6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 9, 1963 Tracks Blessing [jf |g aes To Young Oshawa Moore ! By JAKE KOEKEBAKKER Saturday the last train will elank along the King street tracks, but how many remem- ber the first train gliding along shiny new rails almost 68 years ago? One such a man is Fred 0. Kirby, of 103 Warren avenue, one of Oshawa's veteran citi- zens. Mr. Kirby remembers the first train very well, for he was ene of those who rode the first ear going down Simcoe street south. "Everybody got free rides that day," he remembers, "and it was a matter of who was on first." As at that time he was a lad ef only 15, Mr. Kirby does not remember all the circum- stances that led to the laying of the tracks, but of one thing he is sure today: "The Oshawa Railway has built Oshawa," he said. And, Heard Opinion Of Merchants By DEAN KELLY, Pres... Oshawa Businessmen's Assoc. For the past 40 years the King street tracks have been a aopic of both levity and concern to the citizens of Oshawa. Many civic leaders have work- ed for their removal but with little success until recently. In the spring of 1962 with the co- operation of Hon. Michael Starr and the CNR, a Board of Trans- port Commissioners hearing was ordered for Oshawa. Although the Board sat for two days in Oshawa and strong representa- tion was made by the' City of Oshawa supporting their appli- cation for the removal, no de- cision was: handed down by the Board. Many civic-minded mar- chants appeared before the Board and gave evidence as to why they should be removed. The Railway Act was just not wide enough to cover the fazets of the time, and the case had to be settled on a monetary basis with the payment of $30,000 to the three firms who used the rails even though in a most diminishing nature. A pri- vate bill was passed in the On- tario Legislature allowing the final stage to be set. May 11, 1963, will be a day to remember, as was that day in 1894 when the rails were laid. As the Motor City of Canada We must progress with the times and look to the great future of a modern city. I am proud to have led the merchants of Osh- @wa to this victorious conclu- #10n. EARLY RAILS (Continued from Page 4) tells us that a Mr. Hearn of Ottawa came to Oshawa with Captain Carter. ". . . his busi- mess here to see what would be Tequired to equip the road and . to ascertain if Mr. Ed- mondson had the _ required power to furnish the road with electricity. *"*. . . Captain. Carter asked Mr. Edmondson for a_ tender for 125 horsepower to be furnish- ed in 30 days and 125 additional horsepower to be furnished in seven months.' RIGHT OF WAY . There is a strong feel- ing in town against granting Captain Carter any more indul- eences. . . . Nothing but action will now appease the wrath of the council men," says the Vindicator, and continues. "The only drawback to the agreement between the town and the railway is the extra- ordinary power given the com- pany with respect to the right of way. "Tt is a perpetual right of way ever the best residential and business street in the town. "It is true under the railroad (Continued on Page 7) know. He remembers it was re- garded a tremendous advantage for various factories in town to have a siding to the rail road. i ad cee a eae SAVE with Moore PAINTS way at that time. oe When exactly the people ; started to talk about doing away ONE PENNY BANK with the tracks he can't remem- ee know," he said, "when I | 4c ys FRE E was an alderman in the early thirties I was the first to sug- 5 gest a transfer to buses.' " WITH EACH GALLON But until that time, he points out, the tracks were regarded a blessing rather than a curse. 1400 SHADES AT Mr. Kirby has~ photographs tacks, taken BF eg Ares | DECOR ce Bo Ag alg Me ote CENTRE traffic was pedestrian and a few buggies. The picture was taken by Mr. Kirby's father. Although Mr. Kirby perhaps, THE DO-! T-YOURSELF STORE as he stated, "did not take too ° much interest in general affairs"' Ask Us ood We'll Advise You when the tracks were laid, he has been active in the commun- ity in later years, and not only having lived here all his. life, Ree PAIN [ Ss. Mr. Kirby is in a 'position. to E Seen P Es ; ; R i : | on the city council. He can't re- 34 KING ST. WEST ; PHONE 723-7351 member all the organizations he has headed as president. | Attention All Oshawa Citizens & Visitors! ! Visit ENGEL'S © A q q | NOW IS THE TIME and here is the place to save om Men's ond Boys' Summer Weer needs. To celebrote the 'Track Removal" we have slashed prices on our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Wear. Poy « visit te ENGEL'S and see how you can save $$$$. LOW IN PRICE! ' For the Smart Young Man BOYS DRESS PANTS ! ~, SPORT CONTINENTAL STYLING The Modern Look in Fine Check Patterns. Unusually smart tailoring in YOUNG MEN'S : Dress Pants, waist sizes 29 to 36. Continental ne . ; tapered leg, neat-fitting waist with elastic side adjustments. Quarter top pockets, two 2 : hip pockets. Fine pants in black olive, dark . i A wide range of green and black. Neat Brocken Checks in . new Fall colours blue, green and brown shades. : ond styles ... e e : - 2 new checked de- Specially Priced ; signs as illustrated in shades of 4 ' green, brown or grey. Three- button styling with flapped pockets, centre vent at back. Si 6 to 10 Clearance of Famous Brand Names ye MEN'S < . : pene 12.95 sont stunts | ee tas We recommend these fine shirts to you -- go0d-looking broadcloth shirts, long sleeves, neot collor style. You'll like the new spring " 4 4 ne Sa el. oe CHOOSE WOVEN CHECK OR PRINTED PATTERNS ! BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS = ; " Goy ond colorful for a ea - oe pis ! ae ie BOYS' LONG PANTS lade. haga tole Santorieed ond gaincion | 1.89 In smart shades and patterns, Charcoal and* Sizes 6 - 18. grey. Sizes 6 to 18. Brand new for spring. . SPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL PRICE FOR A TOP QUALITY ALL Perfect for active. men ! WINDBREAKERS : wash an'wear | SPORT SHIRTS |/ "FOR BOYS cme Cool Cotton Shirts, with Short M ; ; H ' ost attractive fine cord fabric PANTS for only 289 each! "Exot 'col. | | i, lala, shades, with contrasting BUCKEYE MAKE Cotton Cord Pants in popular | orful designs or quiet, subdued ot celta tour ay ee Green, Black, Blue or Taupe. | patterns . .. in new color blends. per front, two slash pockets. Vari- Reg. to 5.50 Practical, well-styled pants are | Sofe neat, short point collars, ous shades including red, blues, Sanforized, Canadian made. Fea- | some button down collars. some reys, beige, etc. Made in Canada. turing slanting pockets, tapered | tapered fronts . . . also_ wash (eta Price is 10.95... NOW SPECIAL legs with cuffs . .. Sizes 30 to | 9nd wear fabrics. Sizes S-M-L. aes (Se ee. ee | S88 end. Brill 3.98 *"¢ 4.98 ENGEL'S Wann iwrs0cn WEAR Phone725-0611 Sie