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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1963, p. 8

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Ladies' Civitan ---- ee Hold Successful Southmead Park Aux. j Feneest a. pong Inter-Club Night A t_Matrons' Club, The Ladies' Civitan Club oi : IODE (Prince Philip Ch.) Oshawa was hostess to clubs - £ IODE (Golden Jubilee Ch.) -|from East Toronto, St, Cath- Castle Chapter Alumnae , arines, Don Mills, and West To- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 feet Aux. ronto, recently at Sandalwood Restaurant and were entertain- 20th Scout Mothers' Aux. ed by the Acousti-Chords. TUESDAY Special guest; Mrs. Richard ' 2 SA Home League Pearseall, wife of the Civitan shia 4 Christ Church WA Governor, thanked the group on Lillian Jean Couves eS Canadian Legion Aux behalf of the guests, Mrs, Rob- : : TOPS Club e ert Malcolmson, president of Oshawa Club, introduced the Bride Of Charles D. Reesor eons head table and each club gave . agg eee UCcwW a report on the artivities for the ybolero and open-crowned - past year. . Se otavees with otis wae Queen Mary Sunshine convener, Mrs, the scene of an Eastertide wed- ied an old - fashoined Rundle Park Aux. Frank Simmons presented birth- ding when Lillian Jean Couves aes ae tae curyeesies Had Pisani ne og day corsages to those who had and Charles D. (Danny) Reesor|mums, The bridesmaids, Miss : Albert Street UCW "4 observed their special day in were united in marriage at alBetty Couves, sister of the King Street UCW Unit 10 a choral ceremony. The bride is|bride, Miss Marlene Badour, : Nominations for the election the eldest daughter of Mr. and|2"d_ Miss Marianne Vernon, : Le ie THURSDAY of officérs for the coming year cousin of the bridegroom, were ee : oe 50--50 Club will take place on the next ee. Arthur W Covess. Giver tia inec tatiana: ch the Uned of & _ : : 5th Group Committee night, May 27. bank, and the bridegroom is the th id ot Rene' : Sunbeam Chapter, OES Refreshments were served by Gesier t ogg Bn porn hy cy cosas «ol eye WINNERS OF THE public ance Union are standing, left ed, Pamela Hardie, silver |st, George's Eve WA the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. a Navi How chrysanthemums. speaking contest, held recent- to right, Gail Williams, Kath- medalist; Christine Cooper |Happy Doubles' Club John Merrithew. The Reverend David Harris ' ly in Centre Street United B Suthe and Jane'Scott, bronze medal- |Albert Street UCW Unit 4 The next executive meet Goremony, stsisted by'a former|Reesor, Wrother of the: brdc| CRMPER, and spdhsored by the 27 UN oor dain; seat. ists, Oshawa 'Times Photo |Eot, Club will be held at Mrs, John Kletz, ceremony, assiste a former f the e- ' erland, bronze m S; seal "4 shawa P ' Greenbank minister, the Rev-\groom, carried the rings on a| Women's Christian Temper ¢ Calvary Baptist WMS Tuesday evening, May 14. ' 2 Simcoe Street UCW erend S. R. Cooper, of Lehgtine Lg From a pag oe 'i 0 100 A d Christ Church Eve. Guild The wedding music was played|cushion trimm w: ace, W : , i en by: the .bridegroom's cousin,|from which cascaded white Orators in SOCIAL NOTICES ver tten St. George's Aft. WA LEGEND Mr.. F. Alan Reesor, Oshawa,|Streamers adorned with lily of Challenger Unit LONDON (CP)--At age 79, during the ceremony and sign-|the valley. WCTU M edals eo me Annual Banquet |*"¢ Steet ucw air pioneer Lord Brabazon is ing of the register. He also} Mr, William A. Blight, Osh- M bg William Sunder- P FRIDAY accompanied the soloist, Mrs.|awa, acted as best man for his F OOS ee Of 17th Guide Co. Christ Church Aft. WA John Dobson, Greenbank, wholcousin. The ushers were Mr.| Twenty contestants parti- |land anounce the engagement Simcoe Street UCW Unit 3. sta prep MARRIED RECENTLY sang "The, Lord's Prayer" and|William McMillian, Greenbank, of their daughter, Miriam ee ae er é. ' cipated in the public speakingiryaine, to Mr. John Mudrey,| The 17th Oshawa Brownie|capupnay ing with Joseph of Arimathea Mr, and Mrs, Vincenzo Vis- Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Canon- a, at ee down the prefs onic ghar tema: contest at' Centre Street United/son of Mr, and Mrs. John|and Guides held their annual) qj George's All Doubles bonged a: settled in conti are seen after their re- ico, Italy, and the bridegroom Jaisie by her father, and given|Mr. Neil Palmer, Toronto. Church recently, under the/Mudrey, all of Oshawa. The|Mother and Daughter banquet ury, cestershire, in St. Gre: g : i ; s - direction of Mrs. Charles Lang-|marriage is to take place on recently in the Salvation Army cent marriage in S°TYS 4¢ the son of Mr. and Mrs. |in marriage by her parents,| A reception was held in the field. Thi nnual event is|Sai May 18, at 2.00 p.m pany guide who represented Roman Catholic Church. Mrs. Raffele Visconti, Italy wore a floor - length gown of|church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. sone by tha. Women' age y> ected Gheensetat Hall, with over 100 guests pres-|central area at Iceland; Pack- e Visconti, the former Carmela seg frosted white silk organza over|Couves received assisted by Mr.| 2 isti T e Union saa Church ent. ies Susanne Bowers and Electrol sis Canonico, is the daughter of Mary's Studio |tareta. The fitted bodice wasland Mrs. Reesor. The bride's mow ic one ew ee and = Head table guests were: Ade-|J0anne McPhee and Parents' ; ANN LANDERS faring' Gilseed eeckline ont acess (a pomtded Nes whiner boon Ph a Lee, presi] Frcevony rapt HEN laide _ District --_------ Sua Mk Gees aot te Remnoves worts, moles and long yp' sores, mised eaturng'a hie ered. al "ry Proatants ware Pail rine Alexandra, daughter of 7,8, Crdner, Enyors|vay itr. 6. Gator present superfluous hae ; Mrs, Alexander Esson, Toronto, ed the badges. billowing skirt fell from a point-|sleeved jacket trimmed with a|Reid, Heather McLeod, Paull a0 iat. wr. Esson, to Mr.|™oir_of Bracebridge (former Over 15 Years' Experience Sh e C u ght Man ; ed waistline, accented by a|French rose of self material.|Manning and Jane Scott in the/q., Barry Neil Rogers, son of|//th Brown Owl); Mrs. Major flounce of fine lace, which de-|She wore a matching flowered|¥nder 9 years group; group 2,/17°" 204 Mrs Otto H. Rogers,|¥- Lewis, captain; Mrs. D. Mc-lf Ronald W, Bilsky, DC MARIE MURDUFF scended down the skirt forming|cloche hat, and white and black|10 to 12 years, bronze medal;|\0 400 'The marriage is to|£@chron (10th Company); Mrs. y "is »|Brenda Frauts, Lorraine Stiles, : P. O'Connor (10th Pack); Cap- CHIROPRACTOR wilt be In Oshawe et the se MMIII |and"scoun encrasea "phat |notber'choe wane ctemey Mrchetre fiend, Beyer iy) gise on Pray, Zane 2. sre Zohn. Wrigh Gal| --e tapacnes--_[fSemmstteAr 3 or But Can't Hold Him : ' edged flower held the bouffant|dress of madonna blue Chantilly| Sutherland; group 3, 10 to 12 Donlands. "United Church, To-|Company); Brown Owl Mrs. © SLIPPED DISCS PHONE 723-4641 ? three-quarter length circular|lace and peau de soie with ajyears, bronze medal; Cheryl) (11, : J. McPhee (17th Pack); Tawny , des dapelliaieh ca Cala Gait PB i silk illusion veil. She carried albell - shaped overskirt. Her|Milburn, Christine Cooper, Gail . Owl Mrs. Billingsham (17th); 100 King E. 728-5156 aE Dear Ann Landers: I was one, walking that way? Since when|white Bible, gift of the bride-|small flowered hat was in|Williams; group 4 bronze snus Keitha Mosier, the 2nd Com- of those foolish girls who fell forjis it indecent or immoral to|groom, on which rested a white|blending tones and her acces- se ii. Mag nia Rtn HOUSEHOLD a guy's looks. He was the/put your arms around some-|hybrid orchid from which felljscries were white and black. agg C Perit Ma Do aia To keep new spring shoes, spitting image of Rory Calhoun/one you love? white embroidered silk stream-|Their corsages were comprised] thew, 5 a i erine od aad belts or bags new-looking, treat and I thought I'd die from] The old fossil also said helers entwining white sweetheart|/of Talisman rosebuds. group Sh s at ener Bonnie| (tem with a clear paste wax. excitement whenever he smiled|didn't want to see any morelrosebuds and fern. Also receiving the guests were|8°S: ©2atron "acueod, Aly a thin coat of wax with TRAINING THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 27, 1963 7 Noted Hairstylist at me. fellows with blond peroxide! sme maia of honor was Miss|three grandmothers. The bride's Jean Butler, Donna Dragamatz,|, 'soft cotton cloth. When dry, = T chased Bart for three years.|streaks in their hair. This islpimn Couves, sister of the bride.|grandmother, Mrs. G, E|iyme Butler and Pamelalry with a clean, dry cloth for To Join Oshawa Salon I bought my own wedding ring|another step toward a dictator-\c1, ore a street - length dress|COuves, of Etobicoke, chose a M le Col a. Mich Fhstase polish. and cote 8 8 Sy Pe oak ene ge on hing arvaky of daffodil yellow taffeta, styled) Sey orThe be oem nany soe Karas ovenians at iiiecos Mig ; oo gf jenien at the stro which is sort of "a fad to let) With @ princess vie ab a mother te Ft Reese a Hall were introduced by Mrs. When yee suse CANADIAN SCHOOL |icrective Styling by John takes) Miss Dophne Els, our make-up penger 5 us i night last Jan-|people know théy belong to large: tall skirt, & Siprt "aieev' Perry, was wearing a navy blue|Harry Mellow. They spoke on SHOME-NURSING" OF BUSINESS pleasure in announcing Mrs.|consultant, whose charming per- uary. Bart was so plastered hejeach other. 101{ (Wo, Biece ensemble with azure|the Toc Alpha sessions held] aa» V.O.N, Nurse Christine Lyons noted hairstylist,| cnotity talent, and many helpful could hardly stand up through] Will you please take this up|waists is out of place in school|hlue accessories and Mrs. T, J.|¢4tlier in the year. a tale "UNEQUALLED" formerly with Vicky Runge and 4 sda the ceremony. in your column if you are onjcorridors. People who have res-|Blight, Toronto, wore a twoi The judges were Mrs. Allan 725-2211 r Paul Poque salons in Toronto, hints, will aid us with facial ton- Now I'm pregnant. He comes|°Ur side. If you aren't on our|pect for each other keep their|piece beige ensemble of em-|Dixon, Mrs. "Yalter Johnston} - "Home-Nursing Care for 728-7081 who will Join our staff this week.!ing. Advt. home whenever he feels like it, side, skip it.--LIBERTY ANDjhands to a in Be wirt broidered serrano with match- pene -- Pages ie EVERYONE" which is anywhere from mid- Dee Betsick Henry: Since agp eg Ricshencuapbsngie (=. gon oe blag Pgs Mrs. "Harty. Mele 'id the ; ' " : : 'were blended rose pink carna- I. £ peed Hl Borrod ef peo you seem to favor _--,, I BB ge pee! aineeks foritions. * pianist. i ther' will express myself -- even|boys are revolting. I've seen) Owing to in he bride's| Mrs. Lawrence Muldrew and ~ eo > ee ane though I'm not on your side. |some of these streaked charac- sakteraal fl han gD aig Mrs. Harold Parrott were in year-old. Walking with arms around'ters and they resemble pole-cats.|y7,.° Herbert T. Finney, of|charge of the refreshments. I've begged him to stay home Brampton, were unable to be like a husband should but it's present. HOUSEHOLD HINT no use. Please tell me what to For-the honeymoon trip to ' sah: itt do. I'm ready to take the gas wring, A Niagara Falls and later. to| Store grass seed of 2 pipe.--SHERRY points East, the bride wore ajSarden materials in cove Dear Sherry: Get off your ! costume of beige embroidered|Satbage cans. The close-fitting knees and stop acting like 5 : , serrano with a sandalwood|covers protect the contents you're honored to have this swagger coat, a small match-|from attack by moisture or jerk axed. : ae : y ing me. : seed eda pill box|Fodents. Insist that he go home to his p é at, chocolate rown acces- mother until he's ready to come 5 sories and a white orchid cor- back and behave like Vs ~-- if sage. The je hy | pon And remind him to drop the % '7 outfit was designed and made support checks in the mail. If ' by herself. you doormat wives would get : On their return, Mr. and Mrs. off the floor your husbands Reesor will make their home at would have more respect for 2275 Victoria Park avenue, Apt. you. No. 40i, Scarborough. Dear Ann Landers: This is a Out-of-town guests were pre- touchy one. We need the advice sent from Guelph, Elmvale, of someone who is not in the Barrie, Port Credit, Long immediate family circle. Branch, Toronto, Orono, Osh- A close relative has been awa, Perth, Brampton, George- pogo hs a ppiore sas town, Agincourt, West hill, Ux- an as become a scuilpiress. bridge and Port Perry. She presented our son = 4 ~ ib daughter-in-law with one of her z 3 ; ; i favorite pieces as a wedding é A ] Avoid Disappointment © WEDDING PORTRAITS gift. The young couple know a F @ WEDDING ALBUMS book your good bit about art and they ge SUMMER HOLIDAY don't want to use it in their is es soonest * Home, "My. husband eels hey] 2 «| Four Seasons Travet 3] 222land. Studd Ambitious? Then consider a banking career. Y i Bg a , Fully recognized by all airlines, : ' ' os Ede oa peng = , ; steamships, ete." 728-6201. 723-3680 The future has never looked brighter for young people starting a career in banking. a crushing insult if they didn't ar te lees at at. May oe Zs bea This is particularly true at The Bank of Nova Scotia, the fastest-growing bank in Canada. FIREWORKS DADDY'S GIRL We need able, ambitious young men to train for important senior positions. Dear Fireworks: If will not} Louise Anne Proulx, six and Mrs, William Diotte, Dal- a Your Scotiabank training will include chances to learn modern banking in different F ; jee e kill the couple to display the] years old today, is the daugh- keith, Ontari, and Mrs. John Mrs. Marion sculpture for a few weeks. It| for of Mr. and Mrs, J. R. B. Proulx, Glen Robinson, Om parts of the country--and a real opportunity for advancement in Canada or perhaps in would be especially generous of j ' Budner : °'| Proulx, «Pontiac avenue, She _ tario. key "oreign posts from Buenos Aires to Barbados, from London to Los Angel them to have the piece dis-| ; ; j y gnp o Los Angeles. played: 'when the ulptress|_° the granddaughter of Mr. --tIreland Studio ww 2 comes to call, we 7 SPECIAL Are you the kind of young man we're looking for? Most people rotate art. They f ' could easily rotate this partic- ular piece to the attic after a NO TICE few weeks. Dear Ann Landers: I always thought this country was a de- mocracy but it is getting more Fil C 1 L d io Russia every oa & Yester- | ter ween orp. t a our principal made a long- , winded couk wu boys dee has appointed Filter Queen Sales (Oshawa) as the girls walking in the halls with} exelusive factory authorized distributors for Sales thelr Arms around each other's! and Service in Ontario and Durham Counties. a Sta ge age No other agencies in this area are authorized by the _ Filter Queen Corp. to repair our products or honor our factory guarantees. BABYLAND To protect the public from expensive service charges the BARGAINS following recommended prices are listed below . . . Just in Time for Spring 12 for 1.50 Hew 1068 12.88 NEW NYLON HOSE REPAIR (using old fittings) with conopy MO I ON is bcc cconses . ches. vont 22.88 MOTOR REPLACED and ONE YEAR Convertible 19 88 WARRANTY ISSUED (maximum) BABY CARRIAGES... t POWER UNIT CHECK-UP INCLUDING NEW ., 8.88 SWITCH AND OTHER PARTS LESS THAN .. 1.88 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY 6.88 IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT -- Ea | a | EA Ea Ea Eid 2 Ea cal | es bal cal id Would you like to earn a good salary while Fie Oo you believe that successful people should you're building up an Impressive and increas- <i y take an active role in community life? lngly valuabl~ business background? Yes O No | She will be in our ) Cosmetic Department > to tell you how to care for your complexion x ee + ¢ Will plan a personal make-up chart for you... and will show you how to look your very best with -¢; DuBarry Beauty Preparations, ©. 'f Yes O No Oo Are you looking for a chance to move up ina di ion? Would you Ic ok forward to being posted, as sles, SXparwing orgenicat ae oO No i) part of your career training, to other parts of Canada or abroad? vesL) noL] : PB. Do you enjoy meeting all kinds of people? Prov, Yes @ No oO Check off your answers and then take this ti h the of your nearest Scotiabank branch. Or mail it to: Supervisor of Are you Interested In the financial aspects of Staff, The Bank of Nova Scotia, 44 King Street big and small businesses? Yes | No oO West, Toronto. BRE BBAREBEOTRBEsaee Sg 8 KING ST, E. -- 723-4621 ' bhi OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. BANK WILSON'S HP FREE DELIVERY THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA FURNITURE Filter Queen Sales (Oshawa) " : MORE THAN 650 OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND ABROAD 20 CHURCH STREET :W., 728-755 BEDPw gree Rese oe e e Co Ti eo) PMs > - BR Ser OK hp Pk od Ed Led a é é PLAY PENS..., ce PAG

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