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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1963, p. 8

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i J 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 21, 1963 ANN LANDERS Big Chief Would Kick Out 'Invaders' Dear Ann Landers: That let- ter from Flag Waver really got my blood boiling. So he is in favor of shipping five million foreigners back to '"'where they came from," is he? Weill, 'I'm in favor of shipping 178 million foreigners back. In 1402 those foreigners started to come over here in boatloads-- with their superior weapons and their big ideas. They mur- dered, plundered and stole this land from my ancestors who had rightful claim to it for cen- turies. Of course, the TV version shows it another way, but any honest historian can give you the straight story of what act- ually happened, if you are in- terested, It isn't very pretty. Since Flag Waver seems so adamant about sending the for- eigners back may I suggest he start the trend by being the first to leave?--CHIEF RAIN IN THE FACE Dear Chief: Thank you for an interesting letter and an accur-\f RONald W, Bilsky, be ate (if somewhat oversimpli- fied) perspective of American CHIROPRACTOR e@ HEADACHES history. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a 16- © SLIPPED DISCS 100 King E. 728-5156 5 g UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES THE OSHAWA LIONETTES SA HOME LEAGUE side at the September meeting. The monthly meeting of the) The Home League meeting|The members of Unit 1, will be Oshawa Lionettes was held re-|was opened on Tuesday by Mrs.|in charge of the hospital visit- cently with Mrs. Roy Stephen-/William James. Some choruses|ing for June and _ Hillsdale son presiding. 'were sung; the flower money|Manor for August. The Bible Mrs. Peter Andrey gave her|collected and birthdays of the|study was in the hands of Mrs. secretary's report and rea djweek were remembered. William Crumb, on Creation correspondence. Mrs. John Kent} Mrs. William Saunders was|from the book, The Word and gave her treasurer's report. |in charge of devotions, after anithe Way, Taking part were Mrs. Roy Stephenson calledjopening song, "Be Glad in thel/vrs Donald Legree, Mrs. Earl for reports from the conveners|Lord and Rejoice." Mrs. Wil-/,qams, Mrs. Roger Planke, and Mrs, Gerald Hudson, con-jliam Stubbings offered prayer.|yirs. Ross Clark and Mrs. Mer- vener of the Strawberry Tea|Mrs. Saunders gave a splendid): ysorrison. to be held June 26, 2-4 p.m., at/reading on The Lord's Prayer,| porreshments took the form o1 Hillsdale Manor, reminded thejand Mrs, Wilbert Clarke sang), 10. junch, The boxes were Lionettes of the items that|"Ere You Left Your Room)" bored and the members were going to be needed. that|/This Morning." drew corresponding numbers. day, Mrs, James read the scrip- This proved most enjoyable. Motions were made and pale rig) ae Philippians, passed to donate sums of money|chapter 4, 4-13. NTR UB to the following: Simcoe Hall] Mrs. Herbert Starr gave an haga Gea and the Lions building fund. _|interesting talk on prayer, and| «pne padies' Group of the Osh- Mrs. Norman Gower conduct-|related some of her experi awa and District Old Country ed. the elections for the forth-|jand answers to prayer down Club held its final meeting of coming new term and the fol-|through the years. the season at Simcoe Hall on lowing members were elected: | Mrs, Frank Buller sang "The Monday, June 10. The chair- President, Mrs. Roy Stephen-|Beautiful Garden of Prayer." man, Mrs. George Day, wel- son; treasurer, Mrs, John Kent;|_ It was announced that June|.omed members and a guest, secretary, Mrs. Peter Andrey;|20 will be the picnic at Lake-ljr, Robert Tapp. During the penalty officer, Mrs. Kenneth|View Park. There will not be/-oneral business the chairman Lovelock; directors, Mrs. Rob-|@ny Home 'League. meeting/caiq that a letter of apprecia- ert Schoenau, Mrs. Jack Ander-|next week owing to the picnic,|tion had been received from son and Mrs. Norman Gower.|but the Home League will meetithe Cerebral Palsy Association, for a recent donation of $100. as usual throughout the sum- KING STREET UCW _| mer months i fs pot-luck supper was held Pap -- Pacer th ly 7 , Mrs. Frank Buller Jed in sing-| after the business, a variety of Church Worten . eS ing grace and the women of the salads, meats, fancy cookies yomen, opened the/Sunshine Circle served tea, rifle were lied by the June meeting with a hearty wel- and trifle were supp y come. ALBERT STREET UCW 1 |members, F act "ne - Mrs. Frank Burrows, lead-|. The monthly meeting of Unit/Per was & game of Dingo, the er of The Fellowship 'Unit 4 1 of Albert Street United Church ccna 7 this ae ag A. was in charge of the devotion,|took place in the Friendship 'e- Pac gig Teo Theme, Women of the Bible |Room with Mrs. Earl Adams . ~~ Mail de bab si an with a playette, Mary and Mar.|Presiding. Mrs, Adams opened|™"S- held tor M re y, Ha vloek tha in The Gardens. The scrip-|the meeting by reading a poem/"'h OOO hear: 3° Winch on ture, John, chapter 12, 18th/0" The Ten Commandments.| ot tarde Tin; * lohteen °, was read by Mrs, Perry.|Mrs. Herman Laxton took|7uesday evening. Eig verse, was read by Mrs. Perry. members of the Ladies' Group Mr. and|charge of the devotional period, /Oo" sends attended. A. beby ek wE>k e ri : == > F Hg i i : 2 a8 Ee and it's sort of a hobby me although I can use extfa money. The two families where I sit most have small children who must be put to bed early, One of these homes has a broken' TV which the people don't seem to care about getting repaired, so I have to sit around and wiche look at the four walls all even- 'ing. This can be very boring for five hours, I know you are against baby- sitters having boy friends visit 'when they are on the job but what about inviting a girl friend or two? You said once "no company" but I hope you will break down and change your advice because the two women I work for follow your column and they are going to do as you say. Pretty please?--SAD SACK Dear Sack: I'm _ especially sad that with all the fascinating books that have been written with the ? 2F ed 5B HI risk ii 2 We Also Rent Chairs, qa Se: CLEVE FOX 412 Simcoe North Oshewa --$<--$<$--<$--<--<-- ges is aie y can take advantage of their friends this way. What is your opin- ion?--IRKED year-old girl who loves chil- dren. I do a lot of baby-sitting TRACY and Mr. and Mrs. James Eg- Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gomme William Rockbrune, Church street, is smiling Donna Tracy, one year old, Tracy is the grandaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rockbrune gert and great-granddaughter of Mr, Archie Black and Mr. Henry Richardson, all of Osh- awa. --Ireland Studio |Mrs, Mrs, Jack Wray sang two duets, He only Touched the Hem of His Garment, Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love. Mrs. Sey- mour Bigwood acted as pianist. The minutes were read by Norman Wirsching, who Bri de-Fl e ct Carol Ann Ritchie ps gave a good report on }community friendship and visit- Honored at Teas and Showers Carol Ann Ritchie, Oshawa bride-elect was feted recently with a number of pre-nuptial parties. Miss Ritchie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Carl A. Ritchie will exchange vows tomorrow at Harmony United Church with Joseph Drew McKay of Osh- awa, son of Dr. and Mrs. Wil- son G. McKay. The bride's mother held a trousseau tea, recently, Receiv- ing guests, she wore a blue flowered silk shantung gown with a blue tinted corsage. She was assisted by the bride- groom's mother who wore a white and tan figured silk en- semble with matching corsage. The bride-to-be chose a blue and green flowered gown with a car- nation corsage. Arrangements of yellow and) blue tinted carnations and daisies and blue candelabra decked the tea table. Pouring tea were Mrs, Ernest Patterson, Mrs. Ian McKay, Mrs. Frank Adams and Mrs, Harvey Mor- gan, Acting as living room hostess- es were Mrs. T. H. Murphy and Mrs, Philip Jenkinson. Servers included Mrs. Bruce Hitchings, Miss Ruth Manning, street. Miss Ritchie was honored at a kitchen shower given by Mrs. Gordon Wonnacott at her Rogers street home, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. F. LeGresley. Many frienls and neighbors at- tended. Co-workers at the Toronto Do- minion Bank held a shower at at 2 ing. Mrs, Howard Brown in charge of Christian Citizenship and So- cial Action gave a film, To Smoke. This film is available for the asking. talk on Smoke or. Not to August 19-23, Conference of Whitby. Feast of Seven Tables, Sep- tember 24. Next meeting, p.m, September 12 stressing the need to take time to be Holy. Mrs. William Gib- son read the scripture lesson. The secretary, Mrs, Mervin . blanket and money were given to Mrs. Haylock from the group. A buffet supper was served nd several games were played. Morrison, read the minutes and called the roll. Twenty mem- bers were present. The mem- bers were reminded of the trip to Niagara Falls, June 20, and the Strawberry Festival at the church, June 25, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. William Gibson will kc] MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cash & Carry -- 4 Hr, Service Service STOP | Ancus-GRAYDON CARPET ANY 282 King W. 728-9581 BROADLOOM the home of Mrs. Allan Atters- I ey. - The Misses Nancy and Fran- ces Orton were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower. Mrs, Howard Hoskin, Mrs, N. T. Holmes and Mrs. Douglas Greentree hosted a shower at Harmony Road United Church Hall. Among the guests were) mothers of the bride-elect's Sun-| day School class and members| of the Church and Sunday} School. | A presentation for the bride) and bridegroom was given by} neighbors of the Harmony area. ! Following tonight's rehearsal, the bridal party will be en) tertained at the home of Mr.} and Mrs, T. H. Murphy, Hortop STILL DO WORK | A survey in Norway reveals} that 75. per cent of the women | over 70 still do. housework. } Miss Karen Copithorne and Miss Laurie McKay. Assisting them were Mrs. Russell Mapes, Mrs. Clair Wakelin and Mrs. Richard Copithorne. Miss Sandra McKay and Miss Betty Jane Adams were in charge of the guest book. Miss Wendy Ritchie greeted guests at the door. Displaying the trou§seau were Miss Merrall Youngson, Miss Carol Adams and Misses Nancy and Frances Orton. Showers for the bride-elect in- cluded: A personal shower hosted by her maid of honor, Miss Merrall Youngson at the home of the bride's parents. Assisting the hostess was Mrs. Douglas Youngson and Miss Carol Adams. Mrs. Clair Wakelin hosted a miscellaneous shower. RONAROS] (en sits bee a + wi RT 6 @ BROADLOOM @ SLIP COVERS @ BAMBOO ip. @ UPHOLSTERING RUNNING SHOES Yes summer time is running shoe time and Kresge's have them for the whole family, two styles to choose from, denim or basket weave in a wide assortment of colours. CHILDREN'S sizes MISSES' sizes LADIES' sizes 1.29 1.37 -1.57 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | (AMPUS for your season in the sun-- SWIMWEAR Sail through summer in smooth style with this exciting new swimwear. Campus hits the deck with a boatload of refreshing style ideas in boxers, zipper-fly boxers, one-size stretch knits, lastex and reversibles. Trim-tailored for plenty of action. DUNN'S TWO LOCATIONS: 36 King St. East--"Downtown Oshawa" and -- "Oshawa Shopping Centre"' > vwvvvvyv wwwwwervvwwvw wwe Plenty of fashion on your hands with these Terriffic Plastic Bags. Colourful vinyl linings, metal frames. The Best Value at this low budget price TODAY. Fashion-wise bags in beautiful soft vinyls or patents. A number of ' charming styles to choose from "and trim. Simu- lated soft lea- ther linings. Side wall zip- per pocket. Casual and dressy types. All beauties oe. ideal Available In Most Stores LOOK FOR YOUR WOOLWORTH AD EVERY DAY Better Quality Ladies' < 4 ' --Metal frames @ A tn te tn te te te he te

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