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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1963, p. 20

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20 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 21, 1963 BRITISH BRIEFS New Pay Claim Hits Rail Boss By M. McINTYRE HOOD 65-HOUR QUEUE LONDON -- A queue formed Syeriel to Tee Cenenn tee outside Covent Garden box LONDON --Immediatelyj office 65 hours before tickets after warding off the threaten- were to be sold for the visit of ed railway strike, Dr. Richard Pocaae wl ba ck Covet Gok Beeching, Britain's railwayiden for four weeks, starting board chairman, received a new! July 1. shock when the footplatemen's leaders decided to press for aj HOVERCRAFT SHIP 10 per cent wage increase. Del-| LONDON -- The Thames egates to the Union's annual Hovercraft has been accepted 7 as a ship for insurance pur- conference voted to go ahead at poses, insurance brokers have once with the new wage claim.| announced. Hovercraft trips on the Thames will start at the be- ginning of June. MORE FOR HOSPITALS LONDON -- Health Minister) ' Enoch Powell has announced) PICKET CHURCH that hospital authorities could! BRISTOL -- A group of 40} go ahead with capital schemes! West Indians, including chil- costing up to $450,000 without;dren, picketed a church in Bris. ministerial approval. The for-|tol, carrying banners protesting mer limit on such schemes was) against the refusal of the Bristol 8 Dee Pctwen Spefinds tet HE Pett eth ree $180,000. ;}Omnibus Company to/ employ }eolored persons in their bus! é lerews, | DOUBLE DIES | WORTHING, Sussex -- Mey-\gnQNE FOR AUSTRALIA --| rick E. C, James, an officer-| 4. SAREE rene | actor who. impersonated Field! COTSWOLD --Cotswold stone} Marshal Montgomery to dis-/!8 to be shipped to Melbourne, tract enemy attention before D Australia, 16 be build St. Paul's Day in 1044. has died at his| Cathedral there. It had° beg} home in Worthing. aged 65,/found that Cotswold stone came James was a double of Mont.|{he Closest to matching eg ogmery, and reviewed troops in| Stone of the Cathedral at Mel North Africa while Monty was|>oure. elsewhere making preparations! for the invasion of France. | REFORM GROUP ENDS i : | LONDON -- The London} NO METERS VOTE |Municipal Society, founded 70) HACKNEY -- More than 700; years ago to secure the reform} people at a meeting of Hackney 9f London's municipal govern- Civil Liberties Committee de-| ment, is going out of business cided that they did not want! With the passing of the London) re-organization bill by p A= | and asked the minister of trans-|Ment, the objective for which) port to stop the borough council) the society was formed will] installing them. a {have been achieved. | DEPRESSED AREAS /OLD VEHICLES RACE | NEWCASTLE -- Frederick! BRIGHTON -- More than 70} Erroll, president of the board of historic vehicles from the Brit-| trade, has declared the whole of|ish Transport Museum at Clap-| Tyneside, along with Barrow-in-| ham, London have held their Furness and Ulverston, to be de-|@onual run to Brighton. The} velopment areas, which would) Winner was a 1932 London taxi-} provide special inducements to|Cab. and the oldest vehicle a} firms to go there to relieve un-| !912 chain-driven fire engine. ral employment, x | |QUIT AFTER ORDERS | RUSSIAN BERTH NOTTINGHAM -- Five thou. | LONDON --A new depot for| sand civil defence volunteers in Russian goods has been built in} Nottinghamshire were told to the Surrey Commercial Docks.| turn out more regularly. So half} Called Russia Berth, it has a of them resigned. The civil de-| large aluminum warehouse and|fence chairman said "The} new cranes for the handling of happy-go-lucky days are over.: cargoes being discharged by) Now it is quality we want and} Russian ships. not quantity.' parking meters in the borough,| CROSSWORD DOWN ACROSS 1, Weaver's reed 6, Large tanks 9. Fine- grained rock 10, To vote to accept (a motion) 12. Father: British colloq. 13, Bubse- quently 14, Heroic 15, Present in brief 16. Negative reply 17. Body of a tooth 19, Shield 20, Man's 1, Form Rome 4. Your: 8. Holly- Tracy 11, Group actors tangle 18. Son of 2. Language of ancient 3.A choosing for office by vote 'wood's 9. Hastened 15. Became Bela: Bib, 19. Assam silk- worm 21. Kind of cheese 22, Devi- talized 23, Gradu- dial, ate 5. Worth of 6, First man Air 7, Little child Force Academy 24. Prefix to certain German names of 25, Distant 29, Basque- like cap d 30, Join together in action 31, Pranks; collog, 82, Hades: Old Eng. 34, Minus 37, Shade 38, Army Post Office: name : abbr, Y 21, Boy's school 2 7 1@ uw © King Features Syndicnta, Ina, 1068. World rights reserved. Sudbury Man Named Head _ . Of Jaycees KITCHENER (CP) -- Ernest Checkeris, 38, a Jumber mer- chant from Sudbury, was elected president of the Ontario Junior Chamber. of Commerce during the organization's an- nual convention here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Checkeris, a former pres- ident of the Jaycees' 'Sudbury unit, is Canadian chairman for j education and youth activities. | More than 400 delegates ap- JANE ARDEN YOU CAN IMAGINE THE DARNEDEST THINGS, NANCY/ SURE/ HER CAR WAS IN THE SHOP FOR, REPAIRS / SHE DIDNT HAVE ANY WAY TO GO TO THE BOWLING PARTY/ SO SHE RODE WITH ME / 5 SHE MUST HAVE LEFT HER SCAR FIN THE proved the title Jaycees as an alternate to the lengthier desig- nation. The delegates also approved suggestions that Canada Day programs be sponsored through- out Ontario, that a buy-Cana- }dian program be implemented, jand that driver education be 'promoted in the province's sec- jondary schools. | The Hamilton unit was judged ithe province's outstanding 'group and Chatham was sel- fected second. Donald Suchla of Fort William !was endorsed as candidate for jnational Jaycee president in lelections to be held in Halifax in June: , At a dinner Sunday, a spéak- ing trophy, donated by the St. {Catharines unit, was awarded to MICKEY MOUSE [ Dinerioetad by King Feature Byvaiate -- TINY. NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! {Norman Zaltz of Brantford. Crawford Reid of Brantford re- leeived an award for outstand- ~ jing district president Mr. Reid was elected a vice- president and John Bannikoff of Kitchener was elected secre- tary-treasurer. 'Mac, Kennedy | Break Denied | LONDON (AP) -- Sir David f |Ormsby Gore, Britain's ambas- jsador in Washington, denied |Monday that a rift was devel- oped between President Kens Inedy and Prime Minister Mac- \millan. 22. Tact (2 wds.) 26. River at Stratford 27, Malay gibbon 28. Dowel 29. Vacation island: Atl. O. $3. Father: Colloq. 34, Guided 35. Girl's name 36. Anesthetic 38, Apart 39. Drench 40, Muscovy ducks 41. Pause 42. Single person: poss, GRANDMA Ht, KIDS.,.f T CAN TELL YOU'VE BEEN OVER TO GRANDMAS... "we ANN' GHEG BEEN TELLIN' YOU GOME OF HER BEET GHOST STORIES / | The ambassador was refer- jring to a charge by Labor party spokesman Richard Crossman {that Kennedy administered a \"deliberate and monumental |snub" to Macmillan by refusing jto meet him on his forthcom- ing European swing. | Crossman said Kennedy has jan "active enmity" for the prime minister because of Mac- {millan's insistence on maintain- 'ing an independent nuclear de- jterrent for this country, White House Secretary Pierre \Salinger also denied that Ken- inedy snubbed Macmillan. | Red Threatens ' U.S. Merchantmen @ Inspect, clean spark plugs. @ Inspect, clean, adjust distributor points. . @ Service air cleaner. @ Free-up heat. riser valve. 4. & 6 Cylinder $6.25 8 Cylinder $8.25 THE 266 KING ST. WES) Phone Our Service Department For Appointment CLIFF MILLS MOTORS PHONE 723-4634 | MOSCOW (AP)--The Soviet 'Union, through one of its ad- imirals, threatened Saturday to jattack and destroy any Ameri- ean or Atlantic Alliance mer- jchant ship armed with Polaris 'nuclear rockets, | Admiral Sergei Gorshkov, 'commander-in-chief of the So- viet Navy, made the threat in the face of American and Brit- fLL DROP IT. AND ILL BET YOU 2!,840.HAM SANDWICHES, YOU CAN'T BRING IT ACK LI'L ABNER MINES DIFFERENT? JUST WALK PAST IT! DONALD DUCK NOW RELAX, WHETHER YOU WANT TO OR NOT! = fh ds 521 Glait BSNE SLi 'ROUND ZE EDGES... NEw? On... COLLAR WIZ RHINESTONE INSERTS... LEASH WiZ CHROME ORNAMENTATION... DISH Wiz PERBONAL MONOGRAM... BLANKET Wiz PURE po TTY a 4 ie * I'M Sorety, 2. L THIS Is MR, DITHERS-) 3 SERIOUS P I FORGOT =<"4 -- WHAT IT WAS ) YOU ASKED js ow ME TO * YBH NOW YOU Won'T }!!!* HAVE SOMETHING, AiO YOU WON'T EVEN KNOW DAGWOOD, HAVE YOU EVER my ED SELLING INSURANCE THE LONE RANGER = AS THE OLD, FRAVED ROPE STARTS TO BREAK, THE LONE RANGER MAKES A DESPERATE GMIB-+ B SNARES '7 MADE THE BELL SUDDENLY RING LIKE THAT? MUGGS AND SKEETER MA, I FOUND A PAIR OF GLASSES... Me ETT OH, THOSE ARE MYOLD GLASSES... BUT THEY'LL BE ER THAN NOTHING... NOW See IF YOU CAN FIND YOUR NEW GLASSES... THEN, IF YOU CAN FIN? MY OLD GLASSES FOR ME, MAYBE CAN FIND MY NEW a GLASSES !! i Facts tine ti, sth. Ahab Tilsen JULIET JONES we we THIS 16 JOHN WHITING GRIFFIN --YOU KNOW, THE FAMOUS MOTION-PICTURE WE ARE CONSIDERING USING YOUR HOUSE ITSELF MR. JONES. AS YOU UNDOUBTEDLY KNOW, THE HALLMARK OF A 1S LARRY BRANNON ¢$ MAKING A SURVEY OF MINING LANDS (os WHEN ANDY GOT TO mS PAUGHTER FRAN, WE BLEW WS TOP BUT, THS EIGHTEEN YEAR-OLD GIRL COMPLETELY ROUTED HIM. ANOYS BIG PROBLEM 1% TO KEEP AER FROM MARRYING THAT CRUMB..." / MAU <-> THAT MUST BE A REAL HEADACHE --- &, WONDER WHAT h ANDY wilt po? jish denials of any plan to arm }merchantmen. | The denials, made earlier, jwere repeated today in notes delivered by American, British jand West German governments. | Gorshkov declared in a long jarticle published in Izvestia that junder international law such iships may be destroyed by any country and the crews tried for |piracy NEWS IN BRIEF GETS TWO YEARS HAMILTON (CP) -- A man convicted of passing forged stock certificates to the value of $16,440 was sentenced Friday to two years less a day in the On- tario reformatory. Samuel Shir- ose, 32, pleaded guilty to sey charges of fraud when Sold 14 of the forged certificAtes in Hamilton and Ottawa. He used two aliases, Jack--Rdésen in Hamilton and Harry Stone in Ottawa. GETS NAVY CONTRACT OTTAWA (CP)--The defence department confirmed Friday the award of a contract to de Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited of Downsview, Ont.; for design and construction of a 180- ton prototype anti - submarine hydrofoil ship for the Royal Ca- nadian Navy. Amount of the contract was not announced but it is believed to be about $10,- 000,000. : } TO PROVIDE ARMS NEW DELHI (AP)--Yugos \lavia has agreed to provide \India with about $6,000,000 worth of arms and ammunition for defence against Communist China. The agreement signed here today provides for 'pay- ment in rupees over three years. SALLY'S SALLIES "You must master that piece, | darling. It's the one I tried ' when I gave up the violin."

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