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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Apr 1963, p. 9

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, * Koster's and Miss WED IN ST. GEORGE'S Caught by the camera after their recent marriage in St. George's Memorial (Anglican) Church are Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward McGahey. The bride Jo 'Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 29, 1963 9 is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Neimann, Halibur- ton and Mr. McGahey is the son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Charles McGahey, Oshawa. --Photo by Hornsby UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES LEGION AUX. NO. 43 The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, met for the weekly meeting with president, Mrs. Norman McEvers, presiding. Mrs, William Gibson and Mrs ¥. B, Blake were initiated and welcomed into the auxiliary. Bazaar goods were shown and final arrangemenis were made for the hazaar on May 7. Mem- bers are requested to have .the draw tickets in by this date. Buses will leave the bus ter- minal for Bowmanville, April 29, at 7.15 p.m. sharp. Buses to leave the bus termi- nal for the Zone Rally in Ajax,| May 15, at 6 p.m. 'sharp. A letter of resignation was read from Mrs; Cameron Oke as treasurer, an election was held and the new treasurer elected was Mrs. Leslie Brown. An invitation is to be extended to the Branch Padre, Officers and Executive and the social editor of the Oshawa Times for the twenty-five year dinner on June 4. An invitation was received from the branch to attend the Church Parade April 28, for the retiring of their colors, to St. Mark'e Anglican Church, A donation is-to be sent to the Veteran's T. B. Camp. Sick members: Mrs. A. Ken- nerly, Mrs. John Houston, Mrs George Lee and Mrs, Amos Toms are all at home. A meeting and social will be held Tuesday, May 14, at 7.30 om. ' CENTRE STREET UCW The United Church Women of Centre Street United Church held their monthly meeting in the church recently. East Unit was in charge' of the devotional service led by Mrs.: Watren G. Dickson. The theme was "Little Things'. Mrs. Fred Graham, president, conducted the business period. The secretary, Mrs. Dean Peel read the minutes and Mrs. Wil- Honeymoon In Married last Saturday in Grace Lutheran Ohurch were Miss Taru Anneli (Anne) Jalasjaa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eino Evald Jalasjaa, and Mr. William David Carson, son of Mr, and Mrs, William Pat- rick Carson, all of Oshawa. The Reverend Phillip Fiess officiated with Miss Mara Gau- mers as organist. She accom- panied the choir who sang 'O Perfect Love' and 'The: Lord's Prayer'. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a full- length gown of: white silk or- ganza accented by lace 4\appliques. The bodice was de- signed with a scoop neckline and petal - point long sleeves and the bel shaped skirt had a slight bustle adored with a self rose. A crown' of pearls and flowers held the bouffant finger- tip veil and she carried a cas- cade of pink Sweetheart roses and stephanotis. The maid of honor was Miss Phyllis Manuel with Miss Iris Jacenty and Miss Irene Carson as bridesmaids, They wore iden- tically styled dresses of -sky blue peau do faille with bell liam Dearborn gave the trea- surer's report. Mre, Fart flowers sent bereaved, Mrs. W. Miller gave a report on- Presbyterial Leadership meeting held at Eb r. James to renorted sick and skirts and scoop necklines. |Their jackets had, three-quarter |sleeves and were held at the |back by one buiion. Their inead- |dresses were matching cabbage |roses with short veils and they carried cascades of, pink and -- carnations. Mrs. William Dearborn, Eve- lyn Gordon Unit Leader, re- minded the United Church Women of the household ware demonstration which will held in Sunday School hall Mon- day evening, April 29. FIRST BAPTIST WA The monthly meeting of the WA of First Baptist Church was held in the home of Mrs. Edgar Alward, Rossland road. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Sydney Winsiey, who read the scripture lesson from St. Luke, 24th chapter; also gave a talk on '"'Women of Calvary" and the four Mary's of the Bible. An invitation was received from the Dorcas group to . at- tend 'a special missionary meet- ing at the church on May 7 at eight o'clock. Plans were made to cater to several banquets month of May. It was decided to have a copper tontest. Mrs. John Darey and Mrs. Edgar Anderson were appointed as captains. Birthday greetings were sung to Mrs. Boyce Waram. Mrs. Richard Britton closed) the meeting. } The hostess served refresh-| ments assisted by Mrs. E, Well- man. SIMCOE STREET UCW (Cameo Unit) The Cameo Unit of Simcoe Street United.Church held its meeting for April in the church parlors with the president, Mrs. Harry Howe, presiding. The minutes and treasurer's report were given by Mrs. Harry James, | Dr. Thornton H&S Marks Anniversary! By Varied Program| The April meeting of the Dr. Robert Thornton Home and School Association marked the twenty-seventh birthday of the association. The flower fund was given by |Mrs. Walter Kilburn. Plans were made for a smor- gasbord supper, May 4. Members were reminded of the rummage sale, May 7. Mrs. Harry James was in charge of the devotional period in the ab- sence of Mrs. Douglas Ogden with Mrs. Maurice Hutchison assisting in reading the 'scrip- ture lesson. during the by l¢ ithe groun some pictures of Ire- |land which she visited the past |year. Mrs, Howe thanked Mrs. | Wallace. | Mrs. Douglas Ogden's group served refreshments. SIMCOE STREET UCW (Sunshine Unit) The regular meeting of the Sunshine Unit was held with 16 members present. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs. Colin Daniel and Mrs. Roy Bunker. Miss Milicent Lxke was the guest speaker and' gave some new aspects of Stewardship. A piano duet, 'Two Move- ments from Beethoven," was played-by Miss Caroline Hay- ward and Miss Dolores Allen. Refreshments were served by the members of the group led Mrs. Cecil Crawford and Mrs. Ernest Cowle. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD (Westmount Group) The Westmount Group of St. George's Womens Guild held the afnual pot luck, supper in the Parish Hall recently, with Mrs. Peter Syperek and Mrs. E. M. Ostler acting as_host- esses. Special guests were the Reverend and Mrs. F. G. Ong- ley and son Brittain. Ashort business meeting was held, presided over by Mrs. Cecil Rowden. Mrs. Peter Syperek read the minutes. Plans were made to cater for a wedding, Saturday, May 4 with Mrs, E. N. Weldon as con- vener. A rummage sale will be held in the Parish Hall, May 10. The next meeting-will be Fri- day, May 24, instead of May 17. Mrs. Arthur Tuson and Mrs. L. G. Trehern are to be hostesses. The WA are holding a bazaar, May 9. day, May 6: The evening closed with a talk by Mrs, Walter Branch on her recent trip Russia. She was introduced by Mrs. Cecil Rowden and thanked Mrs. Charles Wallace showed The Fine Arts chairman, Mr. by Mrs. E. N. Weldon. Mr. And Mrs. William Carson United States Mr. Donald Kerr was the best man with Mr. Eldon Crouse and Mr, Bert Jalasjaa'as ushers. The bride's mother received in 'a gold brocade sheath dress, matching jacket, . gold hat, brown accessories and a@ cor- sage of yellow Swetheart roses and white feathered carnations, at the reception in the church hall. _ Assisting, the -- bride- groom's mother chose a pink linen ensemble, beige acces- sories, white hat, and a corsage of pink Sweetheart roses -and white feathered carnations. When the bridal couple left o¢n a motor trip through. te New England States, the bride was wearing a Burgundy red two - piece knit suit, black patent accessories and a cor- sage of white feathered carna- tions, : On their return Mr. and Mrs. Carson will make their home in Oshawa. Bonnie S. Gannon Franklin Branton Wed On Saturday Gowned in white, Miss Boty nie Sharon Gannon became the bride of Mr, Franktin Branton last Saturday in First| Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Charles Gannon and «Mr. Branton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Branton, all of Rehan The ceremony was performed by the Reverend N., F. Swack- hammer with Mr. John Robert- son as organist and Miss Sybil Langmaid, great-aunt of the bride, soloist, The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown de- signed by herself of peau de soie. The bodice was fashioned with a piped scoop neckline and elbow-length sleeves adorned with self rosettes. The bell Orville PLAN MAY Miss Nora Maxine Yates and Mr. Douglas Earl Puck- rin have chosen May 25 for their marriage in Ajax Bap- tist Church. The bride-elect is "\by Mr. Frank Shine, Adminis- WEDDING the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Yates, Ajax, and her fiance is the son of Mr, and Mrs. C. T. Puckrin, Whitby. Horton. Studio, Ajax ~ TO BE WED May 26 is the date set for the marriage of Miss Lorna Blaine Bellingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bell- ingham, R.R. No. 3, Bowman- ville, and Mr, Allan Milton Ringel of San Francisco, son of the Jate Mr. and Mrs, Allan Ringel. The ceremony is to take palce in San Francisco. LODGES AND SOCIETIES shaped skirt was accented on the front by a fabric rose and was completed by a_ chapel train. A pearl teardrop half- crown held her elbow-length bouffant veil and she carried a tear-drop cascade of red roses. Miss Patricia Payne was the maid of honor with Miss Lyn Cragg and Miss Donna Gannon as bridesmaids. They wore gowns of turquoise peau de soie! featuring scoop necklines, short raglan sleeves and bell skirts. They wore matching rose head- dresses. The maid of honor car- ried a teardrop cascade of pink DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA The Daughters of Isabella Circle held its monthly meeting at St. Gregory's auditorium re- cently. The Regent, Mrs. William Eyre, presided and Mrs. Frank Copeland, chafcellor, opened the meeting. 4nient '|Mourtioy and Miss Florence F | Langmaid. Receptions Held For Bonnie Gannon Prior To Marriage A trousseau tea was held by Mrs, Hugh Gannon recently in honor of her daughter, Bonnie Sharon, who was united in mar- riage last Saturday to Mr, Franklin Orville Branton, Pouring tea were the bride's grandmothers, Mrs, Everett Mounyjoy and Mrs. Bdwin Crocker, Toronto, and the bride's aunts, Mrs. Douglas Har- rison, Toronto, Miss Beatrice Serving were Mrs, Norman Gower. Mrs. Percy Mountioy and Mrs, William MacGregor. Assisting were Miss Robyn Rice, Miss Gayle Patterson, Miss Dar- lene Christie, Miss Jeanette Couture and Miss Eleanor Mountjoy. ' Displaying the trousseau were Miss Gonna Gannon, Mrs. Rus- sell Craggs, Miss Marilyn Lang- maid, Miss Norma Gower and Miss Carol Gardner. In charge of the guest book were Miss Gloria Mountjoy and Miss Brenda Gower. The bride's twin sisters, the Misses Janice and Jill Gannon and the bride- groom's sister, Miss Cindy Branton received at the door. Among the showers in honor of the bride-to-be was a linen and crystal shower held at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs,| Douglas Harrison, Toronto. Mrs. Percy Mountjoy, Kedron, was hostess at a pantry shower, and Mrs, Norman Gower, Drew street, Oshawa, was hostess at a linen shower, assisted by her daughter, Miss Norma Gower. A. miscell shower was The new j 4 the circle, will attend their in- itiation in Toronto, Sunday, May) 26. This week-end the Daughters) of Isabella will be leaving for| a retreat at Mount Cenicle, and white chrysanthemums with) the bridesmaids carrying tur-| quoise' and white chrysanthe-|David Currie, son of Mrs. Rus-|shower. | mums, The best man was Mr- James|Frank Flynn, will be ordained|th, Piper with Mr. James Hill, Mr. Robert Wright and Mr. Russell Craggs as ushers. - The reception was held in the church hall with 'the bride's mother receiving in a gold bro- cade taffeta sheath dress, matching jacket, yellow acces- sories and a corsage of yellow roses. The bridegroom's mother chose a sheath dress of navy blue and pink print under pale blue organza, with jacket, white accessories and a cérsage of pink roses. The bride was wearing-a tur- quoise and white suit with matching coat, }lack and' white accessories and a corsage of The next meeting will be Mon-| to} turquoise and white carnations when the bridal couple left on their honeymoon trip to Nia-| gara Falls. | Mr, and Mrs. Branton willl make their home at 44 Quebec! street, Oshawa. | Alan Jackson, pr ted a var- fed program. Musical entertain- ment was provided by the or- chestra from the Slavik Evan- gelical Christian and Baptist Church, conducted by Mr. Wal- ter Zaika. They played three se-| lections entitled: "There is a Fountain", "I Will See the New Heaven and Earth', and "My Brother Time Will Awaken from Sin". The Boys' Triple Trio from. the school, under the di- rection of Mr. William Haynes, sang, "Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming". | An art display included work by the pupils as part of their regular school work, and an ex- hibition of paintings by some of | the people who have ben at.) tending the special art classes; at the school, which have been) conducted "by ' Mrs. May) Deevers. | Mrs, George Delaney i ntro-| duced Mrs. Deevers, who. spoke} on the different art and craft forms. She also gave a short demonstration of pottery«mak-) ing, and answered questions re-| garding different problems re-/ lating to oil painting. | Mrs. Hartley Delaney; presi-/ dent, conducted a short business) meeting. She announced that} Mrs, Arthur Joynt had accom-| panied her .to the Annual Con-' vention which was held in To- ronto on April 17, and the new| procedures adopted would be gradually 'integrated into the; chapter. It was also decided that the bazaar and fun fair will be held again this fall. | Refreshments were served by; Mrs. Charles Brydges, assisted | by mothers of pupils from Miss) Dilworth's! classes eS Room count was won by Mr. William Haynes. Lifetime of Beauty ALUMINUM @ Quality Materials @ Expert Workmanship ®@ Reasonable Before you p get int, repair or the facts about"aluminum siding. No other exterior finish offers you so much, and it practically for complete pays for itself in savings. Phone details today! FREE ESTIMATES YOUR zy HEADQUARTERS eo OR Aluminum Awnings Aluminum Doors & Windows Aluminum Siding Seven PAINT BILLS ¢ LOW COST e WON'T ROT OR WARP ¢ WON'T PEEL OR CRACK 7 "Serving Oshawa and Area Over 11 Years" Les Eveniss Sales Ltd. | : 725-4632 (Evenings 723-2707) 15 PRINCE ST. Hamilton. = On Jyne 1, the Reverend Mr. sell Currie and brother of Mrs.| at St. Michael's Cathedral, To-| ronto, The members will gather. at a tea on June 2 at St. Gre- gory's to honor the Reverend Mr. Currie. held at the home of Mrs. Gor- don Brown, Park road «south, assisted by Miss Marilyn Lang- maid and Miss Diane and Mas- ter Douglas Brown. Mrs, Russell Craggs, Cordova road, was hostess at a personal After the wedding rehearsal, e bridal party was entertain- ed at the ome of the bride- groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Branton, Lakeshore road. Refreshments were served by| Mrs. Ronald McKenna. PROMOTE CULTURE PARIS (Reuters)--The aim of the Association of French Lan- guage Universities is to promote French culture throughout the world, Msgr..Irenee Lussier, rector of the University of Mon- treal, said Saturday. The rec- tor, president of the Association des Universites Entierement ou Partiellement de Langue Fran- caise founded in Canada in 1961, was addressing the. association's Origin Of Separate Schools | Heard At CPTA Meeting Finance, It solves the financial Mr, Robert G. Laidlaw, ex- ecutive director of the Ontario Separate School Trustees' Asso- ciation, Toronto, was the princi- pal speaker on a panel discus- sion at St. Christopher's CP-TA meeting. : The speaker was introduced trator -of Oshawa Separate School Board, who moderated the panel composed of Mrs. Winona Clark, Mr. Michael Rudka. and Mr. Louis Hughes, all members of the board, - As an introduction to the Bishop's Brief which was pre- sented to the Legislative el, in 1962, Mr. ogg dat S ana | to the eighteen hundreds and\the legal origins of separate schools con- stitutional guarantees. The panelists asked questions of Mr, Laidlaw that are most frequently asked by the public. The audience was also given the opportunity to submit writ- ten questions, A special infor- mation issue of the Catholic Trustee booklet entitled "Spot- light on Ontario's Separate Pub- lic Schools' was handed out. This contains the answers con- cerning the why's and where- fore's of the Bishops' brief that have been: plaguing the public in general, Mr. Laidlaw also gave a con- cise coverage of the brief pre- property taxes, - said that Catholic parents do not sell their religious educa- tion enough. Our the same qialifications as Pub- lic Schoc! teachers because they take the same course of and examinations. In teaching they may use different tex books, but in essence, are the' same. ; ed followed by the secretarial report by Mrs. Stanley Stovin and the treasury report by Mrs. Adrien Carriere, roblem without involving the toric difficultes concernng Mrs, 0, M. MoMurtry. Our May program will have a panel © © to answer the questions put in our question. box: : In summng up, Mr. Laidlaw have Mrs. Gordon Dignam thank- ed Mr. Laidlaw on behalf of all present. added, quote "praise for such dedica ing desperately for our Catholic education," ; Father Gignac-- also men who are work- 'Mrs. Kenneth Johnson presid: Business highlights were: The first communicants will re- ceive rosaries this year the PTA. A constitution will drawn up at the May mi and sent to Toronto for approv- al. It is, hoped the results will be known for the June meeting. A nominating committee. was appointed for the coming elec- tions consisting of Mrs. Rudy Nagel, Mrs. T. J: Cotnam and sented to the Provincial Gov- ernment on December 12, 1962 by the Ontario Separate School Trustees' Association and L'Association des Commissions! des Ecoles Bilingues "d'Ontario, | jointly representing 773 boards! in this province, endorsing a} plan commonly known as the} Foundation Program of School) SATIN SHOES 9.99 DYED FREE TO MATCH ony color, All sizes TAMMY Fashion Shoes 79 SIMCOE N. 728-2491 Etectrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair, Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa et the Genosha Hotel, April 29, 30, May 1 PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these detes first full meeting, ait"éane Mud is hard on leather. To shoes, rinse remove it from ith warm water, then rub in. leather is Ronald W. Bilsky, DC _ CHIROPRACTOR © HEADACHES © SLIPPED DISCS 100 King E, ~ 728-5156 A. E. 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