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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1963, p. 11

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\ | that this Council may engage|Paper is }; to enable it to carry out its)motions submitted so fa? and| . for other related and incidental|Members of all parties, These| , $400,000,000, These loans will be) ) made to municipalities and cer-| Fila., lea of the Coygress Of Racial_ Equality, strudgles _|_ with police\in jail yard after % DEMONSTRATION Patricia, Due, Tallahassee she and about 120 other Ne- groes were arrested Thursday and charged with contempt of court for defying Circuit | REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT Throne Speech Debates Ended By MICHAEL STARR, MP establish a Municipal Develop- The Debate on the Throne men and Loan Board to admin- Speech has now been com-|ister this fund. pleted. There were two votes) It will also authorize the ac- taken during the debate andiceptance of municipal deben- the Government survived both'tures for any loans so made. of them although the first vote) mis js a long Resolution DER CARRIED INTO JAIL Judge Ben C. Willis' order to end racial demonstrations at patronage theaters. --(AP Wirephoto) ' Agricultural Geography Fertile Field QUEBEC (CP)--Agricultural | geography is a fertile field yet to be tilled well, Prof. Lloyd G. Reeds of McMaster University, Hamilton, said Thursday night. In his presidential address to the Canadian Association of Geographers, he urged students |}to interest themselves in this specialty. A whites, says Montreal-born ac-|Negro persons who. picketed in i before she was arrested May 19) i urally "Agricultural geography is a was won by the Government|.nq many things are spelled i neglected. and poorly - tilled by a very narrow majority. (Out. One of the intriguing pro-|neglec b dian The House of Commons will) visions in the Resolution will be field," Prof. Reeds said. "Only now be engaged in applying it-| 5, authorization which will pro-|three courses are offered in self to the business of the Na-|viae for a measure of forgive-|Canada." tion in debating the Resolutions) yj... in respect of any loans so| "Text of his address was re- that ere.on the Order Paper, | made, depending upon the date|leased to the press in advance placed there by the Govern-| 4¢ completion of the projects for|of delivery. ment for areas > of " which such loans are made. | There was an urgent need for Ts ae Mil. art oe Bed Mae Rt restrch by gegrantert 1 what specific details are in-)re Y soil sci ; ci ie a bi cluded "" the legislation itself | agricultural economists, rural lishment of:'an Economic Coun-|i" respect to this last provision.| sociologists, statisticians and cil of Canada, It is difficult to| There are other resolutions on|@Cologists, he said. ascertain from the Resolution|the Order Paper that I will deal| 'The problems of the pioneer All the details of this legisla-| with in a subsequent report, |settlement were ripe_ subjects tion. Resolutions usually are| During the Throne Debate we| {°F ea eae a Little 're- very skimpy in their informa-|have had oral question periods Sten sy im te to on praise tion and this one only men-jeach and every day. The writ-|"/C? snould be planned "ie tions..the appointment of alten questions, however, have|® 'ural viewpoint and those Girl Guides, Brownies To Get New Suits SASKATOON (CP)--Canadian Girl Guides and Brownies are to have.new uniforms. The uniforms, similar in color to the present ones but with style innovations, were dis- played to representatives here Thursday at the Girl Guides .of Canada annual meeting. They are to be introduced Starting next year over a period of years. "We have planned this so that the new uniforms may be intro. Rural U.S. Negro Lauded For Fight NEW YORK (CP)--The rural turned to film-making commit- Negro in the southern United|ments in New York where, in States is as ready and eager as|an interview, she told of her ex- his city cousin to have full bene-| perience. fit of equal rights with the) She was among 22 white and ltress Madeleine Sherwood. \front of the Gadsden jail, where This is one of the lessons the other Freedom Walkers were \35-year-old Canadian says she/held, and then took part in the [learned through a 10-day trip to| memorial service. |Alabama, during which she was! yyics Sherwood, a Broadway larrested and jailed for partici-).ctress who has lived in New |pating in an anti-segregation|y 14 for 10 years but who main- \Freedom Walk. ._ltains her Canadian citizenship, "Nobody will tell me again) .ciq she had felt strongly about that the city. Negro is the onlyithe civil rights issue for some one ready and eager to see a time--perhaps because of her er in i oe sg Said.| upbringing. . "The rura egro is rea Mf : ing that too. Maybe soitie of tnei cant a een Bb 3 'ohhree "Differences in color are so artletlaie & four-wokd sentence,| pains! her won't interfere 'with|s t that new and old uni- but they know they want aye cummer employment but|forms may be worn together theirs -- what they think 16 peparéd to go to jail. if neces-| without either looking conspic- sabe ve | i ieves her ex-| uous. ect ban ahhey Marae several sary, ete i help her to pore She said the new uniforms are rifal come«udhitits is Rage pene injustices wherever she|"the first ae in the current | | reassessment of our program to lin Attala, & suburb of Gadsden.) ,|bring {t into line with what the land jailed for two days on a| "I beileve very strongly tha [RiOMERA vouKe CANAGIAA" gtfl charge of breach of the peace. the civil rights issue is the bat- ; es " She and 10 others were picked|tle of this particular century eo apanr wai designed i | j i i States, up by state police as they be-jnot just in cape age \by Elen Henderson, one of Can- gan a Freedom Walk from the|but everywhere," she said. lada's top desigers 'of children's scene of Pw oreo F ra |service for William L. Moore of) , | Baltimore. Co. Gets Unwante 'hove evene by Ape | "13: . Miss Osler said rapid changes "Too 'Road-Building Bid M vhite int tionist in the world and their effect on ee eid aN : ey on |the modern girl have caused the wasshot while he was alone on) 4 4 ne ORD (CP) -- A\Girl Guides of Canada to set up Brampton contracting firm has/a national study committee to said [Guide Chief Commissioner Hengietta Osler of Toronto. a personal Freedom Walk in-) - |tended to take him across Te eet awarded a road-building| assess the guides' organization i contract it doesn't want. land program. wee ks Several hours after Arm-| Provincial committees would g Brothers Company was assist in this study to ensure a a $362,522 contract|/broad understanding of diverse i ' Racial|Thursday for straightening a conditions from coast to coas Lee ant Be ee tee gulaaneg| two-mile stretch of the Cock- Some of the conclusions of. 7 Sy F lshutt road near here. a tele-|this study may be startling and Miss Sherwood made the trip/-rain from' the firm requested| difficult to put into effect, but li der be withdrawn be-) | Released on bail of $300 pend-jits tende | ing court hearing in Gadsden|cause of an error. | ine|t® the department of highways June 10, Miss Sherwood re-| The firm's tender was the/tq, consideration. a ean aC ae Armstrong Brothers stand to ts ete noteRSA A at jlowest of seven. The next was $52,000 forfeit their $36,252 guarantee ; slightly more than more suitable for urban devel-|nigher. chaaae. " ranreeenng County Engineer Peter Hart cont oe the contract price. ama. | The memorial short-lived walk in which Miss) Sherwood, also a white integra-|stron tionist, participated was organ-|awarded "\loaned properties and: official, 10 per {it is anticipated that guiding, with its underlying spirit of ad- venture, will be able to adjust and adapt itself to the needs," Miss Osler said. Highlight of the last year was the opening of the new national headquarters building in Tor- onto, now fully paid for, the chief' commissioner said. During the year, Les Guides Catholiques du Canada (Secteur Francais) officially _affili, ated with the Girl Guides of Canada--a long-hoped-for move, she said. Camp Commissioner Mrs. Er- nest Redelmeier of Toronto re- ported that 41 per cent of Cana- dian guides, rangers and cadets camped during 1962 in camps held on lawns of abandoen houses iff Elliot Lake, Ont., guide campsites from coast to coast. The first all - Canada camp advisers' conference was held in August in. Winnipeg with 100 attending from all provinces. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 31,1963 7] Sgitmeseiacomm mtn O.L.A. JUNIOR "A" LACROSSE SATURDAY JUNE Ist ST. CATHARINES ATHLETICS vs OSHAWA GREEN GAELS OSHAWA ARENA 8:30 P.M. Adults 756 Children 286 | | | | SHELL HANDY ANDY 520 KING WEST LET US KEEP YOUR CAR LOOKING LIKE NEW... Ask | Free Estimates ONE STOP AUT (Corner of Stevenson Rd.) SPECIAL Service INCLUDING... @ UPHOLSTERING CLEANING @ WAXING and POLISHING @ AUTO DE-TARRING @ MINOR RUST REMOVAL @ MOTOR STEAM CLEANING SERVICE 1' CENTRE PHONE 728-9421 opment. / For instance, only 12,000,000|\;aiq he could see no place in of 20,000,000 acres in southernithe contract for an error, es-| Ontario were thought useful for|pecially one amounting to $32,- agriculture. This was also a(000. He said it was most unus- populous region where the dis-|ual for a firm to withdraw com- tinction between rural and ur- pletely. ban land was important. | The matter was turned over Ever Hear of a "DIURETIC'"? Maybe not. But you should know is i service of what a "diuretic" does. There may |B be 'times when you should use one, | ff You likely understand how important |B the kidneys are in maintaining good health. Also that if the kidneys fail to function ly excess acids and |i waste material remain in | system. This may result in | ff subsequent urinary irritation |i and bladder discomfort, often | followed by backache, tired | feeling ph disturbed rest. | "Die-you-retle + to help restore normal kidney action, and so relieve the systemic condition causing backache and tired feeling. When you are bothered by backache and tired feeling due to lazy kidney action you can depend on Dodd's Kidney Pills as many raese gage done Few «| ast 70 years. for Dodd' at any drug ane members of the Council, and| they are gradually piling up. To the payment of remuneration to|date there are some 146 ques- the Chairman and the Directors,|tions on the Order Paper, sub- and certain other expenses of|mitted by Members of Parlia-| administration. |ment from all parties. The Resolution also mentions), A section of the order f | devoted to private| the services of such advisers|Members' Notices of Motions} ae and staff as may be necessary|and there have been some 58| ' \ Chairman, Directors and other|not been dealt with as yet, "Tol duties and to provide further|listed 'on the Order Paper by| matters. jwill be dealt. with during the| Members of Parliament tak- one-hour periods: from five to ing part in this debate will nat-|S!x 0'clock each and every day. assume that certain) Meanwhile, I find that the} things will be done and will|life of a private Member is make suggestions in the hope|far less arduous that than of a! that the Government will pay|C@binet Minister. heed to them and include these) siegestions in the legislation! itself. TRANSFER LEJA | MONTREAL (CP)--Sgt.-Maj. Another Resolution on the) Walt@ R. Leja, 42, critically in. Order Paper is one designed to| jured in a terrorist bomb explo- provide financial assistance by| sion May 17, was transferred to way of loans to municipalities.) the Montreal Neurological Insti- The Resolution explains that) tute Wednesday. euch -- are for the purpose} of enabling municipalities to @ugment or accelerate their) SHORGAS capital works programs, sub-| platessa to the approval HEATING & of the Province concerned. It is also" mentioned in this Resolu-| APPLIANCES tion that a special fund will be In provided in the Consolidated dustrial ~ Revenue Fund, not to exceed Commercial The vi cog mgr reliable Gas : re ; aler in your area. tain other municipal authori-) ties for specific municipal capi-| EL tal works projects. 31 C INA ST. The -Resolution states that! (Corner of Athol) legislation will be introduced in _ which there will be provision to| ---- | Johnson.compacts are amazi City of Oshawa -- 2nd Instalment 1963 TAXES DUE Polling Division Color of Bills First Instalment Numbers Due Date 58 to B5A Yellow June 3rd 1 to 57 White Grey June 10th PAY TAXES BY MAIL by cheque or money order (if con- venient) enclosing COMPLETE tox bill--receipted bill will be returned. AVOID STANDING IN LINE by paying before due dote OR by depositing sealed envelope containing cheque and Tax Bil! in "City Hall Mail' letter drop at City Hall main entrance any time. ALL OSHAWA CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANKS OF COM- MERCE will accept current taxes within two weeks before any instalment date providing Tox Bill is presented for' receipting AND PROVIDING NO INSTALMENT IS PAST DUE WITHOUT CHARGE. ALSO PAYABLE AT CITY HALL (if preferred). Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays SPECIAL HOURS 7 TO 9 P.M. INSTALMENT DATES ONLY FAILURE TO PAY ANY ONE INSTALMENT on or before due dote necessitates the Tox Collector to proceed to collect by several Stotutory ond Local by-law provisions: such as Collec- tion of Rents where property is tenant occupied; Division Court | outboard at any price. Dealers. With almost a th a Johnson. _ Three Johnson compacts prove 728-9441 | alittle money can go a long way cost is low yet their staying power is high. The compacts go a long way between gas stops (on 5 gallons of gas a 514 can cruise for 11 hours). They only need servicing oncé a year and practically never see the inside of a repair shop. They start with the first pull and run religiously season after | Season. In the long run, a Johnson gives you more dogged dependability for your dollars than any The compacts are light and trim. Bulk and weight | is pared to a minimum. Underwater exhaust and beveled gears mean the compacts run quiet. They are long on features other small outboards skimp on, such as full gearshift, complete corrosion proof- ing, fuel pump,*thermostat-controlled cooling. Find out. how far your money will go. See the Johnson Compact. 18, 10 and 514 at your Johnson Canada service is never a problem when you own |"NEW 2 YEAR SEA-HORSE WARRANTY~-TWICE AS LONG AS BEFORE" ng motors. Their initial ousand dealers across =f Johnson JOHNSON MOTORS, A division of Outboard Marine Corporation of Canada Ltd., Peterborough, Canada. favourite ale--more Action im some cases ond by possible '"Bbliff Seizure" of chottels, subject to additional costs, Telephones: 725-1153; After 5 p.m. Dial 728-6881 CLARENCE L. COX City Tax Collector _ CIVIC ADMINISTRATION BLDG. 353, KING ST. WEST SMITHS SPORTS MOLS PHONE 723-9311 ' good-natured ale! Open up a Molson Export--it's the best idea of the night. Molson Export is Canada's than a million bottles are opened every day! It's the good-natured thing to do.' 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