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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1963, p. 15

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Fg I Ey pg piling al UR LRNE pen Bem pnt Or Be yeasicade ata al lattice \ nt Soest f '20--Room and Board } TWO-BOOM apartment, furnished. ply 249 Edward Avenue. MAD EULALIE, 235 -- 'Furnished room for Must have 7 Meals "if desired, Private|™ | rr home. Central Telephone 728-1773. Ler gatrned in | ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board couple, $58 iy, single beds, lunches 8352, 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale (27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 27, 1963 5) FOR SALE -- 00) frontage by/sROOKLIN -- $12,900, six-room ranch| WHITS¥- 707 Burne Street West, three| FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre ad 2 Street ast, iv lock ould eft pungalow, tiled muy 'steps | Ur Masts tek pancmiGil cree ee vriee.|29__Automobiles For Sale. 7 ve 6 screens, Re remand ne Rat Pht sh RET OEE AIS DEA ON HEED and seth" suitable toring distance from bus churches, Pu | schools 'tad 'shopping. 'Brooklin" @85-/witd vanity, landscaped, "fenced Sent_Nia| GLADSTONE Avenue Wx if, toh) METEOR, foundoor estan, Ve 725-lfrontage foot with services paid, 720- Brivate, Asking $15,000 with $2,300 down, newes, scaler and ges, siveey Je. seimanard. feapenietes st Sustom | good meals. 6337. MO-ACRE farm, frontage oe Matway| Walley 060-0088, sand 7 p-m| iggy CHSTROLES te fon Ba . . "ROOM newly decorated apart-| rs rt-\12, house, . a ans en ro} [Two OR THREE fom svalline| ment, private entrance and bath, rea-|reuts, "private brick, two SPart'| sale. Sacrifice, Pont Perry, 985-2968. a FRIVATE two-storey house with two|GMC panel %-ton, 'oss fe share. O14 for five days; sonable rent. Close to General Motors. trances, centrally located, 6 per cent Approximately --_ $11,900, ea teow Ja. livin nati Taxes only $84. [fut price. 728-5770 oi 725-2311. al al al nine-room seven. T Dial 728-2226, stairs, Nine ROOM with board in clean, quiet) icon srmeErT sours Sada Ole Seige Tand. Mot-|$5'700° $2.50 deen Gait Rape Sey Bowmanville, "fa. 3908, Walter Frank,|T00m brick after 5. nel Hl pa Siecleewn payment. 125-7618. second INES Avenue, two - bed; ----, suit two ber three large bungalow, good "condition a kitchen | $19,500. i Hi fll aH home, lunches packed, TV privileges, n.|abstainer, gentleman preferred, Dial] Wentworth, mb ci Norm Omnis. One Sees 723-4100. | $10, down p ~ PACTIVE two-storey. three-bed-' |ROOM and board preferably construc: with sats and refrigerator, large four-|for cash. No agents. 728-7245. _ TWO Fo nog pecvtheg ps oe ey ATT' ony ; rs tion workers. 218 Gliddon Avenue, Tele- Loa bathroom, closed garage, _utili- EIGHT suite ap caidas One ae, very toameabie, No" Aeuleth, haga ee, me is ing t mear Taun '725-5662. er must sell for health reasons. Will) -rejephone 725-0219. rn mals extras. phone 728-2443. $110 1 range, other " nbd accept house as down payment. Tele- 22--Offices, Stores, Storage BACHELOR apartment for sees June} phone 725-5513. aeoeggedbighe ig i, a saree bled ge Catt Jack, pe sen stove le ville -3393, 'rank, ROOM, 30 x 12, suitable for storage or tor. See Caretaker, Apartment 1,|LOT 100° frontage x 214' in new sub- exchange for four or five- bunga-|tor. : light repair shop. No cars. Low rent. tngerat Apartmente, 281 Simcoe South,| division. -- = pig vol nt low in same district. Write Box 706,/FOR quics sale, $1000 down payment,| eee TWO ROOMS and bath Permit availeble, 'Touephone 723-7101, + |OMawe ae lan Catioliy lomae Vaceee ee: ; ----_| LOT, 50 ft. x 140 ft. app ly, on|age. C Ptpssele wae a , Central location, private LOT, 50 x $3300. Telephone|Dial 725-8188. hi Bo: Realtor, Dial 728-/PRIVATE ! Income, seven large bed-|nean Avenue. Price STORE. wn serge aves! room bi ; 104 ACRE farm, near Ones | house. ees wp tend een two} 73.9363. pavi iveway. arage mod veniences in ™M house on large lot. ern con 8 Parking area. Central. 728-9739 for) TWO-RED Mo MGeneral Motors." $6,$00,|bulldings. in very good condition, Will Pp ulars. re 7 723-2194. trade on good home. Asking $28,000. Terms, Call Jack Ricard. FIFTY acres, near PRIVATE stream and site. Panty cme 623-3393, Walter Frank Realtor. $550 DOWN bal hoice market garden land.|/BRICK bungalow with large recreation} peng waly $10,000. Tedms. Call Joe|room. Lot 50' x 133'. North district, "To one N.H.A. mortgage. Three bedroom detached split- Hi i lots on Baldwin Street, i i Es h a FOR LOCAL CHEMICAL COMPANY IN OSHAWA EXPERIENCE PREFERRED For Interview Call 728-1811 8:30 -- 4:30 SHINGLERS Experienced sub-contractors new work. ° "TORONTO GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For your new '"KASSINGER" HOME in this choice East End location. Give us a call. Your present home accepted os a trade. CARL OLSEN Corner John and Simcoe Suit any business, 864 square feet, Telephone 725-0081 or 725-9544 New Offices ; 26--Rooms For Rent OSHAWA MOTEL, King Street Ea st. Weekly rates, rooms, 'heated, tele- vision, $15, and $17.50, Telephone 723- 9761. TWO rooms, completely furnished, re- frigerator and stove. All conveniences, Parking space. Apply 202 Albert Street. WONDERLAND PARK Motor Court, Kingston Road East, cabins. All con- Barnoski, Bowmanville, 623-3393. Wal-|close to schools, shopping, etc. 728-8749, ter Frank Realtor. LOVELY rs and heat. Si RU 3-1138 TWO EXPERIENCED ROLLING - MACHINE OPERATORS Required for Local Plant. 'WRITE BOX 315, OSHAWA TIMES UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Surmrmner employment. To as- sist Fuller Brush in handling of business while: permanent staff ore on vacation. Inter- views ot TILDEN OFFICE WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 10 A.M, UNTIL 10 P.M, 14 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA, ONT. If you are between the ages of 20-28 years. If you haye any type of car. é If you are interested in $100 weekly. If you quéfify why not apply. Telephone 728-1352 Ask for Mr. Lee able July 1. Telephone evenings 728- * 14834, SALESMEN WANTED - SALES OPPORTUNITY Cash in on ever Increasing demand for Fuller products. Be yout own boss. Territories in Oshawa - Whitby areo. Soles .'experierice not nessory, training supplied. Interviews ot TILDEN OFFICE 14 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA | Wednesday, May 29 10:00 AM, to 10:00 P.M. Ask for J. D. Dodge 18--Male or Female Help Wanted cED OP erator requir. tained apartment, all conveniences, un- EXPESIENCED mr muited met furnished, Suitable for couple only. Spa- fringe benefits, Personal Cheque Print.| ious lawn. 728-9665. D: bot ers, Dial 723-2233 for appointment. veniences, including shower: Weekly rates starting | at $15. 723-7424. NEAR NORTH GFNERAL MOTORS -- Quiet, attractive comfortable room. Close to bus stop, parking. 231 Bruce Street. 725-0217. ROOM, $8. weekly, suitable for two In Medical Center 211 Simcoe Street S. Available July 1963 level. Must sell..Owner mov- ing to states. 839-3320 BAY RIDGES . Dial 728- Conte gn sult Seapets abstainers only. a Early Tenan}s. PHONE 725-5132 uN | _ ATTRACTIVELY OF MODERN | FURNISHED ROOMS ANCCONDITIONED | Co ee | Call. between 5 and 7 p.m. OFFICES AVAILABLE 82 PARK RD. Approximately 1000 sq. ft. | SERVICED BY ELEVATOR | NORTH Ask for MR. T, L. WILSON 27--Real Estate For Sale CLEAN, furnished bedrooms, and front room, light housekeeping, parking space. Apply 160 William § Street East. East. Gordon Osborne NSURANCE, REAL vole | DIAL 668-5431 TREES -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK on Cochrane St., Whitby near separate and public school. Walkout basement, recreation room, Full price $13,700 with reasonable down payment. 5% mortgage. 4 bedroom stucco older style home on Green St., Whitby. Garage, large lot. Full price $10,900. A family home for $2000 down payment. TELEPHONE FIVF Room brick veneer bungalow. 723 3474 Apply 79 Thickson Road, North, Oshawa) | WHITBY -- three-bedroom brick bun- |galow, close to schools and churches, }large lot, new large cet, 5 per cent FAMILY with references require|pivisiaN STREET, 3s--Private sale.| three or four bedroom home, Whitby) ul) price $12,000. Down, $1600. Rea-| or Oshawa area. Telephone 668-3882. | sonable terms. Eight-room brick home,| requires two or three Oshawa or vicinity. Telephone 728 728. meee. or Whitby 668-2125. 23--Wanted To Rent interest. Whitby 668-4 RESPONSIBLE couple with eon ~~ garage, vg eae fenced yard.| E tenant 1 COZY five-room brick bungalow, mod- es three-jern, excellent condition, Central. Pri- bedroom home, June 15 on. Oshawa-|vate. Apply 369 Jarvis Street. 728-8328 Whitby area, Upkeep of property as-/after 6. sured. Phone collect. Willowdale BA 5|Toy 72 f x 218 f&, 1% miles east 9005 or write Box 614 of Taunton. a oe and driveway. | RESPONSIBLE ; couple wish to > rent in| Telephone 723 vicinity of Whitby two or three bed-|DRIVATE sale, 371 Elizabeth Street, room house with option to buy, if POS-|five.room brick bungalow, $1700 down. ible, Must be available by Rif it] Telephone 725-1632, I Be: erences. Write Bale gc bog suai => | teenies: -- 117 Bell Drive. Ranch style thr Low ee BUSINESS couple with pre-teen 808,| storms and screens, TV antenna. Tele- | room apartment by June 15 Modedn. Reliable tenants. Telephone pete oor NBA mortgage. 728-9100 after 5 p.m. | 4--H For Rent FOR SALE 24--Hoases For Rent | OR EXCHANGE RANCH type bungalow, six rooms,| close to school and shopping. Avail-| Near Whitby on Bose Line. 4 room brick bungalow, 4 piece bath, oi] heating, gar- $125.00 PER MONTH | Soe, 34 Acre land, "comer : lot. Suitable for V.L.A. -- Lovely country home about Good Service Station loca- six miles from Oshawa. First tion, floor provides living room, dining room, den, kitchen, CALL BERT PEYTON small office and utility room. Rolph H. Vickery Full basement and 2 car gar- Real Estote George Blyleven REALTOR CALL 623-5300 Oshawa very close to Catho- lic school and Church very clean and nicely decorated 3 bedroom bungalow with recreation room. Priced at $13,500 with $2500.- down. Maple Grove on paved road and close to highway. 3 bed- room brick veneer bungalow Lot can be extended for V.L.A. Asking price $13,000. Twin Lake close to Have- lock 90 miles from Oshawa well kept summer cottage with safe beach for children. Asking price $3500.-Terms, Two bedroom bungalow with attached garage on well engncaped lot. Asking price age. Second floor hos 4 bed- rooms ond bath, About 11% 46 KING W. miles from Public School. No 728-9571 bus service but near good road open year around. For further information telephone Lucas Peacock. GUIDE REALTY LTD. REALTORS. OSHAWA, ONTARIO 723-1121 25--Apartments SIMCOE South, 730, two large room, unfurnished apartment, main floor, pri- 'Gordon Osborne REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY DIAL 668-5431 SCHOOLS & CHURCHES Neor this custom built 3 bedroom bungalow on 84 ft. frontage lot at corner of Froncis and Gilbert St. Whit- by. A friendly open fireplace in living room and that de- sirable dining room off a well planned kitchen plus a sep- MARY Street, two-room upper ~~ apart- oe so wi give t. aa vitae, bateie you a mental picture of this Space, adalth, $95, 'Telephang Tesioas| well ce oa red brick home. vate entrance and bath, gas range, pre- fer couple or one baby COLBORNE East, m ment, private bath, entrance, nished. Heat and utilities supplied, $77 Per month. Available now. 723-4477. jafter 5 o'clock. Wi ys sell land will take ony reasonable offer. The bothroom needs to be 'tiled and some light decorating owner will pay you COURTICE area, three-room, self-con- | CLOSE to sho Centre, down town, well for this work in the price LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $10,600 FULL PRICE $1,500 DOWN Only $70.00 per month buys this lovely 3 bedroom home with large living room rear the North G.M. Plont. Call Bill, Johnston 8-5123 or or 8-1066. ee 900 FULL PRICE N.H.A. 6% RESALE This three bedroom bunga- is being sacrificed as owner has been transferred. Only $1900 down and $94 per month. Call Bill John- ston 8-5123 or 8-1066. "ONLY $18,500." REDUCED TO SELL 788 Sommerville St. - has three lovely bedrooms, 2 KEITH PETERS REALTORS 728-7328 103 KING ST. E, $3900.00 --- 4 room bung- alow about 3 years old, with bathroom, oil furnace and large lot, low , low down payment, 20 minutes to Oshawa. $808.00 DOWN -- 17 left brand new brick bungalow, builtin stove and oven, de- corated, real value at $12,- 950. with one mortgage. $11,500,00 -- semi-ranch bungelow with double .at- tached gorage, close to school,- oi] heating, 4 acre with fruit trees. Courtice--Brick and stone ranch bungalow, with attach- ed gorage, breezeway, alu- minum storms, both with with vanity, lot 125 x 125 ft. Inspect this home with- out obligation. Extras too many to mention in this spacious, 6 roorn ranch bungalow with open stone fireplace, completely finished basement and at- tached garage. A personal inspection is a must. ~ After hours call Joe Crawford .. 623-3672 Bob Johnson ... 728-2548 Earle Allen .... 725-7782 Ron Hetherington 623-3637 Rolande Tierney 725-5207 Ron Dropak ... 725-5253 AGE NO BARSIEE. Sell - startere,|four large room apartment, private en- help for heating and appliance|'rance, bath, continuotis hot water. division. Experience an asset. If you} Available immediately. Telephone 723- do not wish to earn at least $100 per| you will pay. Full price $16,- 500 and a real discount for . cash or 2 cash boths, extra large ily home. living room, ond kitchen. Ideal fam- Call Bill Johnston now ot 8-5123 or 8-1066. week, egy ae not get tad this ad, Call Mr. St. John. gg avi y a the Ciassified| ice for you to adver. ton © yon fx oars. NTED DRIVERS n or Wome TA M ». 14 Ale et 725-4771 TAX! | Gloom Changes to .. HAPPINESS with Oshawa Times Classified Ads DIAL TODAY 723-3492 Governor' = | on will? DOWN this Wenn ti brick fe home in i ood Mansions 'n bathro Luxury Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Onterio. OPEN EVENINGS kitchen, vanity in bathroom, real sharp condition. Balance Apartments Adult Building tike rent. Full price $12,650. Electric Heat ffat Fiesta Ronges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity. in. bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. FOUR LOVELY MO \ 360 KING ST.W. ° GRANDVIEW VILLAGE OPEN HOUSE 6 TO 9 P.M. DELS BUILT BY KASSINGER, FOR YOUR INSPECTION Down Payments As Low As $930 DRIVE Ry oy RAL ST. S. OFF KING ST. E. FOLLOW THE ORANGE SIGNS SCHOFIELD - AKER PHONE 723-2265 Schofield-Aker Limited : 723-2265 OPEN H 6TO9 P. OUSE M. SEE THE TWO BEAUTIFUL WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: Large coty Bar room apart- DRIVEWAY gravel, cement gravel, ment. Telephone Whitby 668-4864. sand and fill. We deliver. Call Eric SEPTIC tanks 'leaned, prompt service Pea: See: on calls. alter 'ard, stout $8) " Street West, Whitby 668-2563. Hebe onal RELIABLE tenant three or| European. four bedroo:1 house in Whitby, avail. 668-3745. able by July 1. Apply Box 914 Oshawa) i954 PONTIAC, excellent runing condl- Times, Whitby. tion, good body and tires, must sell, alterations, sewing. Reasonable Mrs. 8. Jebert, drapes, rates. Whitby "DREAM" MODELS IN BEAU VALLEY, OSHAWA'S LOVELIEST RESIDENTIAL AREA SCHOFIELD - AKER 360 KING ST. W. 723-226 5 $125. Dial 723-9968 or call at 551 Gar- ROTARY MOWER: rard Road, Oshawa, after 6 p.m. TUNE -UP |DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, Clean ond -adjust points, | alterations, slip covers, drapes, |4 specialty, Mrs. Toms 668-2372. spark plugs, carborator, throt- tle controls, sharpen blade. FOR RENT: One bedroom tained apartment, main floor, $55. 2 cycle $4.50 plus parts, 4 cycle $5.50 plus parts, | Apply 209 Brock Street South, telephone! OUTBOARD MOTORS | dresses, Fitting self-con- | 668-497, . Repairs and Service WILDE RENTAL Second Hand Furniture, everything for cottages, floor coverings, ranges, televisions, refrigerators. Will SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundos E. Whitby buy, sell or trade. Open all day. 215 «, 668-3226 Dundas east, Whitby. Telephone 663-5461 " |FOR RENT: Three room apartment, |Stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities, $75 monthly. Parking. Adults. Whitby, 668-3591 THREE-ROOM apariment unfurnished, selina entrance, bath, stove and re-! rigerator, Whitby 668-5012, evenings| (068-4346. | BEFORE YOU BUY BE SURE YOU TRY "DOWNSVIEW PARK" Oshowa's fastest growing medium priced subdivision, The sub- division which is design cottrolled for your protection, All pre- paid services -- buy a house or a lot -- 42 lots have been sold in the first year of development which proves that for the best value in Oshawa, for a central location on curved streets and rolling terrain (formerly Downsview Golf course) close to schools you too will choose 'Downsview Park' by Holshawa, CALL EXCLUSIVE AGENT Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited Dial 728-4678 40 King St. E For GUIDE REALTY ALMA STREET -- In General Hospital area, 10 room, 244- storey brick home with new plumbing, furnace ond com- pletely decorated throughout. Well worth on inspection and an excellent home for a large - family. Priced at $12,900. and early possession can be arranged, CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH MANSE -- Four :, bedrooms and den. Large liv- ing room, dining room and kitchen. In excellent condi- tion and on a large land- scaped lot with garage. Only minutes from downtown. OPEN TO OFFERS -- An"at- tractive 5 room stone and brick bungalow only 3 years old located in North East Oshawa. Paved drive, finished room in basement with built- in dresser and clothes closets. 4-pc. tiled vanity bath. In beautiful condition. 6% N.H.A. mortgage. BROOKLIN -- 3. bedroom brick bungalow with garage, breezeway and paved drive. ° All large rooms, 4-pc. tiled bath. Yard fenced. $2,000. down payment. GRIERSON STREET -- HOME AND, INCOME -- Four bed- rooms.and 24ft. living room, kitchen .and bathroom for owner, separate entrance to basement apartment with 3- kitchen and (Presently -- renting 0. per month. Double garage and oil heating. A good home in a choice loca- tion. TWO BEDROOM HOME on nice quiet street. Large land- scaped lot, shade trees, Just listed. Asking $7,900. Pro- perty clear. Owner will hold mortgage. Immediate posses- sion. INCOME HOME ON RITSON ROAD SOUTH--4 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms. Brick building in very good condition. $11,900. Vendor will take back one open mort- goge with very good terms. MASSON STREET -- 6 room 2 storey with paved-drive on large lot, Just listed and ask- Ing $12,900 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES IDEAL LOCATION for busi- ness -- 40 x 115 ft. located in South East. Full price $9,- 900. Inspect this location now and put in your offer. SIMCOE ST. NORTH--Snack bar and variety store with 5- room apartment, Fully equip- ped and asking only $6,900. full price. Good lease on pro- perty. SUPERMARKET IN NORTH END doing excellent turn- over, selling all equipment and stock at invoice price, connected with large chafn. Wonderful opportunity. at only $16,900. full price. Simcoe St. North at Byng Ave. 72 ft. by 148 ft. depth. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. r full p&ticulars call 723-1 121} GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Recitors, 16 Simcoe St. $, BUNGALOW In Whitby, five room, brick, newly decorated, tile bath, partially 'finished recreation room, extra storage cup- boards. $2000 down, one 6% .N.H.A. mortgage. Te- lephone Whitby 668-5234, S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 KING'STREET WEST 728-6286 $700 Full Price Only $7800 for this two storey home located neor G.M. South Plant, call Doug Gower, NEW HOMES Down payments starting os low as $900 for new bunga- lows and split-levels, N.H.A. mortgages, call Leslie Hall, $1273 Full down payment for a new bungalow in Kingsmere Gar- dens, Hollywood kitchen, storms and screens, call Doug Bullied. - $10,500 Full price for this five room home, asking only $1000 down, call Glen MacKinnon. N.H.A. RESALE. $1500 down, one mortgage for the balance call Bob Stevenson, | BASEMENT APARTMENT Located in north-west, this five room. bungalow. with basement apartment, asking only $12,900, Cal} Howard McCabe. TRADE! Cail us today for more in- formation on our trade-in policy, you will be under no obligation, Listed at $13,300 with only | REALTOR ~ 299 King St. W. 723-1133 METCALF REAL ging "aaa 40 K DIAL 50-4678 SUBURBAN RANCH Maple Grove location -- Just © few steps for bus to town or schools, very. modern 3 bedroom brick 'rancher on de- lightful wooded lot. Asking only $13,000 -- a V.LA. purchaser can buy sufficient adjacent land for $250 -- Must be seen -to be appreci- ated ~~ make your appoint- ment today. OWNERS LOSS YOUR GAIN In Northern Heights in Whit- by -- lovely 5% room brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, paved drive, alurninum storms and screens, landscaped etc. Owner has to relocate closer to his work -- Sacrifice price of $11,300 -- is over one thousand less than he paid for the home--$1,500 down payment to one 6% N.H.A. mortgage. See and buy this Yes! -- da buck to make a buck -- on this lorge 2 storey semi-detached build- ing -- live in one side and rent the other side -- both large floor plons -- just 2% years old -- close to ail schools, bus ond shopping. Only $10,000 for each half makes this a real opportunity. INDUSTRIAL LAND frontage on Russett Avenue ot Corner of Simcoe St..North -- ample effice location right on Simcoe Street. This fully serviced land is Zoned industrial and ready to ac- Cormedate a fair sized factory Operation. Enquire today for further details. Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne John Kemp Lloyd Metcalf Ken Hann LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $11,900 $1,000 DOWN Five room brick bungalow, Nicely decorated. Large liv- ing room and modern kéit- chen. Central to schools, buses, and shopping. Own- er will consider offer. Hurry call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5205 or 728-5123, NORTH WEST $12,500. Six room ranch bungalow situated on weil landscaped fenced lot 66' x 167', Large modern kitchen. Fin- heating, paved drive. Month- ly payment just $75.00.. Own- er transferred ond very anxious to sell. Call Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728-5205 or 728-5123. CADILLAC AVE. $11,900.00 FULL PRICE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive, aluminum storms ond screens. Recuires -, $1700.00 down. Hurry for. this one. Call Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725-9345, HARMONY HEIGHTS aa FULL PRICE Ww Clay wee stone front, com- pletely decorated and land- scoped. Carries for $99:00 monthly including taxes. Very close to all schools. Don't delay on this re-sale. Call Ed Gramm ot 725-9345 or 728-5123. DUPLEX BRUCE ST. Only $10,900 with $2,000 down. All rented presently. Many extras. Call Ed Drumm ot 725-9345 or 728-5123. RETIRED COUPLE SPECIAL 168 Tresane\ Street. White frarse bungalow with gorage and nice rear yard, two good size bedrooms, modern kit- chen and bath, heated by oil, and taxes only $135.00, owners open to offers or will trade for larger older home. Call "Bill Horner" 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street: North wa, rio, Osha' OPEN EVENINGS ished room in basement. Oil . Dick Barriage Joe Maga 1958 BUICK, hardtop automatic, power steering, power qe in A-l condition. $1000, 'Telephone 728- excellent 7060. ines OMEVROLE Beidisy oar +-aosr BelAir, four - door io oo RRA a 725-3306 sedan, radio, Good condition, $1,400. Tele-/tion, e qab-ases, ' battery and radiop,, 190 PLYMOUTH, sixty-one thousand|i9s8 SUPER "#8" icappel a miles, winter driven once, seats like hardtop, Rew. $325. Telephone 725-6719. Low Good condition. : ped petal yg Magn ted sedan, two|1954 METEOR ne, automatic, in excel condition. | door, _s sha a eg pinned Brooklin 655-4777. Street 23, CHEVROLET Belair, four door,| 1956 FONT stay peel padded dash, two' tone blue,|dard transmission. clean car. washers. Make an offer. Jack Goudy,|1955' Ford Y-ton tae "1951 ba omy 668-4552. hardtop. Mike's BA_ Service ) 1959 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, red Raglan. leather upholstery, good condition, $775.|1959 BUICK, Telephone 728-3259. automatic, inal 35,000 power brakes, radio, searly new white » V8, automatic, can finance.|lin 1957 PLYMOUTH oe oe. orig- home now while opportunity » knocks. $$ A BUCK WELL SPENT $$ Right. in the City -- 440') OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE . pr Iforcg ate 4 Velox (six cylinder). excellent condition. 510 Adelaide after 5. 725-1506. iost ONEVEOLET, Uhioa_panal todas sedan delivery, good body, motor and tires, § $125. Telephone ee. » standard tix, 1956 PONTIAO two-doet, body exce! lent mechanically Push bation radio, new tires, interior * clean-up. cae ee at $395. \728-0558. , 1960 CHEVROLET Fleetside, long. box two 'tone "twe tase ihe sew Must sell 728-5179. 1864 MONARCH Sun-ner mechanieah ly good, very clean, many extras Telephone 723-7701. inca OLDEMORILE Sear "Geta wales four door, 'Bute: * matic, power brakes, A % $1,195. Jack Lees, ares 668-5893. COME IN TEST DRIVE Car of the yeer. RAMBLER Abner's Esso Service 1003 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY: 668-5391 Good Used Cars. . ? $550. Can be. seen . Bond and Division, 728-6781, Se mileage. Power equipped, Boxee phone 728-0924. 1955 FORD Tudor, radio. Excellent vo CLEARANCE VALUES Sales records have been high. at Ontario 28--Real Estate Wanted URGENTLY wanted -. client with all ™ sally Wallace 728-7377, 725-6297; Josep Bosco, Realtor 29--Automobiles For Sale 1955 CHEVROLET two-door standard, radio, good linder| condition Motor Sales and we only have a few of these Low Priced Values To Clear This Month! ? COME ON DOWN TO-NIGHT MAKE YOUR CHOICE - BEFORE THEY ARE GONE! : Isse or offer. 728-0558. VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paic off Trade up or down Alway Top Quality TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. GENERAL REPAIRS "ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. , Pp or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A. Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N.. WHITBY 1960 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR $1295 1961 CORVAIR SEDAN $1295 1959 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN $1195 1959 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $695 1959 STUDEBAKER SILVER HAWK $595 1958 BUICK HARDTOP COUPE Automatic, radio, $895 LOOK AT THESE SPECIALS ! 1957 OLDSMOBILE Two door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission and radio. ; THE PRICE $795 1959 PONTIAC STATION WAGON Ready for your holiday $1345 1956. OLDSMOBILE Four Door Sedan -- Automatic transmission and | ONLY $495 Open 9 Until 9 Weekdays Saturdays 9 A.M. Until 6 PM, WELL QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND STREET WEST. OSHAWA --_--sTELEPHONE 725-6501 1959 CHEVROLET HALF TON PICKUP The Farmer's Chance. $845 radio. { (Continued on Page 16)

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