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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 May 1963, p. 7

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China Children Face Heavy School Agenda PEKING (AP) -- A nation and some time must be devoted bra mye a ; at phan: os to productive labor, { ly ev ng is new. Every student spends three or within @ few years there ap-\four hours a week elther culti-|in pears a generation to whom thelvating the school fields, work- new and revolutionary is thejing in the shops, or on domes- old and familiar, tic duties--cleaning or in the|ing. We tourists visited the Mid-|kitchen, dle School at Ming Hung, a new We visited the workshops. A|*OM™ SHORTCOMINGS industrial and residential area|line of 14 trucks was drawn up| A%4 how do the pupils--two to --a satellite town -- outsidelin the yard, engines and chas-|@ Class--fare in their studies? Shanghai. The children nev en-|sis only. Girls and boys were|There are still shortcomings, tering the school, at 12 or 13,/cutting up steel 'angles and Mr, Yen told us. In one class were born since the red revolu-|sheet for building the bodies.|,... tion, None of the pupils can|Productive }abor is sternly|"ere 4% one or two students have any real recollection of/practical. Down the road from|Who will fail their examinations. the old order. the workshops we found the|Stil, if a student fails or has a bad record, ev in the' class is to help him, It's the No moaintenonce costs . One rote covers 'on one or two year lease items... Phone or come in MILLS AUTO LEASE _ PHONE 723-4634 LTD, 266 KING ST. WEST o eam smacatearncnecaramnnneninan It is an old - established|school piggeries, and enclosures school, built in 1865. The prin- cipal, Mr. Yeh, was more de- termined than most Chinese we met to impress us with the cor- rectness of his ideology. Be- fore the "liberation," he told us, all the students were from the landlord class or the bour- geoisie. Now, 86 per cent are hong worker or peasant fami- es, There are 1,900 of them, and most live here during the term. They live nine to a room--small rooms, with double bunks on each side and a single bed al- most filling up the remaining space. LEARNING AND LABOR The aims of the school? To form the children morally, in- tellectually and physically, we are told, cultural and scientific knowledge must be taught, but education must also develop the desired working-class outlook, Code Of Ethics For Company Takeovers TORONTO (CP)--A code of ethics aimed at companies or individuals considering taking over another company has been established by six Canadian fi- nancial institutions. The code, published in. book- let form and entitled Code. of Procedure on Take-Over Bids, is the work of the Toronto, Mon- treal, Canadian and Vancouver stock exchanges, the Trust Companies Association of Can- ada and the Investment Deal- ers' Association of Canada, The code defines a takeover "as any publicly announced of- fer by one company or an in- dividual to the shareholders of another company--the accept- ance of which would result in either a complete or partial merger."" It recommends that the name of the company or individual making an offer be disclosed ta the board of directors of the company to which the offer has been made; that the board sat- isfy themselves that the offerer is financialy able to complete the transaction if accepted, and that the board be given ade- quate time 'o properly consider the terms of the offer. o*CLASSIC BEAUTY * for ducks and chickens, The children must learn to serve the Communist recon- struction of the country so there are two hours a week of posed to inf'uence the back- slider, Yen said, The teaching staff appears to NOTICE TO OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON NOTICE "a TO OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF CLARKE, MAN- VERS, CARTWRIGHT AND EAST WHITBY, THE TOWN .OF BOW- MANVILLE AND THE CITY OF OSHAWA. LANDSLIDE SWALLOWS BUILDINGS -- ly disappeared in the clay bot- tom of the hole. ---CP Wirephoto Two houses were carried Joachim - de - Tourelle in the into a gaping "hole during a Gaspe peninsula, No one was landslide Sunday night at St. hurt, Earlier a barn complete- India Seeking BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 7 Average Citizen Arms Help | Creates Problem By HAROLD MORRISON suas te as a agh oan By FORBES RHUDE been put under way, stimulated ons as a defence against Red Canadian Press Business Editor|or "given respectability" by the China but wants more conven-| HAMILTON (CP)--The one/commission. tional arms aid from the U.S., most to blame for inefficient) Mr. Ritchie also .warned , 6 Canada and other countries, a|government operation {is Mr,jagainst complacency about con-/ Famous Players Canadian apokesman said Wednesday. Average Canadian himself, the/'inuance of the high - calibre|Vorp, Ltd., common 25 cents, T. T. Krishnamachari, India's)™an who pays the costs. civil service to which Canada|June 14, record May 30. minister for defence and econo-| Agreement on this identifica. has become accustomed, He Giant Yellowknife Mines Ltd., mic co-ordination, told a pression of the culprit was ex. said many "dedicated people"/15 cents plus 10 cents extra, conference that as far as his pressed by three panelists at/came in during the depression|June 17, record May 30. country knows, Communist the one-day national business/or during and after the war.| Greyhound Lines of Canada China has subsonic bombers but/CoMference held here Wednes- Unless working conditions, as Ltd., common 25 cents, July 1, no nuclear weapons. He said|day under the sponsorship of well as salaries, were right, "'it}record June 3. India is seeking at least the|the Canadian Chamber of Com-/may not be as easy in the fu-| Gordon MacKay and Stores equivalent of Chinese equip-|merce and the Hamilton cham-/ture to recruit people as good|Ltd., class A 12% cents, class ment, plus faster planes, But! ber. as we have had. a i cents, June 15, record India did not want nuclear wea-| Discussing the royal commis-|GOVERNM . sion on government organiza-| wr, -- oe on Phd ged pried gpm tion, more commonly known as|doubt that government is toolsuny' "napoli hag AA eee pons, even as a deterrent, be- cause use of such weapons could , lead to global war. the Glassco commission, thelbig and operates in too many ad tao. My cents, Oct. 1, rec- Worried about the possibility/Panelists reviewed many fifields but wherever it is it is Wiclaren Power eal Pu of another attack from the Chi- vv noe goon yee 9 a there because someone wanted|co. class A 2 cents, clase B it to n or beca lon ' a few criticisms of their own.|litical leader felt' that ™some|25 cents, ,Jyne 28, record May mese, India is seeking conven- tional arms, mainly from the Gis dated thet Gonads "i st ae Western powers, in an effort to a na as|popularity cou gained." " double the size of the 10-division'a high-grade of senior civil] Mr, Dean said there has been Pg Po agrnmtorsgghe Nye aed Indian army, dnd increase air- service but one handicapped by|misunderstanding of the com- common share per share, Aug force strength by about 70 perja "system" -- a system badly|mission's findings regarding thel; record July 16 y ' cent over a three-year period,/needing revision and one which/CBC. The commission had rec-/"phe Ontario Loan and Deben- Krishnamachari said his gov-|i2 many ways represses initia-/ommended that the government] ture Co., 25 cents, July 2, rec- ernment recently purchased 16/"¥@ @n@ favors the status --er Pe ps say when ~ ord June 14, . : Canadian « bullt Caribou trans-|NOT WELL INFO RMED Sante ane' peupaned. Comeus ae oo y Mase 14d., ime on the ec centred) na: . » 1» TeCO) une around the proposition that itive", findings along theselr4, port pe gg deliveries B etretch into , and "we prob- nes had been misinterpreted is the public that elects the/ag recommending that the gov- ably will buy more." He said India's prime need 1s Tembers '¢ en and|ernment should "take over" the for more transport planes to litt|Sve™mment responsible for the|cRc, Pygat ii {system} and the public's failure) Mr, 'Tyson said that in regard Frontier terete. It also ty sock |' kee? itself informed concern-lto bringing government opera- ho "haahard an eemeee mie jets| 2S the vast business which is|tions up to date Canada ap- hel rvthe US. and other|sovernment today, pears to be about eight years friend tries. will donatel prt, Panelists were Ronald S./behind the United States. In oy , ius wed ; onate| Ritchie, director of Imperial Olllsome respects Canad was per- wid. Py "rs 4) ae or pro'|Ltd., who was the commission's|haps four to five years ahead % nd = drai poarbs ck executive director; Basil Dean,|of Britain but in other respects oe fs ain ~ severely "publisher of the Edmonton|Bpritain was doing better 's foreign exchange. Journal; and T. F, Tyson, of . At the same time India is ac- fhe business consultant firm of USE NEW TECHNIQUE cepting defence aid from the So-|Urwick, Currie and Company. WELLINGTON, New Zealand viet Union, Some of the 12 MiG} Mr, Ritchie said the commis-|(CP) -- A new school of busi- ness administration at Victoria NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Lake Shore Mines Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1062, $160,747; 1961, $612,658, Malartic Gold Fields Ltd, year ended Dec, 31: 1062, $159,- 719; 1961, $267,483. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS R, L, Crain Ltd., common 12 cents, June 29, record June 7; common 12 cents, Sept. 30, rec: ord Sept, 6 NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the Onterlo Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Township of Darlington for approval of a By-low to regulate land use possed pursuant to Section 30 of the Plonning Act- TAKE NOTICE thot the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darl! intends to apply to the Munlelpal Board p to the provisi of Section 30 of the Planning Act for of By-law 2239 passed on 21st of March 1963. A copy of the By-law is furnished herewith, A note giving en explanation of the purpose and effect of By-law and stating the lands affected thereby is olso furnished herewith. Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) deys after the date of this notice, send by registered mail, or deliver to the Clerk of the Township of Darlington notice of his objection to epprovel of the said By-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection, The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the sold By-law but before a it may appoint @ time and ploce when any objection to the By-law will be considered. Notice of eny hearing thot may be held will be given only to persons whe have filed an objection, The last day for filing objections will be June 7th, 1963, Dated at the Township of Darlington this 23rd day of Mey 1963, bf bey 'ownship Hampton, Onterlo, EXPLANATION OF PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF BY-LAW 2239 PURPOSE and EFFECT: This is a By-law to amend Zoning By- 6. To re-zone the Taunton Residential Area and part of the law. 2111, and covers six general areas. Courtice Residential Area to Agricultural, to conform to the 1. To clarify some definitions In the By-law and make them Official Plan for the Darlington Planning Area. more specific, DESCRIPTION of LAND AFFECTED The re-zoning. sections A Range yo nrg --_-- effected parts of lots 26 to 35 in the first end second com zoning By-law. cessions, and - of lots 34 and 35 in Pred Biog vo bg Bae 3. To prohibit the use of cellars and garages for living quart. Seats lande ebutilna the at Scugeg Reed as well os lends ers and to define accessory uses and regulete them. shottlas fa woe Hf Senter. ilats 14 ona 18 ta 4. To clarify the headings of the sections which set out the 3 and 4, lots 14, 1 and 16 in Concession 5, and lots 16 end uses permitted in the various zones. 17 in Concessions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.) Other sections of the 5. To amend Schedule "A" the zoning mop by re-locating By-law are of general nature end affect the whole munici« County Road 57 to its new location, pality. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2239 A By-law To Amend Zoning By-law Number 2111 As Amended Numbered 2126, 2132, 2136, 2158, 2163, 2196 As Amended 2204, 2209, 2214, 2216, 2219, 2220, 2223 And 2225, WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporetion of only es @ furnace room, laundry room, storage room, the Township of Darlington duly passed Zoning By-law Number recreation room or for @ similar use, and shall not be 2111 on the fifth day of February 1959, and subsequently used to provide sleeping eccommodetion if the finished passed an Amending By-law to the Zoning By-law on the sec- floor level of such cellar is more than 2 feet 6 inches ond day of July 1959 as Number 2126, both of the said By- below the finished grade ot the -- wall line of the laws being approved by an Order of the Ontario Municipel building in which such cellar is located." Board dated the seventh day of July 1959; . That Section 5(c) be amended by adding on a new line hes _ ded ¢ on a street in Haydon, (lot in the width required by the By-laws By-law BROUGHT RHUBARB Rhubarb was introduced to the United States by a Maine gardener near the end of the 16th century. AND WHEREAS the seid Municipal Counell after the words 'Uses Permitted" the following: time to time the above bered By-laws "No person shall within any First, Second or said Zoning By-lew Number 2111, Density Residential (R1, R2 or R3) Zone use my Sy or ony AND WHEREAS the solid Municipal Council deems it ed- erect, alter or use any building or structure visable to further amend By-law Number 2111: purpose except one or more of the following uses, ae NOW THEREFORE pursuant to The Planning Act the namely: Corporati T hip of Dai That Section 6(a) be amended adding on a new line Msn EREDY ENACTS es fellows are 3 after the words "Uses pe te J the followi "No person shell within any Local Commercial (¢1) Zone jet fighters which Soviet Pre-jsion had served a purpose be- mier Khrushchev promisedifore its first report was pub-/Universjty here conducts have arrived in India, and So-/lished. It had given a new lease|courses under which students viet technicians are looking at/«f life to public servants who|attend 'university for several Indian sites on which to build|felt things could be improved.|weeks, alternating with fulltime an MiG jet factory. A number of programs had'work with business firms. Whats missing? ae ey) js the perfect finishing °K MANOR ST. DAVIDS SAUTERNE! Manor St. Davids sauterne is a white table wine aged in Bright's wine cellars, and made from a blend of special grapes grown in the Niagara Peninsula. Brights FINE cananun Wines SINCE 1874 CHAS OOF ORE BeeN® "aw PRINCESS MARINA Design by Bluebird For the finest in fashion see Bluebird, guaranteed perfect diamond ring, BLUEBIRD diamonds for happiness 10% DOWN AS LITTLE AS 2.00 WEEKLY Trade-in Your Diamond To-Day BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-7022 . Th 2 be (b) (1) to (b)(2). . That Seeti That Section 2(e) be deleted end the following substl- tuted therefore: ""(a)--""ACCESSORY" means, when used to describe @ use, building or structure, @ use, or a building or struc- pag lly incidental, suberdi pie lusively devoted to a main use, building or structure end located on the same lot therewith." Secti ded by 5 oul rs 3 That Section 2 be emended by adding thereto subsection (b)(1) as follows; ""(b)(1)--"CELLAR" means that portion of @ building having its finished floor level located below the finished grade of the lot on which such building is located at any paseser wall line of the building in which such cellar is located." etl, That Section 2 be amended by adding thereto subsection (t)(1) as follows: "(t)(1)--""PARK" means a public park owned or operated by the Township of Darlington or by any board, com- mission or other authority established under ony statute of the Province of Ontario." Thet Section 2 be amended by adding thereto subsection (v)(1) @s follows: "(v)(1)--""PLAYGROUND" means e@ yim playground hip of Derli owned or op d the T Pp or by authority established of Ontario," any board, commiss or other under any of the P. That. Section 4 (f) as amended by By-law 2220 be fur- ther amended by adding thereto after paragroph (iii) the following: "(iv)--"in the village of Haydon: King St. through the ree the Village of Chorlesville, registered July 3, 855." Thet Section 4(k) be deleted and the following substi- tuted therefore: "(k)--ACCESSORY USES t) Where this by-lew provides that « lot may be used or @ building or may be d, altered or used for o p thet purp shall include any eccessory building or structure or accessory use, but shall not include (1) eny pation for gain of profit conducted within a dwelling unit except as in this by-lew is specifically permitted, or (2) any build- ing used for human habitation. z An accessory building' includes a pri gorag Except as may be provided herein any accessory building shall be erected to the rear of the front line of such main building and shall comply with the yard requirements of the zone in which such building is situated and such accessory uses shall not occupy more than 10% of the area of the lot nor exceed 15 feet in height. 4im) be by adding thereto in the last line of the table headed "ROADS", after the words "ALL other roads", the words "except those named in Section 4(f)", so that the said last line reads es follows: "All other roads ex 63' named in Section 4(f), det those 66' a . That Section 4 be amended by edding thereto subsection (r) as follows: ""(r)}--Dwelling Units Below Grade No dwelling unit shell in its entirety be located in @ cellar. If eny portion of a dwelling unit is located in « cellar such portion of the dwelling unit shall be used 21. . Thet Section 7(e) be amended . That . That Section 9a) be amended use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, nomely:" by adding on a new line after the words "Uses Permitted" the following: "No person shall within any Highway Commercial (C2) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or om except one or more of the for any purp uses, namely:", 8(a) be amended by adding on @ new line after the words "Uses Permitted" the following: "No person shall within any restricted Industrial (M1) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building of for any purpos except one or more of the ing uses, ys". adding on a new line after the words "Uses Permitted" the following: "No -- shall within any Open Storage Industrial (M2) Zone a any lot or erect, alter or use any building or any purp following uses, namely:", That Section 10(e) be amended by adding on @ line after the words "Uses Permitted" the following: "No person shall within any Greenbelt (G) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of la following uses, nomely:", That Section 11(c) be amended by adding on a new line after the words "Uses Permitted" the following: "No person shall within any Agricultural (A) one use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for @ny purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely:". That Section 11A(a) be amended by adding on a new line after the words "Uses Permitted" the following: "No person shall within any Open Space (OS) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely:". That Schedule "A" be amended by deleting therefrom the designation of the Scugog Road As County Road No. 57 and that Schedule "A" be further amended by adding thereto the new County Road No. 57 in the location as shown on the Land Plans of the United Counties of Northumberland end Durham for the Diversion of County Road No, 57 in the Township of Darlington which Plans have been registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of The West Riding of the -- of Durham as Instruments numbered N14316 and N14317, That Schedule "A" be amended by rezoning from First pra Residential (R1) Zone and Second Density Resi-. dential (R2) Zone to Agricultural (A) Zone those ports of Lots 26 to 35 inclusive in Concessions | and Il os ere outlined in red on Appendix "A" attached hereto, That Schedule "A" be amended by rezoning from First Density Residential (R1) Zone to Agricultural (A) Zone those parts of Lots 34 and 35 in Concessions 1V and V as cre outlined in red on Appendix B" attached hereto. This By-law shall come into effect on the dey it is epproved by the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD except one or more of the new : TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ON THE 21ST DAY OF MARCH A.D., 1963. A. L. BLANCHARD, Reeve. W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk

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