{2. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 9, 1963 CAC Acts As Watchdog Of Value For Dollars Spent Mrs. 8. V. Barlow, vice-presi- dent of Consumers Association of Canada conducted the annual meeting in St, Gregory's audi- torium. She opened the meeting by pointing out the aims of CAC which was to inform consumers on how to buy, to let the manu- facturers know what the con- sumer wants, and to work with the government to form laws for betterment of consumer goods. Mrs. Barlow introduced the two guests from Provincial Headquarters in Toronto, Mrs. A. G. Volpe, president, and Mrs. J. R. H, Turner, Consum- er Problems convener. Mrs. * Volpe announced that men were now eligible,to become mem- bers of CAC. She also stressed Trade Crusade's slogan, "Buy Canadian' whenever possible. Mrs. Volpe introduced Mrs. Turner, who holds a BA from Western University in House- hold Economics, and has held a number of high positions in that capacity. Mrs. Turner an- nounced that testing of Cana- dian products on a _ national scale was well under way and the first bulletin, due to come out early in June, will deal with three projects, electric kettles,|S laspirin tablets and textiles. CAC hopes to amass a suffici- ently large membership to fi- nance this important project for the first year, thereafter it is believed that the magazine would pay for itself. Membership in CAC covered the receiving of this Consumers Report. The official name has not yet been released. Four other countries, Denmark, Unit- ed States, United Kingdom and Australia, issue similar reports. However, Denmark's Con- gumers' Report is government anced and controlled. Mrs. Turner spoke briefly on "Shoes". Part of the blame for the fact that the lack of round. toed shoes for children in a wider variety must be assumed by the consumer who did not ask for them. She a'so stated that heels in women's shoes were becoming lower and illu- sion heels were now the biggest volume seller. On the other hand sales of comfortable. work- Fashion Show Held At Curlers' Dinner A gay evening was spent by over 150 members of the Ladies Curling Section of the Oshawa Golf Club last Tuesday evening when a cocktail hour, fashion show and dinner was held in the elub house to end the curling season. The guests were wel- @omed by Mrs. Frank McCal- lum. The fashion show was held in the lounge with Mrs. Edward Wildgoose of Toronto, as com- mentator. She chose a patio gown in wine floral design on the long line. Four models from Toronto, under the direction of Mrs. Mary Legree displayed over 100 ensembles from Ber- muda shorts, golf outfits to the little black dress which is al- ways in demand. , After the dinner hour a short business meeting was held when Mrs. Eric Henry presented Mrs. Frank McCallum, the out- going president, with a silver tray, on behalf of all the mem- bers. | ing shoes for women was far too low. A woman should pay more for these than she did for dress . shoes. The Margarine Bill passed by the Ontario Provincial Govern- ment recently was a direct re- sult of a brief presented to the government in 1961. Mrs. Turner also dealt with problems were handled. She ad- vised that a defective article first be taken back to retailer. If no satisfaction was received this way, then the purchaser should approach the manufac- turer or go through the Asso- ciation's Problems Convener. If the problem was more general in nature it should be sent to the Provincial Problems Dept. If it cannot be solved here it would go to National who had a number of divisions to deal with such things as textiles and leather. The Annual Report was read by the recording secretary, Mrs. K. Broadbent, and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Bruce McGregor. The slate of officers was accepted: 1st vice- president, Mrs. J. D. Feather- stone; 2nd vice-president, Mrs V. Barlow; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Rex Harper; recording secretary, Mrs. K. M. J. Gerrow; telephone convener, Mrs. D. T, Preston; publications convener, Mrs. R. D. Galbraith; consumer problems convener, Mrs. J. D. Featherstone; pub- licity convener, Mrs. J. H. Rich- ardson; executive members, Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mrs Uriah Jones, Mrs. Bruce Mc- Gregor, Miss E. M. Holmes, Mrs. F. A, Smith, Mrs. H. L. Donald. Mrs. Volpe announced the an- the way in which consumer|) Broadbent; treasurer, Mrs. M.| Charming Ildi Angi, daugh- dances as part of the attrac- ANN LANDERS False Information Brands Pair Phonies Dear Ann Landers: The whole|terested in the letter from the town is talking about this and|motier of a 'young dentist. He most people are as incensed as/had just begun to practice and I am. The approaching mar-|several of his relatives went to riage of a young woman was/him for dental care. When he announced recently in the news-|sent them biiis for his services paper. The girl flunked out of|they refused to pay. They said the University of Michigan and|they were 'helping him get ex- the following year returned|perience" and that he should home after attending Michigan/appreciate their willingness to nei for a few months. 'Then|take a chance'on him. she went east and got a job) You told the mother that working in a department store.|dental fee should be divcasent The newspaper announcement) with the patient before the work! described her as a graduate of/js done--relative or not. Radcliffe. | What ab icians? The girl's fiance is a young|my husband' am I have tad man from New York. Accord-| surgery recently. When the bills ing to the newspaper announce-| arrived we were shocked. We ment he is a graduate of Yale.|have friends who had similar He says, "Pleased to mectcha,"| operations and their bills were and "'I'd radder have deez den much smaller. doze." My husband is a Yale) I've always felt it was be- graduate and he is furious. |Neath the dignity of a phys:cian Why don't Newspapers check)to talk about money, and it the facts? Do they print any-|would be insulting to bring the thing handed to them and as-/subject up. What about this?-- sume it is correct? I'd like your| FINANCIALLY ANEMIC comments and so would others} Dear' Anemic: There is noth- Fag town.--DONDE VER- | ing "undignified" about money. In our soci Dear Donde: Some newspap-|-- : lefty we Beed money HOUSEHOLD HINT When serving white foods such as cauliflower, rice or po- tatotes, remember that eye ap- peal is important to the appe- to live. Hardly anybody barters any more. . The cost of surgery should be discussed in advance. It may be impossible to anticipate compli- cations which might make the/* procedure most costly but a rea-\t#@, So provide color contras sonable estimate should be|°Y SPrinkling with paprika, given, And the patient should|°hopped chives or parsley. not hesitate to ask. FRONT-END Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band reads your column every C 95 ALL CARS * day but he will not admit it. on PHONE Please print this letter. If he JOHN BEAN 128-6221 sees it in the paper it may help AVI . Visualiner" ee We have three children. The two older ones are grown and Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service on their own. They were very cu" GENERAL TIRE TIRE MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cash & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service Hour : j "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 a teacher or principal? The youngest boy is having a ter.) rible time with his studies. My) husband makes matters worse by arguing with his teachers. Yesterday he got on the phone and told Jack's math teacher that she has it in for him and that his grades would be better| if she weren't spiteful. You can imagine what this does to Jack's relationship with the) teacher. | What can I do to get my hus-) band to lay off?--WIT'S END | Dear Wit's End: Nothing, probably. But you can go to school and talk to the teacher }So she will know that Jack has jat least one rational parent. Ask her how you can help the eppointment bright in school and we never OF OSHAWA had even one phone call from 728-6221 534 RITSON RD. S. boy to do better, and inquire about hiring a tutor. | ers verify such facts but most tion representing the Hungar- ian Culture Club of Oshawa in the Oshawa Folk Festival | next Sunday evening. --Oshawa Times Photo ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geza Angi of Oshawa, will give a solo performance of one of | the many fiery Hungarian {nual conference at Wymilwood, | SEEK CONTROL | Victoria College,, 150 Charles} PETERBOROUGH, Ont. (CP) | street west, Toronto, May 8 and|The Peterborough Humane 19. |Society is to approach the fed- | The meeting was closed by/eral and provincial governments} |stating CAC's National Presi-|to have legislation introduced to| }dent Mrs. A. F. Plumptre's|control the use of animals for aims, and that was to educate|experiments. The society says Canadian Consumers to be the|Britain has had such legislation | lbest in the world. for more than 100 years. | MR. K's POLICY: 10% OFF ON ALL MOTHER'S DAY PURCHASES ae and a host of other lovely Kaye's 68 Simcoe St. N. Oshowe 725 @ ALTERATIONS FREE © MO MOTE dae?" | FROM KAYE'S SPORTSWEAR | ACCOUNTS INVITED 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL SWEATERS LINGERIE BATHING SUITS DRESSES & SUITS SPRING COATS gifts for mother -- for every purse. Sportswear -5451 -- King St. W. Bowmanville 623-2571: 57 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-5104 | is a beguiling | it lavishly | after the bath newspapers assume that people are not going to lie about their education. It's disappointing when people are dishonest but why are you! "incensed?"' You've lost nothing and they've gained nothing. | This incident has made the fam-| ily look ridiculous. Dear Ann Landers: I was in- 4 Sale! Brand New Merchandi we are passing these g scent--so delight? ful and different. Lotus Cologne ff morning and see the Mother's Day! JANKRUPT STOCK 78 § iMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA Have Purchased TOM MATTHEWS APPLIANCES (Toronto) WAREHOUSE STOCK! "Poor Tom had to "Cash-In His Chips", so here is a grand opportunity for you to "'Cash-In'"' on Tremendous savings during this Big Bankrupt Stock se bought at a fraction of its value and as a result igantic savings on to you! This is a "Once-in-a-Lifetime" Opportunity . . . so be here early tomorrow se Amazing Appliance Values, Just in time for way to stay flower-fresh all day. Use GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 13 CU. FT. COMBINATION 2 DOOR With Frost-Free Section. Model 134L31. OUT THEY GO SALE! WAYNE APPLIANCES i. lightly throughout the day. REFRIGER GENERAL ELECTRIC 12 CU. FT. AUTOMATIC DEFROST ATOR Deluxe Model 123L25. Real Value! LIMITED McCLARY 12 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR With Over-Size Freezer Section. A Sensational Value At Only TELEPHONE 723-343) McCLARY 12 CU. 7 fos | making th TO EVERY CUSTOMER A 5 Piece Cooey Metal BRIDGE SET For a limited time only. Oshawa Upholstering Co. ore is truly great offer. Hove ee your Chesterfield Suite re-upholstered AND AT NO EXTRA COST you receive 4 beautiful 5-piece folding metal BRIDGE SET. Take odvontage of this great offer. Order now . ... have your suite covered loter if you wish. and be assured of by Cooey LIMITED OFFER Have your suite covered later if you wish but order now A Handsome 5 Piece Metal BRIDGE SET OFFER EXPIRES MAY 31st FT, AUTOMATIC DEFROST REFRIGERATOR on sae McCLARY 14 CU. FT. REFRIGERA DELUXE TO Twin System, Zero Zone. DON'T. PAISS THIS! os 5 > ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC 30" DELUXE AUTOMATIC With Rotiserie, Priced From RANGES WASHER & - or 3-pc. 2 PC. No Payment Until July 7 NEW SPRING FABRICS Heve our consultent call and give you free estimate . Teke 24 months 'to pay. .. $10 monthly 3 FROM SUITE RE-COVERED 99 GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC Models 79W21 with suds return. FOR ONLY ond 78D3), DRYE Two Speed Washer McCLARY A'ITOMATIC WASHER Model A-17-11, ON SALE MATERIAL INCLUDED WASHER & McCLARY 300 SERIES Suds return. Regular or Delicate Fabric Setings. TO CLEAR! DRYER SHAWA Upholstering Co. 10 BOND ST. WEST Out of town customers call 725-0310 -- 725-0311 GENERAL ELECTRIC TELEVISIONS 'rom "NAME BRAND" POLISHERS From POP-UP TOASTERS, STEAM IRONS, FRY PANS. PRICED FROM 9.9 7 e collect. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY, 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE 78 Simcoe N. WAYNE APPLIANCES @ Open Fri.to9 p.m, @ Phone 723-1411