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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1963, p. 2

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peng ye penny a Rafer summa a ---- 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, May 27, 1963 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN ONTARIO RIDING (PROVINCIAL) LIBERALS BUSY : Political winds are starting to blow in connection with the forthcoming Provincial election, likely to be held next October. British Guiana Strike Red Power Spot _ Deadlock Tensions Up Taken By Suslov -- MOSCOW (AP)--The lanky, served as Stalin's right-hand sign, The U.S, - educated, 45- stitution and an election called. unsmilijng figure most fre-|man, year-old dentist of East Indian) Racial distrust between East quently seen at Premier) The son of a peasant in south- Khrushchev's elbow these daysjern Russia, he joined the Com- origin refused to quit office. But|Indians and Negroes disturbed last week he was reported bow-|labor negotiations. Racial fears | is the Kremlin's little-known|munist party in 1921 at the age" | t ing to labor's demands forjaroused in Guiana's e lections } "red professor," Mikhail An-|of 19. . dreyevich Suslov. After Stalin's death Suslov amendments to his bill. have Fe Je rioting. * "es ins, dominant ong ¢ a SEES OUSTER MOVE pean ty Seti ibEe By RICHARD G, MASSOCK politicians wanted Jagan to re- GEORGETOWN, British Gui- ana (AP)--For five weeks this British colony has brooded in a bitter deadlock between Pre- mier Cheddi Jagan and 40,000 workers idle in a general strike. As food ran short, many feared hunger-motivated rioting) might break out. Others looked for a breakdown of Jagan's nerves. Opposition political leaders hoped the strike would topple the harried premier's govern- ment, Last week, negotiators re- ported a possible compromise agreement between union lead- ers and government on the dis-| puted jabor relations bill, But) As an example, the On- tario Riding (Provincial) Lib- eral Association -- which is not to be confused with the Oshawa Riding (Provincial) -- will hold.a meeting Wed--- nesday, June 5 at the Port Perry Public gore age a candidate. Secretary A. Frank Godley said that votes will be cast by ballot and by accredited voting delegates which announcement ad aA tii oni Ma HO Aa a ct 8 The four. Marxist theoreti-|appeared to have withdrawn cian, now 61, appears to havelinto his propaganda work, ; ; " moved quietly into Soviet hier-|steering clear of the st le 4 ; oy's 600,000 inhabitants, have archy's No, 2 power seat va-|for power at the top of " Jagan had said the strike was|packed Jagan. Negroes, who cated by ailing Frol R. Kozlov.|Kremlin hierarchy, 5 meant to topple him. TUC Pres-| predominate in G eo r g etown, Susloy has taken over many| He moved into the ruling? ident Richard Ishmael and op-|hack Burftham, a 40-year-old so- of Kozlov's duties as Khrush-|presidium 'in the wake of Mal- se ggigi political leaders denied | cialist lawyer. Ghor's overoper of the wubsiysicakove ae ty 4 p Aor alt D'Aguiar, 50, a beer, rum and Communist party apparatus.|chev-led opposition. Two years' Neither of the two main op-jsoft drink magnate of Portu- He faces one of the toughst/later he backed Khrushchev in position leaders, Forbes Burn-|guese ancestry, represents the : ham and Peter D'Aguiar,|anti-Communist business com- wanted Jagan ousted by a Brit-| munity. . assignments on the Kremlin's docket -- handling negotiation? starting July 5 with the Com- muist Chinese. Susloy has been Khrush- the fight to oust his former al< lies, now known as the "anti- party group." Despite Suslov's record of support for Khrushchev, he only, should spread cheer all a- round. Here are some of the names being kicked around as possible candidates at the June 5 meeting -- Donald Davis, Uxbridge; John Dry- den, Brooklin, Dr. Kenneth 4 C. Hobbs, Whitby; Ted Jack- . son, Port Perry and Bruce BRUCE MACKEY V. Mackey, Port Perry. The election may be four months off, but much valuable groundwork can be done in the meantime, especially by polit- ical uriknowns. who want to get around and knock on doors, QUOTES - OF - THE - YEAR DEPT: Reporter: "Mr. Smith, have you any statement to make about your defeat in the Local 222 presidential race 2" Mr. Smith: Statement? What statement could be made in view of the fact that the election was conducted in the best democratic manner, unless you would like to say I didn't get énough votes to win?" FUTURE, BUS DEFICIT? NOBODY KNOWS When City Council recently approved payment of a 1962 deficit of $35,415 incurred by the bus division of the PUC, Alderman Clifford Pilkey asked some pointed questions. Noting that civic transportation systems generally were running up deficits and pointing specifically to Toronto's TTC, the strike could go on while they) argued over pay and no-victim-| ization terms for the return to} work, " | For five. weeks sugar mills,| bauxite mines, the docks, the railroad and airports were shut down in this steaming colony on the northeast coast 'of South America, Few walked or cycled in the streets where office build-| tings and shops were shuttered. |SUPPLIES RAN OUT | Sugar, in a country that ex-| |ports 300,000 tons yearly; flour,| jsalt, bread, cigarettes, matches| jand gasoline were scarce and! jrunning out. Jagan's govern- jment had failed to break the |strike with emergency powers. | Strikers maintained a peace- |ful resistance with extraordi- Inary discipline where six per- isons were killed in rioting against the government in Feb- ruary, 1962, Their leaders in the Trade Union Council urged them to refrain from violence that might deprive them of vic- tory. | The TUC called the strike over a labor bill which it said would giv...tng 'aprnment power to detertu.) *° lich bar- Debates Continue On Throne Speech By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA (CP)--There is lit- tle prospect of an early start this week on legislative business| in the 10-day-old parliamentary | pi, natty: "stil has more than gore of tha Commons <n -- horses"' wanting! Ss 0 speak, expected to continue their , throbe speech debate right to its] 4 ae the ae pens rule - imposed conclusion late Phuredai aay. on Sag ay an Wednesday: Bills" cannot belreerecey, cast. Week, appeared taken up until this general de- bate ends. The debate, on an address in repy to the speech from' the throne, is limited to eight days. Conservative and New Demo- cratic Party non-confidence mo- tions were defeated last week ¢ and no further motions were in-|CTedit member, with one va- troduced at the week's end, cancy awaiting the return of the This led some to believe that|/delayed election writ of one more Conservative. US. To Take the House might be willing. to cut 'off the general discussion and get down to details, How- ever, a Conservative source said in power despite its minority po- sition, The Liberals have 129 mem- bers--four short of a clear ma- tive, 23 Social Credit, 17 NDP, and one independent Social The Liberals successfully weathered a vote against their nuclear arms policy, 124 to 113, WEATHERED VOTE to confirm the new government} jority. There are 94 Conserva-| -- | SEAL RECAPTURED ! survived the savage whirlpool and rapids of the lower river. Haines found the seal sunning Tommy Haines, 14, of Niag- ara-on-the-Lake, Ont., offers a fish to 'Jeff', a trained seal, at Marine Wonderland here. The seal escaped Thurs- day and before his recapture Sunday ,it apparently plunged over the Horseshoe Falls and He will get a $50 reward, an owner of the seal, said. --(AP. Wirephoto) Provincial Vote himself on the shore Sunday. is chev's key adviser in the four- year ideological struggle with Peking's leaders. He is gener- ally credited with mapping a : * |much of the Soviet Union's day- : |to-day strategy. Since 1959, Khrushchev and Suslov appear to, have been working closely together on re- lations with the Chinese, ARGUE IN JARGON The argument between the two Communist capitals have |been conducted in the jargon of | Marxist ideology in sometimes subtly-worded statements in of-) ficial propaganda organs. Khrushchev, whose long suit practical politics, not the-| j/oretical exercises, clearly has| \leaned heaviy on_ his \Kremlin |dance in subteties of the de- bate. At garded as a protege of Malen-| kov, Certainly he was a power-| | ful often is mentioned in specula- tion about a "hard" group in the presidium which is un happy about many of the pre- mier's policies. SURVIVED FAMINE The inhabitants of the Medit- erranean island of Minorea once survived a famine by eating dandelion roots. ee MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase | 1st and 2nd Mortgages one time Suslovy was re-| N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER chief "egghead" for gui- figure when Malenkov Issues Predicted ST. THOMAS (CP)--Liberal to have been opened eight years Leader John Wintermeyer_ of|ago. | GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH Limited 723-2265 -- 728-3376 Breaktost, Lunch, Dinner After Hours 728-3376 he wanted to know what the future held in store for Oshawa in this regard. . He asked the question of Mayor Lyman Gifford, a member of the PUC, but His Worship skillfully side-stepped and-for a good reason -- even the experts can't come up with.an answer to that one. "No person can forsee what the future will bring in this regard,"' said Mr. Gifford, 'How can you make people ride gaining 'unions the employers should recognize. His foes sus- pected he sought contro] over labor in a move toward a dic- tatorship they said he would im- pose if British Guiana gained a ee independence under his rule. OTTAWA (AP)--Thie vies | The TUC wanted Jagan either| States has pledged to take over to withdraw the bill or. accept| major strategic targets left un- Ps L ; safeguards for independent rep-|covered by any withdrawal of the buses? The PUC is exploring every avenue in its attempts |resentation on the proposed ja-|British V-bombers from Europe. to keep expenses down. I think they should be congratulated." (bor relations board. Opposition | This evidently eg re IC' i ici : }commitment to U.S, Gen, Ly- its cae a entoting hig aaa we pie be |man L, Lemnitzer, supreme|the evening off on Wednesday.|of southwestern Ontario." ig ' : Two Dead 6 Hurt jallied commander in Euorpe,) Thursday the government in-| The Conservative government ' stead of through an agency as previously. Under the old pol- fees |was reported during the week-\tends to iaunch debate on its|of Premier Robarts has turned | KINDNESS icy, the annual revenue was approximately $5,000; under the In Car Collision end by a high source in the|motio to establish a deefncelits back on the pipeline ques- BEYOND PRICE, new, this total will be at least doubled in 1963 and prospects |North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-| committee of the Commons.|tion, he told the annual meet] YET WITHIN F : d inf ; ee are bright for the future. BRANTFORD (CP) -- Twottion. ' This is almost certain to renew\ing of the Western Ontario| REACH OF ALL" or registration and information, phone le don't ride the buses, these deficits will un- persons were killed and six| Lemnitzer and his staff at If more people don't ride the buses, others injured Sunday when|Supreme Headquarters, .atlopposition hammering at the|South Liberal Women's Associa-| 725-4128 or 728-8251 Allied| ' "aa doubtedly grow, which rule also applies if more and more de- | their car plunged 95 feet into a|Powers in Europe, are Per epirypimnl er~ to wee ee a ac wae one a GERROW. mands are made on the deficit columns, whatever these de- |ditch and struck a tree|rently negotiating with the) pia. tne Hor 'it donk denuats aie a ay la eat bel FUNERAL mands are. lone mile west of the néarby Six|British government terms un-| 4 y.+ne use at ea ltr q tie the a6 Thieatere i CHAPEL : : Nations Indian Reserve powder. whieh | the HAPs 180. 'V-/420 2 BOVE ee ae ee condon's fallure ¢ : It is true that the PUC now has no staggering repair bill | an interim money supply, This|gion, London's failure to obtain| 390 King W. 728-6226 dary. bombers are to be deployed - | Sc t | to pay on the yearly upkeep of an antiquated bus fleet; instead Killed were Arnold Froman,|within the new inter-allied nu- pie oo bills for June and | provincial screenees + nt it has annual debenture payments which pretty well offset the |27, and Ronald Doxtator, 22,|clear force. : 24) ch th : uly, genes oF mtd ovine to ong pe i a latter, so that the problem is as long as its short. both of nearby RR6, Hagers-| »Britain's decision to offer) | "+ | i aiecer vena: pele Was aD Sone ville. bombers to Lemnitzer's com-|#8 formal parliamentary ap-| The obvious answer to the LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Marilyn Kush, 16, of Brant-/mand was qualified by t he|Proval of the 1963-64 spending|water shortage in the region Pi have b 1 2 : ford was in critical condition in|reservation that they could be}? 8 J was a unified pipeline system) ans have been completed for the 13th Annual Convention /hospital here with a broken|withdrawn if some grave na-| Should interimssupply be supplying Lake Huron or Geor-| (June 10-12, inclusive) in Oshawa of the Welfare Officers' |arm and other injuries. tional emergency arises. -- Association (which is the Welfare section of the Ontario Muni- ' cipal Association). Mr. Herb Chesebrough, City Welfare ad- ministrator, is chairman of the Convention committee. Hon, granted quickly, next item of|gian Bay water to the entire| a ---- | business would be a governm 4 area on a grid basis. ; --|the government for lack. of Louis P. Cecile, QC, Minister of Public Welfare, .... Mr. TYPHOID HITS |planning and foresight in its Jacob Shoychet of Taunton road east will be leaving soon for lution to s t \. resolution to set up the Econo LACK e Mainly Cloudy WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- aj/UEnways program. © an extended visit to Israel .. . . The Oshawa Track and Field Lior colipition in ad, tak Sm Uncovered U.K. Targets and one criticizing the new leg-|Ontario said Sunday the Pro-) Mrs, John C, Ball of London vee Deere, METS: [pressive one of wale. anit re-elected president of the' pposition members will h ments. A 4 , sociati another opportunity today rag: highways problems will be is-/Women § assnciehion, Ap ere troduce further non-confidence|SUes in the province's next elec-| Other officers elected include: motions, and they will be veteq/tion campaign, which he pre| vine, eee Mrs. J. P. on before the house rises to-|dicts will be held this tau, Fated rgd ad a ey gyi night. However, the rules do not) Mr. Wintermeyer pledged a aoe gg ol scone y nies permit further motions of non-|Liberal government would es-| 'hgagt R Whiteade Wind. confidence Tuesday, and re-|tabish a '"'public utility to pipe! ordin eter Mrs quire the debate to end before|Great Lakes water at cost. to) For tt wit ae ailecchur : the Commons adjourns to take|the homes, fields and industries| "084! DEC , 8. Hotel Lencaster || SP SaRE SS CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL for children of pre-school age Enrolment Now Open For The Fall Term This schoo! hos been estoblished for 15 years Experienced Teacher -- Government Approved mic Council of Canada, a move SAYS PLANNING forecast in the throne speech. Mr. Wintermeyer criticized typhoid epidemic was reported Council has been turned down at least temporarily by the City in its request for a cinder track (to be built over the race today. in Southwest Poland's Rzeszow province, bordering the Soviet Union and Czecho- \for completion in 1959, but was not expected to be entirely fin- ished until 1965. The section of With Showers Forecasts issued by the Tor-| Marie: Cloudy with showers to- onto weather office at 5a.m.: night. Cloudy and cooler with Synopsis: The persistent high-| occasional rain" Tuesday, winds pressure area that has brought) light. sunny and warm weather to} White River, Cochrane re- much of Ontario the last few) gions: Cloudy with showers by days will move eastward out of| afternoon and continuing to. the province Tuesday, to be re-/night. Partly cloudy and much placed by a disturbance moving) cooler Tuesday. Winds north-| eastward from the Dakotas.| east 15 tonight and Tuesday. Showery weather will spread ' over the rest of the province! Forecast Temperatures Tuesday as clearing takes place| Low tonight, high Tuesday in northern regions. |Windsor 55 Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|St. Thomas.. 50 Lake Huron regions, Windsor,|London .. 50 London: Cloudy with showers| Kitchener . 50 - trate, the and scattered thundershowers| Wingham . 50 t and the ---- counsel tonight and Tuesday, not quite| Hamilton 45 : \ so warm Tuesday. Winds south-| St, Catharines. 50 1 "It is generally conceded erly 15 Taesday. | Toronto . 50 that the Crown knows more eens ye oe Tre-| Peterborough . 40 | gions, a milton, oronto: |Trenton ....... 45 about the background of the | Mainiy cloudy with showers and Killaloe .. 45 accused than either of the | scattered thundershowers Tues-| Muskoka , 45 other two persons involved. pend with much the same tem-| North Bay. 50 ie a iad that peratures. Winds light. {Sudbury .. 50 suggested that every | Georgian Bay, Haliburton re-| Earlton .... 45 sentence be made to fit the foie nl Cloudy with showers and | Kapuskasing 35 social environment (i.e. : scattered thundershowers and a) White River... 30 nment (l.e ore | little cooler Tuesday. Winds|Moosonee ... 30 valence of the type of crime | southwest 20 Tuesday Timmins 40 0b egy ee the public Algoma, Timagami_regions,| Sault Ste. Marie... 45 [ i pire etc.) surrounding | North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste.|Mount Forest..... 50 fe crime. Bee Fa a ea "With \reference to fines imposed, serious considera- tion is being given to a policy of making the fine commensur- ate with the ability of the individual to pay. It is self-evi- IMPORTANT NOTICE ~~ ng Dinaged ---- =e a laborer is equivalent TO VISITO RS TO THE HOSPITAL -- CROWN ATTORNEY BRUCE AFFLECK, on his recent No Parking regulations on the Hospital drives have return from a convention at Cornwall for Ontario Crown Attorneys. : been set up to provide access for patients and am- bulances to the hospital. from. London to Winésor, slovakia. News papers i ; ; pape said still uncompleted, was supposed Rzeszow city had had 61 cases of the disease this month and that there. also was an outbreak) at Sanok, 25 miles west of the| OSHAWA'S Soviet frontier. | | ORIGINAL , CARPET CENTRE track) at Alexandra Park. »The City gave the OTFC permis- sion to build additional jumping pits at the park, but the other request was delayed until such time as the Agriculture Society relinquishes its right to the track which is currently used for horse racing. REAPPRAISALS SEEN ON SENTENCING POLICIES "The concept of sentencing by a criminal court is a chang- ing one. Initially, a sentence was considered in terms or . om whether it was too light or harsh. Today it is regarded as being either right or : wrong. The problem of de- > terming what sentence is _ right is the joint responsibil- ity of the judge or magis- | TRY World's Only Convertible STATION WAGON loom has been a specialty for 18 years , . . with thousands of yards on display to select from, ot Nu-Way, carpet and broad- | | | I NU-WAY | RUG CO. LTD. | 174 MARY ST. PHONE 728-4681 : etn RSNA Neue: re Nagy Motors | Opposite the Shopping Centre | |] 728-5178 KING ST.°W. I! FERTILIZERS WIZARD SHEEP MANURE Weed Free -- Very Clean An old reliable plant food for vegetables, flowers and shrubs. 25 Ibs. 5 Ibs. 10 Ibs. 50 Ibs. "SHUR-GAIN" BONEMEAL 2-11-0 One of the very best for flowers and shrubs. 4 l|bs., 8 Ibs., 25) Ibs., 50 Ibs., 80 Ibs. Excellent for root growth Cooper Smith ca SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. 16 CELINA ST. | PHONE 723-2312 334 RITSON RD. S. PHONE 723-3461 "Garden Supplies Since 1909" ena RR mp 7 BRUCE AFFLECK It's here! A Volkswagen Station Wagon! The new VW 1500 Station Wagon seats 5 passengers. comfortably or the rear seat can be folded down for a flat loading deck. There's room for 750 pounds of cargo. The 1500 has adjustable bucket seats with washable upholstery. The floor mats are heavy duty and the visors and dash are padded. The new Volkswagen 1500 Station Wagon is economical too. It averages 35 miles to a gallon of gas. It's low price includes: deluxe trim and upholstery, windshield washers, and rear loading lights. For the full story on this new Volkswagen 1500 Station Wagon; bring the family in for a test drive. CAME FROM FRENCH dent-de-lion (lion's tooth) be- The dandelion gets its namejcause of the leaves' toothlike from a corruption of the French| lobes. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 ACADIAN | CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning |} Shirt Specialists © Pick-up and Delivery Service © Drive in Service @ Same Dey Service Vaults on Premises _ PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR Ww. As a few of our visitors do not abide by these reg- ulations, the Board of Directors, in the interest of our patients, has requested the Police Department to enforce these 'No Parking' regulations and cars improperly parked on these drives will be ticketed or towed away. Board of Directors, Oshawa Generat Hospital ik jl

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