Fane ee. = issn ot a pe EVERYONE AGREES A HUMAN LIFE IS PRICELESS ... YET FACT = Canadians spend only 5c per person on Mental Health Research, despite Psychiatric cases in hospitals outnumbering all other cases combined! One child in every 10 will sooner or later suffer a mental breakdown requiring ~ Z0 n ouble moti LA ~ ~ omm FACT: Disquieting facts aren't they? But hope and help are on the way. . dian Mental Health Association. More money spent now by the either special care or admission to a Mental Institution! through your Cana- .M.H.A, on Research, will lead to earlier diagnosis and fewer cases of mental illness! More money spent now by the C.M.H.A, on better-equipped White Cross Rehabilitation Centres, will speed the recovery of mentally-ill adults and children. More money . , . that's the key to helping those less fortunate than ourselves. Your Canadian Mental Health Association is doing all it can! But it could do so much more . . . with more financial assistance. At present, Canadians spend only 5 cents per person on Mental Health Research, Surely the mentally ill deserve-- and are worth -- more than that. Won't you help? Prove you care by giving generously when C.M.H.A. canvassers call on you May 14, THE OSHAWA-ONTARIO COUNTY BRANCH OF THE CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION, DESPERATELY NEEDS AT LEAST $13,108.00 TO PAY FOR RESEARCH, WHITE CROSS REHABILITATION CENTRES, VOLUNTEER WORK, AND PUBLIC EDUCATION AND REFERRAL CENTRES! THIS IS HOW YOUR MUCH-NEEDED FUNDS WILL BE SPENT: $4,380.00 FOR THE OSHAWA WHITE CROSS CENTRE The recently opened White Cross Rehobill- tation Centre in Oshawa is already proving its worth by providing help and assistance to many former psychiatric patients experiencing difficulty in reed- justing to modem society. Through groujp activities and counselling, these people are being helped -and restored to society as useful members of your com- munity! $4,370.00 FOR RESEARCH INTO MENTAL ILLNESS Research into the causes, prevention, and cure of mental illness, and the rehabilitotion of the mentally i, is a major concern of the Canadian Mento! Health Association. Your support is needed to help the National Mental Health Research Fund carry on this vital work! $2,300.00 FOR INFORMATION AND REFERRAL CENTRES Three bronches, of the C.H.H.A, in On- tario, including Oshawa, operete, a White Cross Open Door service, where people may seek' informo- tion and help in locating appropriate treatment for the mentolly ill! $1,258.00 FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION AND INFOR. MATION. No other illness is subject to so much public misunderstanding and anxiety. The Oshawa branch of the C.M.H.A. needs funds: for its wide- spread progrom of public Information and education to present the true facts on mental illness! $800.00 FOR VOLUNTEER WORK AND VISITING PATIENTS Underlying the need for this work, is the fact that opproximately one-third of all the men- tally-ill patients in Ontario have no close contact with relotives or friends, Volunteers visit these lonely people . . . serve in clinics . . . give Christmas gifts . «. and organize entertainment and outings for these forgotten patients! : Prove You Care... Give Generously When ©.M.H.A. Canvassers Call On You, May 14th or send your contribution direct to the Canadian Mental Health --- QOshowo ----- Ontario County Headquorters, 187 Sim- coe Street : 728-9931. THIS ADVERTISEMENT I$ SPONSORED BY GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA BECAUSE WE CARE!