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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 May 1963, p. 17

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Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 7, 1963 17 )8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 NESS SERVICE DIRECTORY BUS Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Mortgages Sales and Service YouR taetre CHIMNEY cleaner. TOP SOIL, manure, sod and PRIVATE and corporation monies. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J SCOTT 16--Female Help Wanted 16--Female Help Wanted HOUSFRKEEPER wanted for five-room home, able to take for busi-} RELIABLY girl or woman for general household duties. Live in. pale ps op gli. Mog ronment ye ie oy fi--d Grill, Telephone 725-4217, FXPERIENCED help for Variety Store, to Smith's Morag ao Sim- ith or telephone WAITRESSES required for modern air condi! shop. App'y in per DEPENDABLE to care for ehild and do Cor oe ae Boraine, BEADLE AND CO., Char- Accountants, 172 King Street, Sone Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. 7 ;. FRIEDLANDER om Co.s kde A Licensed Trus tees in Bankruptcy 64 King Street East, Oshawa, 722-7371. nursery |, gas lin-jstock. Reasonable rates, Telephone ings inexalled,, aucaacee vacuumed, Free} 725-1721. estimates, 723-2907. ROTO TILLING done. Reasonable rates GRAVEL, 90 per Sam stone, fine gra-|Mr, Jack Mulligan, Brooklin, 655-4936, vel, sand, top soil, Phone 728-9530. MANURE 50 cenis per bushel. NEW PLASTERING, repairs, loan on all types of mortgages; phe) gates and agreements of sale pur- chased, im, Drynan and Mur- doch, (See heading "'Barrister.) a FIRST cad SECOND poerten ts Sale Purchased sold. Hennick aa feat nea Barristers, 31 Art's Gun Repair Custom gun work, re- blueing, refinishing, mod- ification. bg distributors for cosmetics to work in Oshawa, Moda or full-time. Write Box 425, Oshawa Times. POPULAR ce DECEPTION slaciohen @ witiant DECEIVING. pi gee OBJECTS SEEN OVER SEEM FARTHER, SREH Cant RAN OLY BEALAT Bring stucco MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEL, andj work. Stoops, sidewalks. A. Woods, 725- Chartered 5092, Co., Accountants, /28-7527, your own containers. Soh ag on three 668-3523. or more. 805 Athol G Roto- aa as 395 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax 'WH 27-0090, Whitby MO 8-431, eae CYS Accounting Service, bookkeeping service, 184 Bond 723-7605. ROOFING, shingling; roof and gable louvers installed. Siding, carpentry alterations, workmanship, materials) cepap guaranteed. H. Tucker, 728-0826. BULLDOZING and excavating. Free estimates. Call i deg tg 26 Hill- pent i-Mate talented TSE Pub-} HAROLD E. DEWAR, Accredited court, Drives, Whitty, ee Accountant. Commercial Building,| 906 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-2221./ExPERT ROOFING and roof repair BAYMOND B. PROSSER, CA, Charter-|Work guaranteed. W. Walbridge, 33 Figg seve 906 Centre Street North, iting Avenue, 728-9970. 668-5447. ALL TYPES of building repairs, root- spring planting. Harold Aldred. Phone 725-8985. , CEDAR TREES for hedges, cte., all sizes, choice quality guaranteed, Free [eh Telephone for Tele. Bowmanville 623- Guns bought, sold; CONFUSED. "ABOUT SECOND MORTGAGES? To obtain your free, illus- PROFIT BY reaching your best loan 3. with an Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 to- day for more information. strated brochure on sound second mortgage financing of --_ t yoarat HOSMAR, chartered Oshawa, ant, 323 King eet West, Telephone 723-1221 or 668-5429. LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, ate Public Accountant, Suite 205, awa Centre, 725-9953. WILSON AND BURROWS, chartered accountants, 114 King street east, Osh- awa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, CAs G. Burrows, CA. 728-7554, ing, stoops. Gordon May, 728-034. ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing our specialty, new work and _ repairs, ates and small, jobs. L. and H. Roof- ing and Construction, 725-6937. GORD'S Janitorial Service Spring cleaning, floors, walls and ceilings, windows, plas- ter repair. 723-1302 after 4 _| ~ Home Improvements Roofing, eavestroughing, painting, cupboards, floor tiling. General repairs of all kinds. No job too big or small, All work guaranteed. Financing at bank rates. Call us/ anytime. 728-2061. P. NELLIS, '19 Colborne E. Cartage |JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equipped and insured. 728-2661 Appliance Service pets sd_ sates tite einen Ee GEWING MACHINE tune-ups, all mod- els by. your Elna 'aan Oshawa Sew- ing Centre, 329 Sim Street South. 728-2391. Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West -- 728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" Barristers JAMFS A. MacDONALD, "BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary 'Si The Commercial Building, 266 Kin, West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park-/Dressmaking _ Sng avaliable. 735-4716 oF ma. 4717. _|DRESSMAKING, _ alterations, IGHTON, "DRYNAN AND/sewing. Reasonable rates, 5 CRDOOM, Barristers, Solicitors, No-|Jebert, 188 Elizabeth Crescent, Whitby. taries Public, Bank of Commerce 668-3745. Building, 5 Simcoe Street North. Osh-| DRFSSMAKING, alterations, awa, Ontario, 723-446; Residences sewing, trousseaus, children's 7, ¥. Creighton, QC; G. M. Drynan|ete Mrs, Lyon, 168 Beatrice 84; G 725-0863. QC, 728-85 Murdoch, 723-4788. 'and agreements of sale pocaeie be Irfebllgerrelgpelet dressmaking, altera-/ tions, pant . Reasonable rates. | bought, sold and arranged. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- tor. 34 Simeoe Street South, 723-9602. | Mrs. Eiaridge,, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. | Residence 728-0264. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Golicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, 728-7336; Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. = Tf. SALMERS, |, BA, Barrister, , Soliel- tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street. North. Office 723-1101. Residence 725-5542. _BRUCE ¥. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Ts Public. Mortgage funds available, 36% King Street) East, 723-1107. Res. 985-7163. LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- eitor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King Btreet East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll- ettors, etc., 114 King Street East. Dial) 72-2278. Residence Phones: J, M.) Greer, QC, 725-3368. Terence V. Keliy,| BA, BCL, 728-5832. RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, vents Public, 52% Simcoe North. 728-2891. RALPH JONES. BA and THOMAS HB. peo reat Associate Barristers and Soli- 1@0 King Street East. 728-6246. Satcass loans available. J08F PH ee ae te QO, Barrister, Bolicitor. loan. Office 14% King Street bos gh ell '728-8232. INNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD SWARTZ. Barristers, Solicitors, jotaries, Money to loan. Henry Block, 26% King Street East, 723-4697. Resi- dence, dial 723-4029. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. pm Business 723-2201; Resi- 728-5373. ae BOYCHYN and HILL- | | general 5. general |-- wear,| Street,| Fuel and Wood | SCRAP HARDWQOD, one ft. lengths, $7.75 single cord Melivered. 12 until 1 or after 4 p.m. 723-2281. STOVE-LENGTH slab wood, cord at Woodley's Saw Mill, Tyrone. Telephone Hampton 263- $6, RR 1, 2121, Gardening and Supplies MANURE, mixed, delivered any piace, |full truck load, $2.50 r yd, small orders, $3. per yd. Telpfhone Bowman- ville 623-3441. goon TOP SOIL foh sale. Telephone arl Bottrell, Sand ond Gravel, Hamp- ton 263-2682. |GARDENS, lawns, Roto-tilled. Ready for planting. Reasonable. Glen Munro, }414 Park Road South. 725-7887 after 5. TOP soil, driveway gravel, cement, gravel, sand fill. Phone Eric Branton, 2660, BEVERWICK GARDENS Perennials, Evergreens, House Plonts. Prices from $1.30 up Sodding, Top Soil, Shrubbery Highway 12 North of Whitby Dial Brooklin 655-3049 CROSS TOWN | CALL FOR SOD PHONE 725-8504 Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots leveled. Loaders. Trucks for hire. BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 Sheep and Cow MANURE Well Rotted DELIVERED By load $8 and $6 Per Bushel $1 _ Phone one 728-7: 7435 _ Better Gardens By "Whitby, other 668-2761, mortgage , funds available Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax Returns. Statements prepared BC services, 706 Newman Crescent, 668- 6252. Building Trades HOLCAN CONSTRUCTION, brick and block » stone masons, chimneys and repairs. Whitby 663-5095. HYDRO SILICA BRICK CLEANING No dust - No dirt will mot damage brick for free estimates ca $tan's Sharpening And Rental -Ltd. _223 King W. 723.3224 and |GARDEN CENTRE. REPAIRS STUCCO, STOOPS | ond basement. All repairs and new work. No job to small, Estimotes free. Guar- onteed work. Call after 6 ~~ 798-3097 Open Nights Till 9 B. & G, Plastering Sundays for visitots Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results. | | | | Evergreens, flowering shrubs, shade trees. Ready to plant. Thousands to choose from, Flagstone: Patio Rockery Top Soil, Sod, Seeds Complete Garden Service Pruning, Spraying, Alteration Call us for estimates. 1259 Simcoe St. North 723-3222 Charge 6 consecutive days. . 4.13 3 consecutive days 2.48 Count ecch word, Initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. Box number ; 15¢ 2 If not pald within 7 days, charge rate applies, Professional listings only, 3 lines per month.... . net Each additional line per month ds tne 1.60 '(Not .opplicoble for merchandise chinensis DEADLINES Word ads. case } 5 p.m. doy previous SND ODIO iis oss bbe be 2:30 p.m. day previous Births, memorioms, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. Lost and Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of publication Cancellations and Corrections--8: 30 a.m. day of publication REGULATIONS The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing; not for more than one irfcorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which @rror occurs. _ The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising, according to Its proper classification. In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for mote space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if eny inaccuracies in eny form are contained therein. |Max Ewart, | 728-0661 | VIOLIN, |Mortgages _ PATIOS Designed and installed to your specifications. Hy. draulically pressed col- oured concrete slabs. Low overhead, best prices, free estimates 728-4937 or 728-7628 after 6 CAC. REALTY. LIMITED Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-477 CONFUSED ABOUT SECOND MORTGAGES ? To obtain your free, illus- strated brochure on sound second mortage "naneing of homes. call or write C.A.C. REALTY LIMITED Cane Tee Centre Need A Instruction SPANISH and steel 305 King Street West sonable. Blvd., G. Darbyshire, Whitby. 668-5392, guitar lessons, trumpet, expert tuition, rea- 1013 Wilton Mortgage Loan? PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES t PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, interview 15 years' experience. only.. Act now. 725-1054, HARVEY DA Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. now. 424 King Street West, 723-6122. By SE ACADEMY, Baton, Register Agreements for sale and mortgages purchased, Low rates, yOur mortgage prob- lems gladly discussed. No fees. No waiting. Immediate §,|LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, DMA, |Dancing School. Ballet. tap, acrobatic, pre-schoo) kinderdance. Fridays, Satur [days Masonic Temple. 723-7233, LEARN TO DRIVE _ Oshawa Driving Schoo! DAY or EVENING Late Models, Standards Automatics Dual Controlled OSHAWA AND WHITBY CALL 728-0091 service for quick results. CALL 723-3211 EVENINGS 725- 1-2539 Musical 'Servic PIANO, reed, pipe and organ tuning and repair. appraised, J. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664. ~ electronic Optometrist Instruments) Cc. & TUCK, BO, Optometrist, Please pay exchanged. Whitby, 668-2497 Surveyors H. FLIM AND TEROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881. DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On-) tario Land Surveyor, Commercial bluc prints. 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. TV--Radio Repairs GUARANTEED repairs to all makes TV, radio, car radios. Thompson Elee- tronics, 157 Elliott. 723-9792. Fred. . DON'T LET vacancies worry you. Rent them fast with a far reaching, inex- pensive Classified Ad, Dial 723-3492 to- SCRAPS- AVON COSMETICS has opening in Oshawa, fine earnings, convenient rs. Write P.O. 512 OSHAWA SE WHY ARE STRAWBERRIES VALUABLE ¢ Food 2 Savant asks OF LINSEED O} AAKEN bd oy w WTERNALLY, 10 PROLONG Wis "LIFE. COANBURY, Cy 7, Towers and Antennas Paul Cieslar Prop. Guaranteed Satisfaction 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 TV TOWERS AND Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E, OSHAWA 728-6781 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Renz FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom cottag: on Stoney Lake. Sandy beach. Inside conveniences. Telephone 668-2638. lake frontage, 103 feet. Ninety miles Chandos Lake, secluded, woody. $1575. Write Box 827, Oshawa Times. CHEMONG LAKE -- five-room cot- tage, near Peterborough, private, hydro, running water, safe beach. Tele- phone 723-9445. RICE LAKE, Long Island, four-room furnished cottage, boat house end boat. Rent by week, month or season. 723-4173 PORT LORING -- New lakefront cot- tages. equipped, inside con- hing, sate, sandy beach. Arthur Wright, Box 817, Ajax. 942-2925. FOR SALE -- Cedar shores, Lake Scu- gg, large four-bedroom cottage, fully equipped, 75-foot lakeshore lot. Call 725-6667. < BIGGER and better fishing, boating,| 11--Articles For Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers. PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compress- ers, spray guns, wallpaper %, tarpaulins, blow NICELY TREED waterfront lot on TV TOWERS HUVVLEINO Economy and Deluxe Gull river, at Moore's Lake,| 100 ft. frontage, $1500. Private. 725-0394 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT On cottages, Avery within 200 Easy terms, Also lots available on S Ovaries best iakes and rivers, free torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT -- Acetylene welding outfits, 4UU omp. eleciric welders, BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- for Bowmanville 623-3781. Priced to suit your budget. Money To Loan Bank or 74 'Burk ee examined at home. Dial 725- IMONEY TO LOAN Low Interest Valuations Arranged Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacart Land Members Ontarlo Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725- 3568 MORTGAGE | LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast service. M, F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 FIRST Mortgage LOANS Residential Property Mr. Tabbert, Mr. Vessey 728-1653 GUARANTY TRUST Cc ompany of Canada 'Money To Loan Painting and Sap " PAINTING and paper hanging. - Jensen, after 5 p.m. 725-7213. ~ DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Poperhanging, Gyptex, Any Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 Personal Service MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts WE. DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 we TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV COTTAGE on Lake Scugog, Feescoms, inside conveniences, 5 Ostrander, 74 Brimorton D: ier River, Crow Bay, mag ed ford, Lakefront lots, from $500 up. proximately one hundred feet wlan. Brooklin 655-4062. SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine, special- izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest- nut Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING Cleanouts, Deepenings, Compressor Work Yards and Cellars Cleaned Telephone 728-0911 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- Plumbing and. Heating ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Telephone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineer- ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel. ling, new and used materials, Reason- able rates Estimates free. Dial 723-1193, J Foley. Rug- Upholstery Service re-styled. Free estimates. See material for re-covering. Dalton Ue holstering, 75 Charles Street. 723-7212. RE-UPHOLSTERING -- Chesterfields, chairs, antique furniture of all kinds, re-finished, re-built, re-covered. Al estimate, call 728-3281; evenings, cai No obligation. Ltd. home. satisfaction Telephone 728-7057 at Modern. Upholsterers, South, Cell 728-6451 ._ Free estimates. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, like new, Why pay more? Our rates) are reasonable, Satisfaction guaran- teed, Mattressess rebuilt. Oshawa Up- holstery Co., 10 Bond West. Dial ns. 031 Can Business Smart People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classified Ads. _|taken now for freshly cut asparagus. _|Money To Loan NEED MONEY $50 to $3,000 Loans for Any Worthwhile Purpose SEE CRESCE CASH 163.51 506.95 988.39 1525.00 3000.00 NT FINANCE PAYMENT wise hed 0 30 30 36 36 Several other loan amounts to suit your budget All loans can be Life Insured. Only Crescent Offers 3-Way Protection ON LOANS OVER $1,500 Your payments are made for you or accidents. Death cl c and never repaid during sickness laims are paid in full. CANADIAN COMPANY EST. 1927 -- offering -- GUARANTEED MONEY SERVICE GUARANTEE: If not completely satisfied, return your loan within 30 days at cbsolutely no cost to you, It will be cancelled without question -- without charges. YOU GET MORE THAN CASH AT CRESCENT Telephone ROY SHAUGHNESSY 10 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario 728-7311 CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered -_ workmanship guaranteed. For a free 728-2439 and a representative will call. Kennedy Upholstering, RUGS, chesterfields cleaned at your Reatonable rateo. Guaranteed | CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-| covered like new, Get the best for less| 142 Simcoe) ~ |BEAGLE hound, dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone SPENCER AND SPIRELLA founda- tion garments. peerage designed. Registered corsetier. Mrs. J. Hender. shot, 324 Admiral Road. 2--Personal IF YOU have a drinking problem, write Box 333, Whitby, or call $48-30% or! | 725-0893. | CUSTOM TAILORING -- (by english tailor) LEN PULLAN suits, coats, slacks, etc Terms from 1.50 weekly 10 PRINCE ST.--728-5311 i 1 FOR RENT -- Rice Lake, | room cottage. Hydro, lakefront. Avail- able July and August. Newcastle 3656, BUCKHORN LAKE PIONEER VILLAGE For rent. Cottages One and three bedroom. Water and hydro. Peng bg Boats, Fishing, 301" store. LAKESHORE LOTS FOR SALE On Lake Dalrymple and Upper Lake at Udney. Also Camping Grounds J. Stephanie, RR'1 Udney, Breckin, 484-5440, PAIGNTON HOUSE Motel and Cottage units; Loke Rosseau, Muskoka. Finest resort facilties, 9 hole golf course. Rates with meals. $55 to $94 week. Write for free 22 page-color picture brochure, Minett, Ont. Phone Port Carling 765-3155, see your travel agent. BOYS & GIRLS CAMP-- 6 - 18 on Lieut. Gov. estate. 2 miles waterfront. Riding, water-skling, camp-outs, ten- Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 13th, 14th and 15th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dotes for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, building jocks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' bandsaw, 4 joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole ouger. STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 12--Articles Wanted SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Wants cars for wrecking. Parts-for sole, also scrap iron and metals, ete., bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metals (collect) 1. TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-2281 AJAX MANUFACTURER Requires experienced Typist for dictaphone transcribing. Also Telephone onswering ord Receptionist duties, GOOD TYPING ESSENTIAL ALL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND COMPANY CANADA, LTD. AJAX WH 2-6500 ROWE BROTHERS Box 705, Oshawa Times, pag ly yl ee Bow DAY SHIFT oi; excellent wages, nod Barbecue. Apply 's Restaurant, Park South 'at at Hillside. HOUSEKEEPER wanetd to live in, One child wel Brooklin arvs. Apply te Box 913 'cave Times, Whaby. SALESLADY Thoroughly experienced in ell phases of Ladies ready to wear. References. Apply in Person, Black's Ladies Wear STOCK CLERK Must have ot leost 2 years high school, pleasing per- sonality. References. Apply in person. KEY PUNCH OPERATOR For 1.B.M. 024 Machine We are expanding ond re- quire two experienced oper- ators, preferably fomiliar with Alpha Numeric System and 056 Verifies Modern new office with a company paid medical, hospital and Insurance bene- fits. so Apply Personnel Office Dunlop Canada Ltd. WHITBY 668-3361 Black's Ladies' Wear EXPERIENCED TELLERS WANTED AT ONCE By BANK OF MONTREAL Oshawa Shopping Centre ASK FOR MANAGER WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK APPLY CLERK TYPIST 18 to 35 Years of Age HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE PREFERRED Must be good at figures and have knowledge of short- hard. This is on interesting position with excellent work- ing conditions. REGULAR SALARY INCREASES 5 Day Week Write BOX 605 OSHAWA TIMES S. S.' KRESGE 'DEPARTMENT STORE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SALESLADY PART TIME Experience in selling Ledies' Sportswear preferred. Good personality and neat appeorance. Must Have peg Highest salary PP ug have obility x sell Apply In Person SEIGNEUR'S SPORTSWEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (Continued on Page 18) OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 13--Business Opportunities BLOOR STREET EAST, 131 -- Store with four-room apartment for rent. Apply to address or telephone 725-0449 from 4 to 7 p.m, nis, arts, etc. Tuition: French and Maths, Prot.-Cath. serv- ices. Insulated cabins with hot .and cold water. Excel- lent meals, Nurse. Doctor on call. College counsellors Only: $35 weekly including everything (Subsidized for needy children). Free booklet. Dr. and Mrs, Harold Martin, Directors. "Wildwood", Vau- dreuil, Quebec. 3--Pets & Livestock registered, innocutat- ed and rabies shots, $25. Ten months} old. After 6 telephone 725-2658. |REGISTERED miniature black' poodle puppies, male and female. Telephone Brooklin 655-4871 anytime. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking- strain, Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. 5--Farmer's Column ATTENTION freezer owners! Orders Wholesale prices. 6 | p.m. 658-4606. FOR SALE -- Pony, mare, due to foal end of May. Also her last year's colt. One five-month-old part Arabian horse colt. Telephone 725-1097, 16 PIGS, three months old; 200 Dekalb Telephone after Three Bedroom Cottage Completely furnished, stove, refrigerator, TV antenna. River front, 35 miles from Oshowe. $300 down tokes over Absolutely safe for children Call 725-5225 AFTER 6 EVENINGS Chickens, laying seven months; quan- tity mixed manure. Hampton 263-2685. 11--Articles For Rent CASH on the spot. si au Prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock. Telephone collect. Hampton COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm COlfax Licence 245-C-63. CUSTOM PLOWING CULTIVATING DISCING Dishes ~ Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 ' HARROWING SEEDING PLANTING Acre or Hourly Rates PHONE 728-3901 WHEEL CHAIRS Repairs, Sales, Rentals, Also Hospital beds, walkers, bed- side commodes, crutches, canes, slenderizing machines and roll-awoy beds. 725-1644 7--Trailers | TENT "TRAILER, $250. May be seen at 555 Montrave Avenue, Tell it | WANTED TO BUY 14 or 16 ft. house |trailer. Must sleep four. Telephone Ajax 942-3395. | COOK'S TRAILER SALES 13' Special $995 Glendette PARTS AND SERVICE | HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE " |OR LANSDOWNE TEXACO | Simcoe North (City Limits) | Open Evenings 723-9534 | to the World with ,|14--Emple MODERN cut stone service station with lunch counter, For sale or lease; will accept property exchange. Your choice of gasoline. Write PO Box 220, Oshawa. Ne FINDERS often get rewards. Check\the "Lost" ads in today's Classified Section to return the item you found its owner. -- $, yyment War PETER PAN DAY Nursery, Monday to Friday, all or half d 581 Simeoe Street North, Telephone 728-2604, 16--Female_ le Help Wanted _ A SALESLADY REQUIRED SELLING EXPERIENCE AN ASSET New Canadian Applicants Welcome Apply in Person COLETTE SHOE STORE 26 KING WEST STENO CASHIER Houehold Finance hos en opening for « CAPABLE GIRL COMPETENT TYPIST WITH SHORTHAND Good appearance, pleasing, personality and the abilitiy to get along well with the public. For an interesting position in pleasant modern office pro- viding all the latest in em- ployee benefits. You are in- vited to apply to SELL-RENT BUY-HIRE WANT ADS | HOUSEHOLD JUMBO-KNIT By ALICE BROOKS Use large needles, whip up this wonder-jacket in little time for smart casual wear. New! 2-tone ribbing trims jumbo-knit jacket -- quickie in 2 strands of worsted or mohair and knitting worsted. Pattern 7236; sizes 32-34; 36-38 incl. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft. Dept., Oshawa, Ont, On- tario residents add ic. sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1963's Biggest Needlecraft Show stars smocked accesso- ries -- it's our new. Needle- craft Catalog! Plus over . 200 fresh-to-you : designs to knit, crochet, sew, weave, embroi- der, quilt. Plus mee pattern. Send 25c. now! FINANCE CORP. 64 King St. Eost Want-Ads Don't PRINTED PATTERN ~ EXTRA-EASY By ANNE ADAMS Summer scoop! Three easy, breezy scoop-neck tops to team with skirts, shorts. They take little fabric, little work -- give lots of variety. Printed Pattern 4788: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 top style 1% yards 35-inch; middle 1%; lower 1%. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2c, Sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STY YLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont, Just out! 304 design ideas plus coupon for FREE pattern -- any one you choose in new Spring - Summer Pattern Cata- Cost-They Pay log. Send 50c. now.

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