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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1963, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Mey 27,1963 § | RUXILIARIES Thorson Assails OLDEST PRELATE | ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- Most Rev, Edmund F. Gibbons, at 94 the oldest Roman Catholic pre- late living in the United States, observed today the 70th anni- versary of his ordination to the priesthood. St. Peter's Hospital, where he lives, said it was to be a quiet and routine day for jthe retired bishop of the Al- bany diocese. Sei, How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your false teeth annoy and em- barrass by slipping, dropping or wob- Se ieee itis PASTERTH on your plates. This alkaline (non-acld) y teeth more firmly and more comfortably. No [daar Soar' Boscks "piste oor" (denture treath). Get PASTEETH today @s drug counters everywhere. {up to G. Lotton in the clear, but,crew under by five goals to 'one in the final 20 minutes of play. Ruse with two, Hall, By CLIFF GORDON Port Credit Sailors spoiled the|the letter was outguessed by : _ W.I. Members Hear N 1 Polici Nuclear Policies s » ' SENIOR LACROSSE Public Relations Talk |. TORONTO (CP)--Mr. reno the late prime minister Mac- \J. T. Thorson, president of the|kenzie King. "My views on the e | werv edu Galicis Weintn's Ys berg a . ieee gleaned "et ged could not | ( jor ns ~,said Sunday night the April 8) possibly have any effect on my Brookli ; | u TOps | Mrs. A. Mitchell, Colborne) stitute when she addressed the! federal election did not give the| judgment in any of the matters |Street, opened her home Wed-| Whitby Women's Institute at the/ new Liberal government a clear|that come before me as a e nesday afternoon to the WCTU|May meeting held Wednesday,|mandate to acquire nuclear! judge." jmembers for their monthly| May 22 at the home of Mrs. R.| warheads. Mr. Justice Th h in| Or Te l | meeting. A. Smith, 909 Bayview avenue. | Mr. Jus Thors h age Coord je Macs President Mrs. H. Quantrill) President Mrs, E. Ward AAS ice orson = reach the compulsory retire- : : opened the meeting with ajthanked the guest speaker for) P atgayr en i eae aes Aogh of 75 next spring, poem entitled "April Showers",|her most interesting talk. Thir-| SPonsored yt anadian| said the election campaign was This was followed by reports|teen members and three Visitors| CAmPaign for Nuclear geste Feed in an atmosphere of con- being read and approved. Mrs./answered the roll call with Pa calle He said. be was snesk-jfusion so far as the nuclear 'ing only in his capacity as|weapons issue was concerned. Russell who made a diving Sentneapannmentpenieneenannn ea ne ee Te Te ol Ra ae ees Aaage home opener for the Brooklin) Sr. Lacrosse Club Saturday night as they whipped the Brook lin team 11-4 out in the Brooklin 'Arena, before some 200 fans. Dave Hall was the thorn in the side of the Brooklin team as he triggered no less than five goals. Larry Ruse and Brian A'Hearn each bagged two with) single counters going to George Olah and Gord McCracken. On the losing side it was Glen Lotton with two and singles to Larry Ferguson and Cy Coombes. Dave 'Porky' Russell in goal for the Sailors played another of his stand out games as time and again he thwarted the at- tack of the local players who just could not get the ball by the big fellow. Meanwhile at the other end of the rink Pat Baker in the Brooklin twine was not receiv- ing as much protection as he deserved, as on a number of occasions the Port Credit team was left with a man in the clear with , only the unprotected Baker to beat. However the Brooklin team is looking forward to a couple of top notch defencemen the local cause in the very near future. They are Ken Ruttan and Grant Heffernan, a couple of fellows who should help make the road to the Brooklin goal somewhat rougher The game opened up fast with the Brooklin team missing a great chance at the .47 mark as Pat Baker fed a long pass READERS' VIEWS -- Canadian TV Networks | - Not Truly Canadian joining. jbulance Service, A'Hearne and Olah were the big, The Sailors came storming guns for the winners with Larry back and appeared to be going! Ferguson countering for the to-hit the score sheet at lg losing squad, mark as McCraken was right in é only to be blanked by Baker in Pee = tae Ripe the Brooklin cage. Finally at| PT00K a team was raine 7 the 2.43 mark of the period,|/7 its first game against St. A'Hearn 'let -go a partially|@tharines Wednesday night. screened shot about knee high! -. - Zhey will, pawevel, Dee to the right of Baker and the that game m a later date to be red light blinked for the first ge the OLA secretary... i the 1963 season in|, Wednesday night of this week oe % the Brooklin team will play oe: host to their arch rivals, the Hall got his first of five at) )*' 5.45. Brampton club, . . . This prom- an z 1 the 5.45 mark as the Brooklin ia ts Re a rea aeclag team was playing a man short : : with Ferguson in the cooler.! ote fad ing age og rgrve The Brooklin fans got their first a in town in time for tha shane rl r a goal at es ; : ae ba way ur Gis "Lotton| Lou Nickle and his charming finally dented the mesh behind Wife were guests at the game Russell. However Hall added 9 Saturday night, as the local his second tally and Henderson ™anagement and executive still one too before the bell sounded had high hopes of getting Lou to end the first 20 minutes of '9 Sive up the idea of retiring i ae but it appears Lou who is .a sie tl policeman in Toronto is trying ae kl fy for his three hooks and will not sh wall be available. . goals with the invaders from! Vice-president Hugh Ormiston Port Credit. Hall was the trig- of the Brooklin team conducted the brief opening ceremonies ger man- on both the goals by the Sailors in the middle frame, and introduced' Reeve John Goodwin who faced off the ball with Coombes and G. Lotton the big men 'to the fore for the/ Start the 1963 season. ... Hugh Brooklin squad. This was a very also brought to the attention of fast clean checking period with the fans the sign at the south only 'one penalty, that to Olah end of the rink with the names of the visitors at the 9.37 mark. of the sponsors for the coming The visitors appeared the bet- season, and said that without ter for their extra game experi-, these fine sponsors, "Brooklin ence this year in the fina!;could not have a'Sr. team this p ey snowed the local year." . . period Sah The crowd of almost 200 was a little below what had been | hoped for on the opener, but we feel sure that the crowds wil! {improve in the near future, save on the play. stanza the held its own as» they matched middle team SUMMARY FIRST PERIOD i ort Credit: A*Hearn } 2. Port Credit, Hall | 3. Breoklin, G. Lotton | 4. Port Credit, Hall, Crawford 5. Port Credit, Henderson Tomichison 19,32 Penalties --- Ferguson, Vipond, Craw- ford, Burrows, Olah. (which ds 8 SECOND PERIOD icently held |Mrs. Mitchell has been appoint- Mrs. J. Whitehurst was in charge of the devotional period, Mrs. Mitchell gave a -read- ing on committee meeting re-| in Oshawa. Mrs.} Quantrill brought to the atten-' tion of the members the forth-| coming convention to be held in Peterborough for three days) at the beginning of next week.) ed to attend as a delegate. | The meeting closed with prayer and refreshments were served by Mrs. Quantrill and Kean. ' The next meeting will be held Tuesday, June 18 at the home' of Mrs. H. Quantrill, Mary street. ST. MARK'S UNIT No. 8 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 8- held its monthly meeting at the home! of Mrs. J. K. Bowes, 333 Fair- view drive. Unit Leader Mrs. FE. Fells opened the meeting with a reading, Mrs. FE. Quantril! was in charge of the devotional! her theme was. "Prayer". She was. assisted by Mrs. Bowes. The June meeting will held at the home of Mrs. D Courtice, High street, in the form of a pot-luck supper at 8 p.m. Rev. A. M. Butler was guest speaker and was introduced by Mrs. F. B. Wishart. Mr. But ler spoke on "The Word and the Way" from the study book, discussing at some: length the chapter '"'The Love of God'. Mrs. Neil Murkar expressed thanks to the speaker on behalf of the group. Hostesses for the evening were lMrs. C. Godwin and Mrs. N. Murkar. S.A. HOME LEAGUE Salvation Army Women's be ; Home League held its weekly 2 meeting last Thursday evening at the Citadel with Mrs: Cap- tain Edward Reed and her group in charge. The meeting opened with -- or gto Mrs. E President of that organization. | _ . . » The issue of whether) Ward, and Mrs. R. Saunders} {Canada should accept nuclear were chosen as delegates to at-| weapons as an instrument of a oe avril Annan Meet-| ner national policy was not set- ing to be held-in Ajax, Tues. . ere day, "May: 28. tled by the recent election, he| Members were reminded of told a_ public meeting at the! the bus trip to Guelph June 20. first Unitarian Church, Six members plan to take the Mr. Justice Thorson said he trip. and inousands of other Cana- Following the theme 'Moth. dians are so opposed to Canada| er' Mrs. Smith read a paper acquiring nuclear weapons that} on the origin of Mother's Day.|he felt impelled to speak out/ Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Cawker|in public "regardless of . the contributed Mother's Day read. fact that I hold a judicial of- ing. Mrs. F. Curl won a contest fice . . ." on Spring Flowers. He said be has been criticized} Members enjoyed movies of|for expressing his views on aj Mrs. Curl's trip to Florida and| controversial subject while! also of the Institute Valentine president of the Exchequer party after which refreshments Court. were served by the hostesses), e A Mrs. Pellow, Mrs. Bonetta, Mire. CRITICISM REJECTED Roberts and Mrs. Smith. "The criticism is ill-founded," The June meeting wil! be heid S#/d the judge, who was a cabi- at the home of Mrs. R. Saun. "et minister in the government ders, Brooklin, Wednesday, June -- 26 at 7.30 p.m SCcUGOG ST. MARK'S UNIT ND. 2 CLEANERS The May meeting of Unit No. ' 2 St. Mark's United Church & Shirt Launderers ick-up ivery Doily Women was held May 23 with 11 members and one visitor pre- sent. He said Canadians have been led to believe that nuclear war- heads are essential for the de- fence of Canada. "They have been misled," he said. j "If the Soviet Union were to} make a nuclear attack on the| North American continent it! would do so only by a full-out) nuclear attack by interconti-) nental ballistic missiles or manned bombers carrying hy- drogen bombs or nuclear-tipped| missiles or both. Against such an attack there could not be any defence, even by the U.S with its enormous nuclear ar- mament."'. It was "utter nonsense' to say that it was necessary for the defence of Canada or help- ful to the U.S. for Canada to obtain nuclear weapons. aces seeeesesearaseseasaessnsesenese,. 5 . . ° Have your furnace cleaned free and guaranteed trouble-free al! winter, if you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 Mrs. J. Breckenridge opened the meeting with a Hymn Pray er after which the roll call and secretary's reports were given A short business session fol- lowed. Unit leader called for volunteer helpers for the "Church Vacation Schoo!"' to be held this summer. Mrs, G. Carr informed the group that the Unit No. 2 is responsible for flowers for the church June 2 and 9. SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN HOME DELIVERY 668-9056 Terrace Restaurant 120 Brock St. N., Whitby PHONE 668-4341. || || adian made .. - ~ $10.00 trade in allowance fer eny |) used power mower on the purchase of the famous Can- OTACO MOWER Sportsmans Corner | 103 Byron St. S. Whitby PHONE 668-4511 A request for volunteer visit- ors to new-comers and shut-ins was also made. ; The devotional period was in charge of Miss M. Rowe who chose the 23rd Psalm quoting an article by the writer Jane Scott on "Spiritual Discipline" One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Moths, heat, aatreeeeerecconness "akg, . famous CAT-TEX wonder soles by Cat's Paw hry, Fea cesesasasescsasetasssssessesegaa® - Lighter, longer-wearing, limber as leather! Miss E. Davis reviewed that humidity or The Editor, wa Times, Osha @ Custom Draperies Whitby, Section Sir: ®@ Broedioom and Rugs @ Wallpaper and Murals @ C.LLL: Paints and. Varnishes prayer and a devotional period.|portion of the study book per-| 10 A short business session was|taining to "Okinawa" an over-| a\held at which time plans were!populated island South of Korea discussed for the forthcoming|whose people need help to be thieves cannot reach your precious furs or cloth garments in Ma and ae ee a @ Brocklin, Coombes the people o' itby) to the/ 7. Port Credit, Hall amount of $5,000, while they es-! % ae ge re Cae timate an expenditure of $5,480, Penalties -- Olah THIRD PERIOD Cat-Tex scientific wonder soles represent 8 unique oe Baad art of shoe j= vm feather-light--yet, «+s Super Tour cebooer leone cde ty ter fl Ws tacts Gre fan ak "Buy Canadian -- Boost Can- ask your shoe repairer for Cat-Tex half and full soles ... . offering adian Economy." This is the slogan sponsored by the Canadian Television net- works, Yet, how. many series |, -ansportation is Canadi ks originate in| Dearest adian networks originate inp ass Band could always play at my funeral! not find this thought very com-' - Canada has a heritage of its|forting. and programs produced by the Canada itself. The factual truth) ts -- NOT MANY. own, yet we televise programs such as Wyatt Earp, Laramie, The Doctors and many other ex for the Whitby Brass Band. by the thought that if I should! 12. Port Credit, Hall Brooklin, Ferguson, Coombes Port Credit, A'Hearn, ~f Henderson the fact that no. pom credit, available 0/14: ort Credit; the Whitby) 15. Port Credit; Ruse 19,2: Penalties Burrows 1.59, Kapasky |3.07, Crawford 7.58, Vipond 12.45, Car- Somehow I d0/negie 17.45. Perhaps I should be consoled ;° e due to Olah Ruse hospital, . Yours truly, F. .K Townsend Heavy Inflow cerpts which originate from United States networks. Is Canada lacking in talent capable of producing shows which portray the epics of Can- adian History. Certainly Cana- Of Foreign Capital WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY dian TV studios have the facil- ities to use original ideas--or have they? Do our networks have to rely on 'bigname' stars from the| United States to build an audi-} ence? Granted, a great many) of the products used in canada are manufactured in the U.S But why, should the Canadian citizens have to pay the extra| advertising costs which are al- ready included on the time to watch Canadian TV networks televise American products. I am positive that if the Can- adian networks would intorduce a series 'regardless whether it's to to Tales of the Voyageurs or| Champlain's Travels, or Our Canadian Heritage, many of our Canadian manufacturers would) be only too happy to sponsor| such programs. Like the advertisement says) -- Buy Canadian. I say let's see| a little fire where the smoke) originates. I Sincerely|tinued improvement in the ¢on-| yary |Mrs. J DUPLICATE BRIDGE OTTAWA (CP)--Heavy Ca- SCORES nadian borrowing abroad on Following are the results and|new bond issues--mostly in the high scores of the games play-| United States--contributed to a ed last week by members of) record net inflow of $359,000,000 Bridge in foreign capital from all se. curities transactions during the North and South: Mr. and first quarter of this year Mrs. Frank Wells, 139; Mr, and| It was in contrast with a Mrs. H, Winter, 131; Mr. and}$64,000,000 capital outflow from Wilson, 123 and Mrs.|such: transactions a year ear. Spratt and Mrs. Wilson. lier. East and West: Mrs. and! A report today by the bureau Miss Bovay, 13144; Mrs. Booth! of statistics gave the first in. and Miss Forsythe, 127; Mrs.| qication of the extent of a situa- B. McColl and Mrs. Beaton, 124) tion which has concerned the and Mrs. Odlum and Mrs.'u.§, government -- its loss of , 112%. foreign exchange reserves to Wee. Canada. the Whitby Duplicate Club. Lee The situation has benefitted | Bomb Victim Caste, strengthening the ex- the Canadian| change rate on dollar. The report showed $435,000,-| Claimed Better | 000 in foreign funds flowed into! MONTREAL (CP) -- The Canada from the sale of new army reported Sunday a con-| securities issues during the Jan-| - March period, including! Ajax, Ontario William Laycoe. |dition of Sgt.-Maj. Walter R.| $140,000,000 from government of | The Editor, Oshawa Times, Whitby, Section Support Ambulance Subsidy Dear Sir: cannot subsidize the Town Am- CRIMES RISE (Reuters) -- Maori natives are almost entirely to blame for the increasing rate of sex crimes in he's reacting more to pain, said the spokesman. walter. How Zeeland on left arm was amputated operation after the explosion in held Canadian securities. suburban Westmount |Leja, severely injured May 17/Canada issues and $197,000,000/ jwhile trying to remove a ter- "ig bomb placed in a mail-| the total, $425,000,000 came| OX, ae |from provincial bond issues. Of| from the United States. But the army spokesman said) At the end of the quarter, | the 42-year-old demolition ex-| ; As a long-suffering taxpayer|pert is still on the critical TA bntige dg gate Mri og I fail to understand why Counci!|and remains unconscious. flow into the country from is- : sues 'sold but not yet delivered His circulation is better and to foreign buyers. The first-quarter inflow was| slightly offset by the retire./ elow the elbow in a five-hour Tent of $46,000,000 in foreign- Mother and Daughter banquet % to be held June 10 at the Cita- del. Also tentative arrange- * ments were made for the group g34\t0 cater at a wedding in July Mrs. Captain Reed acted as auctioneer, proceeds to be turn- ed in for Missionary work. The meeting closed with prayer and refreshments were} served by the group in charge. Next meeting, Thursday, May 30, Mrs, MacDonald and her group will be. in charge. WI MEMBERS HEAR Public Relations was the topic chosen by Mrs. S. Cawker, of Port Perry, District President self supporting as* well as a great deal more Christianity to enlighten them, Thée meeting closed refreshments served by Mrs. D Yeo and Mrs, C. Closson. The next meeting will be held Thurs- day, June 27 © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Phone 668-5862 with our cool vaults! Full insurence on your Phone us now 668-2345 Whitby Cleaners Ltd. 150 Colborne E, Whitby unmatched economy and comfort for all the family's shoes. By the makers of CAT'S PAW HEELS & SOLES & CAT'S PAW ADIPRENE "TIPPS" for spike heels. Look for them on new shoes, too? ---- a REPORTER DIES BERLIN (AP) Robert Schildbach, 69, an Associated | Press reporter in Berlin and! Vienna for 30 years, died Sat- urday of a heart ailment Schildbach, German - born, joined The Associated Press in 1927. PORT WHITBY TEXACO Pete Hubers, Prop. FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY Smooth Pleats Stay in, C AT NO EXTRA Exclusive with 51 Burk St. RENU-TEX PROCESS Clothes look Sparkling New again, Colors lively, Brighter Than Ever, Fabrics Rich and Cashmere -- RINKER'S CLEANERS -- Oshawa -- General Repairs Dunlop Tires 668-3471 100 VICTORIA W. (at Brock) =, SPORT ~~ This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! Weekly Evenis! CALENDAR -- of -- W. C. TOWN | FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play a sport to be* - @ good sport 110 Dundas St. E,, Whitby 668-3410 GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS Support the local suppliers of FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES 24 Hr. Burner Service 4 SAWDONS (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S. | DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT reases Stay "Put" COST TO YOU 725-1191 He removed bombs from two New Zealand, according to Jus-\mailboxes before the third one tice Minister Ralph Hanan. He/hiew up. Bombs were also said about 20 times more Ma-|found in a number of other boxes and either dismantled or }set off deliberately with pre- (cautions. oris than non-Maoris committed | rape and similar offences in re- cent years. WHITBY ix PLUS -- Second Feature: BROCK Evening Shows Stort 6:55 & 8:35 LAST COMPLETE SH TRAPPED... between a new love and an old crime! Recommended os ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" in Color 8:35 é a spor town ONE-PIECE CONCRETE /MMLLIATE DELIVERY CW ALL ULES @ POR YOUR NEW HOME PLA ENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON@SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS | STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments - . + of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby THIS WEEK'S _SPORTS EVENTS MERCURY | AUTO BODY COLLISION-CUSTOM BODY WORK MODERN EQUIPMENT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED COURTESY & SERVICE 324 ASH ST. PH. 668-8522 24-HR. ROAD SERVICE LACROSSE WEDNESDAY, May 29, 8:45 p.m. Brampton vs. Brooklin Sr. Lacrosse Club at Brooktin Arena. SUNDAY,, June 2, Brooklin Sr. Lacrosse Club vs Brampton in Brampton. ROLLER SKATING TUESDAY, May 28, 8 to 10:30 p.m. Whitby Arena. Skates available at Arena. SATURDAY, June 1, 8 to 10:30 p.m. Whitby Arena. WRESTLING WHITE'S B.P. 616 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-8241 GENERAL REPAIRS Licensed Mechanic Snow Ploughing FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY OPEN 7:30 A.M. -- 10 P.M. TUESDAY, May 28, Oshqwa Children's Arena, 8:30 p.m. U.S. Title Bout -- Johnny Valentine vs Jim Hady. Semi-final -- Sweet Daddy Siki vs Billy 'Red' Lyons. Preliminary -- Ilio Di Paolo vs The Maltese Kid ATTENTION SPORTING GROUPS -- If you have games scheduled througout the week, please con- tact The Oshawa Times at 668-3703 in order that we may include your game in our weekly Sports Calendar, DRY CLEANING and Shirt Launderers FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY DAILY PHONE 668-434/ Repairs-Stora SCUGOG CLEANERS 130 Brock St. N. Whitby (Next to Heerd's Tax!) ~ GEORGE'S | FINA SERVICE Authorized Fina Centre Dealer "YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SAFETY OLIVER J-3d1] Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Tires and Batteries & Accessories PICK-UP & DELIVERY STARRING: Joyce noe & Mark Damon Liane CONCRETE PRODUCTS LID. 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY HOOKER & SONS LTD. No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin 1961 CHEVROLET BELAIR 2-door with eute- $1995 matic transmission, Immeculete condition. . General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR BROOKLIN 655-4811 George H. Harding Construction Co. Ltd. General Contractors And Builders 411 Fairview Drive, Whitby . 668-3566 TRENCAING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE

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