Brenda McAvoy, Bonnie Mac-| Third Class Honors -- Joanne; rine Cronkwiight, Gaij Plana. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 2, 1963 & 4 uly | rade Promotions og Brian Reinhardt, Bon- | Pesepenes, Nan Henry, Carol gan, Gloria. Green, Marlene ( 3 " nie 'Williams. owe = Mis , Chris. SS } Pass Standing --- Connie Lanois, Barbara Manning, ris Pass Standing -- Victor An- ¢\tine Tomlins, Jane Viggers, lthony, James Carlton, Nancy|Anderson, Colleen Ballenni 4 y| y Anne Carruthers, _Catbe- Jane Wilson. ® >... be | Loyst, Barry Parker, Maria | Bett At Pickerin 1 ven A = ae la Promoted to 4 yest, Arts and McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY cience Cotirse -- Bert Brandse PICKERING (Staff) -- The Pass Standing -- Barbara) First Class Honors -- Pat- Christine Gardner, Gerald Me- BOOKMOBILE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE +» following are the final standings|/Bluck (History), Betty Cum-|ricia Keay, Margit Stoelzel. Lellan, \for Grade 9 pupils at Pickering) mings (Science), Janet Hender-| Second Class Honors -- Doug-| GRADE 9F Hermony Church Tues July 2 & Aus. be 10.30- Hee - Thurs, July 4 & Aug. 15 eo yd vi PI District High School. son, (Sc., Geog.), John Mc-|las Anthony, James Baker, Second Class Honors -- Jill yell chal gsi Fri, July 5 & Aug. 6 | The students are listed alpha. |Grath (Math.), Inge Mueller/Patricia O'Hara, Raymond! Bickell, Ruth-Anna Carruthers, | f Aua. 6 betically in all grades under the| (Math.), Ariye Murphy/Poynton, Robert Richards, Jac-| Norma Degeer, Mary Gimblett, sag Roig Se - "ao H & Abe. 20 headings -- first class honors,|(Science), Peter Wenze 11 queline Warren, Darlene Lawrence, Ann Mc-|f A, & P. (N. Oshawa) Thurs. July 11 & Aug. 22 2.30- |second class honors,' third class) (Math.), Third Class Honors --Alan Lachlan, Barbara Puddister, 6.00. 8.30 |honors, and pass standing, ' Rg to 4 yeat Arts i") Crawford, Donna Haugh, - Larry | Patricia Redman, Carol Shan.|] Simcoe Ploze Fri, July 12 & Aug. 23 wine Pupils whose names do not Science Course -- Wayne Mc- Henderson, Nor an Hodgson, 'Tey. : 00-18, appear on the following list have| Taggart eee i a Rosslyn Ploze Sat. July 13 & Ais. 24 = 1,30- 4.00 * |not been promoted, Subjects ap-| |GRADE 9 Bookmobile off the road trom July 14 to Aug. 12 |pearing' in brackets after a Second Class Honors -- Judith, Frem July 2 to July 13 name indicate that the student Britton, Daniel Hill, Dianne) : : lis promoted conditionally in| Holden. NOTICE Re Adults-6 books, including 3 fiction |those subjects. Third Class Honors -- Alex : Children - 3 books, including 2 picture (X) books Other. grade results will ap--Buksa (Math.), Sharon Copi-| in ked for 6 week pear in the Oshawa Times dur-| thorn, Betty Forde, Maria Jong- n July books will be marked for 6 weeks ing the next few days man, Rosaleen Kane (Geogra. 'FhoM GRADE TO GRADE w phy) Susan rover. Ruth = Water Interruption! THE RACIEST COMEDY SINCE "GENEVIEVE"! Agnes --- First Class Honors -- Mar., Promoted to 10 Clerical garet Almack, Janis Daly, Joy|Pauline Marcoux (conditional- With GUYS, Green, Isobel Jackson, Anita/ly). : : --. Jaerschky, Justyna Langeraap, | Pass Standing -- Linda Allen. Water Services on King Street, from na GALS and Barry: Miller, Sharon Rothen.|der (English), Beverley Apple- f < berger, Frank Van de Geyn. ton (Math., Science), Jean Simcoe to Mary Street will be Inter- Second Class Honors -- Patri-| Campbell (Geography), Hug cia Bragen, Paul Dean, Dale) Eaglen (English), Joan Hoaf, | rupted from 6:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. on Gardiner, Janetta Hoskins, Cyn-;Linda James, Elisabeth King| thia Irving, Eric Fones, Nancy|(French), Caroline McGuicken ss MacLeod, John McTaggart, An-|(Science), Gregory McKean Wed., July 3rd, for Emergency Re ela Magnus, Edward Rozalow-| (Fench), Shirley. Whyte (Eng. . . . . . . ski, Ronald Rundle, Dolf Vanjlish), Daniel Wilson (English, pairs to Watermains! caetasenye oF women RT sway wait : oom perce Nus, David Walton French) SSeS TUTE PHILIPS = BANTER MARRIGON BS ACCEPTS SAFETY AWARD Third Class Honors -- John GRADE §D wy, : Burke (Math), Douglas Donald-} First Class Honors -- Rich. . epene The EAST Le. The William A. Parish safe- for the second year in a row vear. Receiving the shield on |son (Math, Typ.), Marie Pegg. ard Bales, Susan Craig, Hubert Oshawa Public Utilities i Gunisne Oe i» COLOUR tee The award presented by the behalf of the school's several | Patricia Stell (Typing) Bonnie Laureyssens QRNCTED BY REN ANWAR ty award was won by t hi} : Sent iabaty fe : x oe 2 y ane was won by the chi Mayor of Ajax every year is hundred children is Sister Wilson Second Class Honors Bar . ' 74 ae AIR CONDITIONED dren attending St Berna- »...° 'h ms 1 nrincinal Pas Stand an Vi bara Egoroff, Sandy Hunt, Chris for the school with the best Maria, school principal ass anding irginia a be dettes Separate School in Ajax _accident- free record of the Oshawa Times Photo. |Fletcher, Doreen Jones, Sharon|Ingram, Norbert _Kaestner, OmmMISSION FOR YOUR - Koch (Math.), Alec: Threlkeld) Marilyn Madill, Lorraine. Max- COMFORT (Math.); Bill Van den Brock well, Christine Rankin, Elspeth ORONO- TOWNSHIP Promoted to 4 year Arts and|Sime, Ronald Smith Mrs. ana a Science Course -- Susan Hol-| Third Class Honors -- Grace, land, Ken: Mackie, David Os.|Benson (History), Carol Blake good Linda Crawford, Leona Has- ¢ Announce New DRIVE OUT ire Protecti Given C rey : 1re TO ec 10n 1ven rown G BADE ll ou thera, ray snl ecg ah ; iat Green Peter Roberton = |Qath), sheila Dewey ist! ~--- Healing Substance... * TONIGHT 5 I k d At Ceremony Second Cl ass -- -- Diane Hocnitl oe el eer S . - . irahe Barbe asz, Col-|Henry Kroon at ene i m | Agreement nike a Jack, Keith Jones, Linda|Meyer (fistory), Carol O'Hara Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch BOX-OFFICE OPENS: AT 8:00 TORONTO (CP) Lovely _ "ONE TWO THREE" STARTS 9:20 ' ry Ewincton -../ Jones, Fred Peddie, Helena Pot,|(Typing), Margaret Paris (Hist. | : M Mary Ewington of Tor Ronald Woitzik Math). | Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink y : : no rey ha t > d onto, mother of a five-year-old i 3 2 OnOND = ts Ces es from the Clock wn boy.' Was crowned Mrs, Canada|. Third Class Honors -- Wayne} Promoted Conditionally to 4- hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue. : 18 A renowned research institute has many months. as cerning the | a ow tee 963 in 'a piit ceremony at Colley (History), Brad Jake-| year Arts and Science Course-- Trustees met recently and re-/ Ds ; ; : ; man, Arthur Maxwell, Hermen! Anne Fryer, Charles James Pao "se . v2 : Meyerink, Lyn -Roszell (Math.),| Promoted Conditionally to 10/ 'ound @ unique healing substance is was accomplished with a . } with the ability to shrink hemor- new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) ports -- and pre- " a y a hways the O'Keefe ( e€ St -- sente vy the Trustees er the cur u r » She won over nine other pro-/ Whe nae > » & Siwlein? aa. " ews H. M. Mercer reported that into the Village ighway vin mtestants in a series oe wale oo snow calae - seolta | thoids painlessly, It relieves itch- which quickly helps heal injured Cobbledick street had been of et © Si F of tests on beauty, personality; --__-- wont siete ashame ing and discomfort in minutes and | cells and stimulates growth of new ed and was in good shape. He 1 . <8e" intel ce, cooking and home speeds up healing of the injured, tissue. Bio-Dyne is Offered in oint- also reported that a drainage the sidewalk program had been management inflamed tissues. ment and suppository form called mroblem existed of Church completed and ti € ork behind her the jud One hemorrhoidal case history Preparation H. would be done on pr t : wy ; '. = C stg WILLING TO EARN after another reported "very strik- In addition to actually shrink- : fe Bon i ids, street north and that he would 209). on Division St anreak frit ing improvement."' Pain was check the problem ali sidewalks bill = d cae i iminati dewaiks Mrs. Frederick $10,000 A YEAR'? at nae cecis less painful, It helps prevent in- R. a stated that the present ed "sth us fake and New Municipal Engineer was to meet) The secretar us: ix } eR nboracgr ne bi (shrinking) took place. fection which is a principal ca with the Trustees this week in io send a rambe righ or Agron lag td : Among these case histories were | of hemorrhoids. "a a _ soap sot tat ing thet no acti astobe .. a blo ney We're looking for men of your calibre who take a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- Just ask your druggist for Pre- Shurch street sou' lsoltaken on an overni parking 4 ' ton, a dionde, tive i eee . : ; tions. Relief even occurred in cases d itori in conmection with a road into bylaw foot-eight beau 1} responsibility in stride and instructions to heart. ls of long standing, and smost im- cretion ie Sanaa tal & the proposed industrial area. "The chairman is plan a British car. an ele _ dish] you qualify and can get along with people, you'll portant of all, results were so | special applicator). D. Simpson -- @ meeting with the Er Co ee tudded f become a career agent for the State Farm Insurance thorough that this improvement Satisfaction guaranteed or your * er of aera water in th wristwatch . . : : was maintained over a period of | money refunded. Shick Gelnliics His ales tabertod pre! Her' vital statistics, epread Companies serving the needs of policyholders in had come 'o an agree-|they had not yet; received the over 139 pounds, 36-25-36. this area. Waves SAP PA TTT DPD IKINKIISS PTS which fire protection|taxable frontages of properties A ' ns ms i Se A roar of laughter burst from a set up for the Town-/in Orono and that this was cur tne jarge audience when mast Income $400 monthly; possible increase in three » ROW PLAYING nentiy holding up the project. If i ' '< ship end Vil- this was to take. much long months, For details write George A. Cull, Agency TONY CURTIS It's Breathless YUL Adventure the cost of ajhe said, water wouldn't be in | je in rk "en geses Ir Manager, 1185 Algonquin Blvd., Peterborough, or fine engine to be station. this ye: (a her husband wanted { call Oshawa 728-7890. » BRYNNER "STOWAWAY poly od NOW... FIRST TORONTO SHOWING! TARAS re SEY ed in Orono. The cost is also The Trustees 'reviewe to be shared in extending the vd i r 2 THE FABULOUS. AGE OF ee BU LBA Narrated By JACK LEMMON IN COLOR 1N COLOR present fire hall in Orono. Mr. Simpson also said that the in PLES AITIT PSTD DSSS GGG eal i eae is 1 *' father had |} | | V 4 4 an Mod Ad odi todd tl, Township would like a guaran- hydro. The chairman we - ' ee tee on the continuing of the ser- thorized to have Mr Ls "abe Trustees approved the|be repaid within IS." yes ® BOWERY "SWORD OF 3} THREE pegpce vtech to be brought Amount of (Sn ts $1500 BOYS vat STOOGES img by Mr. Chater POLICE FRONTIERS CONQUEROR" 4 Ih y In connection with the fire de JOHANNESBURG (Rei partment, the Police Trustees South Africa has begun po ng "CRASHING IN TECHNICOLOR "HAVE ROCKET pec ach = of a its! ith th ) oe STARRING " 2» ay for ey jectorates of Swaziond, Bai 1 LAS VEGAS sack Sat anes WILL TRAVEL" ; ; bed q § foam used within the V of Orono. The secretary @iso authorized to have the in-/some points, surance through Workman's trols will aim Compensation, incteased to bers of the militant r nun $6,000. At present it is set at eae 1 ' pir } $4,000 per firefighter the prot p The secretary reporied that Sout! h Afri { SS Ss SAAN AAs Wa uli se , Net since the days of "Diemond Jim" "- . ' PUR ae . , Brady hes such a spectocular value burst : f across the opticel horizon. The Highly a $\ . a Styled 'Diamond Lil" with it's jet black top and crystol clear lower rim offers @ mojectic setting for the sparkling pear ond baguette shaped simulated diamond trim. Service end luxury are both com- ae : 4 bined to. make this on astounding buy. ' : 3 ' CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE @ FREE KIDDIES' PLAYGROUND J | OPEN EACH EVENING AT 8 P.M.--INCL. SUNDAYS Complete with the lenses you need, et the one low price of $11.95. All Decked Out To Celebrate | wrapped on this fancy hat in preporation for the gay sx<omp- ering antics 'm about to perform on our refreshingly bright TRIP TO PARIS IS NO "JOKE" es . ay Mer seure ts be cinsning uw sage coratealy yor it . cae ; " ' thet FOR OSHAWA RESIDENT 3 m8 agen one "Baker Cleaning" job simply digs out hidden' on ond erie, bo gp gg Do Bs died ond sparkle to our ' 72. of tebe doen sani 65 STYLES... SHAPES and COLORS! We believe them to be Sd eed eat Thee e cea cert acs ee When Roger Cawker, 22, of Robson Avenue. Oshawa ATONE PRICE "oe 'tes Values (loca! agents) te-dey! They'! nove mag rugs out poe resi found out he had been. selected one of eleven Grand Price of Sito jes frames and lenses ---- ony strength Our Price Now Only: @90In in record time t a frome to suit your personality ' "i h 'ional Con : ized b 4 t cont ) our tremendous assortmen: nt of over 65 aye =Award Winners in the Notional Contest organized "Complete mith lenses grou. Yo. you" ext need _SINGLE VISION "Just One Call Does Them All" Se your prescription er lens strength, ¢ & Pepsi-Cola, te was So surprised he though somebody wa nsotionel ve Pstt 8s mrs srengin, they ore tly 5 ; to end Cove trying to play a joke on him. He had entered manv con ONE PRICE .. . ONE PRICE ONLY! : . $1 { 95 Agents for. : aS sia te sa tests before but-never won anything. Officials of Peps von s ae a drome of yout crake At' Kin, son ADS : * r our glosses w ost. © singh 19s : Cola Canade Ltd., however, say it's no joke. Mr. Cawke 9 i een. Renurenients, or the tame of aur BAKER CARPET CLEANING co. wins a trip to Paris for two via 1.C A, $1,000 expense WHY PAY MORE? ed ske glosses to sell for $35.00, we couldn'? use BIFOCALS ; tear iatarioh ot sorkimmatie money and a Renault Caravelle automobile. He became NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED eligible after finding a "chance" token under the cork GSA 17 95 of a Pepsi-Cola bottle cep. Tokens ranging in value fron : . Complete with F: $1 to $1,000 can also be found under the bottle caps / > ga Uenees and Gove / fr 7 7 mr during the contest, Left to right: W. "Bill" Smith, presi- A at rs REPAIRS i ' US. Trede-Merk istered dent of Smith Beverages, cuthorized bottler of Pepsi- OPTICIANS -- OVER 3,000000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS cken 'lenses duplicated -- iil H mes repoired: frames re ! & | Cc Mr. Cawker: Mrs. J. Gangemi. owner of : jours: : leced while you wait. Lowest Cola in Oshewa; / : Caw y nid 9 "t 0 17 en 9 «.n. to 5 p.m. Deily a u ; sk dud the Oshawa store where the bott'e wos purchased as Wed. 'Til 12:00 Noon we fit att P Onulists and co. LTD. J PAT BOONE ie 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 ome ov once a Y f=' YELLOW CANARY® Secechinn bs teanter oitaatedd ction a6 Candin & Sncdiesiied 008 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 | Rin _cooirs also "POLICE NURSE* ry @ Over 75 Years Experience a FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY Adult