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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Apr 1963, p. 16

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ws FLAG FROM POLAND Scoutmaster Z. Kliber, left, t of the 14th Polish Scout troop, is seen as he passes on the colors' to patrol leader, Joe monies held Sunday at the Polish Hall, located on Ban- 'land and sent to Oshawa Lipieg, during colorful cere- . ting avenue, The flag was es- pecially embroidered in Po- where it will officially sym- bolize the Polish Communityy in the city. Looking on at cen- sioner. tre are §. Podkowinski, left, commissioner for Polish scout- ing in Canada, and A. Jan-|but it was hoped they would be jowski, right, district commis- ~--Oshawa Times Photo MONTREAL (CP) -- Cairine R. M.-Wilson of Ottawa has been re-elected national presi- dent of the Canadian Save the Children's Fund. . More than 60 out-of-town del- tes and several from the 'ontreal area"attended the two day annua! meeting whi ended Saturday. First Vice - President Scott of Toronto said the spent $633,800 on wel- fare projects in several under- developed countries in the last ear. Cash received from dona- ons was $750,746. Kenric Marshall of Toronto, the organization's national di- rector, said that despite super- -|ficial signs of progress in fea, conditions in that country Al "as bad as in 1953 and More efforts, he said, should tire families in Korea so that they could eventually become "independent of any kind of '| charity." He recently travelled to Ko- rea to study conditions there. Miss L. Craft of Toronto re- ported that 2,766 Canadian spon- sors were helping support 3,423 children in several countries under the CSCF sponsor-a-child plan, Sponsorships were terminated in Algeria because of the "cha- otic political situation" there resumed, This year the organ- ization hopes to begin a spon- sorship program in Basutoland, Africa. Steel Makers ' OPENS SHIPPING The CSCF 4&lso announced here. Besides being the first/plans to distribute 400 layettes SARNIA" (CP)--The German|ocean ship to enter Lake Huron/for Eskimo babies in Canada Save Children Fund: : President Re-Elected ich Barbados and Algeria. be spent on rehabilitating en- 000.000 COW tw Hee WY etna wetter FOE GY OE ET IND % oh we a sent to a number of needy In-|world's underprivileged .will go pa) ---- ogg oceg dian families. on and will fucceed over the| ion oT saecaataceeed PHeo Mrs. W. Forman of the spe- body e western clvil- cial projects department saidjization if we . . . make that|dumo' s "na Special Posage emergency shipments of 180,000|the necessary -ondition of their d pounds milk were sent to} Success. \ Quick Grenada, Morocco, Italy, Mr, Marshal! said that while Greece, Korea, Hong Kong, The|the fund must continue its pro-| MELPfor grams < feeding, clothing and food pod Scott Montgomery was re- educating children, it must also elected first vice-president for the conden to help create liv- - a conditions which will enable or Get > ee on Lie parents to perform these tasks.| ' tare ee serve as honorary secretary-|: "Above all we must be pre-| :meh'better you feel tomorrow. treasurer, Mr. Marshall said Canada does far less than it could and should do to aid the billions of starving, uneducated peo- ple who inhavit the world's un- derveloped countries. Canada spent about $85,000- 000 on aid to underdeveloped countries last year, but the fund has unfilled requests for assistance totalling nearly $100,- FRONT-END ALIGNMENT au cars #95 An 'country which can nd $970,000,000 a oe aleel 'ey PHONE pa yy ear on alcohol SOHN B EAN 728-6221 tor READY CASH for house repairs Canadians everywhere use Niagara loans, up to- $3,000.00 or more, for many worthwhile things. Why don't you? at the race "Visualiner"' tracks can afford to do much more, Mr. Marshall said. Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service He said a third of the world's; total population of 3,000,000,000, |} OF OSHAWA is undernourished and all over} the world these people are as acting against, and in many cases are in revolt against"| their whole condition of life. Apart from humanitarian rea- sons, "It is evident that unless the 'have' nations take action on a scale hitherto undreamed/ of the so-called population will] explode right in our faces." | eppointment The dependable source of Cash NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 286 King Street West, Tel. 728-1636 Spon Mi nds Pon Reader et 5 Open Fridey 9 to 8 p.m. -- Closed Seterdeye Branches Throughout Ontorio GENERAL "With or without our help. . .| our sympathy .. . our under-| Standing, this struggle of the| 534 RITSON RD. S. ; this year, the "olaris was the/through the department of freighter Polaris made portli<+ 'into' the ports of Toronto,|northern affairs. In co-opera- Sunday to open officially the/Toledo, Ohio, and Bay City,|tion with the Indian and Es- ocean - going shipping season! Mich. kimo Association, clothing was G sivertisement about monty T Expect Big May Output CLEVELAND (AP) -- Steel * producers expect May to be} their biggest month in more *than three years, with an. out- = put of about 11,500,000 tons, % Steel Magazine reports. That * would be the hést monthly 4 production since March, 1960. @ The mag says steel de- @ mand is strong because metal- $ working activity is nearing a record h, steel consumption Ht expanding seasonally and us- ers are building their invento- & ries as protection against a pos- @ sible strike or another round. of ®@ price increases. © Steel says production will in- ® crease this week for the 14th @ strafght week. Last week's es- Stimated output was 2,550,000 » tons, an increase of 1.2 per cent "compared with the previous = week. Operations are at about «84 per cent of unofficial capac- © ity, the publication says. L 4] Forest Fires Burn In Ontario TORONTO (CP) -- Forty-one forest fires were burn- ing in Ontario Sunday, with the fire danger in all areas rang- ing from moderate to extreme. Kenora district reported two * fires, Sault Ste. Marie four, @ Sudbury 17, North Bay three, # Party Sound eight, Tweed four,|« ® and Port Arthur, White River « and Lindsay one each, De Gaulle Ends Seven-Day Tour ® TROYES, France (Reuters)--| % President de Gaulle has ended *-a seven-day tour of northern © France during which. crowds © hailed him personally and dem- # onstrated their backing for his # nuclear arms policy. 4 Thex® was no sign of the drop gi his personal popularity pre- @ dicted by public opinion experts ® following the recent widespread | strikes in France's state-owned coal mines and transport indus- REUSCH Heres King Size cigarette smokers asked for du MAURIEP il KING SIZ If you can check any SIX of these yes-boxes, chances ar e People who prefer a King Size cigarette have been asking, "Why can't we buy King Size we can make you a Personal Loan _ ---yes-box cennsneteesees du MAURIER?" Today, they have their answer. du MAURIER is now available in King Size as well as regular. You get the same high-grade aged Virginia tobacco that makes regular size da MAURIER Canada's most popular filter cigarette. You get | Have you been steadily employed for at least two years? @ Is your wite,employed? [J Do you have a permanent address? Do you have a satistactory borrowing record? } 'eee | | Do you h ik t? | o you have a bank accoun' } hos | } the same exclusive "Millecel" super filter which is known by millions of Cariadians eeesititses pe | a Do you own a car? | Do you own any real estate? -- bo you have any other savings. | such as bonds or life insurance? (cash surrender value) ¢ to be the most effective filter yet developed for truly milder smoking pleasure. Now, at last, smokers who prefer a King Size cigarette can make the change to the Cigarette of Good Taste. Pick up du MAURIER King Size in the familiar red and silver pack --and enjoy full King Size at just a pennymore a pack. CLIP HERE ! : try. & 'At Troyes Sunday he drew| * long applause when he spoke of g@ a French 'independent nuclear & deterrent @nd said "we must = have power, not in order to 2 dominate anybody or conquer * anything, but to be fully, our- jj selves." ' « i . | w * Couple, 3 Children - . . = Die In House Fire = CAP D'ESPOIR, Que. (CP)-- * A mother, father and their rm three children died early Sun- « day when fire destroyed their ® Tecently-built home in this vil- ® lage on the Baie des Chaleurs. e victims wete Arthur = Gale, 40, his wife Marcelle, 31, = and their children Linda, 9, * Larry, 7, and Joyce, 2. The tragedy brought to 10 the number of fire victims in east- ern Quebec in the last week. Five children of the Albert For- gues family died in a fire at Berthier-enBas Thursday, NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Imperial Oi] Ltd., 3 mos. * ended March 31: 1963, $19,400,-|-- 61 cents a share; 1962, $19,- . ,000, 63 cents, ' Locomotive Work mos. ended March 31: et loss $73,000; 1962, net & Yes-Boxes are The Toronto-Dominion Bank's latest contribution to the art of making banking easier. They help to list some of the informa- tion we need to know about you, And they 'help us to process your loan more quickly and conveniently. Here's what to do if you'd like a loan for some worthwhile purpose. Go through the Yes-Boxes you see above. If you can check at least six, then clip the coupon and take it along to one of our branches./ Have a friendly chat with the people there, (Since you'll have a lot | : of the necessary details, there'll bea minimum of | formalities.) You'll find that Yes- Boxes make life % easier inso many ways. If your present TV is acting up, get 'another the Yes-Box way. Example: you can borrow the (4 price of a new set, $250 and repay just $11.55 monthly for 2 years. Need a new stove or refriger- ator? The $400 raf = you'll probably want for a new one can be yours for just $18.47 monthly over 2 years. And if your car sense tells you it's time to trade, borrow what you need from The Bank. (Any amount to fit your requirements, any repayment schedule up to 3 years.) Talk your néeds over with the friendly people at The Toronto-Dominion. dn fact, eall in right now, they'll:be expecting you. TORONTO-DominNIoN EELurd Where people make the difference More than ever, the trend today is to du MAURIER ¢ du + WHY NEW du MAURIER KING, SIZ& COST A PENNY A PACK MORE Today, du MAURIER {s Canada's mast popular filter cigarette. We believe there are two reasons for this: the finest high-grade aged Virginia tobac- ¢o and the exclusive 'Millecel" super filter to give you truly milder smoking pleasure. -- The penny more a pack for du MAURIER King Size is your guarantee that nothing about this ex- cellent cigarette has been changed There is Something Special about du MAURIER TIVETUeS ESCs ees Bet ae » O 4 WY, W P?SStt eset SPEAK INDIAN MEXICO CITY (AP)--A gov- = ernment survey shows about e 1,000,000 Mexicans -- out of a) * total 35,000,000 population--can't © speak a word 'of Spanish but | ™ use magient Indian dialects. --_ A PRODUCT OF PETER JACKSON TOBACCO LIMITED Makers of Fine Cigarettes W. R. SINGLETON, Manager 566 King Street East H. J. HISCOX, Manager Whitby " G. B. MILES, Manager King & Simcoe Sts i. E. ERWIN. Manager South Oshawa 532 Simcoe South

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