2 THE OSHAWA TIM8S, Pridey, Mey 31, 1963 CHICAGO (CP-AP)--A Cana- dian grain vessel whose owners are involved in a dispute, with a seamen's union remained idle Thursday despite a temporary injunction issued Wednesday against dock workers who for nearly six weeks have refused to load her. Meanwhile, the head of the Seafarers', International Union in the United States stirred up '|the controversy by accusing the Kennedy administration of what he termed "the greatest politi- cal doublecross in American un- ion history.' Paul Hall, head of the SIU, made the reference in a speech Wednesday night which referred to the injunction. He told the convention of the American Federation of. Grain SIU Head Brands USS. Action ' INTERPRETING THE NEWS 'Reds May Object To UN In Yemen By CARMAN CUMMING Saudi Arabia and thé ULAR, Canadian" s ff Writer will meet the entire bill. ! The igo of the Uhited| While no country has Millers that the U.S. National Labor Relations Board acted in the case of the Canadian vessel! here because State Secretary , |Dean Rusk and Labor Secretary + |W. Willard Wirtz wanted to help out the Canadian government. | He termed the action an in-| | "a |justice to U.S. seamen. HAVE HAD TALKS | Wirtz and Rusk have been in-| Plaintiff Denies eis". | Stock Switch Try Deported Man Brewery Workers OPTIMIST BIKES TO RALLY seen as he stopped in Londgn | yesterday en route to Toronfo. --Free Press Photo Guard Claims the Optimist convention in To- ronto who traveled from Ten- nessee -- by bicycle. He is Pearson Bids To Eye Lost In _ Ease NHA Loans Prison Fracas iii htt OTTAWA (CP)--Amendments|lishment of the $400,000,000 mu-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Laurier Mr. Posluns spent the entire' to the National Housing Act|nicipal development and loan)Roussel, a guard at St. Vincent ninth day of his court action in making it easier for Canadians/fund that is to be set up within'd@e Paul Penitentiary, testified)the witness box, testi PE about! to buy older houses are' ex-ja few weeks. Thursday 'that he lost an eye|the circumstances off his loss of pected to be introduced in Par-| Urban~.renewal .and develop-|and suffered partial paralysis|~ rey se liament next autumn. 2 ment, along with NHA amend-|as a result of an assault by a An informed source said;ments to provide government-|convict last year. Thursday the amendments also guduranteéd mortgages for the) Testifying at the trial of cort will provide for loans on more/purchase of existing houses and/vict eques (Tarzan) La- génerous terms for building for construction of houses for|planfe, charged' with wounding | houses for rent, and will en-|rent, were promised by the Con-|with intent to maim, Roussel| OTTAWA (CP) -- Defence courage urban renewal and de-/servatives in the 1963 election.|said he was on guard duty Minister Paul Hellyer promised velopment. Former prime minister Diefen-|watching the accused distribute|Thursday to investigate a re- These are the principal pro-jbaker spelled out a series Of|meal trays last Oct. 30 when he/port that an RCAF officer at posals in the Liberal govern- proposals early in the campaign! suffered the injtiries. NORAD headquarters at Colo- ment's housing program. They|to spark housing and municipal! After returning the trays to rado Springs had' made politi- are not being brought forward in| development. their proper place, he said, La-\cal comments about the April the initial stage of the current}; Former works minister Ful-|plante walked back to the cell|8 Canadian election. parliamentary session because|ton, now British Columbia Con-/plock but, instead of stopping) Mr. Helyer was asked by other boosts to the Canadianjservative leader, was working|at. his cell, 'continued to: the| Robert Prittie (NDP--Brunaby- economy are considered morejon a sweeping revision of the|end of the row." |Richmond) for the name of the urgent now. |National Housing Act when the| fe said he ordered the ac-|Officer mentioned in a report Prime Minister Pearson, inj/former government was de-|cused to return to his cell and|Carried Wednesday by Le Droit his first major domestic affairs) feated in the Commons, precipi-|'another guard also yelled at\and. whether efforts would be| speech outside Parliament since|tating the April 8 election. him to. go to his cell" but the|made to have military officers his election, told the Federation) It is not known whether the| accused then turned around and|stop making political _ state- of Mayors and Municipalities in|Liberal government's NHA| k him "with something.";ments. | Toronto Wednesday that the)amendments. will parallel those" "After he had struck me wail a eS NHA amendments including the;which Mr. Fulton intended to) .smethin, on the head. 4 urban renewal and development|put before Parliament--or even|y hi, 1 8 s etude ; i |! s4 e I lay nearly. unconscious|Kapuskasing .. plan-are part of the govern-if Mr. Fulton left any of his). i, ground, he stabbed me White River ment's program that will be| working papers behind when he|i, i... eye with a knife.' saidi Moos : ied forward as promised. |left the works department. nk er ee. Sere caine * wie! | An informant said however, |'? witness, who walked with Timmins ......... LOAN FUND URGENT |work is already well advanced) 'he use of a cane. One of the' more immediatejon the Liberal government's| LaPlante is serving a 15-year and urgent plans of the govern-| proposals, embodying recom.|Semtence for rape and man-| ment for the first part of the| mendations made to the govern. S!aughter. Dawson ....+.+ | session, he said, is the estab-|ment by Central Mortgage and] ------|Vietoria .. |Housing Corporation, the crown! STRIKE COST HIGH Edmonton . Po agency which administers the| In recent years about 3,000,000 Regina erie Judge Adjourns housing program. The same working days have been lost| Winnipeg .. School Area . Dispute | WEATHER FORECAST recommendations, it is under-jannually in Britain through Lakehead .. LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Judge) : Mainly Sunny, William Wangenstein is TORONTO (CP)--Wilfred Fos:| probably the only delegate to luns, 32-year-old plaintiff in a) $2,100,000 damage action against) the Toronto Stock Exchange and} George Gardiner, an officer ot the exchange, testified Thurs- day that to this day he does not! know why the exchange's direc- jtors withdrew approval of his jstatus as a director and share- jholder of R. A. Daly and Com- | | Alleged Comments 15 55 | 60 50 65 Observed Temperaturs . Low overnight, High Thursday; | | } Sault Ste. Marie... | | 3 aeereeeenee 47 | Lido from the Daly firm. position with the Daly firm and the exchange hearing which de- prived him of that position. At one point, Mr. Justice, G. A. Gale, who is hearing the| suit without jury, interrupted) questioning by exchange coun-| p. sel Arthur Pattillo. Mr. Pattillo asked Mr. Pos- Draws Life For 2 Deaths BERLIN (Reutéers)--A West) rlin man, deported from Can- ada in 1961 for attacking cou- les in parked cars, was sent- luns whether he knew that the| ened Thutsday to life in prison stock exchange directors did NOtlfor the murder of a young en- approve of his being # director ed couple here of the Daly firm acting in cer-| Baz " : tain stock option deals for Pe- terborough druggist John Lynch|had 4 while at the same time being a/Yeat-ol partner in the firm of Lido|!9-yvepr-o Investments, which bought op-/Proadhed tions from Mr. Lynch. "They never told me what]I had done wrong," Mr. said. He added later that he had » s -- And Ladies Doubl ' New Tory Bill OuDILeCIOSS bell gh sc. Socgne |British govertiment has ati- volved in discussions with Cana-,;Thursday for the Memorial Day|nounced reforms that will have dian government authorities| holiday. jthe practical effect of trans- over the lakes dispute. |WILL NOT TRY _ forming the austere House af An official of the union repek| Connor said he would take Lords into the '"'Housé of Lords senting the loaders here saidjno further attempt to have his|and Ladies." __ 'Nations is to. be taken to an-\the UN mission, a sma) u Thursday he had attempted tojmen load the vessel before) Already six women peersiother isolated corner of the/of controversy has yh up at carry out a U.S. District Court/Tuesday. At that time, the Na-|whose titles are not hereditary world, United Nations headqua in order to load the Howard Shaw, |tional Labor Relations Board/sit in the upper house of Parlia-) m.:. time it's Yemen -- the New York over the way it was a transport owned by Upper will return to court for a hear-/ment for the purpose of "IM-| desolate blazing chat desert Set up. Lakes shipping, Limited, of To-/ing on its suit to make the tem-/proving the quality of the de-\).44 ot the bottom of the Ara... The' immedialhk shead ie ronto, but that the men had re-|porary injunction permanent. |bate." They are known as "'life bian peninsula where civil war whether. the secretary pa fused to do so. The boycott by loaders against! peeresses." Vee drawn ia Aral paithhorsldtied @idua EL frit ie Jack Connor, president of the|the Howard Shaw results from a| But a mew reform bill an-, ee ac enka the peace of the' horizing the te Hilfon : the Grain Elevator, Flour and Feed'dispute between Upper Lakesnounced by Prime Minister oy) Middle E fy "i hankaraiek 4 ae ide te Mill Workers Local 418, an af- Shipping and the independent/Macmilan's government Thurs.\V/0° "CC® "ast, dyer the whole. aoabtliston i filiate of the [nternational Long-|Seafarers'. International Union|day specifies that not only life) The advance party of a UN ee k et UN af spre shoremen's Association, said hein Canada over makeup of peeresses, but also about 99 observer team is to leave for ssoper m ' le and the was served with a copy of the crews on lake boats operated by|more anh who inherited their) Yemen any day now. It will ghar ae i th ry oa om injunction Wednesday afternoon the Canadian fitm, SIU ctews|titles will be allowed inside to/followed by up to 200 UN per-\-- te uentra Esse ly Secur- and immediately directed mem- formerly manned Upper Lakes|debate and vote with the 900-/sonnel--possibly including some, Sf ouncil and secretariat. bers of the union to start load-/boats but last year the owners) Strong lords. |Canadians -- along with the i ussia has been hammering ing the Howard Shaw. * |signed up with crews repre-| The ladies will join the 24 jeeps, helicopters and other hard during the current special Connor said each of the 34/sented by the Canadian Mari-|women in the House of Com-jequipment necessary to support/S¢ssion of the assembly. on what loaders employed by Continen-|time Union (CLL). |mons, the lower chamber, in en-|Such a force, i coniders the takeover, by the tal Grain Company, at whose| The controversy between the| acting legislation to govern Brit-| The job will be to patrol a +s | Assembly and. secreta- dock the transport is tied up;company and the SIU has ragedjain, a thing their great-grand-|huffer zone 1214 miles wide sep- Bae of peace-keeping functions waiting to take a cargo of grain,'across the Great Lakes for at/fathers would have regarded as arating republican troops, >< ile Ch ihe to the Se- refused to comply with the or-|least two years with frequent|@ disaster and which their own backed by the United Arab Re. CUCtY Council. | a we der. ; |violence at ports in Canada and fathers probably find shocking.| public, and those of the royal-|_ Thant met with a Soviet rep He said the men indicated the U.S. | But if the ladies are being ists, backed by Saudi Arabia, [tescntative on the Yemen Assu® they would rather give up their| The temporary injunction was allowed inside, some noble lords| " |Wednesday and there Were rue jobs than load a ship owned by issued by Judge John W. Hol-|known as the "reluctant peers"/ RUSSIA MAY OBJECT mors that Russia would demand Upper Lakes Shipping. land. at the request of the|are being finally allowed to get' Secretary - General U Thant a Security Council meeting on Continental Grain was closed|NLRB and the department of/out. } jsays the observer team "is de-|the dispatch of the observer ljustice. The suit charged the| The reform bill, backed by a sited by all parties concerned"/team. But on Thursday UN of- \SIU and ILA induced members|bipartisan committee, will per-|and should be in Yemen no ficéts said no request for a of the grain loaders union not|mit lords to renounce their her-more than four months, He es-/ Meeting had been made. The \to load the Howard Shaw, which|editary titles and run for elec-|timates the cost at less than $1,- Russians themselves would larrived in Chicago April 22. |tion to the House of Commons.'000,000 and says he hopes that make no comment. Sear -- |POWERS HAVE CHANGED Under the UN charter, the Se. jcurity Council is given. "pri- mary responsibility' for main- | |tenance of international peacé e e and is empowered to "'deter- Halt Ship Loading #'\'se"sra : ;what measures shall be taken' MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Mem.|Gibb, 24, of Detroit and Donald|'©,restore peace. ' | The secretary-general, on the bers of the Brewery Workers MeLean, 30, of. Port Arthur,! ; hs ' Union quit loading a Canadian|were released after posting (ori ig ting athe pi epontinc grain vessel Thursday after/bond of $50 each. The orders} , i about 60 longshoremen tempor-|bamhing picketing were served|® Foie yo gig Council" any arily left their jobs on two other|in/ compliance with an injunc- threhe 46 the ae a ships and paraded in cars, ' |tidn issued a year ago. by Cir-| : : | The incident halted loading of|cuit. Judge Robert M. Curley. In the early days of the, UN Hang, Neumann, 25, said he)tne freighter Redwing, owned| Upper Lakes shins have been the powers of the first secre- planned to kill an 18-lhy Upper Lakes Shipping Lit-Inichorcg jo tyiteeo man ce ccuitary-genetal, Trygve Lie, were ; ,.jDyY Upper s Shipping "picketed in Milwaukee by the! .parp} dj ; West Berliner and hisliteq of Toronto. The longshore-|Seafarers International Union tarPy circumscribed in. this fiancee when he @P-/men returned to work afterand by lorigsh field. But since then a body of ei ked car and ~ a Senoremen, jprecedént has grown up, Liat jabout A half hour. AFL-CIO affiliates, in sympa- ' H stol at them. Earlier Thursday abow.20\thy wi i jthrough the dispatch of smail them to drive me pigkets in boats fh aiiibre| fei aaa the Canadian SIU] missions by the secretariat that ittle," Neumann said.\poNerced on the Redwing but) oa. c. oa has extended the powers of the forced the girl to Sifaiida to stop the loading. Two The Canadian STU was kicked office. Tinxghe bgck seat with him byt,|yofe arrested. out of the Canadian Labor Con-) In the case of Yemen, Thant ést--he was: partner and p d Westitiedsshe_ attacked be oe for ------ se has given reports to the Secu- owner--in Lido Investments and operates as an independent rity Council--council in careful Ss. a ifs toca Grain C {union in Canada, The SIU is janguage--but has not specifi- " tnatthe | , Continental Grain Company ele-| tiving io get their men back its § KNEW DF INQU IRY A vator while members of the Ca-| 41,5 h . k : ically asked for its approval. Mr. Posluns said he kney/ 'Inadian Maritime Union (CLC)|0" the jobs taken over by mem-| In his last regort May 27 he what the board of governot n bers of the CMU. said that because of the urgency were making an enquiry about a bi he could not ooh that he had a ke one any wrong | it ad- i une di ae cso Le of the matter "I have it in'mind - The longshoremen left the REPORT STOPPAGES |to proceed with the establish- freighters Mormacpine of the| There were 42 work stoppages ment of the operation as soon Moore-McCormack line and the|in April, 10 more than in the @S the necessary arrafigements Topdalstjord of the Fjell-Orange|previous month, the labor de-|for the men and their require: Lines.They ehtered cars and|partment reported Thursday,| ments cam be, made, . paraded along streets of the|The April stoppages involved, !t'could mean, if no objections dock area. Their route took|2,562 workers with a time loss|are, raised, a Step inthe them into. view of the elevator of 47,180 man-days compared|UN's continuing evolution . and the Redwing crews. .Wit-/with 5,207 workers in March ands nesses said the parade was or-|34,080 man-days. Twenty three) derly and there were no signs of the stoppages were in Onta- or shouting. irio, ARREST TWO Police arrested two men in | | 5 the earlier picketing incident on charges of speeding in boats Opposite the Shopping \Centre 728-5178 KING ST. W. 7 d cars "Did you at any time before|sente ces expired and sent back the Feb. 15 meeting of the ex-|to Germany. change's directors know, jor| Justice officials here said heve any suspicion, that. fow Neumann was deported from were acting improperly?" (Mr,|Canada in August, 1961, after Pattillo asked. serving two years of his sent-) Mr. Justice Gale interrupted:|ences. Canadian . officials gave "That is something I have to|German police the warning that decide. That's like saying,he' was "a dangerous crimi- 'Have you stopped beating your|"al." wife?' the form of the question! Neumann had been sentenced is unfortunate." in October, 1959, by a court in Mr. Posluns said he made full|Stoney Creek, Ont., where he disclosure to senior officials of had been involved in two rob- the Daly firm about his part-|bery attacks. nership in Lido Investments,| He and two Canadians robbed and therefore did not believe|tWo young couples sitting in a there was anything improper| Parked ear after driving the car about his Sctions. a short distance off the main "It was pretty obvious to you T8d. on Feb. 28 (eve of a second ex-| A few days change meeting) that the board| Was involved of governors didn't agree with|family living you,"' Mr. Pattillo observed. | "T just thought they didn't un- derstand,"' Mr. Posluns replied. He denied trying to switch part of Mr. Lynch's business to and served notice on 16 others) not to picket. The 16 left the scene, The men arrested, Walter, later. Neumann in a robbery of a) Let's Have a Party | an planes Creek, | Dishes, Cutlery, Glesses, | Silver Candelab | Silver Teo Purch Bowls. COFFEE URNS 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup Sizes. Sargeant's Rentals Phone 725-3338 To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . . . where fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured. Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. i STUDEBAKER World's Only Convertible STATION "WA Commercial ond Industrial Sites @ ber 1k e@ Fev 2 nent Paul Ristow | ""TOR 728-9474 Mr. Posluns was still under! questioning when the hearing i Aaiournea | 187 King St. E. Sudbury . Sombra Township school area} . |Sault Ste. Marie. Muskoka .. |Windsor .. |LONdON csecccesees |Toronto Ottawa No, 2 until the Lambton County township has a _ functioning council which can be repre-| sented at the hearing. | Judge MacRae set July 4 as| Forecasts issued by the Tor- the date for a ea the hear- onto weather office at 5 a.m.: ing after being told by W. M. 4 F Davidson, Sombra Township so- Synopsis: A high iiegstel licitor, that the question of the|over the Great Lakes brought| présent council's legality likely Clear skies and light variable|Northern section clearing and will take a month to iron out.|Winds to much of Ontario Thurs-|ogiq today. Southern section Judge MacRae was hearing 44y night. In both northern and cloudy with scattered' showers @ representation by Sarnia law- Southern Ontario temperatures| ang turning colder. Saturday yer William A. Donohue, repre- Were generally in the upper 40s mainly sunny and cool both senting a group of ratepayers Or low 50s. The same weather north and south. Winds light im school area No. 2, who are Should continue through Satur-) : ; sere an order halting pro- day in the north with gradual Forecast Temperatures ceedings of a board of arbitra. Warming. Scattered showers Satur tion appointed by Lambton,and thunderstorms associated) wiry em ae Py sas County council to hear. the dis-/with a developing struggle be- die dl pute. tween very warm weather. over|St. Thomas........ The board of arbitration was |the central states and southern London .. \ set up after a special meeting) prairies and cooler weather over | Kitchener 4 of county council heard an ap- northern Canada are expected! Mount Fores peal by the school area against to continue spreading further|Wingham .... a bylaw passed by Sombraieast and south across northern| Hamilton ead Township council dissolving the Ontario today and Saturday. (St. Catharines.. school area, Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie,| Toronto Three pale ge age mem- Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On-|Peterborough .. bers resigne r Seats 85 /tario, Haliburton, Georgian Bay|Trenton ..... result of county council's action signs, Windsor, London, Tor-|Killaloe .. oS rie ieeunerc: 9] be-| onto, Hamilton: Mainly sunny|Muskoka .. sears p and warm today and Saturday. Winds light. ; Timagami, Algoma, southern White River regions, North Bay, | |\Sudbury: Increasing cloudiness) |tonight. Scattered showers and stood, were put to the former|work stoppages in industria) White River...... Ian MacRae of Middlesex) Warm Tomorrow overnment. disputes. Kapuskasing «+... County, adjourned a hearing] North Bay... Thursday into a dispute over) ers today becoming more fré- quent tonight and Saturday. Turning cooler this afternoon. Winds light . Western James Bay regions: Mr. Donohue questioned the qualifications of the board in a) notice of motion, causing the! -- ~ ies mre ;' their first day last Tuesday. He ar- gued that since one member of|thundershowers Saturday. the board was a judge, the no-| Northern White River, Coch. tice of motion must be taken|T@me regions: Mainly cloudy to- before the judge of another day and Saturday. A few scat- county. tered showers or thundershow- HEAT WITH on |i SHORGAS ATING & DIXON'S - APPLIANCES OIL Industrial and SERVING OSHAWA OVER $0 YEARS Commercial The established, reliable Ges 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. Deeler in your rec. 31 CELINA ST. . i 723-4663 & MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A, LOANS ARRANGE You Will Fin OUR SERVICE iS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER SCHOFIELD-AKER x Limited 723-2265 -- 728-3376 After Hours 728-3376 'Sums | (Corner ot Athol) 728-9441 | Give yourself a brea k;