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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1963, p. 27

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| The concept of the basement as additional living space is 'becoming almost universal new homes being built today. If not an accomplished fact in the original house, there is at least provision made for a f basement in the future. This trend is becoming wide. spread among older homes, many of them built when the basement or '"'cellar' was re- garded as only useful for plac. ing a bulky, cumbersome heat- ing plant and as a catch-all or family junkshop. Many own- ers of fine old homes are rea- lizing that what was once al- most a wasteland can now be turned into an' asset -- a tan- gible asset in added value and a new concept in convenience. The new habitable area thus made available allows space Basement Viewed As Living Space inished|less costly than might be sup- ee Te eee for a family room, recreation room, hobby room or modern modernization of what was once little more than an un- sightly trash room is usually posed, With careful planning it dends in added property value, not to mention providing new scope for family convenience and entertainment. ' With any house over 10 years old, the first step is to decide about the heating plant or fur- nace, If it is still efficient as when new and providing ample comfort it may still serve. How- ever, if practical, a change in its location may be necessary to accommodate the new room you are about to create. oe Ce ae ee oe ae ie indicated, ing units, manufactured today, prisingly compact, smart look. ing and unobtrusive. The re- placement of a very old fur. nace with # new, efficient, more economical heating plant will usually per for itself in a short time with fuel dollars saved -- not to mention the added comfort. It is strongly utged thet as the first step in modernizing a basement a qualified heating man be consulted. This should be done whether a re-location| of the furnace be involved or the consideration of a new one, Your local heating con- tractor can best advise you on the most practical and econom. ical way to go about it and can guarantee a trouble-free and satisfactory installation. Once you have settled the matter of your heating equip- ment, the conversion of your basement to additional living space can be proceeded with according to your own desites. If an entire new heating plant It can be as elaborate as you may wien t omake it or strictly| UN-PAINTING may wish to make it or strictly) QUESTION: We functional. Extr; such as a washroom,» shower and so forth may be add- ed at a later date, more space for the enjoyment of life -- for entertaining or the indulgence in hobbies -- is be- coming desiravic, an investiga- tion of the possibilities may give you a pleasant surprise. And the outiay of dollars may be much less than you thought. ~ ae - - . = * ee ee *+ ee ee we o vewer vere ~ ° a BEDS ght a palt of painted metal beds which we are sure are brass, after having scratched off some of the paint. How can we re- move the paint and -estore the brass underneath? | ANSWER: The paint can be removed with regular paint re- mover, followi label diree- tons pa oy reC") 'To retard tarnishing, after Many excellent brass clean.|"°#Ming and 'polishing, wipe ing and polishing preparations|the metal with benzene to re- are widely available at super-jmove any trace of grease or THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 31,1963 27 conveniences ware stores; follow manufac-ling clear lacquer made espe- turer's. instructions. Or clean|cially for this purpose; avail> the brass with a paste madejable, paint, housewares and of flour added to vinegar in/some variety stores. which as much salt as possible has been dissolved; then rinse with clear water to remove all trace of paste. cabinet If yours is a home where FIRE SWEEPS CLUB ITASCA, Ill. (AP)--Fire of undetermined origin swept. plush Itasca Country Club, west - Chicago, lowe , injure ng one employee causing damage estimated at about $1,- Seine | markets, housewives and hard-'wax, and apply a coat of spray-1000,000, THIS MAN from MILLWORK... LAUNDRY CONVENIENCE way io | the corner of the utility Joints, wipe. ' ' Extra Bathroom Simply Arranged A wing family calls for enica bathroom facilities, The eall becomes loud and clear luring rush periods when every ¢ r ments in at the same time. Inadequate facilities are @ very real problem in many homes these days, says the Ca- nadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating, but the inconven- dence and frayed tempers thus egused need not be endured in- definitely. oe ne Proving that home owne ere aware of this need, the Institute points out that inde- pendent surveys |show that the most wanted jhyome improve- ment is the addjtion of an extra 9 powder room. pointed out that phvenience is not "achieve in most ularly ago, nused the necessary located. It tn Sometimes an extra large fathroom can be put to better ase by dividing it into two facil- fies. For economy, a bath or powder room is best planned to use the same basic piping of existing water facilities, whe- ther it is above, below or to the side of the planned addition. Under a staircase, in an attic spartment, at the end of @ hall- basement; perhaps quate goom in many such areas of all homes. An unusued pantry,.a small first floor gg Oe! sitting room would be ideal locations powder room. Perhaps it might be located in the area un- der an open stairwell -- or you pose ge consider walling off the end of a long halway or corner of a large room. It is possible to have a powder room install- STORAGE QUESTION: What can be done to prevent mold forming, musty odors, and mildew from affecting clothing, shoes, shoe- skates, etc., which must be stored either in a garage a basement (completely below grade)? Is there any chemical one can use inside the contain- ers ifi which these are stored to aid the retardation of such molds? Wsat type of container would be best for such storage molds? Which would be the better place, the garage or the basement? ANSWER: The garage would be better than the basement for tric damp chaser in this would keep the interior dry and the air circulating; this is a small, QUESTION: We are begin- ing to get an unpleasant odor | (frame, attached, slab floor, or | | ed in an area as small as 1244 square feet A powder room contains a basin and a water closet. Even for the smallest of rooms, there are fixtures that fit in compactly. An attractive basin Mae be the first fixture that meets the eye in a powder room, and ideally the water closet should be installed where it wil be hidden when the door ig open. It goes without saying that such an added improvement adds to the resale value of your house. Of more importance, though, is payment you re- ceive in increase dlibability. It is important, consid- ering such an addition, \to con- sult a reliable plumbing con- tractor first. He will give you the benefit of his professional know-how in selecting the most practical and economical loca- tion. And his advice on your choice of fixtures and other materials will be invaluable. CERAMIC TILE CEMENT QUESTION: We put down a ceramic tile for our bathroom floor. But the cement in the joints between tiles keeps fall- ing out, What permanent mate- rial can we use ANSWER: The tile joints should be filled with a thick cream-like mixture of cement and water grout. When this mixture has settled into the off all excess on the face of the tile while still wet. Then the grouting moist for several hours to pre- vt vent too-rapld drying. For far thicker growth MLM -GRO-KOTED GRASS SEED Exclusive 'Green Gro - Koted" process gives you a more luxuriant carpet of healthy, deep-rooted grasses. Available in four different lawn blends, each best for its purpose. BIRDS DO NOT EAT IT READILY Available At Your... ONE-STOP GARDEN CENTRE MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA Free Customer Parking 54 CHURCH ST. Dial 723-2229 Hf | i | | i 1 | 1] | | | from the floor drain in our cel- il lar. How can we al get rid of the ANSWER: The drain trap (if there is one) may have ree. Kt should be kept filled with water at all times to prevent | model homes now open in many | of these residential areas |) ... call us to-day for full details GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS... A SCHMIDT & SONS LTD, Close te Coronction School on Adelaide Street Extended. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE... . A. POTTER & SONS LTD. Helf mile from Grand- view Golf Club. Grendview ot Olive. GREENWOOD HEIGHTS... MANOR HOMES €O. Conent $. jow ccs of Ritson. G. LYSYK -- C, HARRISON -- J. HOGENBOOM imediotely south ef 7th Dey Adventist Church, RIDGEWAY AGRES... C. RUSSELL HARRISON (Oshewe) LTD. Ridgewsy et Gibbon or Park. ROSSLAND MANOR... SEORGE LYSYK north on Gibbon et Ressiend W. WINBROOK PARK... SESS HANN & SON. Immedictely west of Bone- ven Colegicte at Linden. 4 = ' f / THE FABULOUS TAPPAN "400" > Ses hew handsomely the fuxiirious Tappan "400" blends into this comppet, step- saving kitchen, Not on inch of space has been wasted, nor hos the kitches 'lost even @ frection of .it's beauty. nt TCHEN CABINETS BY MILLBUILT This perticuler kitch ipped with the rich, dark beauty of breath-taking hogany Millbuilt cabinets You'll find Millbuilt cabinets are simply packed with exclusive fectures to make the Mrs. dey in the kitchen @ pleasent event. | H GLASS SLIDING DOORS This view from the dining room shows the practical and beautiful sliding glass doors on upper cabinet. The kitchén side of cabinet is equipped with mahogany cabinet doors « « + you can work from either side. y planned this kitchen SEE WHAT "HE CAN DO ay FOR YOU! FREE ESTIMATES Alec hos spent over 20 yeors In kitchen design, His experienced hond will help guide you to the most fashionable and convenient kitchen you have ever pleasure of calling your own, If your kitchen needs remodeling . @ all Alee to-day! Do It In Steps | And On A : Budget Set. cost worries aside. Millwork will work out complete costs and break all payments down inte budget making terms. If you wish, remodel your kitchen In steps . . . start with the sink ond then add. Everything Supplied Right from the kitchen sink through to the smartly patterned tile floor. Your kitchen will be truly a woman's delight ... . it will be fresh, imaginative . . « complete with such handsome ae- cessories os Tappan Built - In Units and dramatic Millbuilt Cobinets. : All Details Taken Care Of! Ypur Millwork representative will énalyse. your particular kitchen requirements and work out plans in detail to your complete satis- faction : . . including sketches, color-schemes, -new appliances, estimates, etc. If you feel your kitchen needs remodelling, why not call Millwork to-day! SEE THE MODEL KITCHEN NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM Budget Terms 6 to 60 Months To Pay 1279 SIMCOE odors from backing up into the} cellar. Pour a pail we two. of] water into the floor drain. -- If]| CALL 728-6286 NOW. is, doesn't stop the odor tm. S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Lid. | Wg? cetrcior soul 'bo conf 3 323 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. . 728-6291 Open Daily 7 a.m, till 6 p.m. -- Friday till 9 p.m. ' "

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