.00 p.m. i Heeling for apple growers In| one. Suiy'23 -- Dusham| and X-taying of alleen and HALL FOR RENT DNIPRO HALL 681 EDITH ST. Newcastle Hall on orchard thin-| county Land Use Judging Com-|adults in the County of X-ray-| ning. Guest speaker, Prof. Ben pow ll Millbrook area. ing of all major industries. | Perfect for weddings, banquets, parties, : etc. Tesky, Ontario Agricultural Col- | Province Sets Up Fish Market Board pay os agg MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE of the Consult «a Member Oshawa & District . Real Estate Board Saturday, May 11 -- 8.30 a.m. --Durcam poner A Live Stock Judging Competition, May 14 --East Durham Women's Institute District An- nual, Millbrook Presbyterian =" rch, May 16 -- Durham West Women's Institute District An- ual, Solina Hall. 2 Men Found Guilty Of Intoxication AJAX (Staff) -- A Toronto man Delburt McHugh was fined $30 and costs in Ajax Magis- TORONTO (CP) -- The On- tario government Friday intro- duced legislation amending the Farm Products Marketing Act| ducers' marketing boards for fish. what was exepcted to be the fi- Premier Robarts asked that the house change its schedule of business to allow enactment of prorogued. to permit establishment of pro-|of Lake Erie commercial fish- As the legislature moved into| ister the changes before the House| products marketing would "give us the flexibility" to authorize establishment of the marketing board, he said. Earlier Friday, a delegation Plenty of FREE Parking For Further Information PHONE 725-9921 or 723-3252 ermen was assured by Eco- nomics and Development Min- Robert Macaulay that steps would be taken to permit |nal day of the current session,ja fish marketing board. | NEEDS A VOTE | As under other agricultural] plans, a vote of producers would be nec-| marketing board for Lake Erie|Kent East) told the legislature SEE YOU... AT THE weP RABNIRIOWE FTL MME WARE OLN FREE! wie _ OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE 723-4972 * ® CORNEL WILDE CHRISTINE KAUFMANN CONSTANTINE!? GROSS STARTS SUNDAY = "BILLY BUDD" \N TECHNICOLOR ae amciiadinealeeeaiaananaealll 4. section. BOTTLE BEATS COLD Two Toronto men who tried to beat the cold with a bottle while smelt fishing found them- selves in court Thursday char- ged with being intoxicated in a public place. L. Stevenson and Ronald Clarke appeared in Aajax Mag- fish, if a vote of producers in-/a week ago that Lake Erie fish- dicated a board was desired. |ermen ~ aged ont oe of perch back into the lake be- ae + cman cause of low market prices. The delegation of about 20) AGE 15-21 j f before a marketing) red| He said the proposed amend-|®Ssary ee aaa fe prearst. |ment, widening the definition of|board can be set up. = sss McHugh pleaded guilty to a farm products under the mar-| The special meeting with fist:| : charge of driving in the left keting act to include fish, would|ermen was called by Mr. Mac-| lane within 100 feet of an inter- permit the establishment of ajaulay after John Spence (L-- \fishermen told Mr. Macaulay a| \floor price of from eight to 10 Tobacco Sells At |eents a pound was needed for | . 49.88 Cents Pound jpern, 9 eee Ze menu at Ee ee a cently held at Brooklin. istrates Court atfer they were charged early Thursday morn- ing by Pickering Township po- lice. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck told the court the injuries ap- parent on Clarke's face, includ- ing a black eye and a swollen nose, were not caused by po- lice. TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)--|!ation. Sales of 1,391,031 pounds of to- bacco at an average price of 49.88 cents a pound were re- ported Friday by the Ontario| FlueCured Growers' Tobacco! Marketing Board. To date, 148,510,613 pounds have been sold at an average price of 51.24 cents. | Magistrate Crawford Guest, commenting on the Crown At- torney's statement said the bruises are '"'self inflicted in- juries through your boozin£". Stevenson received a fine of $10 and costs and Clarke re- | IMITATES WELL The mockingbird not only has its own beautiful voice but is) a great imitator and was known) as 'the bird of 400 tongues" by | ceived a suspended sentence. Local Orchestra Finished Winter Engagement Now Booking | For Weddings, Banquets, ete. Modern and Square Dance Musie For further information call 723-7726 Cedar Creek Baton-Twirler | Wins Trophy By G. KILPATRICK CEDAR CREEK --_ Baton-| Twirler April Laurie Abramoff, aged six, won second place tro- phy at' Peterborough recently for strut. She also won a sec-| ond place trophy for solo baton.) CONTESTANTS FOR THE MISS TEEN AGE RODEO WILL BE INTRODUCED DURING THIS "GET" see you there ... NOW ... The Show You Have Been Waiting For @ @ IT'S THE PICTURE WITH VIP/ DANCE TONIGHT Old Time -- Modern RED BARN ADMISSION--$1.00 DANCE PARTY DOUG KEMP & HIS ORCHESTRA Attending the NBTA with her) mother, Mrs. John Guimond of Toronto, and her grandmother, Mrs. L. G. Jones, of Cedar Creek. Mr, and Mrs. Ron Johnston and children visited Mr. and} Mrs. Bruce Cummings. | . Trevor Kendall of Port Perry| visited Bob Greenwood on Sat-| urday. Mr. and Mrs. Farrow of South River visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ris Doherty and sons recently. Mrs. Victor Larocque's broth- er. Bud Mills, who spent the winter at the Larocque home, | returned to Magnetawan on Sun-" BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE Power Store (King St. E.) Tues., Apr. 30, 2:00 - May 14 & 28 A & P (North Oshawe)Thurs., May 2, 16 2:30 & 30 6:00 Fr.., Mey 3, 17 & 31 2:30 Sat., May 4 & 18 10;00 1:30 Tues., May 7 & 21 10:30 Thurs., May 9 & 23 2:30 Fri., May 10 & 24 3:00 a" " "6:00 Simcoe Plaze Rosslyn Plaze Harmony Church Lake Viste Plaza Airport Plaza Oshawa Shopping Centre We visit each point every other week Adults four books -- not more than two fiction Children --- Two Books day. Southwest Trip Outlined To WA By MAY E. BROWN i GREENWOOD -- The Kinsale) Women's Institute met at the! home of Mrs. Fred Titterton recently. | Mrs. J. Stell gave a story of| a two-month trip to south-west: | ern United States. | Mrs. W. Young brought a re- port from the South Ontario} District Executive meeting re-| Plans were made for a) short course to be held at the) Greenwood United Church) from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on Friday, April 26. The course is on their use and choosing The new five-roomed school was opened on Monday with four of the rooms occupied. Unit Three of the UCW met at the parsonage. Lawrence Annis and family of Calgary visited with the George Blake family prior to moving to Vancouver. fabrics, WRONGLY NAMED The milk snake is named for The Kiwanis Club of Oshawa Inc. Presents Its Sixth and Closing Travelogue of the 1962-63 Season "PORTRAITS OF BRAZIL" By CURTIS NAGEL MONDAY, APRIL 29th 8:15 P.M. SHARP Central Collegiate Auditorium SIMCOE STREET, SOUTH Mr. Nagel has alwoys been a favourite with Oshawa Travelogue audiences, Starting with the 1955-56 season, He hasn't missed paying us a visit every year. He soys he likes to come here and we like to have him come, because his work has always been outstanding for the sharp detail and brilliant codours. He is truly one of the most accomplished proven of ali the film lecturers, "Brazil, the subject of this trovelogue, has, by circumstance, been greatly neglected in the eyes of the world, but now, through the magic comera lenses of Conrad Nagel and his able assistant, William Moore, we are made aware of the huge, modern cities the stup- enrousscenic grandeur, the gaiety and the way of life of the people. We explore every facet of fabulous Rio fe Janero, the grand boulevards, gorgeous Copacabana beach; Corcovado-Twenty-five hun- dred foot 'high peak surmounted by the most impressive statue of Christ on earth. There is much, much more, but why not come and see for yourself? Bring your friends. SEASON'S TICKETS 5.00 ---- STUDENTS 1/2 PRICE GENERAL ADMISSION Each Travelogue 1.00 STUDENTS 50c You will be edvised through the press, when tickets for the 1963-64 Series are ready. At thot time they will be obtainable from any member. of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, * Rock Hupson » -- Doris DAY - = ao ~~ Xt BD ARTS MONDAY IT JUST DIDN'T FIGURE... that they would...- that they could.., that they did! RANDALL Rock Hupson - Gina LoLLosricipa SANDRA Dee - Boppy Darin - WALTER SLEZAK EVERY EVENING FROM 7:30 INCLUDING SUNDAYS It's TODAY and SUNDAY gyn FEATURE AT 2:05 ~ 3:55 ~ 5:45 ~ 7:35 - 9:30 P.M, ON DOWN TO LONDON TOWN London...the pulse of a nation. Cosmopolitan, vital and varied. Site of noble deeds and rousing, robust living. Walk your way through history in Old London town. Fly your Super DC-8 Empress from Toronto to Lisbon, then to London by fast connection. Or stopover for a few days in sunny Lisbon. Just $31.20 more than flying direct to London. Food and service fit for royalty. See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office, TORONTO-LONDON Jet Economy Round trip via Lisbon *566 | HOLIDAY ALL THE WAY WITH 6 5 TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS . . * SAIL- WHITE EMPRESS _ NEWEST, LARGEST SHIPS TO EUROPE! With Empress of Canada and Empress of England, Canadian Pacific has the newest and largest ships on the St. Lawrence route to Europe. And, with Empress of Britain, offers unsurpassed ocean travel. Among the fabulous features; Unlimited deck space, gala parties, swimming pools, first-run movies, nurseries, gourmet meals, even a hostess to cater to your every whim! See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. MONTREAL-LIVERPOOL Tourist Summer fare from $244 and reser 3-2224 Pri . WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 Feature Presentat 1:15 - 3:20 - 5:25 racy 10 7:30 - 9:35 P.M. Pensons.. fe rtats oF ane aoe 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-9441

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