\YQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tosddey, July 2, 1963 , : me oe : : Liberals Said | Not Seeking Sympathy NELAND, Ont, (CP) -- Health Minister og Mocipanied said Saturday the Liberal party is neither asking for sympa nor apologizing for mistakes makes as it goes along. Miss LaMarsh said she does not intend to apologize for Fi- nance Minister Gordon's use of Toronto businessmen in prepar- TELEVISION LOG Eee CRCH-TV Channel 1--Hamilton CBLI-TV Channel 6~Toronto ANSWER : WGR-TV Channel 3--Bulfalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WEKBW-TV Channel ?~Bulfalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 8--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie TUESDAY EVE, 8:00 A.M, 5:30 PLM. Em | tite one mily Theatre Ka Sho' arly Show quiteeoe tes as roe ata @-Five O'clock Show Sheen" = 2=--Bullwinkle © King Festares Sy2cicate, Ine, 1968. Werld rights reserved. [ y i 8:30 P.M. arly Show eGraw 6:00 P.M, awmaa Boa Mut 6:15 P.M, Folie 6:30 P.M, BS Weathers Sports 6:45 P.M, py red Theatre juntley 7:00 ¢.M, S--Sporia; Mot Seat e-Lievd Bridges mos 'a Andy M-- yoy ae 'ye tt a a--Bachelor Father 10:00 A.M, B=». . wn $ en . Fain Talk on 4--Calendar Harry Reasoner 6:30 P.M. 10:30 A.M. 0005--Nene Weather 9--Morning Magazine bear P.M, FSday in Court") N--Pamity Thestre News, ports, 4-1 Love Lucy Sd--Luntiey, Brinkley 4--News with Hany Reasoner 8a--Price 7:00 PML rice Is i ' YeJane Wyman show ¢<tenna Reed ~ bag hd a &--Jeft's Collie @The McCoys 6--Seven 0-One 1:30 A.M, TS THE NANCY, WHA' MATTER WITH YOU S ing his budget. 'If errors have been made they have been of commission and not, as in the Diefenbaker years, of omission," she told.a | {summer conference of the On-: tario Young Liberal Association, When the Liberals were elected to Ottawa, it was almost as if Canada had undone its corset. "People sat back and said 'let the Liberals do it'," Miss LaMarsh said. "They forgot that we are not miracle work- ers and that the cabinet cup- board was as bare as Mother Hubbard's." She decided against introduc. BOLEES so PR ae ee agen 5 anne : ; Thiam | Set | ea Te Pk guver'e | Shee and Gladys | poNews, Weather ' N - "sy ing a resolution calling on the es a (I PO = ; careeing' Shes sonped te 213 PA our Firs Gunsmoke BE ENA : \ aN é on smoking, She stopped t Vetaey Te §cetaneere tans Pore] Sainte "Wee aieumn daisy Ames Raeee . rah oy habit several weeks ago. PaNows: Wea @--News and Weather | ¢--Paria Theatre city in pitcher: Gr, 20.Quick fEii ramets a Miss LaMarsh said she has 7:30 P.M, Bhd . 243 PM Nobraska = 2.Servant = 21. Haze OF ae decided not to make any more yey -- @-Speaker ot the ear, Fan" 6, Backbone $.Renounce 22,Roman x Sk public statements about tobacco 82--Laramie ae es PM, 200 PI, of an 4, Exclas house = fis re] a kod be estab- = Comba 330 PLM. {--mSTth Preeing " s ca er Maa my Conclusion of Movie | ¢.3--My Three Sons -- oa AR SMM jr " , ti ails 'iteeas ya we ote Avs Feo 21. Mark with io on the relationship between fone ae Consequences sivas tae aname farrior" dramas fey i : ha =----=F]| |smoking and lung cancer, U--Fim Festival T--Father Knows Bem | 7--Gong Ny Wae 22, Bees' food 2 Many people in the tobacco G2--Car 3, Wrere are] # SPST OF, HIMOTOw | 6.9--Frent and Centre 13, Abounding % growing and processing fields --The Lloyd Bridges | olde Linnt" on in conifers abbr. =e uN) "live in a cold fear of their live- 8:30 PLM, 1:00 P. ide Siz 24, Discordant . lihood" because of anti-smoking 8=Divoree Court 6.2--Kraft Mystery ' : a 1i--Sarfside Six 02--Fmpire campaigns, she said, » ae bag Bh %--General Hospital Theatre 18. Dutch paigns, s! son 63--Porry 4--Meot the Millers 63---B » : ek te: a | ao. tor LI ; B INDIES ' A MM, 9:30 P.M, birds Shop' i Sie! P yd 7--Our Man Higgins 27, Otherwise: na : f : if zg remier 0 330 PM, hag tThe Dick Va Soot, of sight Yn "n va PSC P Pa : Ke, 83---Dick Powell Show Show ee Oat. diagnosis; " dee Sl Disagrees With ication Movie M--The P.M. Show , 4--Picture This Game 2:00 P.M, | &2--Eleventh Hour » Straw. 33. Among 6 : \ h Theatre ? x ' t colored for 34. Narrow - = hve MD P w peered roadway nes ' Ye | On rogram SE ieverta Ho: 230 PLM, \ PLM, - . : ~ Sree Biased @-House Party oon, Y bg wen ie ou "aun "3:00 P.M, 11:00 PM, | shoe z ee eee 10:30 P.M. I aa EE do : , wan's compulsory medical care T--Queen For A Day Weather: Sports 1 insurance plan is working well 4--To Tell The Trath oattts PM, ' but Dr. Harry Portnuff, presi- '30 PM. eee . a . dent of the Saskatchewan Col- ae $1, To cut out hysici Sur. Sowne Ds You rast} 9. 71:20, P.M, $3, Fatima's C KNOW : a. eine tease rking 4@--Exige of Night ia oe busband : cross m cave ees Ae ae 4:00 eM, se OR a 2.30 ---- " FROM GRANDMA'S in an atmosphere of distrust. [2--DRanty Dandy Show o-Nine Soetre » ssa The comments were issued 1:80 PM. ~ Monday, first anniversary of the na (ii-Norm Marshall st hee YH government's plan. : | Sy Pierre Becton "Hour ci . ij/| A year ago most Saskatche- ret, Storm | SSinanant aon | frm fF 150 oe wa wan doctors withdrew normal PO pe + Ticats " 7 aN det f * 4 ||medical services to protest the 9--Protessor's Mideaway | "THURSDAY ; : AS " a = 7 . ff] | medical care plan. The boycott t--tungie Rod ae eel 00 AM ' , " continued for 23 days, ee ee eae filing: ' = j = AS Premier Lloyd said the medi- cack be one |" " ag ; qs : : aes ||cal care plan has achieved the Mickey Mouse Chad | 7:30 AM. /) , purpose for which it was in WEDNESDAY EVE! t--Rocket ship ? Davis / : _ , | tended and "it has overcome its 3G Name Sew f - | difficulties in a rem uaaee Cate hate \ short period of time." rel "On the whole it has provided Kiddo 4--Five O'clock Show | 4Captam Rangares - i an ---- and effective means whereby the costs of medical LET'S BUILD IT OURSELVES ... FOR OURSELVES [igi Maco SMnEURMRRNIRN SS [iS coca Every Contribution or Pledge, is urgently needed so we can build and enjoy our own : | p pOaE [eS year \ will go into history as one OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM aE I Ee | Eee This Message Donated By The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 King St. W. , seg an can be succes wiht TRYING TO LEARN WHY THEIR WATERNOLR | cipating parties." [WENT Day, Two HOMESTEADERS ARS preED DOW BY | ip He said doctors are "practis- ing in an atmosphere of cage which the government not tried to dispell." The govern- ment is responsible for the cii- mate, he said. Pope Praises Journalists THE LONE RANGER MUGGS AND SKEETER Hi bk at 5 . i g G a #27 ab i JULIET JONES iTS THe sTory OF A WOMAN SPURNED SY A TRUE AND LARRY BRANNON