ve Bad Boy Appiianve, et Alex- andra Park, 8.15 p.m.; Mac- Lean's Esso vs Brooklin Con- enete, at Srooklin, 8.15 p.m, and Heffering's Imperials vs Gen- Horo gg at Femiill Park, 'Senn STUDY BY TV comprised of Kay Hopkins, Jan-| Television lessons given by League UAW League -- Dyett's Sports| <chedule tighth : com & io, of 8.90 p.m. [Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stad-|VS Plaza Foods, at Alexandra) match por Thoblcoke Cen: Teeny Sears, Sid Stubbs, Tullweek are og ye 000 ' [LACROSSE lium, 8.00 p.m. Park, tral TC, on Thursday evening. |Ginling, Graham Crerar, "Nor-|siudents in New Delhi, OLA Senior League -- Bramp-|RASEBALL BASEBALL Both teams went into this one|z : ton Sealtests vs Brooklin Mer-| Lakeshore Intermediate) Oshawa Legion Minor Assoc,|Wwith an unbea%en record and the chants, at Brooklin Community|teague--Oshawa Merchants vs| (Pee Wee League) -- Ideal Fish|competition proved especially iPort Hope Ontarios, at Port After a late start, the Oshawa OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 29, 1963 J] Oshawa Netters Beat Etobicoke SPORTS CALENDAR Gaels', at, Oshawa Children's SOCCER Arena, 8:30 p.m, ' Pc ia Cup Psion SOCCER 'inal -- Italia-vs Kickems, at : ' mae ' : Oshawa and District Assoc, -- Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stad-| whitby Bathuret ve Pol on game, which put Oshawa|man Pitchell, Mitte Gillies' Sil Dekewerts end Oshawa Merchants Whip Peterborough On Good Pitching TODAY i. eanscieatera tes WU Your Home Better Oshawa Merchants whipped} Good pitching was the secre with |Hope, 2.00 p.m, Peterborough 'Rite-Ways 9-3 in|of success, for Oshawa Mer.}0rs had, at the plate, their Lakeshore Intermediate | chants against the "Petes", a a IKE BARLY i Baseball League fixture, here at} Kinsmen Stadium last night. awa erchants Kinsmen Civic Memorial Sta-|'Butch" McMahon returned' to Ray Conners' slants for three . runs in the first inning, Lucky i ight. \the "hardball wars" after some) w; f Oe taht jet gene labsence and for five innings, Wills was safe on. an Word from Lakeshore League} : 'error, Bob Reid singled with headquarters, received later in| flashed his yg mage -- arrane, out and both scored on Ted the evening, to the effect that/One Plus a tricky mixiily tne| Wafeley's double to keep right. the Kingston Club had been) Curve and " vel t rt bal nee, {An infield error permitted given the heqve-ho, puts the| Visitors completely off. balance.) Whitely to score, making it 3-0. ce were the best the visit-|Arena, 8.45 p.m, Oshawa Club right back up in) the running for a playoff berth. He had one bad inning, the second, when M, Taylor opened After Peterborough tied it up, Oshawa went ahead in the third when Whiteley drew a walk, ad- LAWN BOWLING Men's Doubles geen i Sod BOWLING at Port Perry Lawn Bowling) Mixed Rinks Tournament, for Club, 1.00 p.m. The Read Trophy, at Oshawa TENNIS |Lawn Bowling Club and Mixed Annual Ontario Men's Doubles|Doubles Tournament, for The Tournament, at Oshawa Tennis|Seagram Trophy, at Peterbor- Club, NOTE: Finals will be\osh Lawn Bowling Club. played on Sunday, June 30. TUESDAY | SOFTBALL a shawa City end District Lakeshore Intermediate|Ass0c. (Major League) -- Peo- Estate vs Houdaille Industries, at Kinsmen. Stadium; Police Assoc. vs People's Clothing, at Alexandra .Park, north dia- Dairy Queen, at Eastview Park, All games at 6.30 p.m. mond; Firefighters Assoc, vs|mainder club dropped the first two FUEL -- FROM -- OIL : played under lights and the issue was in doubt until the| There Are Special Benefits For All McLaughlin's BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN League -- Peterborough vs Ajax \ple's Clothing vs Scugog Clean- | Telephone 723-348] Prompt Delivery a | 24-Hr. Service Budget Plan -- Automatic Weather-Controlled Delivery "Turn To Modern Living With Oil Heat" McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Ltd. 110 KING ST. W, OSHAWA Seems Kingston Club fell foul/ with a single. R. Brady followed of the league officials for re-|with a single and then after! vanced on a wild pitch and|Merchanis, a' Ajax, 2.00 p.m. peated late appearances, post-|two strikeouts, pitcher Ray Con-) cored on an infield out and) : poned dates, etc. nors singled and Pat Ayotte fol-/roq Lutton's single to centre. HORSE SHOW : Incidentally, Oshawa. Mer-|lowed with a two-bagger, to/' 7s. saaeq three morelweone Show, by Nonth Oshawa chants learned that they would) give the noes City crew ese Rosa ihe ark hits by Me- -- Fh ng ey trouble finding playing three runs, They never score a *) sh : ive ints Cor ; pos at Lakeview Park io Sun./ again, as McMahon held them ae OS cerned Oshawa, 2.00 p.m, day afternoon, due to several off for the next three innings | yr aha raid Stabler took! MONDAY large out - of - town picnics and Bob Winters, who took over) Age d got rg of the inning| LACROSSE scheduled for the park, so they,in the 6th inning, also proved| vy gt apt tagged for two! OLA Junior League -- Guelph have cancelled their date with very effective, although guilty) nicely but w h gor inning, (Mohawks ve. Gane. 'iGreca| Belleville, Actually, it was a ye-|of issuing the odd free ticket, | More, neo ge ange finish pe plete nada tiariteesne an scheduled date of a previously in the latter innings. ne aa +h 9 faninae without] ained-out game. Ayott and Taylor, with two/'e ast three 1 gs | é re bse meee '_ "| giving up any more runs, but |the damage had been done. Wills, Reid, Lutton and Mc-| Mahon each had a pair of hits CANADA OUTDOORS ~ -- of the others had one Try Small-Type Salmon *rtexsor0vcn -- so Mahoney, 3b; Shrubb, ss; | Hill, 1b; Taylor, c; Brady, If; 4 ' Driscoll, 2b; Foley, cf; Conners, n anito as aters |p; Stabler,' p in 4th; Gattield, | batted in 9th. One suggested method is to| OSHAWA -- Wills, cf; Dowe, | pia oder HS \ss: Reid, 1b; Whiteley, 3b; | use a metal wobbler or flasher| toes, c: 'Lutton, 2b; Jeffs, rf; | with red beads and a hook and/cLean If; McMahon, p; Win-| jens, ait Dg mong pont ed personal nd or for @ ACADIAN Other {p.m, and Por ry Merchants jompany use there are Models p ] Sompany @ PONTIAC -- you lease a new... ' @ BUICK Request No insurance costs . . . No maintenance costs , . . One rote covers everything on one of two yeor lease items... .Phone or come in for full details, MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 723-4634 LTD, 266 KING ST. WEST Have Your Suit Styled and Tailored by SAM ROTISH 7 KING ST; EAST From A Large Selection of Fine British Woollens WINNIPE G(CP)--A fighting; cousin of the sockeye salmon may provide a new attraction for anglers in Manitoba lakes The fish is the kokanee, a worm attached. Another is) ters, p in 6th. merely maggots and corn, | seen freshwater native of the west- ern United States, British Co- lumbia and Alaska.. It's also} At any rate anglers won't get a chance to try this year. But the resources branch says that BARTENDING found in one lake in Japan. --_/py next summer some kokanee The Kokanee is identical t0| -hould top the one-pound mark. the saltwater. sockeye but! ang a statement says it is pos- smaller. It grows to between! ciple a season on kokanee may 1% and three pounds in its three}pe open d in 1964. *} or four years of life. Then it) _______ spawns, And like most salmon it dies after spawning. The provincial government fisheries branch began an ex. periment with kokanee last year, introducing 220,000 young fish from Washington state lakes, ponds and streams to this lake - studded, angling - conscious province. The kokanee put into ponds have passed one test so far. They survived the severe Man- itoba winter. But just how well they will adapt on a long-term basis won't be known until after "ocean ieee tmaeeRNEREE WEDDINGS -- BANQUETS -- STAGS -- ETC. "CALL 728-8391 DIAL-. 723-2245 FREE \ DELIVERY 4 FIRST with BARGAINS 3 AGAIN on JULY Ist. PRICE-SMASHING DOOR-OPENER SPECIALS !! MONDAY, JULY Ist TUESDAY, JULY 2nd WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 620-127-120 PACK ood 5 PACKAGES Wood's --" FILM WRIGLEY'S GUM KITCHEN SHEL oe 29: ADAM'S "1S 9.88 KOTEX Hankscraft Baby 24's | € SPECIAL | BOTTLE WARMERS Ansco COMPARE | 3 # & BLACK & WHITE AT 4.95 Have Fun in the Sunt RENT All Weather FILM 3 rolls 99° the reproduction cycle begins. WN Kokanee have been trans- SS planted previously in many \ parts of the United States. and| as far east as Maine. A fish-) erles d partment spokesman here said, however, he hadn't heard of such a program before in Canada. PREFER PLANKTON Another 200,000 young koka- nee are being planted in Man- itoba this year. And some planted last year in pits near) a highway in western Manitoba are being scooped up and trans. planted to bigger bodies of water. Kokanee have -been put in Caddy and Falcon lakes 'in the Whiteshell district of eastern Manitoba and in Manistikwan and Wee lakes near Flin Fion in northwestern Manitoba. Kokanee are tasty and can be caught by a variety of methods. Their diet is chiefly plankton-- minute organisms found in wa- ter--but they can' be caught by flies, lures or worms. procs ss -- es CHILDREN'S F ZORO THONGS Samsonite LUGGAGE Your Choice Of Several Pieces 44% DISCOUNT Tova , ~ QUALITY PRESCRIPTION ~ SERVICE COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS QUR PROFESSION JURY & LOVELL LTD. OSHAWA WHITBY BOWMANVILLE WE SEND MEDICINE TO EUROPE 9' x 9 95% screen- ed walls, Compare at $5.00 REG, 30c PAIR A'Vespa' SCOOTER Only $8 Day! Folding GOLF CARTS "MUM" LISTERINE ROLETTE | TOOTH DEODORANT | PASTE Retails ot 1.19 2 tubes--1.78 value JULY 1 to3 JULY Ist to 3rd. 7-Piece GOLF CLUB SET 2 woods; 5 irons by Title Fully Automatic Electric Can Opener By Roto-Broil . . . wi nic brain. Retoils at WHERE ELSE 13.88 RONSON--C-F-L ELECTRIC RAZORS SPECIAL JULY Ist to 3rd 13.88 Timex WATCHES BOYS'--GIRLS'--LADIES'-- MEN'S ALL MODELS FROM 6.35» Westinghouse 5 TUBE RADIOS SPECIAL JULY Ist to 3rd 13.88 ith electro- 24.95. NO Big double header this holiday weekend! Saturday: $10,000 added Achievement Stakes Monday: $25,000 added Dominion Day Handicap SCEPTRE DELUXE SNORKELS ter water fun. Compere rd. Eight - Transistor PORTABLE RADIO With feather case, ear phones end botteries. Compore ot 24.95. JULY Ist to 3rd. 13.88 AUTOMATIC IRONS With folding handle. NO WHERE ELSE 4.99 Deep Fryer & Cooker Lerge I-gel. copecity with cele element. JULY Yat te 3rd special 11.88 SPECIAL BUSSES direct to track leave Oshawa Terminal at 12:00 Noon Saturday. et . JULY Ist fo 3rd. 44° cote POST TIME 2 P.M. .. OODBINE' ' 7