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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jul 1963, p. 9

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The Oshawa Times '|SECOND SECTION. TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1963 PAGE NINE 'Medical Worker i Glad To Be Home AdditionTo ~ wun ewe te On Hospital | a well known figure in Oshawa's ublic life, returned to the city onday after an absence of nearly two years, A $4,000,000 addition to Bran.| He was a member of a team son Hospital in North York has of five Canadian doctors and been approved by the central| one nurse who went to Malaya governing body of the Seventh.) in 1961 under auspices of the Day Adventist Church in Wash-| Colombo Plan. ington, D.C,, it was. announced) After travelling around the Monday night in Oshawa, A, George Rodgers, admin. istrator of the hospital, told del- egates to the annual summer world, visiting places such as India, Japan, Hong Kong, as conference of the Seventh-day well as Paris, London and Rome, Dr, Vipond reflected it is good to get back home in Oshawa, "IT like Oshawa even better after having been away for two years," he told an Oshawa Times reporter, Dr. Vipond worked in George- jtown, a city of 250,000 souls, as }well as in small hospitals in -- smaller places, SMA ut, said the doctor, he pre- F ferred Canada over Asia, He DR. CLAUDE VIPOND will take, up practice again injas a Liberal candidate for the Oshawa as a surgeon. {Ontario riding in federal elec- Dr, Vipond lived in Oshawa! tions twice. | for 13 years before his depar-|) Asked whether he had any) ture to Malaya, He was chair-|plans- to go back into politics! man of the Oshawa Board)the doctor said: of Education one year and ran 'No plans," Swim Pools | Program For | ceiving the congratulations of L. Bock, of Oshawa, president of the conference --Oshawa Times Photo, DURING THE WEEKEND mer conference of the On- L, M, Mohns, left, was or tario and Quebec Conference dained as . minister ¢f he at the Oshawa Missionary a a ame College. He is seen here re- Church at the annual sum Claims Obesity Nation's Major Health Problem In keeping with the church's Dr. C. E. Randolph, a repre-| He pointed out that gaining| with urch sentative from the Seventh-day|too much weight and not get-/stand on separation of church a Ge | Adventist Church's medical de-|ting enough exercise puts an|and state, missionaries are not P | Band Concert | partment in Washington, D.C.,/extra heavy load on the heart|Permitted to interfere in nation. re opu ar We a: Sauna RCAF! talking during the weekend on/and circulatory system and on/al affairs and are working to- \ a Sand a TON, HCAL| health education at the annual|the excretory system, the kid-|ward the objective of having all . (Aux) Band of Toronto will pre. summer conference of thelneys and liver in partioular.|ofjective of having all overseas On Holida -- concert at the Mc. church's Ontario and Quebec/For every pound of fat, the|posts manned by fully trained aughlin Bandshell in Memortal division at the Oshawa Mis-|circulatory system must add/and qualified nationals, Seventy Park at 8 30 P. m., Thursday, | sionary College, stressed that}many more blood vessels and eight Adventist sanitariums and Almost 3,000 children and ~ progrgm follows: : obesity is the nation's No. licapilaries and the like. Diet- hospitals overseas treat 8D" adults visited the three Oshawa haley Ny & ni eggs Fm Et health problem today because|ary aids "are for the waste-/proximately a million and a/v imming pools during the Do- stat rt ee a, gt arc | it is associated with and is the|basket', Dr. Randolph conclud-jhalf outpatients annually OF inion holiday weekend cinlg pages McOn of Hand (sec) Serecunner of several lethal lad: by saying, "Will power | Sides some 115,000 innatients.| The pools opened for the sum- tion by section). : ers, as coronary heart disease.|and exercise are the two main|In addition to this, 95 goer mer season Saturday and dur- ancch Wookie ' Dr. Randolph does not re-jfactors in losing Mong a eenan 87,008 Roped sath ing the three days ot the -- Classical Medley, commend crash reducing diets.| Im the operation of its mis- lthey were open from 1.30 0 Ronee and Juliet A general rule which is safe|sion program the church has|¥¢*? 15.90, For the rest of the sum-| wed, Uh ian Dances from which he suggests is to cut)sought first to give attention toiagepical, MISSIONARY |mer, however, they will be Pe"! prince Igor, by Igor Borodin). down on the amount of calories/the physical needs of men and Monday to Friday of Swim) wumpet Holiday and eat no large meals. A daily|then to provide spiritual aid, be-| One of the visitors at the ming instruction from 9.30 to Solo. -LAC Wm Sullivan. regimen would include a good lieving that body; mind and/conference was Koheleth Ka-/19.30 and for recreational swiM-|~ y9/)). and Honey, Show High- breakfast, including fruit,|spirit are inextricably knit to-tando, of Tanganyika, East) ming from 1.30 to 5.15 and from) )ionts) Jerry Herman: Milk and cereal and toast. This is. the|gether. In so doing it follows|Africa, a Seventh-day Adven-|§ 30 to 8.30. The one exception! ioney Shalom. That wai Yes-| diet for a sedentary man or/the example of Christ. This ex-|tist medical student. He brought/to this will be the junior wad-|;.rqay. 1 Will Follow You, In- woman. He recommends a mod-/plains the lange number of Ad-/with him an old East African) ing pool, which will not be open dependence Day Hora. ' erate lunch, a light supper low/ventist medical units scattered/portable piano. in the evenings. Debut Euphonium Solo. in calories, possibly soup or|throughout the world, as well] Mr, Katando plans to return) At the Somerset pool Satur-}wm Askew. ' something of that nature. Along|as the extensive educational|/plans to return to his native/day the aumber of admissions) Swedish Rhapsody, with this type of eating hejsystem in operation designed tojland as a medical missionary|was 432, with 308 Sunday and/tiem, Wildman, : would recommend regular ex-jhelp nationals learn to: help/after completion of his medical|/607 Monday, a total of 1347, ercise, waiking, gardening, golf, | themselves and better their liv-| studies. Katando is shown hald-| There were 356 swimmers at the! mann. tennis, etc. ing conditions. ing one of 'the status sym-| Centre street Municipal pool Skip to My Flute, Flute Trio, bols of his country.-- fam or-|/Saturday, 300 Sunday and 350) Fs J, Donaldson, LAC G. Gre. nately mounted tail m the|Monday, a total of 1006. The} sham, LAC D. Close wildebeest or East african|number admitted to the junior) Rhapsody in Swing, Trumpet 1re epar men wild cow. 'The high, humid|pool Saturday was 120, with 145) Trio, Sgt. N. Flow, LAC W. temperature of Oshawa is very|Sunday and 225 Monday. / Sullivan, LAC W. Jacobs comfortable or me," said Ka-| This brought the total in all) Spiritual Contrasts, (Just a be |tando, He added, 'The 15,000|three pools over the weekend to) Closer Walk with Thee, He's ourse 1goTous |Seventh-day Adventists in East/2843. Got the Whole World in His Prange gon an Ho ony to join Protas nys ge gpeget Hands. : : the 3, Seventh-day Adventist] a' Ss wi e held a entre; A Touc azz, Marc ch. | Fourteen rookie firefighters) The program included sub- | delegates at this Annual Sum./street Municipal pool Wednes- a ---* -- --_ with the Oshawa Fire Depart-|jects such as care of equip-|mer Conference in Oshawa in|day nights from 6.30 to 8.30 and) Lohengrin, Selection, Richard| ment completed a two-week|™ment, alarm 'room practice,jorder to cool off." Thursday nights at the same) Wagner. | Howard, | § | Them Basses, March, Holz.| j Adventist Churches in Ontario and Quebee that the institution plans to expand from a 160-bed hospital to 441 beds. Total cap- ital investment in the hospital will be $7,000,000 upon comple. tion of the addition. Construction of the building is expected to begin as soon as possible, said Mr, Rodgers. He pointed out that there are only between 250 and 260 acute treatment beds in North York which has a population of 283,- 000 and said that an estimated 1,400 beds of this type are needed, Miss Geneva Bowman, direc. tor of the Branson Hospital School of Nursing, reported to the convention that there are currently 43 students enrolled in | this school. Sixteen were gradu-| ated last February and 11 more are expected to graduate in September, Richard Kruger, of Willow- dale, chief X-ray technologist at the Branson's School of X-ray technology, spoke briefly at the conference, outlining the pro- gress of this school. Dr, A. J. Andrews, of Willowdale, is the school's director. Re Trumpet! | 13 FS); Concert NEW MINISTER Recently ordained at Syden- ham Street United Church in Kingston, the Rey, James Gordon Allman, son fo Mr, and Mrs. Percy Allman of Oshawa. Mr, Allman received &. ; THE ANNUAL ROSE Show held Saturday by the Oshawa Horticultural Society brought out a fine display of blooms. Caught. by the camera follow- ing the judging, from left, are William Frost, president of the society; Mrs, Charles Sil- ver, society secretary, and Thomas Hopkins who won the George Thursby Memorial Tro- phy. --Oshawa Times Photo, |winner of the show but Thomas) % | Hopkins, William Fulton Top Rose Show Winner A very successful Rose Show|-- Mrs, Earle Sandford, Wil-| Arrangement for a child's sick was held in the auditorium of/liam Fulton and Leo Karnath. | room, not to exceed eight inches IE, A, Lovell School, Centre) One Bloom, Peace -- William |in height -- Mrs. Earle Sand- street, Satunday afternoon when| Fulton, Mrs. Murray MacLaren/fond, Miss Leona Stainton and la very satisfactory entry list/and Leo Karnath, [Mrs Charles Silver. |was recorded, | Om~Bloo Jor, 'All Alone," an arrangement A few classes lacked competi-| named -- Leo Kernedh eed Mee | using one peony with other plant ion but other classes COMPeN-|vp nay MacLaren, material -- Mrs, Lesiie Guy, sated with sufficient entries t0/" ree Blooms, HT Red -- Wal-|Mrs. Charles Silver, Leo Kar- make an interesting duty for liam Fulton ea [math and Miss Leona Stainton, jthe judge. | Three Blooms, HT, Pink -- potent. featuring .Roses | ees 90 pn eg where ome| William Fulton, : for a coffee table, not over eight iF Oele blot Lyin moa ph d ne; Three Blooms, HT, Bi-color,|inches in height -- Mrs, Earle [ovely oom were displayed, not Peace -- William Fulton. | Sandfond, Mrs. Aylmer Tapping TOP WINNER Three Blooms, HT, all differ. and Robert Ward. : William Fulton, of 19 Con-|&nt colors -- Thomas Hopkins,, One white or near white q ry tok wan te Son caine William Fulton and Mbs.|/Peony -- Mrs. M. MacLaren, COUR OTe, Wat P poze! avimer Topping, | William Fros: and Duncan Mac- Three Bloom, Peace -- Wil-/Millan, liam Fulton, | One Pink Peony -- William Three Sprays, Grandiflors,|Frost, Mrs, William Frost and any color, or mixed colors,/Mrs. Leslie Guy. named -- William Fulton, | One Red Peony -- Mrs, Mur hb hine ol a | Vase of HT or HP's, fivejray MacLaren, Mrs. William se ge seer dl neore® plooms, any color or mixed|Frost and William Frost. Wil fly Pult oa On the R p (colors, named -- Thomas Hop-| One single Peony, any color-- S th Tr ie dae, te tae Red kins and William Fulton. Mrs, Lesiie Guy and Mrs, Mur- onan" aan the Wana te omal|, Vase of Polyanthus or Flora-jray MacLaren. Chait soa tacuhie rm -- bost|2UNdas, any color or mixed| Five Peonies, any color -- apse dag ek Bas "colors, named -- Mrs, Harvey|Thomas Hopkins, Mrs, Murray The Dr pan ee ae Hara.| Hobbs, Mrs. Earl Sandford and|MacLaren and Mrs, Leslie Guy, ins Chattecme 'Teale wae won't, | At the conclusion of the ied Mrs. bay Hobbs, 370, Vase of Ramblers or Climb-| judging, the show was open to Arthu i et . see ers, any color or mixed colors,|the public and during the after- ; Mrs. pin "Sandford. 873 Mas-2™ed -- William Frost, Mirs.|noon and evening a lange num- egietioen gpl . he Mrs Wm (frank Heaslip and Mrs. Wil-/ber viewed the show and enjoy- GENak Chanda 'wots olen oe jed a friendly chat in the Tea McNeil Challenge 'Trophy for! Bowl of Mixed Flowers --|Room which was in charge of oh tins aden co aan Mrs. Earle Sandford, Miss|/Mrs. Wm. Bradbury and her co- -- Toses, for @ colfee'reona Stainton and Mrs,|chairman, Mrs. Leslie Guy. . jAylmer Tapping. Blake Branton, at the piano, |THE RESULTS Modernistic arrangement with|delighted the visitors with his | One Bloom, HT Red Named--|Poses, other foliage permitted--|renditions of popular as well William Fulton, Thomas Hop-| Mrs. Earle Sandford, Mrs, Ayl/as classical numbers during the kins and Mrs, Murray Mc-/mer Tapping. lentine afternoon and evening. Laren, | .One Bloom, HT White or near |White, named -- Mrs, Murray) S ° A id t Mime iion, xr Pot many LK LACCIACTIES -- Mrs, Earle Sandford, Thom-) } jas Hopkins and William Fulton.) of 696 Mary street,| won the prize for. the best rose of the show with a fine bloom of Anne Letts, which is a soft pink color, For this distinction) basic training course Friday that had them perched atop 754oot ladders, groping around in smoke-filled buildings and struggling with recalcitrant fire hoses. The 14 will join the -perma- nent staff of the Oshawa Fire Department after a six-month probationary period and upon completion of practical and written tests. "They have all conducted themselves well,' said Platoon Chief Mart Ostler, who direct- ed the training program, 'They look like a promising group." The group earned this praise by hard work and, explained Chief Ostler; it did not matter whether it rained or Shined the training went on. The course itself consisted of both practical and theoretical work, with the officers of the fire department acting as in- structors. MAJOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AT COLUMBUS The rebuilding of the Osh- Port Perry County road, between the corner north of the National Stud Farm and a point south of Raglan, is a major job. Hills evolution and transmission of heat, tools and rescue equip-| ment, salvage, pumping from draft and from fire hydrants,} artificial respiration, forcible) entry and fire hazards, } "For some it was quite an/ experience to be on top of a 75-foot ladder for the first time," said Chief Ostler, "with nothing on either side, in front or behind them." If most of it was work, there was also some play, As a suit- able conclusion of the course, two teams let each other have it with firehoses. Acting as instructors were Fire Department Chief Ray- mond Hobbs, Capt., W. Murray, Capt. N. Rooke, Capt. H. Tay- lor, Capt. D. Thompson and Capt. A. Rowden. Other instruc. tors were R. Peacock, water-! the Oshawa Public Utilities Com-! mission, and J. Matthews, Gen-} works superintendent of eral Motors fire chief. are being cut down and val- leys filled prior to the re- paving of the road. Seen here view of the inter- section in the village of Col- s a time at Somerset pool There | Struck By Auto Hymn Time, Abide with Me, | RAVE Bronze Medallion, March Past Woman Injured but at the other two pools adults! she was struck by a car on|P00l and at the Somerset pool! Signs Pact Ennis, Children should wear old clothes} She was treated for abrasions to Dr. N. He said that some clothes had Adam Supryka, Jr., 46 Atha-/At each of the pools valuables teeing the new Minimum Wage} King street and Mrs. Ennis officials are not able to watch) William Kitching, secretary] aie tract has been signed between! At Area School Mr. Kitching stated that the lday, The games were begun July 1 rising to $1 per hour ers carried the Union Jack and/@%d_ bas a restaurant at the gicycles were as follows: girls') Mr. Kitching pointed out that boys' divi. act: free meals and coffee! sion--Roy -Maeder, Ricky breaks; time and a half pay lin the bicycle rodeo and Roy Statutory holidays, will be instruction for adults for Unto the Hills (Sandon), | the Royal Life - Saving Society Closing Sequence: RCAF) There are 19 lifeguards at the The Queen three pools. There is no charge | --- 2 peas at any time at the junior pool, s A 76-year-old Kemptville wom-/and high school students pay Food Service an is in Oshawa General Hospi-|25 cents. The younger children tal with injuries suffered when pay 10 cents at the Municipal) King street east Sunday. ---- oe for children Taken to hospital by ambu-| A pool official has asked that ~ me | lance was Mrs. Mary | when they come for a swim and With Union bring no more money than is head, arms and legs and & absolutely necessary broken collar bone by y 3 "dp A union contract at the end Kowalsky. been stolen over the weekend, o the golden horseshoe guaran-| basca street, was the driver of such as wallets, watches and) Act which became effective) the vehicle involved. The Sup. glasses can-be checked and/ Dominion Day was announced} ryka car was westbound on kept for the children, but the|'0¢8Y was attempting to cross the! all the clothes. and business manager of Local road from north to south when ------ : 254, Hote! and Restaurant Em-} the accident occurred. n ployees Union, said that a con-) ee | Field Day Held Plaza Restaurant and Food) | Services Ltd. and the 20 em-! ployees Young athletes excelled - at) Contract provides for the wages '| East Whitby Coronation Schoo! laid down by the act, a minimu recently during an annual field/°! 85 cents per hour starting! with the principal, R, Farrow, beginning -- March, and students parading in the) The company is operated by order of their grades, The lead. Mrs. Dorothy Smith of Oshawa) | the new purple and gold school Lansdowne Plaza, a mobile food flag service and a lounge in a} | Winners of the decorated bi.| hotel. ; 'division -- Debra Bryan, Pam. the new contract contains bene-) wiela Campbell, and Darlene Miller; Maeder and David Wirsching. |over 48 hours work; Norman Woodward had the time for work on days off; | highest over all number of point, double time for work done on Maeder came second. Winners The contract stipulates that of individual classes were as the workers will be allowed four follows Norma Woodward, statutory holidays each Roman Manko and Murray Labor Day and Christmas Day. Shermott : Mr. Kitching stated that a fivé The students with the highest cents hourly differential will be : points. in sports events }| Parry -- highest over all points; | work after 4.30 p.m. > Diane Buechier -- senior girls; The two-year contract. also } Jack Groat -- senior boys; allows a3 per cent vacation pay Brenda Cooper -- intermediate to employees after two years' = girls; John Simpson--intermedi-' service j jate boys; Debra Scott -- junior) <j; is a humble beginning,"| }girls and Paul Parry -- junior) Mr. Kitching stated, "but I | boys, think all employers will be} Sports and bicycle trophies ynder the Act in the next two} are always presented at school! years." He said that he hoped on the last day agreements such as . the Following the events,.a dance one his local had signed woule was held in the evening at 7/be built up over the next few lyears. umbus where a deep cut is being made. The pedestrian and the auto: show the depth of the cut : --Oshawa Times Photo 'p.m. that x | logical training was taken at | Queen's Theological College. ' ef relief from the onnressive his liberal arts education at | One Bloom, HT Yellow, McMaster University and |named -- William Fulton. Durin: t tine ' : | One Bloom, HT 3i-color,} Queen's University, His theo- Inamed, not Peace -- Mrs} More than $1,000 dam W 2 Me J Winters. early Dominion Day. Damage to the car was esti-, ical ap % Precrsaarg One Bloom, HT any other color) David A. Kellett, . 28 129| mated at $600 and to the sign' minkter in: the Rebus | |Gladst avenue, sufi se-|pole $200. Constable P. Mandryk Presbytery on the Cressy Pas- Pi R vere lacerations in the investigated, : , : 1 eons ace and Park road at 5.50 a.m. ; sas fastens Charest cae' g Kiiett's 1958 model car coltided| | Three accidents Saturday re- tinue his ministry there with a 1957 vehicle driven by|Sulted in $108) damage 9) ve : : George Hugh Mills, 17, of 12¢/hicles involved. Earl J. Gard- A Three baskets of pigeons from|" Key treated at the|by, and Terry H, Foote, 1850 CELEBRATING __ tte General Racing Pigeon Clb cckema'" Gemunel Hospital po King street west, drove cars of Oshawa were shipped tothe injury. The northbound Kel-{that collided on King street |Peru, Indiana, Thursday, June jet, vehicle suffered over $900/West at Thornton's road. Con- ; 7.30 a.m, Saturday. | rs : had $200/mated damage at $650. Congratulations and best |' |radiator, The Mills car $ ler PN the following resi- | The first bird to arrive home|damage done to the hood, right A Beye -- be -- dents of Oshawa and district [Was one belonging to D. Bej-| fender and headlight. aoe L truck @ babel pie who ame celebrating their |kowsky, It was clocked in at} Constable Bruce Frauts of the wa Shopping i " involved, Mrs. Leeta Tosoni, 123 [the only bird from Oshawa to) vestigated. Tatees e oo cai tet) Dia and zm the fH mis he SMe lsg9 DAMAGE lta Evans, 10 Sevenin tod roe eumie" peievoe lat 6.35 a.m. the following day. Damage was estimated at south. Robert W. Bland, 2 | The following are the posi-ieq the curb and snapped off ajConstable C. Whyte investi- Phone 723-3474. jtions taken and the yards per) phys stop sign and hydro pole on) gated. minute flown by the birds: D. Simcoe street south Sunday.) A two - car collision on Wi |Bejkowsky, 1056.99; E. Gibson,' Name of the driver has not been|son road south Monday resulted | .. ay PB proximately Hancock, Mich. is farther/kew, 749.92; E. Gibson, 712.30;; Police said the vehicle wasjinvolved were Gerald Vernon north than Montreal and Ot-/D, Bejkowsky, 710.61; F. Cowle,| southbound on Simcoe street in/Roife, 287 Guelph street and tawa is the same distance from/653.00; J. Strachan, 648.97; L.'the area of St. Lawnence stree*,/Robert Williamson, 109 Wilson Detroit as St. Louis, Mo | Prescott, 645.89, near the Pediar People Limitd'road south. |Sandford and. Mrs. Arthur/caused in a two-car toral Charge. After July 1 he which took place at Ki \ THREE ACCIDENTS From Indiana is. | Athabasca street. |ner, 103 Ferguson avenue, Whit- BIRTHDAYS |27, where they were released atidamage to the left side and|Stable Douglas Bulloch esti- birthdays today: 7.37 p.m. Saturday, this being|Oshawa Police Department in-/@d in $100 damage to vehicles : lwhen a car left the road, mount-|Patricia avenue, drove the car. their birthdays June 30. IS FARTHER NORTH 801.18; _F. Cowle, 757.66; J. As-| released. in a $200, Drivers Janice Selleck fits not provided for in the new double | § le year; | Jake Steenstra, Roy Maeder, New Year's Day, Good Friday,| . Paul paid to workers who start shift! | en. Won in were A ee SS x sn SWIMMING POOLS BRING RELIEF FROM HEAT gistration period for swim water safety program will be classes Saturday. Both pools provided. are supervised and a full ... . --Oshawa Times Phote heat. Seen here is a view of the pool in Rotary . Park, Centre street, during the re- With the opening during the weekend of two municipal swimming pools an avenue 55a arama

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