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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jun 1963, p. 9

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Sea Rangers Win Trophy Girls of the Oshawa SRS Cru- sader Ranger crew captured 'the 1963 trophy as winners of the third annual Rover-Ranger Competitions at Camp Samac Saturday. The Crusaders unseated last year's champions, their male counterparts, the D. M. Rose Rover crew. They also defeated eight other rover and ranger crews which travelled from Port Hope, Coboug, Port Perry, and Dunbarton. Chairman of the Rover Round Table Jim Hutchinson presented the trophy, a two ~ foot section of a tree trunk, which was pol- ished and decorated with the symbols of guiding and scouting, The chairman later comment- ed: "The fellows are still won- dering how this happened. The Crusader's win came as a com. plete shock to us." Assisting the chairman in planning and directing the com- petitions were Tom Abthorpe, vice-chairman, and Jim Gazcik, treasurer. District Commissioner E. V. Davies officially opened event, with 75 Rovers and Ran- gers present in full uniform. Afternoon activities included a miniature golf game, a tabloid meet and canoe races. Follow. ing a swim in Camp Samac's pool, dinner was served. Competitive events for the trophy got under way at 7 p.m. Skills tested were compass reading, tent pitching, fire light- ing, knot, tying and pancake The Oshawa Times PAGE NINE OSHAWA, SECOND SECTION : ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1963 ? cooking. Rev. H. A. Mellow, second from left, minister at North- minster United Church, chats Scott Pierce (held in arms) following the child's baptism Sunday morning. Looking on Perkin, right, the child's great- This is the first child of Mr. grandfather. Both Wilbur and and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Pierce George Perkin are elders at is the former Sandra Perkin. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and distric' who are celebrating their birthdays today: Master Steve Taber, RR 1,-Brooklin. Phone 723- 3474. are George Perkin, left, Ran- with Donald Pierce, second dall's grandfather and Wilbur from right, father of Randall Tdi HOLD FAREWELL PARTY Services | Centre Street Church Are Planned! F1onors Beloved Pastor Four induction services for new area ministers of the Unit- Northminster United Church. --Oshawa Times Photo Recover Safe Money Intact oaives Digging operations in a field} The induction of Rev. A. M. near Enniskillen have turned/Butler, BA, will take place at - : ~ Oshawa Bh safe|Southminster United Church, which was reported stolen one|Cedar street, Wednesday, June Dickson, prior to their depar-|with suitable gifts also a cor- of the minister in the cause of week ago today. 26, at 8 p.m. The participating rinity United Church|sage " 'units, scouting. A Bell Telephone Company|ministers will be Rev. R. H a" fee , ik caente, siiaet repair crew working in the area|Love, Rev. John Romeril and Saturday uncovered the buried|Rev. R. C. White, chairman of safe with a bulldozer. The safe/Qshawa Presbytery. had never been opened. On the following evenin; Oshawa police were notified|the same time Rev. John of the find and they then con-jter will] be inducted to the tacted George Slocombe, Osh-|charge of Westminster United organist awa Airport manager. ,,|Chureh, Manning and Scott. The|Janet Kerr, We got everything back,"| ministers taking part will be| console reported Ms. Slocombe today. |Rey, C, Dugan, Rev. L. W. Her- : Cash and cheques, totalling|hert and Rev. R. C. White. ning rsegies ~ yy $700, were in| Rey, Arthur W. Magee will be|marks concerning ; Si a oy pron cg bg inducted to Centre Street Unit-|Mr. and Mrs. Dickson in th Ba " y mig! oe early ay @Y-led Church Thursday, July 4, at/past 5% years. On od te records were also fear-lg 5m. Participating ministers|the official board and st, The theft occurred fol- will be Rev. Dr. J. R. Len ; ' lowing last weekend's air show|pey 7 Rex Norman and Ree but receipts from the event had}, bec engle Jo aban. De lchinan of Oshawa Presyiery gated. An induction service will take piace at Brootin United Chureh Fair Dates In District wife, Rev. Warren G. and Mrs. are, in front canoe, Harold "Hap" Wilson and Carol Du- quette and in rear canoe, Jim Gazdik and Margaret Keel. --Oshawa Times Photots They are, left to right, Susan Hiley, Jim Saunders, Jim Saunders, Jim Hutchinson and Barbara Kirkpatrick. In bot- tom photo, the crews start to line up for a canoe race. They petitions. Skills such as com- pass reading, knot tying and tent pitching were tested. In top photo, Rovers and. Ran- gers team up while practicing for the tent pitching contest. TEN ROVER AND Ranger crews from Oshawa, Port annual Rover - Ranger com- Centennial Is Marked | Knox Calls By Coakwell Family New Pastor The congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church, Oshawa, Members of the Coakwelljsummer they booked passage Joyce, London; Mr. and Mrs.\a¢ 9 meeting following the Sun- family gathered in Lakeview|again and arrived in Canada ajA. Joyce, Toronto; Mr. and ' Park last Saturday to mark the| few weeks later, joining the two Mrs. C. Dobbie, Oakville; extended centennial of the arrival in Can-| boys, Barnett and William, who|/D. Batty and Mr. we ada from Burstwick, Yorkshire, ow settled on farms around +t mae -- ~ Pog ro re England, of the first members rooklin area. 'oakwell, Toronto; r. an hurch, London, of the family. More than 70) purstwick Castle, Burstwick,| MS Charles Coakwell, of Ohio; sa i Rag oa _ moderator, people enjoyed games and lrngiand, was where the wife of] M- and Mrs. Frank Coakwell,| OV. oo rite Sinclair, minister picnic supper. Bruce (Robert the Bruce) was Toronto; Mr. Paul Coakwell, . e's Presbyterian In the year 1963 Mr. and Mrs.| ordered imprisoned by King Napanee; Mrs, Nellie Coakwell,|Church, presided. : Napanee; Mrs, Douglas Coak-| The cai, when signed by the F Rev. George A. Mundy, BA. Participating ministers will be Charles Coakwell and their fam- Edward I in the year 1306. The 1 n Child S s ily of eight children (seven boys| .astle was a Royal castle for Pa Ses ake, yi heap nig og Bh Md pgs alk a Relow are cistea the gains ot 1 ustains ae Head Injuries : . Youths Face Abduction Charges Two Oshawa youths who drove two 14-year-old girls to Brantford faced abduction Chusch Observes Rev. J. M. Smith Rev. C. Gil- bert and Rev. E. S. Linstead. and one girl) decided to come] nearly 400 years and finally de- : A to Canada. Spring of 1863 the| caved ani the material used for| Mts. Bernice Dobson, Oshawa. /Toronto gl sauruety be eg they be clipped and kept for fur- London ther reference. two oldest boys, Barnet and Wil- i ys, the roads of the village. re ' eee ee liam Coakwell, came to Canada carrying enough gold in their money belts to return to Eng- land if not successful. But at the end of the year they wrote home for the.rest of the family to join them in Canada. The spring of 1864 Mr. and Mrs, Charles Coakwell booked passage for the rest of the fam-) ily to come to Canada but were unable to meet the boat and had to cancel the booking. This was a very lucky break as the boat sank in the Atlantic Ocean on the way to Canada. In the To Start Work On Park Ald. Cecil Bint reported to the Glen Stewart Ratepayers' Association Sunday on an_in- spection tour he and Aldermen Albert V. Walker and. Gordon B. Attersley made of the sub- division last week. Among other things the alder- man informed the ratepayers the city will this week start putting sanitary fill into an area designated as a future park area. Ald. Bint attempted to dis- pell worries raised by some that this operation would create bad odor and rats. The area lies between Dur- ham, Cartier and Cabot streets. Ald. Bint said action would be taken by the city on other complaints of residents of the area, such as holes in the road, insufficient drainage and dust. Aldermen Walker and Atters- ley were not present due to com- mitments elsewhere. CONSTITUTION APPROVED The ratepayers, at this first general meeting, approved their constitution establishing them) as a bona-fide ratepayers' asso- ciation. "For some of us our homes are the biggest investment wel Buffalo; Guests attending the picnic were: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Proc- tor, Toronto; Mrs. Loraine Clo- kie, Vancouver, B.C.; Mrs. A. Coakwell, Elrose, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. C. Cowle, Toronto; Mr. Alexander MacRae, Regina, Sask.; Miss Anne Coakwell, Toronto; Mrs. Elizabeth Madda- ford, Agincourt; Mrs. Pollard, Toronto; Mrs. Frankjted a $10 fine Friday for Coakwell, Napanee; Mrs. Ella}Oshawa woman. Joyce, Toronto. Mrs. Mona Meszaros, 19, 20 Mr. and Mrs, F. Woodruff,|Avenue street ap} bef Mr. and Mrs, i Stolen Gift Brings Fine Shoplifting a shaving mug to a Simcoe street south store. Mrs. Meszaros entered a plea of guilty on the charge. Area ever make in our lives," said president William Tredwell, "therefore, we want to protect and increase their value." gistrate Ebbs. "To give it to my husband for Fathers' } Alice|give as a Fathers' Day gift net- h One beef the ratepayers have! plied. Worship said is assessment, Mrs. William| went about it in the, Tredwell pointed out in some/pefore he imposed the cases taxes are $500 on a double| costs, Mrs. Meszaros house on a 60-foot lot and $300|the option of 10 da on a single house on a 40-foot! county jail. lot. Two other shoplifters, PLAN TAX SURVEY It was proposed to make a survey of the taxes paid in the area and consider the possibil- ity to appeal the next assess- -- lof a. $4.98 sweater from the There isn't an awful lot welchain store. Revell ertered a can do now," said Mrs. Tred-| ouity plea 'when, charged with well. theft of a wailet valited at $2.98 As to the lack of services injand two key chains which cost the area, the ratepayers learn-|50 cents apiece. ed the builders, under the orig-| Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck inal agreements with the city,/read statements made by Mr. were not obliged to do much|Davis which stated that Gaskin more than gravel and grade thelentered the store on June 17, roads. |put the sweater imto her punse Glen Stewart ratepayers were|and left. promised their services would! Revell be provided were advised tojitems on June 12 take it up with the builders./the store without making The city engineering depart-|ment. ment said none of the services) His Worship levied $10 fines in the area had been paid |plus costs with the option of 10 by the subdivider, Mrs, Tre well revealed. and Keith Robert Revell, 17, of -|days in the county jail on both accused, ! Brett is not expected to be in- ducted until September. Mr. Brett ted from Knox College in 1947 and held pastorates in the maritimes .and McDonald's Corners, Ont. The London congregation was ongan- ized in 195% and under Mr. Bre't's pastorate the church become self supporting. church buildings have been erected and the congregation has purchased a new manse. as Two _ betore; The pulpit of Knox Church]Toronto CNE .. W.|Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Osh-/has been vacant since Rev. R.|Toronto, RWF awa police court, charged with)p Milroy tendered his resigna-|Uxbridge . the theft of the $1.50 mug from/tion. and accepted a call to a| Woodbridge . i while in ; "Why did you take it?" asked| § , Bever-| ; ley Gaskin, 17 of RR 1, Whitby] / guilty against a charge of theft) § Two One car was demolished and two drivers were injured in a head-on collision Sunday on Simcoe street north. Treat- ed at the Oshawa General Hos- pital and later released were Sept, 26--28 - Sept, 12--24 Aug. 23, 24 Aug. 24 Barrie « Beaverton Blackstock .. Fenelon Falls . Lindsay .. - Sept, 17--21 Markham . +. Oct, 3--5 Oakwood .. +» Sept. 16, 17 Oshawa .. Sept. 23--25 Peterboro . - Aug. 7--10 Pt. Perry . Sutherland .. Sutton West . Sept. 10, 11 - Aug. 8--10 Aug. 16-Sept. 2 +» Nov. 15-23 Oct. 4; 5 . 11, 12, 14 Int. Plowing ch ... Oct. 8-12 Aug. 31, Sept. 2/2. PICKERING (Staff) A seven-year-old Pickering boy was injured Saturday afternoon when he was struck by a truck at the intersection of White's road and Highway 2. Donald St. Cyr, White's road, Pickering, was hurt after he got off a Grey Coach Lines bus and started to run across Highway He was hit by a truck driven by Clifford Lavanio, 41, of 9 York street, Ajax. The boy was taken to the Sick Children's Hospital, Toron. to, suffering from head injur- ies. charges in Oshawa Police Court Friday. Magistrate F. S. Ebbs reserved judgment until July 5. Wayne George Henderson, 19, of Veterans road and Joseph Kyc, 17, of 130 Rossland road, both entered pleas of not guilty to two charges of taking the under age girls out of the pos- session of and against the will of their parents. The fathers of both girls said their daughters disappeared on the night of Friday, April 26. One of the men said that his daughter had been friendly with Kye and he had ordered), him to keep away from his daughter. He said further that he noti- fied police' when his daughter did not return by 11 p.m. and after inquiries were made found the girls in Brantford on the Monday following their disap- pearance. Crown Attorney Bruce Af- fleck introduced statements made by the two accused, Hen- derson stated that he took the Golden Jubilee Services marking the 50th an-All three now live in New niversary of the founding of the) York. Ukrainian Presbyterian Church} Other speakers were Rev. in Oshawa were held Sunday im|Josaphat Iwaskiv, minister of the church, Simcoe street south.|the Ukrainian Evangelical Bap- The present church is the|tist Church, Oshawa; a former fourth building to be occupied| member of the church, Theofan by the congregation. The first Kamenetsky, and Rev. Walde- was on Albany street, where the|™ar Borovsky, minister of the Hungarian Cultural Club in now Ukrainian Reformed Church in Situated: Detroit and Toronto. A member of St. Andrew's|[REETINGS RE . _|__A telegram arrived from Rev. United Church, Mrs. Flora Wai-| wichael Zuk, of New York, and there were many letters of con- gratulations in Canada and the United States. Greetings were h also sent by Rev. Luke Stan. dret, who was minister of the ee from 1927 to 1939. a uring supper Michael Nich- By Big ivigaen chop sere olishen, chairman of the penne emmne years . "| of managers, gave an outline ing on Albert street, which was!the congregation's history. He used as a mission, and referred to the work done by services were held in @ church)the late J. D. Storie, an elder on Simcoe stree: where High-/of st. Andrew's United (then way 401 now runs. The Presbyterian) Church in build. doctor's wife, Mrs. taught English at a school whic! was set up for Ukrainian im- miigrants girls to Brantford in his car|church was dedicated in 1942. Jing the original school and mise * \from school, '2 INJURED-IN COLLISION Gapy Smith, 21, 36 Eastwood in a collision with the north- Pe tage oe --" bound Brown vehicle. The sec- Smith vehicle was " on ond car was damaged to: the extent of $1,000. bound in the vicinity of Camp Samac when it was involved --Oshawa Timees Photo. because one of the girls thought SPECIAL SPEAKER she was to be sent to a reform- Ps atory because she played truant| The pry ue ee John Pe! found and afternoon services yester- day. In the morning the sermon Saturday, gave them $15 for|W@S preached by Rev. Leo Bu- food and rent before returning|Chak, of the Ukrainian Presby- ito Oshawa. Henderson said that|terian Church, Hamilton, Int. the girls said they would find|This aws followed by a congre- work in a restaurant. gational dinner. Kyc stated that his girl said) Im the afternoon the sermon that she would get two years in|was preached by Rev. Michael a reformatory. "I took all this) fesenko, minister of the Uk- in," the statement read, "be-|rainian Presbyterian : cause I love the girl and she|/Toronto, The choir from that never lied to me before." church sang anthems during the We _ gg Mae ar not get| corvice into trouble," Kyc statement . i continued, "I cannot stand her og og Rng teeny age crying so I went along." Koved acing pg i Uiratnien Kyc also said that they slept 4 in the Henderson car on Fri-|United Church, Montreal, presi- day night but, "I could not sleep much because I was wor- : : ried." i The first minister of the One of the girls told His Wor-|church was the late Rev. Wal- ship that she was worried about|demar Kupchinsky, His daugh- her truancy. She said that they] ter, Helen Kupchinsky, who was had no money when they ar-|accompanied to the service by rived in Brantford although her|her sister, Olga and her bro. companion got a restaurant job. ther, Roman, brought greetings. He also stated that they the girls a room there on the -|Stephen Salmers, sion on Albert street. He also drew attention to the fact that for two years the con- gregation was without a minis. ter. This was from 1925 to 1927, when members met in the pri- vate house of Stephen Salmers. John Semeniuk, Hnat Krawee and Mr. Salmers conducted ser- vices as lay preachers, The Toronto Ukrainian Pres. byterian Church Choir sang during supper-time. Two oper- atic singers, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Czerniak, sang duets and solos. They were accompanied by Miss Eleonora Fesenko. Members of the session who helped in the arrangements over the weekend were: Nicho- las Zaleschook, Alex Wladyka and Michael Nicholishen. Mr. Zaleschook, along with Sr., were members of the original Eng- lish class which was estab- lished by Mrs. Walker, who died four years ago and left money in her will which was used to purehase an organ dedicated to her memory.

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