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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1963, p. 2

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i momar" ___iNorris Report PU earson-Diet 3 GOOD Eun NING Expected Soon his) ipaye Wo Debate Policy ROBE! when Prime Minister Pearson Mtns abe # : s By DON HANRIGHT planners and the bureaucrats LOCAL VOTE 6&TS RECORD orrawa amet Min-(end President Kennedy de- 4 Dis - aa Wp OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com-|know best," he said. The throne + 'The arduous, time-consuming task of counting the ballots ister Allan MacEachen shortly|clared that ships and their , ty i 4 mons got Monday what the vot-|speech could also be noted for in last week's four-day 1963-65 elections of Local 222, UAW- |. 11 receive the report of Mr.|crews must be allowed free ee, ae , J g lord missed tast month: A face: its lack of policy. but the Norris on his|movement in the St. Lawrence 4 ' toface debate between Lester speech from the throne CLE started today at the UAW Hall on Bond street, bu Justice T, G. rhin | on ae ltiner aud the Gait Lovee taal ; y 4 ee ee ne lladcetis' tat le ce , ' wage H Ys, first results are unlikely to trickle in much before tomorrow ene af ee oa and shipllay between the United States tiny A George Diefenbaker over eco-lof philosophic and theoretical night at the earliest. anad ' ic poliey .and Canadian-|planning has become the essen- the Great/and Canada. nom' ey When the balloting coa- pd ee a American relations. tial program of the Liberal cluded Friday afternoon, the dications 'sre tough-minded| WOULD END STRIFE It was dandy but unresolved.|party, the theme being that the Election committee under Sed "Norris will express wis|, MF. Justice Necris is knows A well - attended House and|government knows best." . Steve Melnichuk proudly an- |ptgings without sparing the|*® share the same view--aad packed galleries soaked ye Mr. Diefenbaker said that if nounced one factor in con- |gensitivities of government, the|t® fee! the usefulness of the in: hours of it, sizing up Mr. Dief-|one or two of Mr. Pearson's nection with the election -- shipowners, organized la- Co lmes ea beet Be enbaker, ~ oh pore Pan oe Peg hat $0 a4 olic i t a cutting opposition| planning would, eontrol: the Local's members set an bor, the police - ond posi divi. poet Bag Fell ae ag io ot BS Ss all-time high record for the "es ek, mare re "furbulent|, At the start of his one-man son as the practised pundit, | who--unless prevented by legis- number of ballots cast, ap- jemireed as been fought) mquiry last August, the Van- Left in the. balance was Mr.|lation--would turn the federal proximately £,004 out of [SiR S Olt tv ropogandaouver, jurist made it clear he rg J Diefenbaker's non - confidence| government into a "'bureaucra- total of approximately 13,000 |"04' Siitical pressure for the|Pianned to judge the dispute in Oe yi motion, due to come to a roll-|tic autocracy."' M and pol P 'lterms of "respect for the rule ah tole Tecreae aa. ane a ON eligible voters. last 13 years along the Cama et i ehts of indi c 4 y night, eplying later, Mr. . i -- for ('dian and American waterfront.|_: var 8 P P E Vo Prime Minister Pearson's blunt/said the Conservative leader -- ; The fight goes back to 1949 viduals and for the public in statement that his minority gov-/gives no indication of under Executive posts, Canadian hen the Communist -'domi-|°te*- ernment will not invite "'special| standing that Canada has: @ UAW Council and three shes dian Seamen's Un- Based on this three-fold yard- arrangements"' to stay in office. 29th.century economy, in a: sei- : ittees (Polit- nated ign oe -- ealkced stick and on the evidence ten- 4 The Conscrvative Watton: lenis eas , aaa on Education and (o HerG Banks and hip Sea-("ered st the public hearings, : | "While recognizing that) sa tat: tae ical Action, Education an by Hal C, Banks an i$ § the judge is expected to find le adats achaamnie growth hae Mr. Pearson sai Recreation) -- are among |farers International Union of that: i. p LD) ne ee ae that economy is to move ahead to the most important held in |Caftada. : h 1, SIU President Banks was inayat / fees ea a 2 egg al pte take care of the work force, re Oshawa, not excluding the Fe *E eas ake extravagant and abused his ' j , \world, this House regrets cial Meer -- oceaperdve municipal, so that it is em | eent Hyannis Port meeting Piaiming 15 bog An bi , jmany of the pledges made by 20 20-6" from govertiment couraging to see oe Pasi sr cacammamea , } hoes haing Arcapr Fir lle even when that means govern- members seen eee 4 2, The rights and welfare of al in the government's declar- ment intervention. aes iranchicd fe GUCR MADE Li ETALS NEAQY inaividuar 'saitors have deen , pevalip Pa Be s (dectar-| "Said Mr. Diefenbaker: "We ; cedented numbers. The pop- flagrantly ignored b ation of intention as outlined in. of the Canadian House in good STEVE MELNICHUK [ae Pe, las Peconic, ithe speech from the throne, and| ular vote in the last two two- | T Co id leaders and by some shipown-| lturther regrets that the polictes|°conomec order." year elections totalled no more than 58-60 percent. | 10 nsiaer lers. i Mr, Pearson retorted that in ' i jannounced fail to provide full). tive ad- Mr. Melnichuk attributed the large turnout to three key | 3. The SIU's vacation pay, lopportunity for the people wa cere SS | | | isch is bei illegal . »" i i factors, as follows: | Work Changes eee 1 tning lies y Saar Canada to continue the social) \oquct advanced 18 per cent, | | F j advance and large economic Excellent weather, improved round-the-clock voting lorder of former Labor Minister MO ING FL DYNAMIT E lected t rn"? whereas in the previous facilities and better all-round advance publicity of the event By JAMES NELSON Michael Starr--with the acqui- V 0 Oe Ey OR pene: years -- under Liberal govern : : ; OTT, -- i ; i rt L. E. Sgt. | | --the ri 36 per cent. blished AWA (CP)--The Liberal/esence of some Canadian ship-| How does it feel to handle | ton is a stick found moments | expert L. E. Larin and URGES ACTION ment--the rise was 36 pe by the Press ane pl ee er Wasa government is prepared to COn- owners, ns terrorist dynamite? Det. - Sgt. | before in a Quebec City mail | Honore Marcier, another Social Credit Leader Robert Unemployment had averaged a detailed brochure of pertinent facts, inc 8 is sider several innovations in' 4 'The srU's welfare plan is) Frank Dollard's facial ex- | box. It was tagged "F.L.Q.". | bomb - trained detective. Thompson, who urged the House /413,000 as against 171,000 under sketches of candidates for the more important pos s.) re Commons committee work this! actuarially unsound and in dan.| Pression tells all, In the car- | Behind Dollard are ballistics (CP Wirephoto) to cease being a "'politicaljthe Liberals in the same 8ix- For the first time in the history of the ge ge session. : ' ' jger of going bankrupt, with orice - arena" and -get- down to legis: year comparison. ; tions, the ballot boxes were kept in the UAW Hall -- in a Prime Minister Pearson has/henefit payments used as a de- lative business, said Mr. Diefen.| 'The basic truth about our special basement room protected by three separate locks in ete reporters: : _|viee to maintain control of un- baker made a has of the motion.|economy today is that we must care of three Election committee members -- instead of at | 1. The povetegelt, is vine ion members. oar S ee Oos New Democratic Leader T. C,|run very fast in production or the City Police station. jto suggest that the House rules Douglas, who planned to move/¢lse we will slip behind in em- ' in the |committee, which has always|MEMBERS TERRORIZED a non-confidence motion of his /Ployment," Mr. Pearson said. "We think it is unnecessary to keep these ballots in the | iot in private, should hold some 5. Members of the SIU have) e e { ' ic policy of the Lib- Police Station," explained Mr. Melinchuk "'as our facilities |open sessions to hear anyone|been terrorized, intimi.| In L eacher i Tad nin hp Ager = Liberal Guecamell aa cide toe at Union Hall are just as good for safety reasons. How outside Parliament who has/dated and brainwashed into otter and said the opposition| this expansion. . much safer could the ballots be?" jideas on how the Commons) submitting to the will of their parties have a responsibility to| However, he said that if the President Malcolm Smith of the Local was heartily in should work. ore LONDON, Ont. (CP)--The As-jeducations for which they|nition of bursary costs for the/refrain from "all forms of frivo-\¢xpansion is to be big enough ccord with Mr. Melnichuk's statement. 2, The government will not) 6. Some shipowners have ab-\ ciated Secondary School/haven't the inclination. | purpose of receiving grants from|lous. obstruction," so people can be put to work, acco : jobject to the military chiefs of dicated their responsibilities top oards of Ontario. will ask the 4 ithe government; Normally, the throne speech 'he GNP increase may have to The campaign and election were conducted on a high level. staff appearing before the pro- their employees and abandoned Ontario School Trustees' Coun-/SUGGEST SUBSIDIZE Sought legislation making pa- debate lasts eight sitting days.|8° "beyond that which we have but many of the Local's members expressed disappointment |posed Commons defence com- certain managerial rights to the| nil t rod the education de-, The panelists suggested) rents financially liable for dam-|But State Secretary J. W. Piek.|had even in our good days, and at the appearance of a mystrious political pamphlet, the |mittee, so long as their testi-/union, largely through fear of|<. a H : {schools should seek out top-lage caused by their children tolersgill, civ ethank: House| it will certainly require a much | i Paes ; pag : A' ~"|partment into utilizing whatever) >" ae A , : | : ; exact origin of which has not been clearly established at i opogg is limited to points of ee tie-ups of their facilities are available in the flight teachers and guidance) nyblic buildings during acts ofjleader, said as the House rose |sreater increase 'in expansion cl . this writing. : in S sellors who should be sub- i i F than we have had on the aver- i ; since, starting in September, | COUNS® jvandalism, described as a gen-|at 10 p.m. EDT Monday night! t ( i 3. The government likely wilj| .7. There has been a lack of hie a sidized to enable them to attend| | lage in the last six years." Whatever effect this belated pamphlet, with its strong {follow precedent established by |co-operation among police en- oe oo OI was summer schools and training orem gga throughout the _ Pg lip oe 8 y political overtones and innuendoes--and mailed to reach sev- (the former Conservative admin-/forcement agencies at ni- aiadl a a ee of a reso-| courses. In -Saturday night's speech, |iting gan Gaomunin Meg | SAPS PRESIDENT eral long-service members on the eve of the election--may have _ istration in asking #8 deposition cipal, Lab aag and fedeval| iio, one of a number 'ap-. In passing resolutions, dele- the education minister issued alsay ae J llettnne than cnattne Walee : ' z if the |MP to be chairman e pub-|levels, resulting in a lack of| 0" pose . ; ' i apes nae ' , ; had-on the final piasiiele te tien edging hdmi : . jlic accounts committee. protection for ordinary citizens proved st tg final eeseing Shah: Se Age rg rey sg : ny gree > a The assembly's chief protag-/baker, leading off the debate, effect was nil. such tactics are deplored by the overwhelm- 'SOUGHT IDEAS To temedy thas pit lday of the group's three-day an-|/of school boards to any legisla jthe number of unnecessary fa-/gnists had lots to say. \took a verbal slap at President ing majority of Trade Unionists in Oshawa and district, Farner Speaker Roland Mich-|Mr. Justice "Norris is "expected| 2! convention, which followed tion which would give eee planned for new school! Mr. Diefenbaker described the! ennedy's New Frontier. and inasmuch as they represent politics at its lowest ebb. an earlier comment on teacher pal councils authority to inter-/buildings, vaunted '60 days of decision'|said the cornerstone of the Pro- ener issued an invitation two\to recommend direct govern- ; SAisAs ; re owi ' ~ , ata hat The results for the president's and the secretary's | years ago to observers of par-|ment involvement in ingeve?™| availability by Education Min-fere with "or change board) Other new officers include|as the "shifty days," and said|gressive Conservative party has J ! Leamington,|the throne speech was a na-\been the maintenance of "a : . ni : ; ( nt in it ister Davis. budgets, Although they do not\Morgan Brown sts -- the only two full-time, paid pesitions on the execu- /|jiamentary practice outside the affairs in the shipping industr ister hd : hos sSeS per less: ; : A : tive -- will likely be known first. Other results may be de- |House to submit ideas, but noth.| There is preva k that he mr eerie: i 9 Soeeck Barer: iaty Coulete ave cited ae -- vice-president; Rev. W. W.jtional disappointment. free and independent Canada," . sis ty of a UAW ruling that the leader |ing came of it. The committee|will propose a three-member|°2?,,1e?!; Said Ontario is hd eae ser tana, tee Guelph, second vice-| "It is full of platitudes spaced) "I have no apologies to offer layed several days because of a uling |meeting jast year under formeritrusteeship to administer a jtracting the largest possible|!egis'ation giving mc president and.S. G. Saywell,/out among economie generali-|now or in the years ahead for in- any race must-have an over-all majority over all oppo- \siecket Warmer Lammaet kaidl sclarce fi SIU with Be. {number of university graduates of education purse begga ' |Oshawa, secretary-treasurer, ties which indicate that the|that stand which will be proven nents before he is declared the winner. no open sittings, but Mr. Lam-| government and ihe shi 'tinto the teaching' profession. In other resolutions, dele: right," he said, obvious at i powners| However, the number' 'will not| sates: ; i 4 ' x bert says he would be willingjeach appointing a representa-, adequate for two or three) Requested the School Trustees INTERPRETING THE NEWS : ried Pada rier ye | ng NOTES ON SUBSIDIZED LOW-RENT HOUSING to suggest rule changes based tve. lung Association to study the legality his g li _ we woccaeted in wetting & (eubeltiand lew-tent Reusing) | lee Bis seperienes 86 Mpenver. | Coanled with this would bo ¢ the ier sania also included|of long-term teachers' salary ie vy nied ngtor Mr. Dieter for Oshawa because 1 was like a broken record. 1 kept "| The new government, it is un-\specific plan to place under a panel discussion 'on sehoo! contracts, particularly those ex- sihic eae Gta '1061 'the U.S playing the same refrain over and over until we got action." a or -- eng Secemn the rotary) suidance counselling and anjtending beyond the term of of- uc ear orce "pressed -- some interpreted. it CHRISTINE THOMAS, former mayor of Oshawa, at the. (15). consider opening the tea which salts Pages rien election of officers in whichifice of boards, as pushed"'--Canada to join the annual conference of the Ontario Association ef Children's |; 4 John C, Miller of Sarnia was) Decided to request the edu Organization of American Ay asclesian: poset r ik government has put no par thie oe ee eer = chosen to succeed W. A. Clarke|cation department to equal- on 4 e ame States. Mr. Pearson had spoken limitations on its motion to es-|trols over the minimum size of "not Marys as president. iy ral | , of the desirability of this in the ; i rr Th 1 dis i ted\students to higher grades ' : " Mrs. Thomas was undoubtedly an intrepid (and much (tablish the defence committee./a ship's crew and over the con- ant A ial pie is gl epee the aatike ___ By ALAN HARVEY jweeks of manoeuvring among Past: Po ry intend to do of the time lone) pioneer in a long and disheartening fight In the past, it had limited tis|tractual relationship between 4ing pushed towards university! Called for department recog: Canadian Press Staff Writer London, Washington and Paris,| The prime minister replied to get subsidized low-rent housing for Oshawa, as this news- work to reviewing defence ex-/master of a ship and the indi- -------- NATO's new nuclear re Hg Al al Aegaee Mr, Kennedy exerted no paper frequently pointed out. The Christine Crescent proj- | may come into the world with-| ; nything that might). oressure' on this er any other pn e & : spe had asl ; : ardize President de G j i ject in the southeast sector is a monument to her dogged- | WEATHER FO "AST Victoria Da Cae of a christening ib fig _ independent] matter at their reeeat Hyannis sceaul enh Q baa: | REC The 15 not-so-fond parents, as-/Nuclear capacity. gested Canada will hold off joins This having been said, the question may be asked: sembling in Ottawa for their an-| Basically, what may emerge jing OAS until the organization How long will the City have to wait for a second such - e nual spring get-together, appear|from the three-day NATO min- clarifies its own membership project ? C ud older to have decided that their way-|isterial meeting starting Wed- qualifications in view of a prolis It took from June of 1957 to November of 1962 to get ' OS Vy ule ward child can do without ajnesday will likely be a cautious, feration of new states, espe the 42-unit southeast project operative. name, compromise agreement to set Who was responsible ? bd At least no one can blamejup a bomber - and - submarine|"ia!'7_in the Caribbean. " : With Sho er By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Skies were cloudy over most them for not having tried. Asjforce with a NATO command! There was much general apathy on Council for reasons S Most Canadians observed Vic-/of Ontario .Weather in the Mari-soon #s the inevitability of ajand targeting system. The - unknown. Who was ready to stand up and scream with in- toria Day quietly Monday, but times was fine but Manitoba suf-/new nuclear force for NATO be-|wider American proposal for a) Celebrating kOe dignation at the delay while families were herded together Forecasts issued by the Tor-|St. Thomas ....... 5 here and there a harsh note fered through 50-mile-an-hour,came apparent, the planners|Polaris missile-carrying surface) (S\@MMe'¥) IM astieezalaas in -sub-standard conditions year after year? Perhaps some to weather office at 5 a.m.:|London .... o3 50 marred the picture. winds and snow. \canvassed every conceivable/fleet manned by crews of dif-| aldermen were apathetic because the. major delays, and BPs egg , yal loca - -4 | In Hamilton, youths went on| In most major sities, + go Sohail in the atomic Thesau- soar eanarace may be yw s i 'Northern rio Ww u ingham ... 5 a firecracker-thr -set- Salutes commemorate e|rus. Sa : s . es pie an Pwr Bt the senior government |southward behind the storm to-/Hamilton .... tae reunnee tele and birthdays of Queen Victoria and) They tried inter-allied, multi-| Other problems that may night and Wednesday. Snowflur-|St. Catharines .... } . cw "f _/ Queen Elizabeth, official reasonn ational, multilateral, inte-| ; Here are some hard, cruel facts which many, Including ./ries continue in Northern On-|Toronto punching police who tried to re joome up at Ottawa include e -ordinated, mixed- ; st h for the observance. grated, co-ord , | oa : some councillors, choose to ignore: tario and could move southward Peterborough . paddy pearl bee poe Saint John, N.B, observed the;manned or even mix-master,|Ways of implementing a new Oshawa today is more in need of subsidized low-rent ('0 northern sections of the Lake Trenton ... a 0 eat aad _|180th anniversary of the found-|supranational and so on. _ |"forward strategy," involving a housing than it was back in 1957 when the situation was Huron region and areas near/Killaloe .. : 5 ey paskuas A aay = jing of the city by the United) But none of the names antie: Gennes resadt soy Bho me Iron described by_wellare workers as 'deplorable' -- this has oe s on Wednesday, Muskoka | A Hina Beh sewlosign in an Empire Loyalists. fied all the founding pigeon -- ier; * cme been caused in no little way by a large influx of new work- (¢ doug pe P-pregged pane North Bay «. armory set off oy Quebec ter-| At Toronio 8 Greenwood race) nd bw Saket ina a +H 1 rw a | tte to Conan ers ase h ea ae dc ny 1 lrorists, | cast a shadow over track the: third Jereest chow 4 Sailr usally that ee Fores isilat' compen <a the pg # 7. Y | B. sees wrist \ er s s ord) ' bod i bere There is a grave: shortage in Oshawa of "rental housing and turning much colder with|Kapuskasing . : 5 |Montreal's celebrations and pgp sr yaueuit casa he being created and let it go atjthe stockpile needed under plans for children", .many families can't afford the high rent |0¢Casional showers Wednesday.|White River . 9 [Postponed fireworks, In the rest/ oa of 24,212 bet $1,027,176 on that. \for resisting an enemy land at- tariff -- several families today face eviction from sub- Winds becoming northwesterly Moosonee . p 5 |of Quebec, normal holiday activ- eight races. The no-name agreement, saidjtack without using major nu- sinndard homes condemned by. the City: Heslth Depertmeat. this evening, Nimmine. . ; 9 ities took place in changeable In Ottawa, thousands gathered to have been reached aftericlear weapons, sa Toronto, Hamilton, western §.S.. Marie ........ 3 | weather, : : thane oar The aforementioned Toronto conference of the Children's | Lake Ontario, Niagara. regions:/Mount Forest... 3 ; | Five youths and men aged 17 for the annual tulip festival, -- 1 Aid Societies emphasized a point which should be uppermost (| Ciouding over with showers by, jto 26 were charged with creat-| in the minds of all who would correct or ease this deplorable evening. Cloudy and much Observed Temperatures ling a disturbance in the Hamil-| THIRTY DROWN NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE MEN Why Arthur Murray é i et ; S ? SHANDERNAGORE, India sifuation. It was this: colder with occasional showers jton incident, in which gasoline) CHANDERNAGORE, "Substandard housing is society's most serious problem |Wednesday. Northwest winds 15 yl hala High Monday (fires were set in the streets and (Reuters)--Thirty persons were Offers a*30 course and specifically a major cause of family break-ups." to 25 Wednesday. Victoria hae ely . a jtwo policemen treated in hospi- Sie test eee oe beet WOMEN AND DEPENDENTS $ penditures already made. vidual members of his crew. . Eastern Lake ria, "Halil tal for mi juries. + The City is still swamped with applicants for subsidized basen sesneens faire Hatt Edmonton t. 35 59 ad ecard Inear here early today. Fifteen low-rent housing accommodation, |showers tonight and Wednesday who pon SS wan i i ee end ee a : Families are living today im sub-standard quarters, (much colder Wednesday. Winds s i some in downtown Oshawa, which jack such things as bath- [northwest 15 to 25 Wednesday. uakehead --.-...4. 42 54 (Canada was spotty with rain carrying mostly jute mill work- invited te take edvantege of « only saleby. RIO faccscsc MO 0 | RR Wanlbek ploture. seiGialeare yeccusl FU WE COAT. All ex.service personnel and their dependents are {ng facilities and central heating. North Bay, Sudbury, northern "Mite River...... 32 48. |and sunshine mixed intermit- ers, ae : take Huron, Georgian Bay, Ti. Peankeany "ea 2 38 ae te ae ce a eae | FREE LEGION SERVICE | We are offering a special $30 magami regions: Cloudy and the three days, Manitoba and ' olution calling for the executive: : NON PAV 48 |Northern Ontario had . | introductory course for only F jmuch colder with sho " o had an unex NUPE Merger committee of NUPE to amend |jikely flurries of wet psy yay 3 35 51 (pected snowstorm. $15 because we want you to see |any necessary bylaws to permit aaade : 33 Sn for yourself how quickly and | A / esday. Northerly winds 15 to i : }rapid censummation of a ; 41 60 ] easily you can learn the new INUPE-NUPSE. marriage, 25 Wednesday. ° ° ed if | ; % 38 55 | ' : steps in an Arthur M fran- Approved | Delegates revived an issue Png a yaa Mies pet 43 Assistant Secretary, Service Bureau, Toronto po a stidte. hel Gee ania : Leta Peston 0 rags Ontario| and 'cold with showers or flux -vareaal S | Finest Quality! much fun it is to master the Fox } 8 callin | r ae -( i At Conference (2°, Restors 4c.07 caling Hes o watmow taday and Wed. guayee oo" e STOLES LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO. 43 = | 1 Che-chs, Twist ev Queen's| nesday. Northerly wi ; t. (CP) -- The Park at the next sitting of the|on Wen eotay." es hE DOES ME yee me WINDSOR, Ont. (CP Even if you've never danced be- a brief to Premier Robarts im- three-day convention of the On.|legisiature, and urged sending) Fr i | & JACKETS d sll Ge reklic Keapiovoes matiately requesting deletion of Slow tonight, igh ge SHORGAS IS THE TIME e COATS | Wednesday, May 22nd. toe aee Ue ee aes (CLC) adjourned Sunday after the section. | Winds HEATING & To have that carpet or chest- Parties, you'll meet new friends... i i i i i leaned professionally in Prices! ' ' ain poise and popularity. Thi delegates approved a resolution, The section under fire gives erfield cleaned professionally Lowest Prices FROM 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M, po! popularity. There are cae for the merger of rip bag egy og ag to - cnnek APPLIANCES hes bo nal -- strangers at Arthur Murray's ith the National Union of Pub-|{use to deal wi eir employ- af . mse tle Service Employees (CLC), (¢¢8 in a collective agreement. | BEYOND PRICE, Industrial and Sa nee matiatontion te Also from 7:00 p.m., to completion of business . . . seen | The merger was approved| * -- | YET WITHIN Commercial eat 4 | to give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits, Any- ingent to acceptance byes ay. REACH OF ALL" The established, reliable Ges | Phone 728-4681 one with question on war disability pension, War H \ | IPSE: of a per capita tax of| Pw eg . | : Veteran's Allowance (Burnt-Out Pension) . . . Treat- BS cents per member a month} OIL FURNACE? GERROW ealer in your ares. ! NU-WAY FURS | 'ment or Hospital care is urged to call er write to end agrecment on benle sue LL FUNERAL 31 CELINA ST. MR, A. Cc. BRISEBOIS, Business Manager of Royol Open 1 to 10 P.M. DAILY puffseation PERRY CHAPEL (Corner of Athol } RUGCO.LTD. 75 KING ST. EAST a eae, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Licetens W. MARKS ' } . shawa, i rr intment. walle dee eben to je con FDAY OR NIGHT -- 723-3443 290 King W. 728-6226 | Leet 9441 | 174 MARY ST. Consus i awa. who will arrange an appointme Wh tk a ce

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