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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 May 1963, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 22, 1963 Talks Planned To Organize TV Services OTTAWA (CP) -- The desire of Commonwealth countries to set up television services--and the problems they'll face doing it--will come to the fore when broadcasters of 15 Common- wealth countries meet in Can- ada this spring. The three-week meeting will be the fifth session of the Com- monwealth Broadcasting Con- ference, and the first to be held in Canada, The conference, begun in 1945, is a loosely knit associa- tion of publicly owned broad- casting organizations formed to) exchange ideas, technical in- formation and programs. This process will continue in the field of radio broadcasting. However, since the conference Jast met in India in 1960 the younger, developing nations of the Commonwealth have been moving closer to the day they can jump into the exciting, challenging and expensive field of television. William' Armstrong, a CBC} official who ig conference sec- retary, says this will likely be one of the major areas of dis- cussion at the meetings of the conference which will open May 27 at Montreal, switch to Tor- onto June 9 and end at Banff, Alta,, June 13-16, MEETING PRIVATE Conference membership is re stricted to publicly owned broadcasting bodies in inde- pendent Commonwealth na- tions. This excludes Trinidad and Tobago, where broadcast- SAVE 4c ing is by private stations. But most if not all of the oth- BEANS 35 ers are expected to attend. The C list includes India, Australia Britain, Cyprus, Ghana, Ja-|-- ee wes ae maica, New Zealand, Nigeria,| | Cloverleaf Solid Albacore SAVE 4e Ceylon, Malaya, Pakistan} Clork's 18-02 TINS WITH PORK 2 Uganda; Sierra Leone and Tan-' ganyika es: FANCY TUNA The meetings won't be lar however. The chief executive,) z Bie ee Par ecre Nee ee and perhaps also the. chief en-/ gineer, will repreesnt each na- SAVE 4e tional! broadcasting service. Sessions will be private and APPLESAUCE SAVE lle closed to the press. 3 " TINS 1.00 Mr. Armstrong, who hasbeen) @ Party Punch Scotion Gold Fancy workin g for a year in prepara-| see a tion, said in an interview that) HI-C the conference will make no} policy decisions, DRINK "It's a very loosely, knit or- ganization, with no consti til-| 9 Grope ° tion, laws or anything else," he; said. | But it already had done aStokely's Foney Cream Style great deal in the way of ex- changing technical information, CORN program ideas and technical, help through the Jending of ex-| perts. aoa | RADIOS FOR INDIA jE. D, Smith Tomote One example is Canada's) Farm Radio Forum--a tech- CATSUP ? nique of stimulating farm com- munity discussions and spread-) == ing information of value to} farmers, The idea was picked|=. D. SMITH up by India's radio system as a means of improving the CHILI SAUCE ofits half-million rural vil- lages. But the co-operative idea was| carried one -step further. The} Canadian Farm Radio Forum| begana campaign to raise/ money to purchase radios for| Indian villages, many of which| y jad no radios at all. So far about 100 radios, costing $110)9 each, have been given so that} indian villagers can gather| around loudspeakers for their| forum discussions. Now, television is the com! ng| thing for many of the evelop-| ing Commonwealth countries. "The older Commonwealth} members naturally have aj great deal: to contribute," Mr.,! Armstrong said . TV engineering techniques are one area where help could be given. An exchange of TV| - programs was another possibil-| Re Macaroni or ity to meet the "simply tre- PILLSBURY ASSORTED mendous" demand for pro-| grams to fill broadcasting ime.| CAKE MIX The costs would be prohibitive if a small country had to do all its own programming. Pet Ritz Frozer "ld APPLE Pie Pa. 'Newspaper Executives Fight Ruling Be ForH paste PHILADELPHIA (AP)---Law- yers for two executives of the Philadelphia Bulletin said in a brief filed with the State Su-/ preme Court Tuesday that their convictions for contempt of # court should be set aside be- cause newspaper men have a right under Pennsylvania state Jaw not to disclose their! sources. The tribunal is hear oral argument in the case ' ALAA Rubber early next month : Robert L. Tayior, president of the newspaper, and Earl Selby,| its city editor, were convicted! # of refusing to give certain infor-|§ 'mation to a grand jury investi-|# gating alleged corruption ini# Philadelphia's city government.) Ba 'They claimed protection under|™® a state law which says a news-|§ 'paper man need not disclose his § sources, i * However, Common Pleas Judge Bernard Kelley, who ime posed a fine of $1,000 and a five-day jail sentence on each defendant, said the source of a Bulletin story was known and therefore the jury was entitied 'to all the information on how it @ was ' @ Pineopple-Orange SAVE 8e 29¢ SAVE 5e 3/¢ SAVE 4e 25¢ ? 18-02 TINS 11-02, BTLS. 11-02, BTLS. SAVE 4¢ A5c SAVE 4e 59 SAVE 2e 23¢ CORNED BEEF "38% KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP ROBERTSON Shred, Silver Shred, Scotct MARMALADE SPAGHETTI 2 902 vick SAVE ae 31 35¢ SAVE 6¢ SAVE 4¢ oon SAVE 4e¢ A5¢ SAVE 6¢ ae CAKE on Jae SAVE 12¢ "GIANT 53¢ SIZE Soft or Firm HAIR SPRAY SAVE 4 79C 11-02 CTNR Pre-Pak Girls' -- Assorted Colors SLIMS Says 50¢ eatin, OO) oe ee expected to Sizes Assorted Colors A HILDREN'S SAVE 20¢ BEACH THONGS van 4% ATTRACTIVE Glass Fruit Bowl with @ $5 orde 19 eecoecoeve2eeee @ SAVE 10c 39: WHILE THEY AST @ Power Deep-Filled Pe f c BLUEBERRY EACH sevig wv ery werwrse i he Mi Ph Pena fied, OL ah Ra a ne oo é Ww a we re 0 ee ee gna ey oe eC VCC EVE VEC SCC TOM OTH TEV CT SF TE ECT TFET Y ae ey wre ed ¢ nth 4 ow ee tee eee es No waste, all meat, boneless-- PORK BUTTS. 49 Fresh, meaty PORK Hi Choice, meaty Swift Brand 1-LB, PKG. 1-LB8 PKG, Size 48 Stalks <3 Florida Milky, Fancy Grade Ontario No. 1 Grade, Hothouse CUCUMBERS THE LUCKY WINNER OF THE SPELL P.C.W.-E-R GAME WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN THE BIG POWER AD, OF WED., MAY 29TH. 15-OZ. TINS RINDLESS BACON wo 4p BEANS reer - PINEAPPLE Maple Leaf Brand Ready to Eat Choice Large GOLD SEAL FANCY RED SOCKEYE ; CEI FRY CLARK'S FANCY FQOMATO COOKED HAM =. COOKED SMELTS | HALIBUT STEAKS . 5c i. 69c Fresh from the tropics--Golden Ripe CARNATION EVAPORATED a AN AN AS WUICE =2*53: COTTAGE ROLLS.» 59¢ Canada Packers Devon Brand 99 CELLO FRANKS FISH. DEPT, KOUNTY KIST GREEN POTATOES BLUE MOUNTAIN, SLICED, CRUSHED TIDBITS SLICED Power Bakery Special Power Angel Food SAVE 10¢ 4 CAKE ':: 49°: Size 24 48-OZ. TINS SAVE 4e 31¢ Sunbeam Cinnamon BUNS Light & Fluffy

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