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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1963, p. 4

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roar Peet pathitamentnt iene = ae RENNIN I LAE ETIRIA @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Moy 27, 1963" QUESTIONS LEFT UNANSWERED Political Feud Looms Over New Ajax L By WARREN BARTON (District Editor) Almost every elected or ap- "It (the Board) deliberately refrained from making any at- tempt to pressure Council by publicity. Now that Council has made its -- ry be t ic n cipal life can om, to As quick Legg tig ga - during jlevelopmen: ' and final explosion of a publicly, "Yolowed Counells : April 25 passing of their Five- Appointed representa tiv¢8)vear Capital Works Program. Hieron whed thelr terms come| , The, Porposed brary was in- -- cluded in the projects planned up for re-appointment. for 1967 Perhaps, the greatest suffer- ener Our question to Mrs. Gorman er, in the long run, is the voter. when be received the Board's By the time the political foot-| nunlic statement was "Why did ball has been kicked, tossed and) yo wait for the Council to individual representation or by}$175,000 made up of? Is this ibrary Their statement has convinced us of the need. What the taxpayer would like to know is -- "What is the the cheapest that a new library can be constructed? Where is the building going to be locat- ed? Who owns the property? What Board member will the Library be named after? Why no public vote on the ques. tion like Council demands the proposed arena must have? Does the Town have a prior. ity list for new projects? Could the Library construction date be put off for another time and more urgent projects dealt with? finally deflated, the voter is so mixed up that he rarely can recall what the original dispute was about. The latest Ajax squirmish that is quickly developing into a political football concerns the proposed new $175,000 library. Like many public feuds, the dispute is brewing because the Council has been dealing with the problem behind closed doors. The public is getting just par- tial answers to questions it is make its "decision" before let ting the people know about the needs of tHe library?" Our position was, and still is, that the people are entitled to know these needs before council takes any action so that the taxpayer can make his or her wish known to Coun- cil before the decision is made. By not allowig the ratepayer to have this information 'is one sure way of starting a political feud. Many ofher questions are still entitled to ask. Recent action taken by the) Library Board has added fuel] WHY $175,000 to smouldering fire. PAT ON BACK The Board, in what can be ~ viewed as a pseudo-charitable| 1, $175,000 1s needed to build action, finally told the voter), why a new library was needed In their open statement, the Board members' appeared busy congratulating themselves| because they were doing their! 'duty', that they neglected to) tell the taxpayer -how the esti-| mated $175,000 cost for the new) library was going to be spent.| The two key paragraphs in the public statement issued by Library Board chairman Mrs.| Mildred Gorman are: | "The Board felt that it would) be doing less than its duty to) Council and to the citizens of} Ajax by remaining silent on ne] needs of the library service." so} lthe Board waited for Council left unanswered. Councillor R. Wright had a good point when he asked Council why the, push for the new library? He also asked the Library? These are good questions that have not been answered by the Council or the Library Board. Library Board chairman Mrs, Gorman's only explanation why to make its decision before re- leasing public information was that they feared a "political snowball". Their action has accomplish- ed just the opposite. We are not disputing the need for a new Library as much as the methods taken by the Coun- cil and the Board to satisfy these needs. Ajax, District Baseball Dates INTERMEDIATE GIRLS baseball) by, Ajax| MAY ms. FE KINSMEN PEE WEE (A DIV.) | MAY 37 -- Colts ve Red Sox, &t. s a) 2? -- Yankees va Orioles, Cedar 30 -- Senators vs Giants, St. Andrews JUNE lon. 27 -- Greenwood at Fairport Thurs. 30 -- Bay Ridges at Brougham SQUIRT BOYS MAY Tues. 2 -- Wed. . at W. Thurs. 30 -- Bay Ridges C. Beach Thurs, "ea Bay Ridges B at Bay Ri Thurs. 30 -- West Rouge at Byron Plumbing Tues, 28 -- Bay Ridges A at Bryon lumbing "B" DIVISION SCHEDULE. |y,y TEE WEE BOYS MA' | Mon. 97 -- Claremont at Bay Ridges C 28 -- Pirates vs Dodgers, St. Andrew's as 29 -- Tigers va White Sox, Si. Andrews | TUCt, 28 a we SO Pe es " Braves, Cedar No. 2/705. 23 -- Bay Ridges B at Bay UNE nie ,|_ Ridges D 4 -- Cardinals vs Tigers, St. Andrew's! ques 28 -- Greenwood at Brougham 6 -- Pirates vs White Sox, St. Andrew's)7.25 23 _ T. Forsythe at West Rouge 8 x Braves ve Dodgers, cedar yarews Wed. 29 -- Claremont at Bay Ridges A Ll - ives Ve ers, . Andrews 'er = Cardinals ve Pirates, Si. 4 Andrews | ntdges D ee ee Se 12 -- Dodgers vs White Sox. Cedar No. aa -- 'Braves vo Pirates, St. Androws| "227s 20 -- Bay Ridges A at West) -- Tigers vs Dodgers, St. Andrews) riurs 30 -- Bay Ridges B at Greenwood -- White Sox vs Cardinals, Cedar! thurs 39 -- Brougham at H. Forsythe| No. 3 All games start at 6.30 p.m BANTAM BOYS Does the $175,000 include the} price of the land? | A final legitimate question is! WHY PUSH} FOR THE NEW LIBRARY? | Bay Ridges Hospital Drive Set For June 18 AJAX -- Canvassers for a} Bay Ridges fund-raising drive for the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital are being sought by a newly - installed committee. Several members of the local/ Kiwanis Club and the Bay; Ridges Ratepayers Association form a campaign committee. Raymond J. Huckell and E. P. McCormack are the respective RYERSON GRAD Miss Nancy Bird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Bird, Brooklin received her diploma in Home Economics, Teach-- ers College option at the re- cent Ryerson Institute of 'Technology convocation. Miss Bird, a graduate of the Whit- by: District High School, has joined the staff of Huntsville High School, Father And Son Drown In River SUDBURY (CP) -- A seven- year-old boy was drowned Sun- day when he fell into 35 feet of water while reaching for a frog and his father was drowned trying to rescue him. Charles David Corben, 37, of Sudbury and his son, Steven, were fishing from the shore of Still River, about 40 miles south of here. College Rector Seeks British 'Fair-Play' OTTAWA (CP)--Very Rev. Henri F. Legare, rector of the University of Ottawa, called on the Ontario government Sun- day to treat the university with "British fair play and English justice." Addressing the 115-year-old institution's spring convocation, he declared that "'the time for mincing words is running out." More than 700 degrees were conferred at the convocation, including honorary degrees given to American historian Mason Wade and Dean Maxi- . distinction between a tradition and a custom. "4 custom is not a tradition," he said. "It is only a certain way of doing things in confor- mity to a-given historical con- text. It is readily subject to change and may even be dropped altogether. Father Legare said the uni- versity hopes that customs "whose origins go back to a time when religious intolerance (f= was rife and racial distrust was] rampant," crystallized in the |} legislation of 100 years ago,|i will soon be discarded in or-|j 'der that true British fair play|if and effectual English justice if shall prevail. 1 | The University of Ottawa is/} operated by the Oblate Fathers of Mary Immaculate. VOW FXAIING MICHAEL CRAIG IN "DOCTOR IN Love. (Adult) BETTE DAVIS milien Caron of the University of Montreal law faculty. Yaa- cov Herzog, Israeli ambassador| to Canada, received a docto- rate in civil law. He studied at| the university while carrying on! his diplomatic work. Alluding to statements in the Q aDmITTAMce Lae awarwmace EXCITING! SHOCKING! "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Personal Story Behind Sex Survey! "The Chapman. Story" IN TECHNICOLOR ---with--- . JANE FONDA . JOAN * CRAWFORD le ox legislature to the effect that it! is not in the Ontario tion" to make grants to univer.| 2 sities administered by religious ~~ \groups, Father Legare drew a "tradi- BILTMORE © Viady Kasperaitis, 8, also. of Sudbury, ran for help when Mr. Corben jumped in after Steven. co-chairmen. Team captains for a local canvass covering residents not previously contacted will be be named next week. A one-day "blitz" is tentatively set at June 18. Final plans for the campaign will be formed at a meeting in Bay Ridges this week. Approximately $370,000 in pledges and donations has been received by the hospital since the campaign in southern On- tario county began last year. The $2,340,000 hospital, design-| ed for 110 beds, is under con-| s F SUMMER BUSINESS Xai COURSES 4 Al \ START ON OR BEFORE JULY 2 9:00 A.M. = 4:00 P.M. $35.00 MONTHLY 100. A.M. NOON 9: or 1:30 P.M, -- 4:00 P.M. $18.00 MONTHLY struction. | | The origin of meteorites is controversial, nays the National Geographic Society, but they STILL ARE MYSTERY j|- Classrooms are air-conditioned, | Morning. class schedule leaves ample free time for work or play. PHONE OR WRITE FOR LITERATURE The Canadian School of Business are composed of iron alloys and stones of silicate materia), 5214 Simece St. N. 728-7081 || DRIVE OUT * TONIGHT * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY! Box-Office Open et 8:00--"'Party Girl' Starts 9:05 DANGEROUS- DEVASTATING JACK PALANCE IN "WARRIORS FIVE" THE HOLOCAUST OF WAR! kecomme ADULT ENTER TONIGHT ONLY! "The Errand Boy" - Jerry Lewis "Tarzan the Ape Man"-Color-Cinemascope MAY i TOWNSHIP leg rr pagal Mon. 27 -- Bay Ridges at Ci | Mar MIN . Wed. 29 -- Bay Ridges at West Rouge| ~ 1 at Villa Rouge |Wed. 29 -- Milles Res. at -- Mon. 'Tues. 28 -- Village Rouge at Greenwood Wed. 29 -- Pick. Beach et Greenwood) MAY JUVENILE GIRLS Wed. 29 -- Liverpool at Bay Ridges Wed. 29 -- Bath's Esso at Pick. Beach| MAY LEAVE YOUR GIRDLE AT HOME AND RELAX AT THE DRIVE-IN! , OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE > eee, 723-4972 Thurs. 30 -- Pick. Beach at Bay Ridges Thurs 23 -- Audiey at G Wed. 29 -- Brougham at Frenchman's Wed. 29 -- Greenwood at Norman Bay | READY CASH for vacations Canadians everywhere use Niagara loans, up to $3,000.00 or more, for many worthwhile things. Why don't you? The dependable source of Cash ZaN NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY Limite QU) 286 King Street West, Tel. 728-1636 W.J, Prest, Moneger Open Mondey to Thursdey 9 to 5 P.M. Open Friday 9 to 8 P.M: -- Closed Seturdays Branches Throughout Ontario. 'eRe P.O, Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ont, OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. FREE DELIVERY 723-4621 ~ Oshawa Man Wins Trip To Paris In Pepsi Cola Nationwide Contest! Roger Cawker, 886 Robson Avenue, Oshawa, was the fourth grand prize winner in a current nationwide contest held by Pepsi-Cola, Canada, Limited. ITS DIFFERENT. ITIS DARING. MOST OF ALL.IN ITS OWN TERRI- FYING WAY, ITIS A EOVE STORY. TODAY Fegture at: RS THEATRE 2:20 - 4:45 - 7:05 - 9:30 ADULT uncom & FAMOUS ~~~ Sometimes ------- Liz 2. ROCK FY TOGETHER 2mm < PLUS COMEDY CARTOON "PHILBERT" 3 SHOWS DAILY Mr. Cawker wins a trip to Paris for two, via TCA, a Renault Caravelle, as well as. $1000 expense money to tour Europe. Eleven winners will be selected. Mr. Cawker won the grand prize through a token found in a Pepsi-Cola bottle cap recently. Tokens to the value of one dollar to a thousand dollars can also be found underneath the bottle-tops. Photo shows Mr. Cawker, center, as he was presented with a cheque by W. "Bill" Smith, president of Smith Beverages, Oshawa. At right looking on is Mrs. J. Gangemi, proprietor of the Oshawa store on Simcoe St. South where the bottle of Pepsi-Cola was purchased. pecsewren ev WARWER BROS. m WARNERCOLOR EDNA FERBER vm LIZABETH TAYLOR ROCK HUDSON - JAMES DEAN RRERENT ICG 10 womens CARROLL BAKER - JANE WITHERS - CHILL WILLS: MERCEDES McCAMBRIDGE SAL MINEO SCREEN MLO OF FREO BUIOL AnD IVAN MOFFAT. eamowcen Oy GEORGE STEVENS som MEMRY G:NORERO PHONE 723-2843 PLAZA PLAYING for business... for pleasure FLY TCA TORONTO To NEW YORK @ | hour 35 minutes ® up to 8 flights daily ® $56 Economy return Ask about even lower Group Fares for groups of 10 or more, flying on TCA'S North American routes. See your Travel Agent or contact TCA at: 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (@j) AIR CANADA IN TECHNIGOLOR STARRING JEFF CHANDLER FESS PARKER NICOLE MAUREY DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY 668-3304 BOOK THROUGH MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA 723-9441 No Matter \ Whether It's | Furniture, | Appliances, HI-FI, TV, Radios, etc. If You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! BAD BOY tris APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E, AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 © 4

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