THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, May 9, 1963 1] AUXILIARIES HADASSAH T The Piyah Chapter of Hadas- gah held its monthly meeting at Beth Zion Synagogue. The sec- retary, Mrs, Jack Snider read the minutes and the correspon-| i ae ye business meeting fol- ; lowed and final plans were made for the annual spring ba- zaar to be held at Beth Zion Syriagogue, May 14. Mrs. G. D. Conant will open the bazaar at 2 p.m. Mrs. Richard Erman is general chairman and the other conveners are Mrs. Paul Schwartz, Mrs. Karole Kahn, Mrs. Arnold Greene, Mrs, Syd- ney Shoychet, Mrs. Bernard Morrison, Mrs. Joseph Haas, Mrs. Sol Brown, Mrs. Amos Ru-| | ) ' : ee ae ron og gaa Rotish, Mrs.) | } : ? : 4 ae : 4 i j i é Cc : j Members were reminded of| | 5 Cc = a : aes , es 4 o- ; IN LUDING ALL PARTS the Oshawa Folk Festival at St. f j i 4 d PICTURE TUBE POWER Gregory's auditorium, May 12, : ese _ ' eal : j ' aaa & TRANSFORMER, TUBES, en | | FFL RR rh MI| ETC....ABSOLUTELY | orGe fn oe ) B}| NOEXTRAS TOBUY.....| The monthly meeting of the 9th Oshawa Cub and Scout Mo-| )* thers' Auxiliary was held re-| » cently at St. Gregory's auditor- jum with the president, Mrs.) | Walter Atherfold, presiding. The Pe ae ne | WESELLR.C.A., VICTOR, G.E., PHIL e, To raise additional money for the scouts' hiking tents and cover expenses for the proposed party and small gift presenta- co MAR tion for the cubs at the end of t | ADMIRAL AND ROG. June, the members decided to ig tf a have a social evening and card party at the next meeting on ERS MAJ ESTIC vy 'May 28. A pot-luck dessert table sé will be the highlight of the All Models Available On This Plan f { Pte it evening with a 50 cent charge. Each member is requested to bring a dessert. Members and ee CCl every night for. The president, Mrs. Walter Atherfold and 1st vice-president, Mrs. William Dionne, will at- : tend the forthcoming convention | ai. Camp Samac for cub and) ie 3 _z scout mothers. if XE ew PMA The Pleasant Monday After-) noon meeting was held in the) Legion hall with Mrs. R. G.| Collison, vice-president, presid- ing. Mrs. George Hall called the roll which showed an attend-| ance of 28 members, une visitor] and one child present. Mr Phillip Bell read the Scripture lesson and the secretary's re- port was given by Mrs. Duncan Nisbett. Mrs. George V. Lee| submitted the treasurer's re-| } port, All members who have outing fund cards are asked to them to Mrs. Norman lodgson by June 3. Mrs. Olive Harrison was re- ported to be in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital and Mrs, Joseph Tinney is in the Western Hospi- tal, Toronto. | Readings were given by Mrs. R. G. Collison, "Through Thick and Thin" and Mrs. Duncan) Nisbett, "Well Situated." Refreshments were served by George Wiread || fOr NEW ONE just like it EVERY LIONETTES 2 YEARS FOR AS MANY YEARS AS YOU CHOOSE The monthly meeting of the WiLL Mid) I (J Lionettes was held recently at phenson presiding. , Mrs. Peter Andrey, secretary, read the minutes and the cor- 23" ADMIRAL treasurer, gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Gerald Hudson, ways TELEVISION and reminded everyone of the Strawberry Tea to be held June controls, Famous Admiral chassis! Simcoe Hall with Mrs. Ray Ste- respondence. Mrs. John Kent, and means convener, - thanked a all the. members for their. as- = sistance at the Rummage Sale iS Satan Wood cabinet, front speaker, push-but- = ton on and off, Bonded tube. All front 26, at Hillsdale Manor. A motion was passed to. send 4 ° gift to an Reg ova gi of the! ! ionettes who was in the hos- pital. | pee Mrs. Norman Gower is hav-| Ry - ing a meeting of the past presi-| dents regarding nominations for the coming term. Mrs. Norman Gower showed) A f a display of handicratfs which) ¢ » the members could purchase. | : Refreshments were served by) ' NIGHTS Mrs. Edwin Wellman and "~ . committee. 0 Fr E ® } CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (Martha Branch) The May meeting of the| ' " Martha Branch, WA, of Christ! 'Memorial Church was held re-) Q 30 cently, Mrs. D. H. Moore, presi-) . dent, opened the meeting. . Mrs, R. J. Ross read the sec- ™ te retary's report. The treasurer's : report was given by Mrs. R. C. GUARANTEED IN WRITING SATURDAY Day who also reported on meet- : N C L U D IN G 6:30 P.M. ings she had attended as the group's representative. = The pot luck supper for the) is women of the church will be} 5 held on Wednesday, May 29, at) 6 p.m, and there will be enter-| M7 s . tatnment following the supper. ~ PICTURE TU BE POWER i Mrs. ro R. lng Lc ty er 0: i on se TRANSFORMER, TUBES, : aac. ., 1963 MODEL ture projects and members will be asked to supply home baking for the May sale. A rummage : sale will be held on May 23 at : Simcoe Hall. It, was recom- mended that we consider cater- : L : ing for a tea in September. ' T : : eS ee will be held Z N @) ie X RAS es on Wednesday, May 22. | : King Street PB cri wy H. Gibbie presented| 19" ; T Chapter 9, entitled, 'Finding aegis Semress. its Place", of the study book. z : ae "ys Tea hostesses were: Mrs. M. Z ---- ee yor TOWNLINE W. Sutton, Mrs. Stanley Loyko plete with DeL Stand! gangs and Mrs, R. J. Ross. ge sae ea . AT THE END OF THE TERM THE Many vetnst Peve secret ° "itor | --_ TV SET IS YOURS sou . : | 128-4658 A service club on the French) y island of St. Pierre of the| d ' 8-4 south coast of Newfoundland} ' g , : has collected $800 to be divided! , : si between three women, whose husbands died in the sinking of the Mary Wiscombe off St Pierre Jan. 1. ,