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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jun 1963, p. 3

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FIRE DEPARTMENT RECRUITS LEARN ABOUT EQUIPMENT Platoon Chief. Martin Ostler of the Oshawa Fire Depart- ment was busy last week con- ducting the basic training course for new recruits at the main fire hall. He is seen here explaining the operation of the Batronic resuscitator, a device used in suffocation and drowning cases in an attempt to restore life. From left are Platoon Chief Ostler, John Simpson, John Chasczewski, Bob Collis, Mal Knocker, Stan Hoard and. David Weldon. The course runs for two weeks. --Oshawa Times Photo Car Hit Tree Two Injured Three persons were injured Saturday when a car crashed into a tree on Ritson road north, Taken to the Oshawa General Hospital for treatment were Donald William Henning, 439 Rosemere street, with a lacer- ated forehead, Mrs. Rose Wil- liams, 302 Division street, with lacerations to both legs, and George Williams, 302 Division street, with abrasions to the left wrist and the right side of the forehead. All were re- leased after treatment. The driver of the car, Hen- ning, said he had lost control of his vehicle and it went off the road onto the boulevard. Dam. age to the car was estimated at $500. The police estimated the damage at $350 in a two-car crash at Gibb and Centre streets late Saturday. Drivers were Douglas J. Cruickshank. of Bowmanville, and George Milosh, of 58 Quebec street. Tribesmen Free Hold Field Day © At South John Francom, principal of South Simcoe Public School, welcomed the parents when the school held its annual field day recently, The Home and School Association had a booth for the sale of refreshments. Following are the results of the various events: DASHES Novice, boys -- Alan/Mitton, Richard Cowle, Lloyd! Woermke, Danny Paitfield, Ron.|Cameron; girls--Sharon Essex; | ald McKelvey; girls -- Louise| Dorothy Black, Audrey Mullins.| Senior boys -- Walter Knia-|¢ Ballan, Mary Walker, Helen Buchanka. lette, Michael Drapak, Ronald Bessie; girls Debbie Lou Smart, Orysia Luchak, Wendy Mitchell. Junior boys -- Larry Wright, Simcoe THROWING Bantam boys -- Michael Quel- lette, Randy Ostle, Terry Ward; |girls --Karen Lemere, Helen Dykstra, Sally Walker. Junior boys --Robert Bell, Fred Taylor, George Patfield; igirls-Pauline Shewchak, Deb- bie Zarow, Irene Sasne Intermediate boys -- Gordon ziuk, Bill Taylor, Eddie Wrighi; | Mitchell, Lynda Chandler. | JUMPING | Junior boys -- Robert Bell, | An-} Steven Hercia, Milton McKeen |girls--Pauline Shewchuk, |Pickening Beach. |Mrs. Douglas Leiterman, :Sr., |5 and another child, : Bantam, boys -- Michael Quel-| girls -- Karen Christie, Judy|tongue fell on the jay its Bernd Ehnhe, Ross MacDon- rs ; | ald; girls -- Pauline Shewchuk,|4¢4 Manila, Jocelyn Lewis ane Andrea Manilla, Susan Tobok. | Judy Elliott. Intermediate boys -- Wayne| Intermediate boys Jim) Sargant, John McGeachie, Rich. ard Mattis; girls -- Audrey Mullins, Margaret Shewchuk, Sheila McNaughton. Senior boys -- Eddie Wright, Walter Kniaziuk, Ralph Bran- ton; girls -- Linda Chandler, Audrey Mullins, Karen Christie. Parsons, Wayne Sargant, Den- nis Hercia; girls -- Margaret Shewchuk, Audrey Mullins, Eleanor Masorin. Senior boys --Bill Taylor, Walter Kniaziuk, Eddie Wright; girls -- Eleanor Wright, Judy Mitchell, Linda Chandler, Four British Servicewomen (Reuters) -- Yemeni tri en today freed four Brit- ish servicewomen who 'were trapped along with 18 men troops in an ambush on the Ye- men side of Aden border Sun- day. The tribesmen also returned the bodies of four British sol- diers who were killed in the ambush. A British Army spokesman here corrected earlier casualty figures which listed five dead. He said besides the four fatal- ities, two other men were wounded and a third received minor injuries. The captured were part of a group of 45 in Aden who lost their way after setting out Sa- turday for am "adventure train- ing weekend." The remainder of the grou- escaped across the border when the attack started. The others surrendered to the tribesmen after being pinned down all day in a dried up desert river bed. Negotiations for release of the remaining 18 captives were be- ing handled by the American charge d'affaires in Yemen. The United States looks after the British interests in the Red Sea state because Britain has not recognized the new Repub- lican regime of President Ab- dullah' Sallal. Sukarno Arrives On Pakistan Visit KARACHI (Reuters) -- Indo- nesian President Sukarno ar- rived in Pakistan today on a state visit expected to produce plans for closer relations be- tween the world's two biggest Moslem nations. Sukarno, leader of a neutral- ist nation of 90,000,000 people, was making his third visit to this nation of nearly 100,000,000 which remains linked with the West despite many internal de- mands for non-alignment. Decisions to "activate" the two countries' nine-year-old but nearly dormant trade 'ties and to exchange visits of religious, parliamentary, and stu@ient groups were expected to follow the three-day visit. SEA GICES RICHES Between 1962 and 1963 an CAPSULE NEWS | Soprano STRATFORD, Ont. (CP)--Ca- nadian singer Lois Marshall will be replaced by U.S. soprano Adele Addison for the July 14 anniversary program of the Stratford Shakespearean Festi- val. Miss Marshall, who was to have sung the role of Dido in Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, can- celled her engagement because of illness. RCAF MEN LEAVE TRENTON, Ont. (CP)--About 50 RCAF officers and men left here aboard a Yukon aircraft Saturday to join a United Na- tions observation mission in Yemen. The unit will maintain and fly Caribou and Otter air- craft on transport and recon- naissance missions. NAME YMCA OFFICERS ORILLIA (CP)--Dr. W. Har- old Rea of Toronto was in- stalled as president of the Na- tional Council of the YMCA of Canada as a three-day national conference ended at Geneva Park, 10 miles east of here on the shore of Lake Couchiching, Saturday, Executive vice-presi- dents include William Hogg of Sault Ste. Marie. QUEBEC MARKS FEAST MONTREAL (CP) -- Provin- cial and federal government of- fices as well as most industries and stores will be closed today as Quebec observes the feast of St. Jean Baptiste, patron. saint of French-speaking Canadians. The Montreal and Canadian stock exchanges also will be closed. STABBING UNUSUAL PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- One blind man was stabbed by an- other who lay in wait for him and slashed out when he heard his footsteps, police reported Sunday. Police said Louis Prather, 37, and Arthur Hinson, 45, had argued over cigarette money while drinking in a tav- ern Saturday. night. Hinson left, police said, and waited for Prather a block away. MARK FRENCH ARRIVAL DONNELLY, Alta. (CP) -- American company sucked up $1,500,000 worth of diamonds from the ocean floor of South- "KINDNESS West Africa. CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY FREE TO CUSTOMERS cu PERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL Cancels Stratford Role More than 5,000 persons gath- ered a few miles south of Don- nelly Sunday to commemorate the arrival 150 years ago in this area of the first group of French-Canadian settlers from Quebec. That band of 16 grew to 10,000 French-Canadians now settled in this area 200 miles northwest of Edmonton. JUDGING BY MACHINE WINNIPEG. (CP)--The elec- tronics age came to Canadian livestock judging Saturday at the livestock show of the Red River Exhibition. For the first time in Canada, an electronic computer helped the judges de- cide which were the superior animals. The machine is used to determine the meat and fat pat- terns inside the live animal. FOUR BOYS BURN LOS ANGELES (AP)--Four young boys trapped on the sec- ond floor of a frame house were burned to death Sunday and po- lice booked Jimmy Harris, 42, father of one of the youngsters, cn suspicion of murder. Detec- tive Leroy Kelly said Harris previously threatened to burn down the house after arguments with the mother of the other boys. JAPANESE PROTEST TOKYO (Reuters) -- Nearly 70,000 Japanese -demonstrators Sunday protested at two United States naval bases against pro- posed visits of U.S, nuclear powered submarines to Japa- nese ports. They also apposed the stationing in Japan of Amer- ican jet fighters capable of car- rying muclear weapons. LONDON (Reuters) -- British philosopher Bertrand Russell has written a letter--as yet un- published--to the editor of the Soviet government newspaper Izvestia calling for freedom of Jews in the Soviet Union, The Observer reported Sunday. Don Mills Child Fatally Injured PICKERING BEACH (Staff) -- A four-year-old Don Mills boy was billed Saturday after- noon when the tongue of an eight foot trailer fell on him at Mark Leiterman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Leiterman, 53538 Lawabee crescent, Don Mills, was playing at the home of his. grandparents, Mr. and 3 Lakeview boulevard, Picker- ing Beach. Pickering Township Police say the boy was playing in the railer with his sister Catherine Pas passing motorist noticed! the Leiterman child caught un- der the tongue and carried him into the house. Pickering Township Police have asked that the unidentified motorist get in touch with po- lice office at -Dunbarton. The Lieterman boy was taken to the Ajax-Pickering General NEWS IN BRIEF EXECUTE 28 REDS BEIRUT, Lebanon (Reuters) Twenty-eight Communists were lexecuted in Iraq Sunday, Bagh- dad radio monitored here re- ported. The radio, quoting a statement by the military gov- ernor of northern Iraq, said the men were sentenced to death for their part in a 1950 mas- sacre at Kurkuk. TO CHASE SHADOW WASHINGTON (AP)--A high- flying jet airlmer will chase the shadow of the moon as it speeds across Canada during the total 'was announced Saturday., The DC-8 flying laboratory will set a 520-mile-an-hour pace along a eclipse for about 144 seconds. CONFIRM TYPHOID NEWCASTLE ON TYNE, England (AP)--Thirteen cases of typhoid were confirmed by medical authorities at South Shields Sunday in the second se- Britain this month. About two The outbreak was traced to canned corned beef imported from South America. GUNMAN ESCAPES BOSTON (AP) Gunman Rocco Balliro, 28, awaiting trial for the brutal slaying of a young mother and her two-year- old son, escaped from jail Sun- day by jumping over a fence police reported. Balliro was held in the slaying last Feb. 2 of Mrs. Toby Wagner, 21, and her son, Mark, shot down in their apartment during a battle with police. CARRIES MUCH NEWS The British Broadcasting Cor- poration carries 74 newscasts daily to Europe and 71 to the rest of the world. BOYS BURN LOS ANGELES (AP)--Jimmy Harris, 42, was held on suspi- cion of murder today after his son and three other boys burned to death in a frame house. The lvictims were Gary Lee Harris, 4; Kenneth Lewis, 6; Lernart \Lewis, 7, and Melvin Lewis, 8. The latter were children of Mrs. Thelma Atlas. Detective Leroy Kelly said Harris had threat- jened to burn down the house after arguments with Mrs. At- las. STAGE NEAR RIOT TOKYO (AP) -- About 10,000 Hospital where he was pro- Judge Threatened In FLO Hearings MONTREAL (CP) -- Judge Emile Trottier, handling the preliminary hearings of 18 per- sons in connection with the ter- rorist activities of Le Front de Liberation Quebecois, has re- ceived telephoned threats and his home is under police sur- veillance, a police spokesman said Sunday, The threats were received at the Sessions Court judge's of- fice and at his home in the northwest Cote des Neiges dis- trict, the spokesman said. stamp collectors staged a near riot in downtown Tokyo today at the central post office in trying to buy a fund-raising issue of stamps commemorating the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. The philatet- ists began lining up at 4 a.m., four hours before the stamps went on sale. Police said many persons fainted from the heat. ACTRESS STRICKEN LONDON (AP)--Actress Bebe Daniels is slowly recovering from a stroke and "we are all very hopeful she will pull through," her husband, actor Ben Lyon, said Sunday. Miss Daniels, 62, was stricken last month. Lyon said she can use her hands and arms, and her legs are beginning to respond to treatment. ASKS FREEDOM FOR JEWS |;. WOODBINE ENTRIES TUESDAY, JUNE 25 FIRST RACE -- "Vernon" Maidens; $2500 Claiming, foaled in Canada, Purse $1900 for 3 and 4 year 1 and 16th Miles. l-Hard 'Chrome, Harrison US 2Irish Toddy, No Boy 110 3-War Dust, Dittfach 115 4-Chief Bingi, Turcotte X110 5-Chopation, No Boy 124 6-Sunny Castle, Simpsin X105 7-Type Right, Potts 115 8-Royal Soubrette, No Boy 115 2 Missy's Love, No Boy 110 10-Pride's Fancy, Leblanc 110 ll-North Cairn. Fitzsimmons 110 SECOND RACE -- "Seaforth" $2500 Claiming Purse $1800 for 4-year-olds and up. 6% Furs. 1-Cathy Yates, No Boy 108 2-Full Hand, Turcitte X111 S4Highest Reward, Lanoway 113 4-Prize Crew, Prueitt 111 5-Mr. Go Lightly, No Boy 118 6-New Flight, No Boy 106 7-Island King, No Boy 116 8-Michalena, Turcotte X103 9-Valquestin, Hale 115 10-Rusty Nail, No Boy 120 lil-Harry G., No Boy 116 12-Mr. Edgor, Bohenko 115 Alsi eligible: Dybbuk, No Boy, 116) Pointed, No Boy, 118; Steel Prrifox,| No Boy, 120 THIRD RACE -- "Erskine" ens, Purse $2100 for Two-year-olds. 5 Furs. 1-Bright Coleen, No Boy 117 2-Bronze Slipper, Fitzsimmons 117 3-Daumont, Turcotte (A) X15 4-King's Line, Potts 113 5-Rah Rah, Burton 120 5-Successo, Robinson 117 7-Pat Parade, Robinson 120 8-Buttertubs, No Boy 120 9-Brilliant Needle, Turcotte (A) X115 A-Mrs. Von Richthoen and F. A. Sher- man entry FOURTH RACE -- "Lucerne" $2500 Claiming Purse $1800 for 4-year-olds and up. 6% Furs. 1-Cut Steel, Dittfach 115 2-Willies Warrior, 'Tag and Run, red, Prueitt 116 5-Vineyard, No Boy 116 6-Big Native, Burton 116 7-Mighty Eagle, No Boy 116 BLittle Welch, Potts 116 9-Kentucky Warbler, Hale 116 10-Nearali, Simpson X106 liBnooze You Lose, Fitzsimmons 123 12-Quadreme, Simpson X115 Also Eligible: Sweet Amen, No Boy [NEW HOME | SPECIALISTS | IMA Real Estote Ltd. CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6206 323 King Se. W. | L TEXACO SERVICE Quality tune-up Auto Electric and General Repairs $6 BRUCE ST. 723-9632 410 RITSON RD, N. 725-8033 COOPER'S : | Maid-| #8: 116; Knuckle Duster, No Boy 113; Dis- covery Bay, No Boy 116. FIFTH RACE -- "Ariel" Allowance Foaled in Canada. Purse $2500 for year-olds, Fillies. 6 Furs. 1-Matante, Simpson X1l4 __ 2-Bonnie Flare, Turcotte Xil4 3-Briefsin, Uyeyama 119 4-Peters Sister, Burton 119 5-Queen's Maid, Robinson 117 6-Royal Jill, Bohenko 117 7Miss Britannia, Harrison (A) 114 8-Allegro, Turcotte (A) X114 9-Tiny Fruit, Dittfach 114 A-Windfields Farm entry SIXTH RACE -- "The Board of Trade Club" Allowance. Purse $2800 for 4-year-olds and up. 6 Furs. (Fillies and Mares) 1-Lavella, Robinson 109 2-Own Colleen, No Boy 109 3-Vase, No Boy 114 4-Ruby Lips, Burton 114 5-Twice Shy, Turcotte X119 6-Grownup Lady, Turcotte X109 QUINELLA BETTING Claiming Purse $2300 for 6 Furs. l-Gay Pageant. Ribi 2-Roman Thunder, 3-Free Trial, Fit 7 5 int York, Turcotte XX109 6-Thule, Leblanc 118 7Pic n Pie, Turcotte X11 8-So Simple, Bohenko 111 A-E. B, Seedhouse entry EIGHT RACE -- "Hargrave" $4500 Claiming Purse $220 for 3-year-olds, One and one 16th Miles. 1-Select Chic, Ni Boy 106 24Little Jony, Bill Fitzsimmons 116 3-Grand Vitesse, Robinson 104 4-Al Buck, MeComb (A) 118 S-Itulyarso, Dittfach (A) 109 6-Third Eye, Turcotte X115 7-Gallant Hero, Turcotte X113 8-Lady Nieu, No Boy 104 A-Mrs. R. E. Fisher and Hellenic Sta- ble Entry Post Time 2 p.m. Clear and Fast eclipse of the sun July 20, it| 25-mile path, permitting scien-| ; tists aboard to observe the] * rioussoutbreak of the disease in| 7 dozen cases were reported ear-| ia lier at Harlow, a town in Essex.,| ? FREEDOM MARC Freedom marchers jammed area along the Detroit River Sunday when they were unable to gain admission to packed beste' Cobo Hall arena (right) after a bias protest parade in which an estimated 100,000 Negroes partaipated. Loudspeakers brought an address to the overflow' crowd from Rev. Martin Lunther King, speak- ing from the arena. Downtown HERS OVERFLOW DETROIT WATERFRONT AREA Windsor, Ont., is shown in the background. --(AP Wirephoto) CITY AND DISTRICT SEVENTH RACE -- "Dauphin? $7500); 4g) anding was the climax of train- ing operation Flagpole, delayed TOPS IN TOURNAMENT Samuel and Gordon MacMil- lan, of Oshawa, were high for three wins with a score of 63 plus 4 in the men's doubles lawn bowling tournament Satur- day at Port "Perry. George Read and William Joyce, of Oshawa, were high for one win. Sixteen pairs took part in the event. DRAW WINNER Mrs. Lissi Sorenson, 87 Cabot! street, was the winner of the draw for a sun cot held recently) by the ladies' auxiliary of} NUPSE. LETTERS PATENT The most recent edition of The Ontario Gazette contains| the information that under Tae Corporations Aet Letters Patent have been issued to the follow- ing Oshawa and district firms: B,. J. McColl and Company Limited, with head office in Whitby; Prototype Designs Lim- ited, with head office in Picker- ing; Stanley Starr Limited, with head office in Oshawa. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT The basic power behind change and evolution was ex- plored in all Christian Science churches Sunday. The Bible Lesson was entitled: "Is_ the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Bible references will include this verse: "Behold, I create new heavens and a mew earth: and the former shall not be re- membered, nor come _ into mind" (Isa. 65:17). TO ATTEND CONVENTION A. E. Coulter, H. M. Sparkes, E. L. Wildgoose, R. H. Stroud, Dr. G. L, Adair and Dr. H. R. Rowsell, all members of the Kiwanis Clubs of Oshawa and Westmount, will attend the 48th annual convention of Kiwanis International in Atiantic City, New Jersey, June 30 to July 4. GRASS FIRE The Oshawa Fire Department reported one fire alarm Sunday, to a grass fire on Farewell av- enue, but no other fires oc- curred over the weekend. The city ambulance responded to a total of seven calls. MARINES LAND POHANG (AP)--A combined force of U.S. and South Korean Marines went ashore today on beaches near this port on South rea's east coast in an amphi- ous landing exercise. The for three days by Typhoon Shir- ley. Sixty-seven ships of the U.S. 7th Fleet and the South Korean Navy took part in the Opening Of Sunnyside Park Held Ald. Cecil Bint brought greet- ings from the city council and extended a welcome to the par- ents ahd children when he opened Sunnyside Park recent- ly. He wished them success in the building of their new club- house. Races for children were hel and winners are as follows: BOYS Under 5 -- Jed Harper, Chris Hula, Michael McFee; 6-7 -- Andrew Ghersini, Ralph Bar. todziej, Paul Polakowski; 8-9 -- Jim Morrison, John Harper, Tommy Scero; 10-11 Alec Ghersini; 12-13 -- Dennis Ashton, John Starkey, Bill Melnychuk; 14, over Don Calder, Bob Corby, Larry Bren. nan. GIRLS Under 5 -- Debbie Scero, Alice England, Anita Brennan; 6-7 -- Irene Horbak, Alberta Witherall, Judy Harper; 8-9 -- Brenda Ryan, Ruth Korenycky, Eliz Strokwons; 10-11 -- Sharon Rogers, Cathy Chapman, Janice Van de Walker; 12-13 --Doris Ashton, Vera Chersini, Bonnie Nichol; 14, over -- Vera Gher- sini, Janie Rozema, Bonnie Nichol. Free treats were given to all children whose parents hold membership cards. Penny toss, darts, ball throw and bingo at- tracted good crowds. Winners of the attendance prizes were: "chocolates'"' Mrs. Rzanny, 106 Stacey ave.; Ham -- Evelyn McGrath, 328 Drew street and another Ham -- Mrs, Roy Bacon, Summer street. Winner of the 50-50 draw was George Price, 122 Banting) avenue, | The next meeting of the As| sociation will be held July 8. All persons wishing to help on construction of the new club. house should contact the Presi- dent, Colin LaVallee, at 728-1219. Nova Scotia Coal Unloaded Here A mountain of coal moved slowly into Oshawa today, Harbor Superintendent Robert Tunstall told the Oshawa Times that his harbor has scored an- other first. He said that 4.500 tons of coal arrived here aNer direct shipment from Sydney, Nova Scotia. The coal carrying vessel d iTh is|- Accidents Kill 63. During Weekend By THE CANADIAN PRESS Sixty-three persons were killed in accidents in Canada during the weekend, 47 of them on the roads. A Canadian Press survey from 6 p.m. local time Friday to mid- night Sunday showed that Que- bec and Ontario had more than half of the highway deaths. Quebec had 23 deaths, 18 in traffic and five drowned, On- tario reported 20 deaths, 13 in traffic and four drownings. A 14-month-old girl also died after a fall from the front steps of her home, a Toronto man was killed when hit by a stibway train and a four-year-old boy died after he was hit by the tongue of a box trailer. Nova Scotia reported six traf- fic deaths and New Brunswick three. There were three high- way deaths in Alberta and two each in British Columbia and Manitoba. Saskatchewan had one traffic fatality and one drowning. In Prince Edward Island there Walton, Ont., fered in a car-truck collision Friday night in Blyth. Glen Williams, collision near Georgetown. Donald Crozier, 18, of Sea- forth, Ont., when his car went ff a township road and rolled over near Seaforth, Dominic Prince, 40, of May- nooth District, struck by a car while standing on Highway 127, 15 miles southwest of Whitney. Harold Lacroix, 10, of Chelms- ford, Ont., drowned in the Ver- milion River near Levack. Gary Jeffrey, 15, of River Ca- nard, Ont., drowned in Lake St. Clair off a beach three miles from Stoney Point. Ernest John Betts, of Sarnia, after a three-car crash on the Bluewater International Bridge at Sarnia. Alexene Williamson, 15, of of injuries suf- Soren Nielsen, 13, of- Milton, Ont., drowned in a creek near Oakville while on a picnic with his family. Leonard G. Marchment, 71, of was a road death and one per- son died in a fire. Newfoundland was the only provnce free of accidental deaths. The survey does not include natural deaths, industrial deaths, slayings or known sui- cides, The Ontario dead: Friday William Elson, 25, of Thorn- dale, Ont., when his car struck a tree near London. Saturday Richard Bernard Dafoe, 17, of Havelock, Ont., in a two-car col- lision on Highway 7, 35 miles east of Peterborough. ; Kenneth Doxtator, 49, his wife Eva, 46, and John Ireland, 78, all of Buffalo, N.Y., and Mathew Henderson, 21, of St. Thomas, in a two-car collision in St. omas. Mrs, Martha Finkbeiner, 78, of Listowel, Ont., in a two-car|- collision at a highway intersec- tion in Wingham. Mark Leiterman, 4, of Don Mills, Toronto, when the tongue of a box trailer fell on him at Pickering Beach. Robert William Lovett, 9, of Kingston, hit by a car in King- ston, Lawrence Wilkinson, 48, of To- ronto, struck by a subway train. Daniel Taylor, 14 months, of Toronto, of a ruptured liver after falling down eight steps. Sunday Henry Irvin Towton, 56, Lon- don, Ont., drowned in Lake Hu- ron about five miles north of Grand Bend. 11% Simcoe St. S. Celebrating our 50th ANNIVERSARY Ready for "a big time" this summer? HOW ABOUT - YOUR DANCING? Don'r LET poor dancing tuin @ good party for you. Come to Arthur Murtay's now and all the latest steps. You'll it's quick and easy to learn the Arthur Murray Way. Be sureofmore ~-- % fun...enroll at Arthur Murray's, ARTHUR MURRAY Our Air-conditioned Studie Open Daily 1 to 10 P.M, W. MARKS, Licencee 728-1681 the Coalfax, registered in Mon.) treal. The load is destined for 'General Motors use in Oshawa and is the first shipment to be brought here directly from the war games. Atlantic coast mines. YOu NOW IS THE TIME To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . , where fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured, Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. CANT MISS SAVING PoE You can't miss your savings target with PSP --the life-insured guaranteed savings plan. Get full details from anyone who works at Scotiabank. exclusive with : fold BANK THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA WITH Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF 12 KING E. Meat Specials! SLICED SIDE PORK MEATY PORK HOCKS SLICED SKINLESS WIENERS 723-3633 BREAKFAST BACON «59°. Tues. & Wed. : 5» 1.00 2 us 79°: in a two-car x

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