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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jun 1963, p. 4

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ata tiie dint ae @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 24, 1963 able for the Sunday School. It is the intention that classes will number no more than 12 or 15 children. In addition to the construction the base- has been ADDED THRILLER To Make Your Blood Curdle! "CURSE OF THE UNDEAD" with---- ERIC FLEMING KATHLEEN CROWLEY CHILLING TERROR . + That Takes YOU into A Twisted Mind! PARANOIAG --with-- JANETTE SCOTT OLIVER REED Adult Entertainment e gressing on many other phases they refused to allow a bus to) The incident occurred when Orono United |or the building. Presently work SIU Members reach a grain elevator. The the pickets refused to allow a |is underway with the electrical ' men later were released after bus with stockholders of The h h B i] di 'heating system, plumbing and F Ch | posting $50 bonds. Andersons, Incorporated, a co- urc. ul Ing plastering of the inside walls. ace arges | ihy were among 15 pickets|operative group, through the : | Preparations are now under. | protesting the loading of the picket line to visit the elevator. On Sch ] way for the laying of the ter- ® |'-»edian Lake Ship Douglass|The annual stockholders meet- edu e razzo floors in the new addition istur ance |Houghton,. owned 'by Upner!|ing was held Friday. " ae caine |and also in the basement audi- Shipping Limited of Tor- The ship wag loaded by ele- y MRS. KEN B |torium of the church. TOLEDO, Ohio (AP)--Four|°Mto, which called at the Ander-|vator personnel and crew mem- ORONO -- The United) The church basement floor/members of a Seafarers Inter-/50n elevator for a cargo of corn| bers. After it sailed Saturday af- Church. Building construction} has been torn up and recement-| national Union picket line were|2%4 soybeans. Fenny the pickets dispersed. abrir is mores rts a, the sb pe pings arrested Saturday on charges of scheduled and is due to be} e expenditure on thej\creating a disturbance whe 4, f 7 y ready for the re-opening of the|church floor is estimated at 8 3 17 CS a STH OY VOn Seg Sunday School early in Septem-|$3000. The remodelling of the ber. Church kitchen has been com- _ Twe very chic ledies met on the The new edifice will provide|Pleted at a cost of $3052. A street the other dey and after pre- | accommodation for the school| Small kitchen is also being in- liminary skirmishing retired to the which now operates classes in erg py tnegs '0 000 fins nearest coffee shop. the church and two nearby e, , : irst lady: 'Whenever I'm down in buildings. been paid out on the Deg{Oct er of "the chara "the dumps | always buy myself @ Completed to date are the/ Which is olen to reac D nlavuad nelderably ew hat.' cement block walls and ati oor $80, tation ot thela See Second lady: "Why darling! I've tions in the two storey build. i ie comp! Iways won. wi ings. The roof has also been| building, some 16 to 18 perma, SHORGAS them?' dered where you got completed and work is pro- nent classrooms will be avail. cay hava! s ; ~~ what cident ali - -- HEATING & 5 50y, here's an ideo . . . if you're r APPLIA mei alond « noir Rotor ok ord a new ha jut on NCES whole outfit thot's just den Food Industrial and » ly cleaned und pressed and you'll get © real lift. Probably change Commercial BOB EAKINS your whole day. We do wonderful The established, reliable Ges | cr, an he ce Ce ler in your area. Unies bbe jut One: Wi 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 44 s E) RVICE 170 728-9441 1 CLEAWIT Si 725-3555 . _ =i AJAX UAW LOCAL 1090 HOLDS PICNIC Stoll, Ajax, and Joe Veverka, president of the Local. The Ajax Local represents work- ers at Canadian Automotive Trim Ltd.; Trim Trends Ltd.; | Permaglass Inc.; and Ontario \9 Machine and. Tools Works | Ltd. | --Oshawa Times Photo | MAPLE CLEANERS | 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA || Cash & Corry -- 4 Hr, Service j) 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up end Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 Over 1,000 members and day. Crowded around the out- their families attended the door cooking are (I-r)--Mrs. UAW Local 1090 picnic in Joe Veverka, Roy Litz, Mrs. Chalk Lake Park on Satur- Evelyn Waite, Oshawa;' H. FEATURE DAILY AT... + 2:25; 4:55; 7:15; 9:35 . NEGRO KILLED | W NDOLA, Northern Rhodesia | appy & 1ns (Reuters) -- One Negro was/ killed and 15 others slightly in-} jured here Sunday might in beer| hall disturbances at two town- rono ace ee ships. Police used tear gas to| disperse the crowd, Eight Ne- groes were arrested. Don't miss your chance to fly BOAC ...seats are filling fast By MRS. KEN GAMSBY Jack Keating of Peterborough ORONO -- The many new/placed second with Olan Leaky| features of the annual Racejof Duro third. H. C. Rans- | DORIS DAY REX HARRISON Meet held recently at Orono|berry, organizer of the contest, AUDIE MURPHY was well received by the 300 in| acted as chairman. attendance. ~+--Jack Hudson drew the lucky| BARRY SULLIVAN ticket for the pony with Miss} ; Bonnie Barlow reading out the) in i" Sat The event, sponsored by 'the winner, I. Cochrane, Ennis-| "Seven ' ~- & p38 " " of "Midnight * PAUL NEWMAN is HUD! Orono Chamber of Commerce, killen, was the winner. Ways From Lace" ELVYN DOUGLAS: PATRICIA NEAL BRANDON de WILDE featured horse racing, Western contest snl a draw Happy Babe was the pride of 3 " OrreeTemmenT Sundown . IN COLOR = -- horse show, old-time fidglers Early. reports indicate that! ine Chamber of Commerce) A IN COLOR _ the Chamber will net f{rOM) Pace Meet when the five-year-| NOW ...2 GREAT HIT $200, to $300. from the promo: jiq pacer, owned by Keith West, WELL WORTH THE SHORT DRIVE OVER .. - tion, the! Won both heats of the Free-For-| "THE WORLD OF SUZIE WONG" Harness racing opened All and set the fastest time of| WITH WILLIAM HOLDEN and NANCY KWAN promotion with six heats of rac-| _|the meet at 2.13.2. The horse) ing and two heats of pony rac [was driven in both heats by the} | owner. | HEARING AID | RECOMMENDED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO SERVICE CLINIC | ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S... GREATEST... "REA ing with the ponies hitched to R WINDOW" As a community Service in the Interest of better hearing, we sulkies. ' | Happy Babe won the first) The Western Horse Show has| auite handily, In the second| THELMA. RITTER will conduct a FREE hearing aid Service Clinic to help solve the Hearing Aid problems of everyone in this area on the received a great deal of favor-| peat Ha | ' | ppy Mac, owned by) able comment. This feature WS! Jack Williams, made a strong| their bid for the lead but was unable steeds displayed their ability in a , oogenl 'his aaa OF eo ar tieetOnong| halt and pulled along side the s was a first for the Orono West entry who kept a half meet and the show was present- length ahead to set the day's| eee eee contin Son the TeCora Of 2.13.3 | %. Mary Bunting won the : red oldtime fiddiers' contest from a|, Keith y's. pay nee field of nine testants, The : Transport for the two wins. He! judges, Carlos Tamblyn and also received a blanket from) JAMES STEWART wi WENDELL COREY BOTH IN COLOR @ ALWAYS COLOR CARTOON Fred Lycett, placed Mrs. Bunt- ing first on her clarity tech- nique and stability of rhythm. 2 Men Sought | In $2,000,000 Lottery Ring ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- State} police are hunting for two men described as top-level partici- pants in a lottery ring that grossed $2,000,000 a year. About 60 persons have been arrested in connection with |4% furlong race. He was pre- | won both heats of the first race the Ontario Trotting Association| for setting the fastest time of| the meet. Mr. Runlap, owned and driven by L. Cochrane of Nestleton,' won both heats of the farmers' following day. and place. 1-9 sented with a blanket by Rolph] FREE Audiometric Hearin: Hardware. Ross Brown's Margaret Hal your old aid regordiess of make for and won a blanket presented by|] ERtsy NoistLess BATTERIES. the Durham Farmers Co-op. The Pony Race was an enter- taining feature of the races) ! PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THE DAY NOW Oshawa, Genosha Hotel, Wed., June 26/63 P.M. Tests will be given on the above dete. It you HEAR but don't UNDERSTAND you may suffer with nerve dect- ness. Then a simple attachment will help you te understand better on the telephone. One given away FREE with every hearing test between the hours of 8 and 9 p.m. ONLY. Everyone is welcome -- Bring in FREE check-up on the above date. ACOUSTICON COMPANY OF TORONTO, 67 Richmond St. W., Toronto = TORONTO -- 262-3969 -- WHITBY 668-2692 5 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. ¢ INCLUDING SUNDAYS ~~~ CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE KIDDIES PLAYGROUND FOR LAUGH AND ACTION SEE when the group of six set out to} trot the half mile in 2.08 and 2.14. King Hope of the Coch-! rane stables, won the summary | FRONT-END The Film That Brings | PLUS HIT NO. 2 ( whis summer, thousands more Ca- Book now to Britain and Europe nadians are flying BOAC to Brit- ain and Europe than ever before. But there's still time to pick and choose your flight. See your BOAC Travel Agent. He'll offer you a wide selection of daily services from Toronto and Montreal .. . and the choice of low-fare jet-prop Britannias or Rolls-Royce 707 jets. To make sure you fly BOAC, book now while there's still space. and the blanket presented by Troy Taggart for her father, Dr. | R. J. Taggart. These ponies} were from Ennikillen, Port Perry and Peterborough. operations of the ring, which troopers say had its headquar- ters in Utica, N.Y. Twenty were charged with contriving a lot- tery, a felony, The others have been charged with misdeméan- ors. | Troopers said Sunday the two) men still sought were wanted on} felony charges. | One is believed to be in Can. ada and the other in Las Vegas, Nev. A state police spokesman said the man believed in Can-| ada was a sub-distributor el i} Back The Belly Laugh | BRANDED Robert Youngson's | ... A RENEGADE 30 YEARS WANTED | ...ASAN OUTLAW OF FUN cireBRAND LAUREL & HARDY! stl BUSTER KEATON ! KENT TAYLOR HARRY LANGDON ! LISA MONTELL & ALIGNMENT ALL CARS 95 on JOHN BEAN PHONE 128-6221 ive ° 'Visualiner"' appointment 'SPECIAL Free Pick-Up and Pelivery Service several SG ENERAL TIRE a OF OSHAWA 728-6221 OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- # loom has been a specialty for 18 yeors. . . with thousands of yards on display to select from. to have participated in planning the widespread lottery. fl % Canade/UK services In association with TCA Stroll the by-ways of beautiful Britain . just few hours away by BOAC. ALL OVER THE WORLD BOAT TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST, © to pay all your bills 534 RITSON RD. S. © to complete the down payment on a home © for car or home repairs @ to buy the things you and Wow want and need © for any purpose DRIVE OUT * TONIGHT ° ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! Showing Tuesday and Wednesday BOX-OFFICE OPEN 8:00--"TALES OF TERROR" AT 9:20 ARS SbncesHIP ON FNS DEBRA PAGET ALL COLOR SHOW ! TONIGHT ONLY ELVIS PRESLEY IN "BLUE HAWAII" PLUS "PIRATES OF TORTUGA" OSHAWA RECREATION COMMITTEE SUMMER PROGRAMMES --- 1963 PLAYGROUNDS -- a variety prog e d Mondey through Fri- day from July 2nd to August 23rd -- 9:00 A.M. to 11:50 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Prog will be d d at Rundle, Radio, Thornton's, Valleyview, Fernhill, Nipigon, Brookside, Sunset Heights School, North Oshawa, Northway Court, Connaught, and Dr. S, J. Phil- y monthly pay t lips School, Woodview, Baker Memoricl, Bethe, Eastview, Sunnyside, ° Kingside, Veterans Tot, Cowan, Harman, Southmead, Lake Viste and SUPERIOR ou SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS -- progr designed for LIMITEL cad Book now while there's still space! BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION ag ay ted by trei Give your holiday a flying start--by BOACI ARE THERE hild, with specifi VINCENT PRICE Conducted on a club basis once or twice weekly. PETER LORRE ARCHERY CRAFTS PUPPETRY LACROSSE DRAMA TENNIS HIKING & NATURE STUDY GAMES & GYMNASTICS PROGRAM SKETCHING--DRAWING--PAINTING for boys seven to thirteen years inclusive. A real camping experience during the day time. Day Camp to be held from July 59th te Avoeet 2nd. TRACK & FIELD -- A Big New Program this year. With support of the Canadien Legion this club will operate mornings (and possible afternoons) each week day. Program to include Training, Individuel and Team Competitions with several Local ond District Meets. FOR REGISTRATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE RECREATION CENTRE, 100 GIBB STREET, TELEPHONE 725-1111 DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY DAY CAMP -- 17 SIMCOE ST N, 725-6541 668-3304 daily to 5:30 p.m. y to 8: m. Closed Seaturdey during July and August DON'T MISS OUR SUNDAY BONANZA 5 BIG FEATURES @ DUSK 'TIL DAWN CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE! BOOK THROUGH MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE , OSHAWA 22 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA 723-9441 DRIVE-IN THEATRE 723-4972 FREE KIDDIES PLAYGROUND * *

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