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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 May 1963, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 13, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants -- HADLE AND CO. Ontario. , 726-35 3509, co. CARPENTRY, tees in Bankruptcy " Fast, Oshawa, 728-7371. Building Trad | i tania, 172 King Street ston. Whitby 668-5005, Paes w-modeiling 4 and repairs, : a "repairs, and) wy "brick and|foP 8 'al atock and Supplies -- ure, sod and pureery Reisonable rates, Telephone) 725-172) Musical Services saad on an stn PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ tuning and repair. Instrument appraised, J, Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, aaaeuns "Roto: tilted: Vele- pereies. A 'iummers, "yas TAS, repairs, stuceo A, Wood. ROOFING, thingling "root and gable Siding, carpentyey 25-|Mr made Harold Aldred, phone 725-8905, ROTO TILLING Jack Mullig GOOD TOP SOIL for Tel Karl Bottrell, Sand and wary Hamp ton 265-2683. Optometrist -- UCK, RO, Optometrist, Please counts at downtown Dominion| bank or 74 Burk Street, --Invalide examined at home, Dial 725-4587, Painting and Decorating SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK "We cue ARA or exiue 1$ TKR ONLY, DOMESTIC BIRD THAT LAYS A BLUE EGG: ne en RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers, PLUMBER'S TOOLS ----- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, aluminum exten- Ce cfus+ $0 CALLED mcnyis or ABNORMALLY BRANCHED "oP, / 16---Female Help. Wanted "|LADY to cate for children while mo- ther works, Live in, $10 nk gg Tele- phone collect Newcastle 3001 after MATURE, kindly woman to take com plete charge of morherient, Catholte, Professional home in PER ORI Uy 'wi 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 V1--Articles For Rent 17--Male Help ' Wanted WiLL 1 EXCHANGE 8 $00 for #0 1 pea week, Write to Box 644, Oshawa TWO MEN (to work 69 on. 4 'ay oe $60, per week. Write to Box Times SALESMEN WANTED -- opportunity in sales field, Trane Char kept. Write to Box 731, Oshawa 'Time: ving details ned references RELIABLF experienced lady, 20 to 4 Dk: old, for general housework, two ree peter mind three boya and heip with hovee able to swim, Live in, iy, Telephone 725-3061 RELIABLY young girl as mother's red for summer months to|° for portation supplied, salary and commie sion, vacations with pay, group insure ance, Lng iene in aa ie seruln, Mowing Machine' C in, Singer wing Machine oe 14-16 Ontario Street, frie man to help on farm, close to by 1 M Sogal, 738 Glan- y Telephone 7 72-4181, "OFFSET PRESSMAN 'if helper, For summer oo. ae in or out $10 weekly, Te 25: WAITRESS required for modern alr conditioned coffee shop, Apply in inl 4 to Genosha b Hote}. ' URGENT EXPERIENCED On larger offset equipment, Excellent future for right per- son, Stote experience, age, solary, References. Apply HAINES FRONTIER PRINTING LIMITED SARNIA, ONTARIO NG and paper hanging after 5 p.m, 725-7213, pon CLANCY'S | "Aecoun bookkeeping yah = 1" jent, 725-0307, Res, 725-7605 HAROLD E, DEWAR, Kscielied. Pub: lie Accountant. Commercial i ™ b King | Street We: ' BAYMOND K. PROSSER, CA, Chart ed Accountant, 906 Contre -- North, Whitby, Telephone 668-5 "eerkananiy n'"'*!§| GARDENS, lawns, Roto-tilied, Ready meg me (fOr planting, Reasonable, Glen Munro, Free|4i4 Park Road South, 725 7087 after 5 a6 Mill DAR TREES for ia ae 5, choloe quality «# nye: Newtonville, Wulephoes ce ~~ BEVERWICK - GARDENS Perennials, Evergreens, House Plants, Prices from $1,30 up Sodding, Top Soil, Shrubbery | Highway 12 North of Whitby Dial Brooklin 655-3049 \Instruction PRIVATE teacher, iS years' experience only, Act now, 725-1054 SPANISH and steel guitar lessons, Max Bwart, 305 King Street West,' | 728-0661 ' VIOLIN, trumpet, expert tuition, re Isa wi Darbyahire, 1018 ivits| Plumbing and Heating Ive i 392, - wangkTn et a a 1a Baton, | ALY PLUMBING and heating supplies, | sot Mv Alon, "| Velephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland, Registeriiia, Plumbing, Heating and Engineers '|2----Personal | new aes Sins Ried) Soe eet Ing, 985 simcoe Street South IF YOU have a drinking problem, write|t [LILLIAN MAB MARSH, DEA, OMA, Ait TYPES of repaire and remodel:|Box 339, Whitby, or call Sd8-2084 or [Dancing School Ballet, .tap, acrobatic, ling, new and used materials, Reason-| 725-0803 sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compress- ers, sproy guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches, WELDING EQUIPMENT ~~ Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders, BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT ~~ cement mixers, finishing tro» wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, oir compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, woter pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, 'ramset; power rollers, electric hammers, masonry sow, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortor boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger. a, alt CARHIONA) DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, vag Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 668- 5862 NIGHTS: 725-7426 a 0 court Drive Waitby, 648-5612 PERT ROOFING and roof, 7-)Work guaranteed. W Wallbridgs, Whiting Avenue, 726-9970, Oe SS ALL TYPES of bn females reel. ERT HOSMAR, carr aocount-|ims, ehimneye, fir midewalks, ant, 223 King Street West, Oshawa,|*t0ops. Gordon May, 728-0304 Telephone 725-1231 ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing Y. Ch cal our specialty, new work and repairs, ERONARD TAMER ae -- lavge and smal! jobs, L. and H. Roof. awa Shopping Centre, 725-9959. ing and Construction, 724-6037 CONCRETE Resurfacing Steps, Cellars, ete, NEW PROCESS CAPITAL PRODUCTS OF CANADA 728-2352 repaira " exe Belg til 6 USED B ARAVELERS wo THE WH{ERIOR OF SUMATRA® Wow MANY MILES OF IRRIGATION DITcHEs ARR THERE 1M CALIFORNIA . he oe rire dependable, iar part. time work, No ate "i work, Appy Hotel "sana " Street West, Oshaw: WXPERIENCED | ists "for Variety Store. Apply to Smith's Coffee Bi: 317 Sim: coe South or telephone 725 ~ ---- SALESGIRL WANTED Bporting A a Store, Ping Cer CADY ccaaiaaei 'Tequired | tor Tight | duties, involving some responsibility. Comfortable accommodation provided. Please reply, including references and salary desired, 690, Times. SUMMER Dude Ranch for children. July » August, requires cook, Modern equipment, Also registered nurse, Women with a camp age child accept-| ry in ve poaitions, Also kitchen help | oply Little Buckaroo Ranch, id of Rossland Road Bast, Call 725.2737, -| -- Y@Or round employment, GIRL, domestic required, live in. 'Tele-| TOP WAGES ' phone 735-2797 | FULL BENEFITS STAN S |RELIABLE WOMAN wanted to care, [tor pre schooler while mother wo: 8] Must be experienced at meo- Vicinity William and' Church Street i ° Sharpening & Rentals Ltd |eait 798-7782 after 4,30 ret, want in chlor fapae: Boi re-Kehoo! erdance, Fridays, Satur} anie rates Batimates fre ial! " ings shaw j wri iving full rticulars, |deye Masente, Tenuie Tarass,_ . c [fas 1193, 5 roles, ponte LEN PULLAN kag hiiohy gan aah, | AVON boEderies iby sg Beh ee proind | | |Rug-Upholstery Service | ENGLISH TAILOR) ae ience etc. Our employees LEARN TO DRIVE | hos opening in Oshawe, know of this ad, Oshawa Driving Schoo CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered 468) Specialist in garment altero- | oaPAGE of Sidney Viake Gli aeeom. |13--Business Opportunities| fine earnings, re-atyled, Free estimates, See ow tions, ete; Invisible mending, ? DAY or EVENING ' convenient hours, BOX 529 material for re-covering, Dalton Up modate seven easily, has hydro, #004) moneRN Late Models, Standards holstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, dress yey fishing, $40 weekly 1 information| OSHAWA TIMES RINCE ST. . lds ao by with lunch counter, For s nae) Automatics Dual Controlled RE-UPHOLNTERING -- Chentertieids, anytime, telephone 728-2983, __ | Will accept property exchan Your} OSHAWA AND WHITBY jehairs, antique furniture of all kinds)! 728. 5311 FIND | vomething valuable. Check "the} Shae marene ee Pee ee LEARN CALL 728-009) |re-finished, re-built, recovered All wis | t it wt Ns | workmanship guaranteed For a free} Removal f fl ve A le rerurn [STORE in good location, Could be used MEAT CUTTING L Jestimate, call 728-3281; evenings, emoval of supertiuous Aeir, tR¥NT River, Crow Bay, Campbel-|as lunch counter, tobacco or barber Money To Loan 728-2439 and a representative will Marie Murduff will be in | ford Lakefront lots, from 20 ded f lass: No Oshawa, May 13th, 14th and | proximatels on feet "wide,| Street East, 725-2173 Sekowe und a A the : 15th, Phone Genosho Hotel Lee ieee -\14 | Fae uate iy Hes MONEY TO LOA RUGS, chesterfields cleaned at » eur! these dates for oppoint: GHEMONG LAKE liveroom' col) Employment Wanted | trict doy be: eveAINa. Baia home. Reatonable rateo, Guaranteed 'f tage, near Peterborough, -- private, weriaR) | formed offering practical | |watiafaction, 'Telephone {28-7057 hydro, running water, safe beach. Tele.| RELIABLE woman will give day care] | hone. 723-9448 to children in her home Telephone | |}CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re| ELECTROLYSIS prone 7s : ie Whitby 668-2056. field of meat cutting, mere leovered like new, Get the best for less! FOR RENT -- Lakefront cottage, in- chandising and self-serve, South, Call 7286451, Free estimates 723-4641 Available July. 27, two weeks; August 17 REGISTERED Act now, |CHESTERFIELDS built, recovered joa Special rates for June and Septem: Pere eye nay hats Our eig|S--Pets & Livesteck [tei Whithy asst PRACTICAL jare reasonable, Satisfaction quar ad FREE KITTENS eight weeks" "aid, SALE -- on Rice Lak Would' tik F Sal MEAT CUTTING jteed, Mattressess rebuilt) Oshawa Up. ten f ale 0 tt Ould Tike position in jaion [e\@) halsiery Co,, 10 Bond West, Dial 725-/ POX trained, Telephone Whitby 668-5790, | ) ai, cea, hot, "aa water, 08 as receptionist with part time AND RETAIL SCH L ai Age che ger le aig Cupping] args lakefront lot on hairdressing If needed, available, Telephone 7 lan Contact R WELSH corgies, Pembroke male pup-| Motors, Cobourg | WRITE BOX 735 1425 DANFORTH, AVE. | pies, eight weeks old, Pedigdeed, $100) RICE CAKE, Long Island, four-room, OSHAWA TIMES TORONTO, ONTARIO, each Bowmanville 623-3480 or % Con-/ furnished cottage, boat house and boat cession Street | Rent by week, month or season, 723-/16----Female Help Wanted 'HOward | 1- 7545 |For detatis, call Gui Gredin Niche/FOR RENT -- Bal Lak I f . vee Mistletoe Rogue Kennel), 723-7688 jtent, all eeavenlearee Telephone 723 | janack bars, Full time and part-time, tebe : 07 alter 6 p.m jbetween 4 and 6 p.m, Apply Mexicana) WEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready" tor| |Grill, Telephone 725-4217 MECHANIC training, talking strain, Apply Mra. | GOTTAGES $30 to $40 weekly, also} | | Broad, 114 Klgin Street East weekends, hydro and refrigeratora,| Pret egery gp Ai prego gy Wg Bi jRoatong. bathing, best of fishing, Pike,/Givmpia Restaurant, 10 King Easi,| FIRST CLASS | ville 623-2010. |Fo ENT -- cottage, Canal Lake, 60 : miles, north Whitby, Available th of July and August [7 to 91, eases. EXPERIENCED pg yg Fe cavioment | Shinn. neces we ae! «6=--L SALESLADY ATTENTION freecer owners! 8.458) | For Jewellery Store taken now for freshly cut aspa COTTAGE, wateritont, Scuso: STATE REFERENCES Wholesale prices, Telephone afte * ' ed, Som . i , | plete with furniture, boat-house, boat \ Auto Wreckin t P.m, 658-4608 |and moter, Wor aale or trade on home WRITE BOX 539 wcking Tord GASH on the | spot. "Highest" prices y paid | or income property. Price $4,100 wit) Oshawa Times REQUIRES ifor dead a crippled farm atock, | terme 'Telephne 068-9650. Margwill Fur Farm COMax/paye pb: Licence 243-83 somite. Coaed arihs Lake tue est] and GOOD WAGES for right person. > ; jdetails of the easy t id a CUSTOM PLOWING live cottages available, tee or call The! APPLY CULTIVATING epee Lumber Co., Peterbor-} TEMPORARY LAKESHORE | i | HARROWING PLACEMENT AUTO WRECKERS SEEDING, PLANTING We require experienced ow 0 , 22 'entworth East Acre or Hourly 350 STENOGRAPHER |7--Trailers KEY PUNCH | Fon SALE Home-made OPERATORS tral Park Boulevard North after « {en tir Nua" |1O--Soennas SECRETARIAL HEAVY DUTY A frame boat trailer, | BALSAM LAKE cottage wanted, complete for only $115, cash, Apply O4]/ three bedro pes, Cg ek ba i wees OVERLOAD |TVRNT TRATEER, $350, May be seen at] lelephone 725-8782, SERVICES {MOBILE trailer, 40 condition, $3,700! o | ; 66 - ] ] peer ' ™) Dishes . Cutlery - Glasses 8-818 H Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service . Silver Candelab 1327 Simcoe St. N. liver Candelabra ' Sargeant's Rentals REQUIRES MORE \12--Articles Wanted HOSTESSES WANTED Earn extra money for your 3 summer vacation rtunit SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY mo wan oa AND FEATHER TICKS day work, Free uniforms sup- Raw Furs Deer Skins, Metals plied. Private transporattion (collect) to your home after midnight. Paid holidays after one year. 723-2043 -- 723-2281 No experience required, ex- tensive training provided. ing conditions. Married wo- men preferred, but not es- sential. Must. be pleasent, courteous Sat veweri 18 to 35 years of ag Telephone 728-5731 e $500 up. Ap-|shop, Low rent, Apply 1 William) Na obligation, Kennedy Upholstering,| proximately one hundred ment training in the highly paid jat Modern Upholsterers, [42 Simeoe! wide conveniences, Haliburton district O81) | POODLE, black, miniature, male puppy|door bathroom, screened PI \ ease write |RUREBRED Belgian puppies fer sa [sins |NEAT experienced girls for work in |Baas, Pickerel. Good beats, Bowman | Bowmanville Telephone 623-7189, LICENSED | Telephone 725-3008 ie $2500, cash' for quick sale wae | Telephone collect, Hampton COlfa x! E ; |LOT and cottage package on Facies} ?p RMANENT Experienced Man DISCING | trailer, sleepa three, $225 Apply {555 Montrave Avenue . cacaient| | Articles For Rent er A&W DRIVE-IN | 725-3338 for Part-time evening and 1. TURNER Personal and congenial work- for appointment. ered Osh: Oshawa Firm Requires a Capable DUCTWORK INSTALLER Permanent position with @ long established company, Personal Service MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH 725-3887 114 King strept east, O x50 away Ronsia F, D, Wilson, CAi Mont TAN 50,000, } Edmond Burrows, CA, 726-7554, ages i areca to Box Oshawa : Appliance Service GEWING MACHINE tune-up els by your Kina dealer, ing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street 728-2301 student counsaller, 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent FOR RENT - Three 'bedroom cottage On Stoney Lake. Swndy beach, Inside! conveniences, Telephone 668-2638 |BIGGER and better fishing, boating, "\inke frontage, 103 feet, Ninety m {Chandos Lake, secluded, woody, $1} {Write Box 827, Oshawa Times ~- New lakefront cot equipped, inside con) fishing, swimming, safe, |@andy hell Arthur Wright, Box 817,/ | Ajax |® URNISHED cottages and jots for. sole| }or rent on south shore of Stoco Lake.| sandy beach, good fishing, tiydro, Dial) | 795-2997 1--Women's_ Column PERMANENTS on special, beget 306 Pine Avenue, 725-536: lapawowa "AND SPIRELUA founda tion garments. Individually aapiaase |Megintered corsetier, Mra, Hen 324 Admiral Road Page Hair. phone} » South EVENINGS WHITBY 668-4965 WALCO CONSTRUCTION guoranteed Home im- provements, Store and office remodelling. Free estimates, Expert Workmanship WHITBY 668-4412 GORD'S Janitorial Service walls plas Auto Parts "SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West --~ 728-1607 "RIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" | | | | | | | For | | | Barristers JOuEPH Cc. rister, Solici Simcoe North, RICHARD H. Donald, Solicitor, Notary Public, North, 728-2991, fiCTOR BA, nd Notary P eut stone 446 service Sapeet| Spring cleaning, floors, ond ceilings, ter repair 723-1302 after 4 Home Improvements Roofing, eavestroughing, painting cupboards floor tiling. General repairs of al! kinds, No job too big or small, All work guaranteed Financing at bank rates, Call us anytime, 728-2061 P. NELLIS, 19 Colborne E OSHAWA HAIRDRESSER FULLY EXPERIENCED Fast, BA, Barriater,| 524 Simcoe) i | A. MaeDONALD, BA, LLB,| and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| The Commercial Building, 286 King: Oshawa, Ontario, Client park) able, 725-4716 or 725-4717 | .¥, rristera, Soll} . 114 King Street East, Dial} Residence Phones: J. » 725-3968, Terence V ixeuy, +, 728-5832 RNTGRTON. windows, | | } | | | on Top Wages and Commission, Low Interest PHONE 728-4014 Valuations Arranged AND} No- YNAN » Solicitors, of Commerce! , 5 Simeoe Street Norta, Oxhe| 723-3446; Remdences G, M. Drynan, $54; G. L, Murdoch, 723-4788, and agreements of sale and arranged ROWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Sollel-| tor, 3% Simcoe Street South, 725-9592, [Dressmaking Residence 728-0264 ae | MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Warristers,| PRBUMARING, Alterations, pant deft Solicitors, Clients' funds available for) um anid a a Moi 72s sie first mortgages, 2 Simcoe Street t| ne Foes Or. seomreys ob de North, 7286-7336; Charles ( MeGibbon,| DRFSSMAKIN erations, general a; sewing, trous children's wear, daar F. Bastedo, Q¢ *, " #6 es --Jetc Mra, Lyon, 168 Beatrice Street, vd T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici 725-0063 etc, 1344 Simcoe Street North. Ottiee 723-1101, Residence '725-5542 -|Fuel and Wood | | | } | Capable Cook - Waitress interested in preparing and serving good food for lunch and dinner, to a small number of guests. iatge} Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Cartage JOHN'S MOVING |Oshawa, Whitby | Fully equipped and inaured, 728 . Creighton, QC; . porch Margare Wilson, of AND CARTA Reasonable rat 366 \Sales and Service Wilron | OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE SCOTT MOTOR MeCULLOUGH CHAIN SAW SALES & SERVICE OSHAWA MARINE | SERVICE NEW LOCATION 1180 Simcoe th 728-0031 Weekly salary.basis. This is for a person who wishes to control their own menus and food purchas- ing. CALL 723-2297 li7--Mele Help Wanted HARDWARE CLERK, experienced, fal time employment, Apply to Ajax Hard: |ware, Ajax Shopping Centre, Ajax, On itarle. Members Ontario Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND | | | |5-----Farmer's Column PASTURE WANTED for young eattle Also Shetiand ponies for sale. Tele- phone Brooklin 655-4469, FOR SALE -- 1000 Chickens, 800 lay- Good opportunity for with ability to take complete charge of MECHANICAL SHOP rm 6 Apply: Manchester Garage Highway 7 and 12 Manchester Call Port Perry TELEPHONE 985-7341 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS "wad BIEL. | | LANDS SELLING FOR TAXES Send $1. bill for list WRITE BOX 201-TG, COLDWATER, ONT 2/10--Summer Properties . ; ee % icy ue Office T4326; Whitby, Taaon 'NHA and other funds available Bookkeeping ROOKKEEPING Bervices, Income Tax Returns Statements. prepared ac services, 708 Newman Creacent, 66& anne | | large,! Rood) INSTALLATIONS July REPAIRS 725-1890 CATY TY, Towers and Antennas Paul Cieslar Prop. Guaranteed Satisfaction 511 Dean Ave 725-0500 TV TOWERS Antenna. Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA 728-6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe | FOR SOD | | PHONE 725- 8504 | Coam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill, Excavating, lots leveled Loaders. Trucks for hire BEATTY HAULAGE x bent COOK'S TRAILER SALES 13' Special $995 Glendette PARTS AND SERVICE HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE | jOR LANSDOWNE TEXACO. Simcoe North (City Limits) Open Evenings 723-9534 oe, off | | | For free estimates eal! | : Stan's Sharpening | And Rental Ltd 223 King W. 723.3224 PLASTERING and REPAIRS STUCCO, STOOPS and basement. Al! and new work, No small, Estimates free anteed work, Call 728-3097 B.&G. Plastering | j BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, nies : . LIMITED | Solicitor, Notary Public Mortgage| STOVE-LENGTR slab wood, %% per! finds available, 3% King Streeticord at Woodley's Saw Mill, RR i, 112 Simeoe St. North Eas}, 723-1107," Reg, 905-7163 'Tyrone, Telephone Hampton 23-291. || Oshawa, Ontario~-725-3568 |Art' S Gun Repair | rout &. HYMAN, GC, Barrister, Soil- tor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King| Gardening and Supp _|Mortgages | Custom gun work, re- treet Nam THAMS, Morente monies Fon soil, driveway aTavel, coment FINST AND SECOND moran, Sale| Dlueing, refinishing, mod- Waven TONES BA a Thom eh, Mend Hill, Phone Exic Branton. agreements purchased and sold.! ification ER, cad v8 Ae ee .. | Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 3) G ns bought sold peta ie, "Ki Street East, 728-6246, "| King Street Bast, 723.7208 | uns " ug ey P Mortgage joane available PATIOS _ FRIVATE and cccpersiion "enles (0) : exchange MANGAN, @C,Baristar, |gutes and agreements ef 'sce. pur! . Whitby, 668-2497 "gg gE poe oe 1a | chased Creighton, Drynan and Mur! Ss Bren Rast, Cohawa. 190-0002. ' doch, (See heading "Barrister.) _|Surveyors DONALD BUAKR DODDS, Barrsier| Designed and installed to and Becelier. 3% King Street East CONFUSED ABOUT |f. FLIM AND TROLEOPE, Ontario Business 723.2201; Reai-| YOUr. specifications, Hy. |Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street Fast | draulicall ressed col- SECOND calls ao re MORTGAGES? |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On oured concrete slabs. Low ' jtario Land Surveyor, Commeretal bine} Te obtain your free, illus | prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-8632 | overhead, best prices, strated brochure on sound | - - free estimates. second mortgage financing |TV--Radio Repairs | | | of homes GUARANTEED repairs to all makes | t call or write iTV, radio, car radios. Thompson Klee! t 728-4937 ar | C.A.C. REALTY LIMITED | tronics, 187 Biiott, 723-9792. Fred 728-7628 after 6 { thane eee Centre COLLINS ANTENNA SERVICE CROSS TOWN | MORTGAGE | scree: Building Trades Te ROTORS YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY Taina | CALL LOANS AND tay ea, ne repaired, at | an haces Vacuum ree) Mereys for first mortgages wha cone Interest at 7% Open mortgages HYDRO SILICA reg ate BRICK CLEANING No' charge for valuations No dust - No dirt -- matnerants will not damage brick. Meneys for second mortgages Fost serv ce M. F. SWARTZ 2612 King St. East é 725-2156 : Oshawa, Ontario nee 723-4697 Better Gardens wa |. GARDEN CENTRE | Mortgage Loan? Evergreens, flowering shrubs shade trees. Ready to piant. PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST Thousands to choose from IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent BUCKHORN LAKE PIONEER VILLAGE For rent, Cottages One. and three bedroom Water and. hydro. Camping, Boots, Fishing, Grocery store. | | | SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc.,, bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-231 1---89 BLOOR E. --e Opportunities| 13--Business Opportunities| for »sale and purchased, Low mortgage prob- discussed. No Immediate results. Agreements mortgages rates lems gladly fees. No waiting | service for quick { sehalis Flagstone Patio Rockery | job to Top Soil, Sod, Seeds hate | Complete Garden Service } bs Pruning, Spraying, Alteration | Call us for estimates | 1259 Simcoe St. North 723-3222 Open Nights | Til 9 Sundays for visitors "Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get foster results, Cash 3.75 2.25 your | | | | CALL 723-321) EVENINGS 725-2539 FIRST Mortgage LOANS Residential Property Mr Mr. Vessey 728-1653 GUARANTY TRUST Campany of Canada MORTGAGE _LOANS first mortgnges 0, | SANDY BAY COTTAGES | RICE LAKE 3-bedroom cottages nside conveniences. Good boats, sand beach and fine swimming for all. Good fish. ng in lake and river, Write R McCracken RR 4, Hastings, Phone 219W! ' | | \ } i ' i | Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 'Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine ining in JOanch tile, W. Ward nut Street West, PO Bax QGA-ANES oF H6R-VHO9 BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING Cleanouls 2 ond A KNIT SHIFT | | By ALICE BROOKS Charge 4.13 2.48 figure er abbreviation as one word. | Se: 6 consecutive doys 3 consecutive doys PAIGNTON HOUSE Cottage units Muskoka. tties, 9 hole urse, Rates with meals. to $94 week. Write tor 22 page-color' picture hure, Minett, Qnt. Phone Carling 765-3155, see travel agent initial Tabbert -Count each word, Motel and Leake --_ Rosseau, Finest resort tac It not poid within 7. dovs, charge rate applies Profession! listings only, 3 lines per month | Each additional line per month special | 204 Chest " i (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) 329, Whitby,} e ' DEAD? j Werd ads Classified Display S p.m, day previous 30 p.m. day previous Births, memoriams, 9 a.m. day of publicatier Lest end Found -- 30 a.m. day of publication Cancellations and Cotectionsoct 30 a.m. doy of publication, REGULATIONS The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for ertors, in advertise. ments submitted otherwise than in writing, mot for more thon ene incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshewa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification In the case of display odvertisements, The Times will not be { held responsible tor more space than thet in which the actual errer eceupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce ol! aover tiaing matter cortectly, but assume no liability of odverti sement if ery ineceuracies in eny form ere contained therein, u cards 'ef thanks - _ LAKEFRONT PROPERTY FOR SALE four room cottage, 3 store, boats and gos, Cash preterred Mane s and Cellars Cleaned nterest at 7 Sas Telephone 728-0911 No b - te No chorge for valuations cain: Mortgages and Agreements $8,500 purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast ° SWARTZ o ¢ ' | | | | } Business } {| Packable, wrinkle . proof,! 34 Acre Park, Equipped -- Knit slimming shift with, or without sleeves. ; A smart shift, easy to knit in} Situated on busy Highway 12, fifteen [pattern atch that feoks like! STYLED TO SLIM miles north of Brooklin, includes two \tabric, won't sag. Use German. | ANNE ADAMS q C jtown nylon, Pattern 7032: sizes' err pb -- the two-pa Crystal clear ponds, artesian well, |39-34; 36-38 incl, lecess With a silmuaing Geaw 100 ft. swimming pool with filter, : | 'THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) | blouse line that's perfect for tetreshment booth, pavilion, swings, ifor this patiern (no stamps,/shorter figures, Choose cotton, ' ; { please) to Alice Brooks, care of} crepe, linen slides, Rush tollets, acres of Gmh |The Oshawa. Times, Needlecraft) Printed Pattern 4884: Halt Owner will consider trade on house in Dept, Oshawa, Ont. Ontario! Sizes 1214, M414, 1614, 1844, 2044, Whitby or Oshawo 'residents add le sales tax, Print}22%, Size 1614 requires 3% |plainy PATTERN NOMBER. |78i¥5 ee fabric. ---s NAME, ADDRESS FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins ASKING PRICE $19,500 1963's Biggest Needecraft] (no stamps, please) for this pats ' Show stars smocked accessories lan foo -- yy + ¢ it's our new Needecraft Cat-|sales tax. Print plainly Sl $7,000 DOWN PAY MENT alog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you- |NAME, : ADDRESS, STYLE \aesigns to knit, crochet, sew,| NUMBER |weave, embroider, quill. Plus) Send order to ANNE ADAMS, JOHN M. BAIRD Real Estate Broker | TELEPHONE MARKHAM 294-1431 Cost-They Pay « APPLY TO HILLSIDE CAMP CURTIS POINT 2 'Pree pattern Send 2c now! care of The Oshawa Times, Pat» ----m--egenereeem te Dept.,.Oshaywa, Ont, Just out! 304 design ideas plus | Want- Ads Don't | coupon for FREE pattern--any one you chogse in new Spring.. iSummer Paftern Catalog, Send Ste now, Pecole $ serv ths 19 the Proisee F 2 King St. East yawa, "Ontario 723-4697 of Oshawa yt Times C Ads. assitied Coll. Cobour FR, 2-561 |

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